Well….had been working for the past few days trying to get the bolts out of the exhaust so I can put the new one on…just couldn’t get them loose no matter what I tried…so I had a brainstorm to take it down to the shop that used to do all the work on the MX-6 and see if they could do it….5 minutes and an impact wrench was all it took to get them both loose and now I can change it out any time I want….it is a little loud since I didn’t want them to re-tighten them so I couldn’t get them off…and, it didn’t cost me anything but I did give them 10 bucks to buy the guys donuts tomorrow…so it looks like tomorrow aft or Thurs I will be changing out the old one for the new and maybe we can shoot pool this week after all….
Monthly Archives: April 2016
April 26th
Well….it was an okay day yesterday…got a few things done and my new exhaust came….it looks okay..good welds and if I could get the rusted nuts off, I could change it out here in about 15 minutes….slept okay last night but no dreams for the 2nd month in a row and that is pretty crappy…was good last night and feel good today but I hurt my shoulder working out yesterday so I need to take some ibuprofen to get the swelling in the tendon down..it is grinding and popping and catches with a nice little stab of pain every once in a while….oh, well….at least the rain last night cleaned the car up pretty well and it didn’t leak so I guess I have the top sealed right…I have been thinking about replacing my McGivered coffee maker with a new one….Target has one with a stainless carafe that I can’t break so maybe I will this week…need to get my hair cut tomorrow since the place I go is half price this week…a little early but that’s okay….not much to do today….going to hit the bolts on the exhaust with penetrating oil again and try to start loosening them and then just the normal stuff….more later….
Adding insult to injury…
Well….I know I’ve used this title before, but it fits this post so well I thought I’d use it again…after all there are only so many new titles…as you know…as everyone should know, the emergency manager that was appointed to oversee Flint and it’s water supply tried to save some money buy not spending the $100 a day to treat the acidic water and keep it from eating away the lead pipes and poisoning people. That would have resulted in a cost of about $36,000 a year to keep people safe…but that was just too much for Darnell Early, the idiot that made that decision….after all, austerity is one of the tenets of the repub religion that values money above all else. Well…ole Darnell is back after being removed as the Detroit Public Schools emergency manager…where he slithered after poisoning Flint…and now, he is adding insult to injury to the people of Flint by trying to charge them for his $750 an hour lawyer he needs to fight the criminal charges that he faces….now, you’ve heard of chutzpah before…but this guy’s face should be beside the definition in the dictionary…..and he shouldn’t get a damn dime…what other criminal gets the organization he worked for to pay for defense of his criminal actions? Not another dime out of my taxes for this idiot….geez…
Just some stuff….
Well…another day…and another problem with coming up with a topic for the day…I have done almost 4,500 of these so I guess that would begin to be a problem….I did read a little more of the David Koch interview where he is whining about the tone of the repub candidates and the party in general…laughed a bit a that one since he and his brother are basically responsible for what the repub party has become…the anti science, and anti everyone who is not straight and white party….the only thing I have to say to ole Dave is “you built that”….not really any more politics right now that interests me so I won’t write about it…..we do need to put the kibosh on the pie fight between Hillary and Bernie soon….Bernie can’t win so he needs to be gracious and start working on policy that can realistically be achieved with Hillary as president….and then we start looking for the VP candidate that would help put us over the top….I would love that to be Elizabeth Warren but I’m not sure where her talents would be better spent….she would probably bring along a lot of the Bernie supporters and we can sure use that…and then Bernie can take over pushing financial reform that she is doing now…hmmm….that could be a topic…for later….not now…
April 25th
Well…running a little late today and I’m not sure why…just can’t get going and I know why but just not going to share it right now….slept okay but feel a little slow this morning and I think I’m just going to allow it….it’s one of those mornings where I just want to survive it and move on…I should be good at this by now since it happens every few months…oh, well…didn’t get a lot done but the bike ride yesterday so I am going to try to get better today…the exhaust is on the truck this morning so I should get it soon…..think I’ll wait for it to come before I get out on the bike….it looks like it is going to rain later so I’ll have to check to make sure I don’t get wet on the bike…it’s not warm enough yet to go out in the rain…not much to do today…going to clean a little if I feel like it and then get some other work done around here…more later…..
If the repubs lose the Kochs, what do they have left?
Well…following the batshit insane antics of the repub candidates, I thought I’d heard everything, but no, today I heard something that I never thought I’d hear…one of the Koch brothers saying that Hillary would be a better president than any of the repubs that are running. Yep, one of the most insane conservative billionaires in this country thinks that Trump and Cruz have gone too far even for him…from databases of Muslims, to “watching” Muslim neighborhoods, to building a wall on our southern border is too much for the Kochs, when they have no problems spending millions of dollars so that Cleveland couldn’t raise money for it’s zoo…or any one of the rest of the nuttiness they support. Now, that is saying something when the repubs have gone so far off the rails that David Koch thinks you are nuts and won’t spend any money to support you…but that is where the repubs are now…I would say ‘jumped the shark” but that is way too mild for what has happened…maybe “drunk the gasoline”…I’ll have to think a while to come up with the perfect description…what do the repubs have left if they have lost the Kochs? Not much….more later…
April 24th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done….and even I am getting tired of that…slept okay but feel pretty tired today since I only ate one meal yesterday…I know that is not a good idea but I’m just not hungry for some reason….Man U won their FA cup game and are in the finals so maybe they can salvage their season and even get in the champions league…I did get a nice bike ride in yesterday and today should be the same since it is sunny and almost 50 already….still don’t hurt anywhere and that is really weird….not much to do today…going to make tacos and clean a little but that is about it….and then take a nap during the race as always…more later…oh, and come back for one more of these…not sure of the topic but I have to do something…
April 23rd
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…and the drive out and back was fun with the top down…didn’t get anything else done but I really don’t mind that…it was kind of funny that I hadn’t talked to any of the kids in months and then talked to 3 of them yesterday….just checked the tracking on the exhaust and it is in town so I may get it today…or no later than Monday so I can get it put on Friday….the elbows are starting to hurt so I can notice it today so I need some ibuprofen before I go out on the bike…it is only in the 30′s so that is going to wait for a while but I need to get it done before Man U plays in the FA cup at noon…not much to do today….don’t really have anything to do other than clean so maybe I’ll do that…maybe not…more later….
Shredding the constitution in Oklahoma…
Well…I am so damned tired of the repubs talking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to the constitution…always waving copies in peoples faces and saying how much they revere it, and then going back to the legislatures they control and passing blatantly unconstitutional laws. This is happening across the country wherever repubs are in control…from NC to Mississippi and now Oklahoma where the latest these idiots have done is pass a law taking the medical licenses away from any doctor who performs an abortion…yeah, a perfectly legal procedure is being criminalized by idiots that just don’t understand that federal law trumps state law….this from a state that can’t educate it’s kids because of the tax cuts they have given to the rich and crying that there just isn’t any money left, but they have no problem spending millions to defend this blatantly illegal law. What the hell is wrong with the repubs in this country? When did they get so stupid? I just can’t understand why anyone votes for these idiots who obviously don’t have a clue how government works…I just can’t believe this crap….geez…
April 22nd
Well….it was a long day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done….went out to have a couple with G and that went a little overboard and led me to go to bed before 10…hadn’t slept well at all for the past 5 days and I think I made up for it last night…had been good since sat but not last night…oh, well….my elbows are teasing the pain that is coming and I really don’t like the anticipation…it hurts to pick things up again…just twinges but that just makes me remember how bad it was last time….and, my allergies are flaring like crazy so I think I will take something this morning before I take the bike ride…the exhaust didn’t come yet so it looks like it will be pool instead today…the car is still not too loud so I can live with it….not much to do today…I need to run some errands this morning and I am going to make some cash so that is cool….then pool this aft….more later….