Well…woke up this morning to more snow on the ground and that is a little depressing…but it is Michigan in winter so I guess I’ll have to live with it….slept okay last night but just have no energy so far so I’ll have to wait for the coffee to work….it seems like that is the mantra for every morning lately….hmmm….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but the bike ride and I should feel bad about that but I don’t…and it looks like no ride today with the cold and snow coming back…I am going to work out in a bit, though, so I guess that is something…I do have pool today and then out to have a couple with G later so it will be a little busy today….and that will be good…..need to get out of here for a while…more later…
Monthly Archives: January 2018
January 28th
Well….kind of on time today and there is no reason for it other than I got up before 7….slept okay last night but still feel a little slow today…still coughing and have that cold I’ve been fighting for days now but it’s not that bad….I did get a nice ride in yesterday in shorts but I think today will be full thermasuit but the wind is not blowing so that will be okay….it looks like I won’t get on the bike the rest of the week with it being in the 20′s….just don’t want to be that cold….didn’t get a lot done yesterday and I’m not sure how much I’ll get done today….just not feeling it right now and I’m not sure if that will change as the day goes on…I should clean some and I might but I’m not going to worry about it….more later….
I think I’m an idiot…
Well…as you know, I’ve been fighting a little bit of a bug the past few days and, when I got up this morning, I felt pretty darn crappy and it appeared that I would spend the day hunkered down on the couch trying to stay warm and not get any worse. But then I picked up my phone and the number 48 appeared on my home screen…48 degrees, in January, in Michigan…how could I pass that up? So, I decided to suit up and get out on the bike even though the wind was blowing over 20 mph….and, of course, since it was that warm, I had to go out in shorts with no gloves….yeah, I know, that makes me kind of an idiot when I’ve got the bug I have but I just had to go since it would probably be the last time in shorts until spring. I am glad that I put gloves in the bag, though, since the temp started to fall as soon as I got out and I needed them about halfway through…and it was down to 43 by the time I got back here. Not sure if I did any damage since I feel okay right now but we’ll see later….
January 27th
Well…not sure why but I feel pretty crappy today even with being 25% less bad last night….I do feel that I have a bug and that was highlighted yesterday on the bike when I was out of breath a couple of times and that never happens…my lungs just feel like they are full of crap and I am warm….so, even though it’s almost 50 right now, I’m going to take the day off the bike…and the wind is already blowing over 20, too, so I think I’ll just take it easy….racing starts today with the 24 hours of Daytona this afternoon so I won’t be too bored today….I did get out for a drive with the top down on the car yesterday to run an errand and that was fun….even posted a photo of the car on facebook….okay…feeling crappier by the minute so I am going to end here…..more later….
Okay, had to talk about obstruction again…
Well….just got back from a really fun top down drive to get some cheap food at Aldi’s, and I thought I’d talk a little about the latest development in the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice investigation….I know I talked a little about that with the Hannity post earlier, but I wanted to put a little detail to it…..I will admit I am smiling about it this afternoon. Yesterday, the NYT reported that, in June of last year, the idiot tried to get the WH counsel (who works for the office of the presidency, not for trump) to fire Robert Mueller for undisclosed reasons and the counsel refused, telling trump that if he kept up the pressure he would quit and let the world know why. As all bullies do, trump backed down and just muttered about it for the past 10 months….not understanding that he just made the case for obstruction against him even stronger that it was with his firing of Comey since the only reason trump gave for either the firing or the attempt was to “take the pressure off” from the investigation. So now, it is not a matter of IF trump is going to be charged with obstruction but WHEN…and that just has to penetrate his thick skull at some point…even with all of his staff continually blowing sunshine up his ass….impeach…
The rest of the world has figured out trump…
Well….as the idiot trump continues to embarrass all of us with his antics across the world, there are heartening signs that the rest of the world has figured the idiot out. The latest one comes from the financial meeting in Davos where the idiot just had to go to to spout his ignorant stupidity to the world, again, and where the correct response was made by people listening to his press conference…and that response was boos and hissing as idiot boy trotted out his tired attacks on the media and tried to assert that he is a “successful businessman”…and that lie led to the entire room laughing at him; recognizing what a ridiculous ass he is. Now, I’ve been around a long time and I can’t remember any other president in my lifetime getting booed at Davos…never happened to Obama, that’s for sure…oh, and now we have his wife packing up the kid and fleeing to Florida today…probably something she has been planning since it was reported that trump paid off a porn star to keep her quiet about their affair that was going on just after their son was born…it just keeps getting better and better for those of us who had idiot boy’s number from the start….and the obstruction case just got stronger…I feel like a kid in a candy shop….impeach….
Hannity is just hilarious…
Well…I’ll bet you never thought you’d ever see a headline like that on one of my posts here, but damn…a clip I just saw made me laugh my butt off. On last night’s show, Hannity went on and on about a report in the NYT that the idiot trump had tried to fire Bob Mueller back in June of last year but the WH counsel wouldn’t do it and threatened to quit if trump went ahead with it, calling it fake news and basically shouting that none of his “sources” had confirmed the report. This was at 9:18 but by 9:58 he was backpedaling so fast his shoes were smoking…and then he did what all of the liars on fox do when caught in their lies, he tried to distract their easily distracted viewers by quick cutting to a car crash…yeah, really, he cuts to a car crash so he didn’t have to continue to talk about the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice. I laughed so hard when I saw the clip today…and I needed that…what a maroon…..
January 26th
Well…running late today with not getting up until almost 7:30…and not being good last night makes getting going a little more of a chore than I’m used to….slept okay last night so I hope that will offset not being good but I think that is just a hope…it was a busy day yesterday and I had fun meeting up with T for a couple…it was nice to see her after almost a month…had a lot of laughs and good conversation….today looks like it is going to be much more low key with only the bike ride this morning…Man U is playing this aft so that is something to look forward to….but, I don’t have to cook today after doing the huge ham yesterday….I did buy some braunschweiger yesterday and I now remember how much I like it…bad for you but it sure tastes good….more later….
Busy day so far….
Well…it looks like you’re not going to get a political one today since I may be going out to meet up with T in a few minutes….it has been quite a busy day so far for me with doing the grocery run early, then taking the car out to wash it, getting a bike ride in, and then making a big lunch that I just finished putting away. I was going to talk about music for a while but I’ve done that before, got that idea this morning when “the Last Waltz” came on a regular tv channel and I had to watch some of that…like that movie so much I just ordered it up on the server and it just showed up and I’m watching it as I write this…I was going to talk about the process of seeing Led Zeppelin back in 74 and 75 but that will beĀ story for later….I think I need to start putting some of my stories down so I don’t forget them…and my kids may want to know what my early life was about…so it will have to be sanitized somewhat…but, not too much…we thought we were pretty bad but, compared to now, we weren’t really that bad….
January 25th
Well….running a little late since it’s Thursday and you know that means grocery run….was up quite early today and feel pretty good today with being good for 4 days now…and, I don’t think I have a bug like I thought….it may have been getting back on the bike and working the lungs again that caused the coughing since I don’t have it today…..I’ll take that…don’t want that flu that is going around but I’ll probably get it at some point…I think I’ll get a flu shot next year since Medicare will cover it….geez, I’m getting old….I did talk to T yesterday and even a little this morning and we have lunch planned for tomorrow and that will be fun…she has stories that I’m sure will make me smile…..not much to do today…the frickin birds have been at it again so I have to wash the car after coffee and after the sun comes up this morning…and I do need to get back on the bike today and the next few days…will even be able to put the top down on the way home from lunch tomorrow….yay…more later….