Well…with the news today the Bernie Sanders is dropping out of the race for the dem nomination, all I have to say is thanks Bernie….look, I’ve been a fan of Bernie’s for a long time with his core being always trying to look out for the little guy and trying to rein in the corporations who are sucking this country dry. Bernie was not my choice in the primary, I voted for Liz Warren since I think she has the best combination of empathy, tact and steel and would make a great president…but, she didn’t win and am I sitting here pouting and saying that I’ll vote for trump if Liz is not the nominee? I’m looking at you Joe Rogan…you pea-brained idiot…you’d give us 4 more years of trump just because your fee fees are hurt that your guy didn’t get enough votes to win…I’ve got news for you, moron…that’s how it works…Joe got more votes so he is the nominee…with no rigging of the primaries or any other bullshit conspiracy theories that you and the rest of the “Bernie Bros” have been spouting….okay Bernie, now is the time to tell your followers in no uncertain terms that you will back Joe completely and you expect your followers to do the same…to do anything else is to be collaborators in the destruction of this country…and no, destruction is not necessary for the country to be rebuilt…it makes it so much damn harder to get the society you say you want….so, swallow your pride and understand that Joe Biden, with Bernie, Liz, Kamala, Amy, and Pete working together can start that repair process…and get us all to the country we can be if we just shoulder the repubs aside…
Monthly Archives: April 2020
April 8th
Well…yeah, I was right…I hurt everywhere this morning but it’s tolerable so I’m going to wait to take anything for it for a while…and I’ve been up for a time but just couldn’t get my brain started to do this…and it appears to be stuck in 2nd gear right now so who knows how this is going to go? It does feel good to make progress on the outside of the house and that should continue today since it is going to be the last nice day for the rest of the month…going to get the power washer out and try to get some of the paint off the gutters where it is peeling and at least stake out the garden outlines…I’m going to have to try to hide the stumps that I removed in the garbage since they don’t take yard waste but I don’t have anything else to do with them…I don’t think today will be a double ride day since my legs were so flat on the second ride yesterday….it looks like I’ll get to 800 miles by the 16th which is when I got outside last year with 600 miles ridden indoors…but, the weather is going crappy and cold so I’ll be back in thermasuit tomorrow…oh, well….I did get to sit on the front porch and watch some storms last night and that was cool but I need to get my folding rocking camp chair up in the front closet so it will be handy when the next ones come….not much to do today…going to do a grocery run and try to get some cuke seeds and some flower seeds at Meijers along with the few things I need for groceries…after that, I really don’t need to go to the store for a month and I think I’ll do just that….I did thaw too much food for the next week so some of it will go back in the freezer if it’s still frozen…needed to make room to put the rest of the ham in and wanted to change up the diet for a while…more later…
There will be ibuprofen tonight….
Well…I don’t know how these busy days keep happening…I know I haven’t been planning them but I look up and I’ve been working on something all day…today started out with the idea that it was going to be an easy one with the only thing I was going to do was run an errand this morning to make a little cash and then come back here for a bike ride….but that bike ride turned into two after lunch and I was pretty used up after the second ride so I was going to just take it easy the rest of the day….but that lasted about an hour when I saw that it was 70 outside so I decided to get back at digging and chopping the rest of the stumps out of the front of the house…there were five of them and I figured out that if I sharpen my hatchet in between every one, it goes much easier but it was still a lot of work…and then I got after the ugly ground cover that had infested the entire plot and ripped all that out and by the time I was done I had 2 1/2 hours in working on the area that is 12 feet by 4 feet…even got a little sunburned so I’ll have to remember that the next time I’m out in the yard….I was sore after just doing the bike rides today and throwing all of the chopping, digging, and bending in there, there will be ibuprofen tonight after avoiding it last night…and it’s supposed to be a no cocktail night tonight but damn, don’t I deserve a reward for all that work? We’ll see….don’t have any shows to watch so maybe not….
Murder and a supreme court seat…
Well….repubs across this country continue to show that they will stop at nothing to steal supreme court seats even if it results in the murder of their people. There is an election today in Wisconsin that the repubs there have been doing everything they can to make sure that the people of Milwaukee (who are predominately African American) don’t get to vote for a dem SC justice candidate since she will win if they can….there are normally 155 polling places in Milwaukee and the repubs in control of the state congress have cut that down to only 5…making up every damn excuse in the book to disenfranchise the people who they know won’t vote for them…and when the dem governor tried to get them to agree to expanded vote by mail for everyone during the pandemic, the repubs said no and took it all the way to the SC where Kavanaugh and Gorsuch delivered what they were installed for…to make sure that the repubs can continue to steal elections. But, during this pandemic, it is even worse because the repubs in Wisconsin are essentially sentencing voters there to choose between voting and death…and the repubs will be responsible for murdering hundreds of their people…but, this doesn’t matter to them at all…the corrupt repub party doesn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…and they are going to get away with it….
RIP Al Kaline
Well…you know when a sports figure that has been there for your entire life dies, it makes a difference…especially one as special as Al Kaline who played his entire career with the Tigers and was part of the team from the time I started to love baseball when I was about 5 years old….Mr. Kaline died yesterday at the age of 85 after a short illness and for once, there is nothing but good to say about one of my heroes…he was one of my role models growing up with his innate goodness that he showed every day of his long life…I actually met him once and got his autograph when I was about 10 when my father took me to see some of the Tigers that were traveling around the state before the season started…I know there were others there but I don’t remember any of them…but I do remember Al….There will never be another one like “Mr. Tiger”….RIP Al….
April 7th
Well…4:14…that sucks…but to be expected with how things have been going lately….going to be exhausted later today but I don’t think I’ll be doing a double on the bike today…went without ibuprofen last night and I am sore this morning but nothing that is too bad so I can live with it…my earbuds quit working on the bike yesterday and it was the second set of skull candy ones that quit so I ordered a different brand from Amazon yesterday for 15 bucks that got good ratings and look pretty cool but it is going to take 2 weeks to get them with all the traffic through Amazon…and I had to order a new eIectric toothbrush and a spare tube for the bike to get to 25 bucks for free shipping but I needed that stuff anyway and saved about 9 bucks getting them on line….did find the ones that came with my walkman and I can live with those for a couple of weeks….still didn’t hear back from Discount on the new tires but should hear from them today… the old one on the car have hardened up so they are like rocks and I can’t wait to get them replaced….not much to do today…I do need to run an errand this morning and I may have to plant more pepper seeds since none of them have come up yet…all of the tomatoes have come up and they should be pretty big with having to wait a month to put them outside…I might get to starting on the garden plot since it will take some time to get the sod out…but the grass is so bad in the back yard it may not be too much work…more later…oh, one thing I forgot…my daughter was worried about me and ordered a washable face mask for me to use when I go out….was just going to use the dust masks I have here for that but I’ll give this a try….
Another busy day…
Well…I really wasn’t planning on having a busy day today but it’s funny how that works out sometimes….have been running since about 7:30 this morning starting with getting the mailbox cleaned up and painted…then I had to wash the bike since it was just so gross and making noise from all of the dirt and sand in it…then out on it for a 15 miler and then as soon as I got back here, I got started on removing the grass and the stump from the other side of the porch…that one came out pretty easily since it didn’t have an 8 inch tap root like the last one but it had a bunch of inch thick spider roots that I had to dig and chop out…and some of them were 3 feet out under the lawn and I had to dig those up so I could reset the block edging…only have 4 more of those to go and I’ll have all of the big stumps out of the shrubs….after that, I washed the car, then I got back on the bike for a second ride and just got back here a few minutes ago…so, I haven’t had time to even read the news to get a topic for the day…but, I am going to do that right now but I can’t promise that I’ll be back soon…pretty worn out and I need to take a break….
April 6th
Well…5:18….that’s all I have to say about that….damn, I’m getting bored with not being able to work on my projects around here….and with the weather changing back to crappy Thursday we’re not going to get out of the 40′s until May….maybe that will keep the idiots indoors and leave the trails to me….I had forgotten until last night that it usually takes two days for the abuse I did to my body chopping out the stumps Friday to show up…and it did all of a sudden while I was trying to catch up on some shows last night when the pain in my back and right shoulder flared all at once…and it was a night that I was trying to avoid taking ibuprofen but that went out the window after I couldn’t get comfortable even just sitting here…it seems better this morning but we’ll see after I start abusing it again and get started working on the next stump…going to have to put a band aid and some duct tape on my thumb since the blister hasn’t healed yet and I’ll be using it the same way today…but I need to paint the mailbox first after working on the rust yesterday….and get it put back up before the mail comes later today…but I don’t want to paint downstairs so that will wait until 10 or so when it gets over 40 outside….not much to do today…having a hard time getting started so I’ll need more coffee before I do much of anything….I do have to wash the bike before I ride today since it is filthy and I need to get all the crap out of the chain and idlers…and I probably should wash the car, too but we’ll see how the day goes….more later…
Well…okay, am starting to get back into politics in the news and the evolution of the right’s response to the virus is just frickin stunning….if you remember 6 weeks or so ago everyone from rush to trump to hannity were bleating out of their mouths that the virus is just a hoax that the dems were using to attack trump since they couldn’t convict him in the senate….then they moved to “it’s just like the flu” and 40,000 people die from the flu int he US so no big deal if a few people die…then the classic “don’t make the cure worse than the disease” that trump picked up from some idiot on fox “news” was the excuse that trump was going to use to “open the country” by Easter Sunday…remember that gem? The next evolution was that only old people are going to die and they are old and are takers anyway so they aren’t worth anything…then the spin got up to 10,000 rpm when trump and his enablers on fox declared that “only” 100,000 dead meant that trump did just the bestest job that any president had ever done or ever could do so he should be congratulated and fawned over forever…now, in the sickest thing I have ever seen in my lifetime, the right is now saying that dying is the greatest thing that can happen to you and the people who live are the unlucky ones….now, did you have any question that the repubs have become a death cult and will do anything to protect the worst leader in the history of the world just so they can continue to get their unqualified judges rammed through the senate by the grim reaper McConnell? How many dead is that worth? A quarter of a million? A million? Every damn repub has blood on their hands….I guess trump CAN kill someone on 5th Avenue and his followers well stay with him….
Weird thoughts…
Well…with the dire warnings that the peak of deaths from the virus is going to happen in a 6 to 11 days and we could see 7,000 deaths a day in that time…I had some weird thoughts while out on the bike today…what if this 8 months we are all going to lose is taken out of the last year I have? As we age, the comparison of what we have left to the time we are going to lose to this gets higher and higher….after all, at best I’ve got maybe 10 years left and if I lose one to this virus, that’s 10% of the time I have left and will necessarily mean that there are going to be things that I was planning to do that won’t get done from lack of time…I guess what I’m saying is that if you’re young, you can afford a year out of your lives…it’s not a good thing, but there is still time to carve out a normal life if you’ve got 40 more to live….okay, I said they were weird thoughts…I wonder if it’s from being cooped up here? Whatever it is, it is a sobering thought that just because of the bungling of the moron in chief I have less time to live my life…thanks trump voters…