They all knew and did nothing…

Well…one of the things that we didn’t know before the January 6th committee investigation is that every damn repub knew that what trump was doing was illegal…and to a one, they did nothing about it…no call to the FBI, no resignations with information given to the media, no nothing….and that is the difference between the dems and repubs…the repubs are so self centered, the only way they think is about themselves and how anything they do will affect them…not what is best for the country, not what they can do to protect the US, no thought of the oath they take when they are sworn in, but just how it will affect them…and that is just wrong. And all of the congratulations that Pence is being given for not committing a crime when certifying the electoral votes is just bullshit…where the hell was he when all of the other criminal activity was going on? Why didn’t he say a frickin word while trump was impeached twice? He knew what was going on and did nothing as did every other repub…did you hear anything about one of these pricks saying anything about trump’s illegal behavior until they were delivered subpoenas from the committee? The time for these cynical bastards to come forward was back in 2020 when the plot started, not wait until they were forced to talk by the committee…so let’s just stop lionizing these assholes that should have cared more for their country than their own asses….but that is too much to ask of repubs these days…geez…

June 17th

Well…that was a little better…only woke up once last night and stayed in bed til 6:23 so I’ll take that any day….must not have slept on my right shoulder much since it doesn’t hurt much today…still hurts but not enough to do anything about it….and I didn’t have to run the ac unit last night with it being cooler than the past few days but it looks like we’re heading back to the mid to upper 80′s in the next week or so and I have been waiting for that weather for quite a while…just wish it would rain like every other day so I don’t have to spend all that cash to keep the lawn alive…but it’s not in the forecast for the next couple of weeks so I can hear the money going out with the clacking of the water meter…..oh, well…I did get out to the beach yesterday but only for a short time since I wanted to see the hearings but I still got a little burned even with sunscreen on so I’ll need to go up to 50 from 30 today…the water was cold but nice and I got a 20 minute swim in…and there were very few people at the beach so I had a 30 yard stretch all to myself…have never been out there on a weekend and I wonder if I should give it a try tomorrow? Not sure if I want to deal with the crowds or even if I can get a parking spot if I go out after noon…not much to do today…I probably should get at patching the lawn since I have the topsoil and seed to do it but I’m not sure if I want to…could probably do a little to keep the guilt at bay….and I’ll have time after the beach trip if I can get on the bike by 7:30….I am going to take a day to just do what I want soon…so does that mean I don’t want to get on the bike everyday? I don’t think so but I am getting pretty fatigued with doing 30 every day….and I wonder if I’m doing permanent damage by riding so much…but, I’ve said that before and yet here I am…dragging myself out in 4 minutes to start it again….more later…

January 6th hearing…

Well…have been watching the January 6th hearings to try to find a topic for this afternoon…without a lot of luck since the hearing seems to not be going anywhere….and this judge Luttig is just too verbose and doesn’t make a lot of sense to me….damn, he could put me to sleep if I’m not careful….I guess what the gist of it is is that no one believed that the vp could choose the president other than the idiot trump but they all tried to make it happen anyway….so, I’m still watching but I think they could have made this point in about 5 minutes and moved on to something else….we know that idiot boy tried and tried to pressure pence to do something illegal that he wouldn’t do…but lets not make Pence out to be a hero here…he spent 5 years being the biggest trump suck up and going along with all of his criminality so doing one thing right does not make him a hero…there have been some tantalizing bits about how Eastman had his hooks into the SC and that he expected there to be real acceptance of his scheme there and ginni thomas was right in the middle of that as can be shown by all of the texts and e-mails she sent to Eastman….so yeah, maybe a little new information but nothing too earthshaking….other than the committee now wants to talk to ginni thomas about her role…so a little progress…..hmmmm…

June 16th

Well…damn, my shoulder hurts again this morning and it is getting annoying…it goes away after a few hours but until then the pain is keeping me from moving it much…I wonder if I can take a day off the bike here soon? I just feel so worn out and I think part of it is too much sun at the beach…so, I may not go out there today with the hearings on at one that everyone should be watching….I know my skin can use the rest…maybe I’ll go out after the hearings and sunscreen up so there is no more skin damage….I did get a little work done yesterday, filling in the hole that I think was a woodchuck den at one point and then seeding it with grass seed…the shade seed is already coming up in the patches I did in the front lawn replacing the moss I took out and it will be filled in a few days from now…and I still have 3 bags of topsoil to do other repairs on the lawn and I hope to get to that in the next couple of days…it looks like the car is not leaking coolant anymore and I’m not sure why it was…checked it last night and everything is full and I haven’t seen anything under the car so I can breathe a little easier about that….not much to do today…need to get on the bike here in a few minutes to get the first ride in and the I need to make a run out to DD to get some packages of honey ham they have on sale for 1.88 for a pound and a third and I need to look at the ollies ad to see if there is anything I need from there since it is just across the street from DD…don’t know how much else I’ll do with feeling this worn out but I know it won’t be much….more later….

First real beach day…

Well…after being out to the beach the past three days, finally, the first real beach day today with being able to swim twice for a half hour each time…the water was still a little cold but I was able to get used to it pretty fast so I hung out there for a couple of hours today instead of the hour or so from Monday and Tuesday…I had begun to think I was already getting tired of the beach but nope…it is harder than it looks to be retired…especially when I don’t work on the house to keep me busy…but today I was able to relax some and enjoy my time out there…and I got some color that is going to hurt later and that will mean some water retention from the sun damage but I can live with that…and I think I’ll try to get out there for the next two days to make it a full week…but the storms that are forecast for tonight might turn the lake over and make the water cold again but it might not…so that’s the plan for the rest of the week…I do have to hit DD for some honey ham that they have on sale for 1.88 for a 20oz package so I may stock the rest of the freezer and get a few of them….and with the brats I got today, I am going to have food that is bad for me for the rest of the week….oh, well…

Rep Loudermilk is a liar…

Well…from the start of the January 6th investigation, it has been alleged that many of the maga house reps led “tours” of the house buildings the day before the attack…and one of them, Barry Loudermilk has been denying that he had anything to do with it, saying the tours were for families of constituents with “small children” who wanted to meet their reps….and has blustered that if the committee has evidence, why won’ they release it? Well…today they did…videos of Loudermilk walking a group of adults around the house building while members of the group snapped pictures of stairways, hallways, offices and a directory of the offices of other reps…and one of the men identified to be part of Loudermilk’s “tour” was seen the next day attacking the capitol. Now, I’ve been in a lot of office buildings and have never had the urge to photograph any stairs or hallways…..and the kicker is that Loudermilk voted against certifying the election, so he was in on the attack and should be expelled from congress today….that is the only way that more attacks can be prevented…by there being consequences for these conspiracies….put all of them in jail….

June 15th

Well…damn, have a huge, painful knot in my right shoulder this morning and that means I slept on it wrong and it’s going to take most of the day to work it out…slept okay last night and, even though the AC unit doesn’t get really cold, it got cold enough to drop the temp by 15 degrees and take the humidity out of my bedroom…so I guess I don’t need a new one this year…today could be an interesting one with the cold front that is coming through later today….we could get storms later this aft and they have a beach danger warning for high waves from 2 pm until tonight so I may have to be out there for that since I’m going to the beach anyway for the third day in a row…I do need to get some more grass seed planted today before the rain and will need to get some more bags of topsoil at Menards this morning….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but mow the lawn and today will just be the grass seed and maybe using all of the leftover feed for the lawn to take advantage of the rain….we’ll see….they did finally come out and pick up my bags of yard waste yesterday but I did have to call the trash department to get that done and I wonder when the city will ever start working as it should so I don’t have to call them all the time for services that should just happen without my intervention? Hmmmm…not much to do today….I do need to do the grocery runs this morning along with Menards but first I need to get on the bike right now and get the first ride in before I head out for groceries….and I need to do the yard work but I’m not sure if that will happen before or after I hit the beach….tough day ahead….more later….

Damn, it’s hot…

Well…as you know, I usually like hot weather and I seem to move better in it…but today, yow! It’s hot and humid out here and I am melting from just going outside for a few minutes to water the grass patches and the garden….but, I’m back inside now with a fan blowing on me and I may need to turn it up to high here in a minute to speed up the cooling process…I did have a little good news today when the garage door opener worked all day and the car didn’t leak after the run out to the beach so I’m not sure what is going on with either of them….and this heat wave is supposed to last another day but we may get storms tomorrow night and that would be cool to see…and then the temps go back down to manageable starting thurs…I did just fire up the AC unit with the bedroom door closed to see if it will cope with 91 degrees…don’t think it will but I thought I’d give it a try….so, it looks like another night of tossing and turning in the heat and very little sleep…oh, well….I guess I can put the fan on me instead….

The ball’s in your court, Merrick…

Well….with the information presented in just the first two hearings on January 6th, almost all legal pundits are saying that there is enough evidence there to indict the idiot trump on multiple charges, including fraud from the evidence that the money he solicited to “defend the election” went directly into his pocket to the tune of almost 300 million dollars as he lied to his rubes and they filled his pockets. Yesterday, Merrick Garland stated that his prosecutors are “watching the hearings” with the implication that they will be using that information to press charges against trump’s inner circle but why not trump? There is way too much hand wringing on indicting a former president and searching for excuses no to do it….he has to be treated just like anyone else and charges filed when it is clear he broke the law….and according to Laurence Tribe, the constitutional scholar, even before the hearings, there were 49 clear charges that could be brought with a good chance that all of them would result inĀ  a conviction…so, the ball’s in your court, Merrick, is trump above the law or not? You’ve stated you would charge anyone who broke the law….trump did…indict…now…

This was weird…

Well…yeah, still looking for a topic on politics this aft but I thought I’d talk about something weird I saw out at the beach…after getting in for a short swim, I laid down on my beach chair with my earbuds in to do my 6 SD songs of sun exposure on my back and at the end of it, I lifted my head to look around and the entire beach was enveloped in fog that was blowing in from the SW…now, I’ve never seen fog in the middle of the day when it’s 90 degrees before and it really was weird to have sheets of it blowing across the beach getting denser and less dense as the cloud did…pretty damn cool thing to see…okay, I just got an alert on the lower banner of my laptop screen that is for “polluted air”….have never seen that before, either…a day full of weirdness…now to the news for topics…