September 15th

Well…slept okay last night with going to bed early and not climbing out of bed til almost 6:30 this morning…not too sore today and that is welcome after hurting everywhere for such a long time…the F1 race is starting right now and I’ll be able to get on the bike before 9 and I need to if I want to get three rides in before the Lions play at 1pm…didn’t eat enough yesterday with only having a bowl of chicken masala for lunch and a salad for dinner and that is less than a thousand calories but with only doing two rides, I had to do that…didn’t get anything done yesterday and today will probably be the same with football and races on all day today and I’m going to try to not feel guilty about it…not going to work but I’ll try…the weather here has been hot and dry for weeks now and I may just go to the beach every day this week starting tomorrow…it’s not going to rain until October and that sucks a bit but I don’t have to mow the lawn so I guess that’s something…not much to do today…the little weather widget says “record highs” and it’s going to be near 90 today but this house stays pretty cool with it’s big windows….just need a little breeze…going to just wing it and get the rides in…do I dare to only do two rides for a third day in a row? Who knows? More later….

I feel like a slug…

Well…for the second day in a row I only did 25 miles on the bike and I feel like a slug from it…I mean there really wasn’t time for a third ride since I couldn’t get started to almost 10 with Man U playing from 7:30 til 10 and F1 qualifying at the same time…then after the two rides, I had just enough time to get a shower before Michigan played at noon…and after the game the xfinity race started at 3:30 and it is just finishing up right now…so I kind of had an excuse and tomorrow looks the same with F1 on at 7 til 9 but then I’m clear until 2 when the three other races start…drag racing, nascar, and indycar so if I get on the bike right at 10, that gives me the time to get three in but I wonder if I should…nowhere nearly as sore as I am when I do three rides and I really don’t need the mileage…but I’ll probably do it anyway just to burn the calories…it’s pretty darn hot out here with it still 86 at 6pm but it’s not too bad in this house…fan on the lowest speed an I’m comfortable…oh, well…I think I’ll read a bit…

This is starting to irritate me…

Well…sitting here trying to watch the Michigan game and the damn repub commercials are starting to irritate the hell out of me…they just lie and take things out of context like “mortgage interest up 250%!”…well yeah, interest is up because the dems had to clean up after the mess that idiot boy made of the economy and by the theft being done by corporations by padding their profits which was studied to have added more than half to inflation over the past two years…the they go on to say that “gas prices have doubled”…and don’t say doubled from what…from the low of two bucks a gallon that was the result of idiot boy crashing the economy during the start of the pandemic? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here…or they were until prices mysteriously went up by 40 cents a gallon Thursday…but you get my drift…and I propose that political ads from either side should be banned from sporting events on tv…I’ve had enough of repub lies..

September 14th

Well…it looks like it’s going to be an enforced late start to my riding today with Man U playing at 7:30 and F1 qualifying on at 8am…so I can sit and sip my coffee this morning and take it easy for a bit…slept okay last night but I still need another night of sleeping to make up for the sleep deficit earlier in the week…had an okay day yesterday but 88 degrees in the middle of September? And today is supposed to be a record high temp according to the little weather widget at the bottom of the screen…so it looks like another 2 ride day today and I’m okay with that…I really do need to get some recovery time but I’ll probably be stupid and try to ride three times today…and that will put me into riding into the afternoon and push lunch back to whenever I can fit it in…don’t need to cook today with doing the chicken masala yesterday…will probably do a salad for the second meal today since I have a lot of tomatoes in the fridge that need to be used…not much to do today…just going to drink coffee and watch Man U play to start then out on the bike by 9:30 to get two rides in before noon…but if Man U sucks I could go out earlier…and Michigan plays at noon so I will only get two rides in today…and that’s okay…more later…

Finally feeling better…

Well…finally, I’m feeling better after the reaction to the flu shot from Wed…no more pain in my hips or knees and part of that could be I only did two rides today and I think it’s the first time I’ve done that little on the bike in quite a while…I did get out to the beach for the second day in a row today and the water was even nicer than yesterday so I was in swimming for over a half hour…it’s still 88 degrees here at 6 pm but it’s comfortable in here with the fan on it’s lowest speed…I skipped lunch today with needing to cut 600 calories out of my diet and then made chicken masala for an early dinner…that came out yummy and there is enough for the next four days so I just need to figure out a second meal and that will probably be sandwiches or pasta since I have a new open jar of pasta sauce… and I can use a little variety and I have salads to make, too…and that may be the second meal for tomorrow…not sure how much longer my beach chair is going to last but I’m having a heck of a time trying to find webbing to replace the plastic jelly ribs that is on it…okay, need to read a bit…crap…forgot the weight work again…need to get on that….


Well…the first set of polls in in after the debate and it’s looking good for Kamala and Tim…these new ones have them up anywhere from 3-5 points and even in the polls that everyone knows are biased have her up and the few that have asked “who won the debate?” have her up by almost 30 points 53 to 27 points and that dovetails with the cnn poll right after that had her up over 30 points…the thing that really strikes me about those numbers is that it is a snapshot that shows us that there are 30% of the country that are either really stupid and can’t recognize  how bad the idiot trump did or delusional where they know and don’t care how bad he did…oh, and do you know what the latest criticism of Kamala is? That she isn’t reaching out enough to the maga folks to try to get them to her side…hey, morons…just look at the numbers about who won the debate…these folks would rather die than think about that so why should she waste her time butting her head against that wall? The numbers look encouraging for our side but let’s get those number up into a double digit lead…okay?

September 13th

Well…I am still darn sore today and I can’t remember the reaction to a flu shot lasting this long…and that is going to shut me down to only two rides today…I’ve been over 33 miles a day for months now and I need a break…yeah, a break for me is only doing 25 miles a day…pretty worn out today and just poured the first cup of coffee at almost 7:30 and that puts me behind for the day…behind for what, I’m not sure but I do want to go out to the beach again today and want to to do that before noon…and I need to make the chicken masala today…maybe I’ll do that this morning after the rides and have it for lunch…but that means I’ll have to get on the bike before 8 and it’s getting close…didn’t get anything done yesterday and it looks like cooking will be the only thing I get done today…oh, well…it will be nice to get another swim in today and I may even be out to the beach next week since it is staying in the 80′s all week…I need to try to just relax about things and not be so task oriented…the go, go, go is wearing me out…it looks like there is no wind out there so the rides should be good today…more later…


Well…damn, I haven’t had a reaction to the flu vaccine like this is years…yesterday afternoon I started to hurt in my hips like I had a groin pull and then it spread to my shoulders, knees and elbows…and I had a slight fever with no damn energy at all…and that still goes on right now…the pain is better and I was able to do the bike rides today but I am still so damn tired that it’s hard to just sit here…it doesn’t help that I took three days off cocktails and that ruined my sleep completely…probably slept 9 hours the past three days but that ends today with making some up and putting them in the freezer…I did got back to DD today to pick up more ham, cotto salami, hard salami, a pound of cheese ham, and a package of jalapeno cheddar hot dogs…and they are all Oscar Meyer stuff so it’s good quality…yeah, I know it’s all bad for me but damn, all that and a jar of Miracle whip for less than 12 bucks? This will keep me in easy food for the rest of the year and I have to have some of that here since I am getting bored with cooking every damn meal…so i can make a lot of sandwiches on whole wheat…okay, I want to read a bit…

42 million dollars…

Well…just a short one about dem fundraising after the debate…in one day after the event, Kamala raised 42 million dollars and a lot of that is going to go downballot to try to help dems in state and local races…now that’s how it’s done…Oh, and Mary Trump, the idiot boy’s niece has said that the idiot will “never recover” from the beating he took in the debate…I guess we can only hope…going to have lunch and go to the beach…more later…

September 12th

Well…damn, this flu vaccination hit pretty hard and I’m sitting here in pain and feeling like I have a slight fever…has felt like I have a groin pull with how much pain my hips are in but it’s not the only place I hurt…my shoulders and knees hurt, too…and I had another really crappy night of sleep that ended at 5:34 today and I think I was up more than I slept…and it’s 51 degrees out there right now so the first ride will be indoors and I may only do two rides since I want to head for DD for more ham and then go to the beach after lunch since it’s getting to 87 degrees today…and that will be the last time for the year…another night of being good last night but I don’t feel good enough to keep it up..but who knows? Didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than the grocery run and vaccinations…need to start working on the yard to get it ready for winter but not in the heat of the next few days…still no rain at all in the forecast for the rest of the month and that will be a knockout blow to my lawn…oh, well…not much to do today….took some tylenol for the pain and hope it starts to work soon…more later…