Well…as I talked about briefly in the last post, it appears that trump has been caught talking to criminals or foreign agents under FISA investigation that is not part of the trump/Russia investigation. Now, let that sink in for a minute..either before, during, or after the election, trump is on tape talking to criminals or foreign agents…how many times was Obama caught doing that? Or how many times was Hillary caught doing that? You know the answer is zero. How long is it going to take for the House to start impeachment proceedings against trump? What he has admitted to doing, and what he is under investigation for in his collusion with Russia to steal the election, certainly rate as “high crimes and misdemeanors” that is the bar for impeachment….let’s get the chant started “lock him up!” Impeach…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Devin Nunes should be in jail…
Well….how very convenient to have the guy supposedly running the “investigation” into trump/Russia in the house, Devin Nunes, be part of the trump transition team and actively trying to derail the “investigation”. If you needed any evidence of that, you just have to look at Nunes behavior today, when he came into some intelligence provided by the IC FOR his investigation and immediately set up a meeting with trump and his cronies to share that information that was supposed to be for the eyes of the committee only. There is a reason that trump is not being given this information…he is under investigation for crimes committed with his collusion with Russia during the election. Now, at the very least this is obstruction of justice and this idiot should be charged and convicted of it, but what if the investigation included Nunes in his role as trump transition team leader? Where the hell are you on this one Comey? And why is Nunes still being briefed when he is probably under investigation just as trump is? Nunes needs to resign right now….it sure looks like trump is going to have plenty of company in jail…impeach…
Update: As more information comes out, it appears that trump was caught in another investigation that is not the one delving into his Russian ties….so in a different criminal investigation, or when talking to foreign agents under FISA investigation, they have trump on wiretap….Sean Spicer, that doesn’t look better as you are trying to spin it….Obama didn’t tap trump, but he was talking to criminals that were being tapped…spin that one genius…
The Russian mob and Trump…
Well…I see now where the FBI admitted they had wiretaps in trump tower…but, it’s not what you think…not on trump, but on the Russian mob’s money laundering, illegal betting, and extortion ring that ran from trump tower for years….and when the FBI closed in to shut the operation down, one of the ringleaders got away and skittered back to Russia like the cockroach that he is…but, here’s the good part…a few weeks later, at trump’s Miss Universe pageant that was being held in Moscow, this mob boss shows up in the VIP section of trumps pageant, schmoozing with trump and the rest of the criminals that trump has dealings with. Now, I harp on this a lot for the hypocrisy that the repubs show all the time in everything they do, but if Obama had even done half of what the idiot trump has done in his first 60 days, there would be a hundred investigations and full throated calls for impeachment…why not now? Ask the repubs…impeach….
Where were you in July, Comey?
Well…there is a hearing going on in the house today with James Comey on the Russian collusion with trump to throw the election his way….there have been a few things that have come out that are eye opening to say the least….that the FBI has a counter intelligence operation going that involves Russia and the trump campaign and have had one since last July…and that means that they are pretty sure the Russians were using the trumpsters to spy here in the US…and they are sure that the Russian actions were meant to hurt Hillary and help trump…they were not the innocuous “meetings” that trump has said they were but part of a Russian intelligence gathering operation. I don’t see how that is much different from what Comey did before the election…he was trying to throw it it trump, too. But, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt for a while… a very little while….the worst part of the hearing is the sick display that the repubs are putting on, not even trying to get to the bottom of the Russian interference…they think the Huuuge crime here is that someone leaked that there was criminal behavior going on, not the criminal behavior itself. This is your modern repub party folks…party before country, party before doing the job the American people elected them to do….so much for the party of the supposed patriots…they are perfectly fine that Russia threw the election…just as long as it’s to their guy….impeach…
Just one more….
Well….there is so much absurdity coming out or the trump regime that I am getting tired of writing about it…but, the thing I just read made me get up the strength to do just one more….in trying to justify the idiot trump’s budget that cuts PBS, NPR and many many programs that actually help people, trump’s budget director today came out and said “can we really ask a coal miner in west Virginia or a single mom in Detroit to help pay for these programs?”…now this is just another phase of this regime’s trying to destroy the sense of community in this country and our shared society…going back to the “I’ve got mine” that has driven the repubs for decades now…but the really sick thing is that they are going to ask that coal miner and that single mom to give up their health insurance to give the rich an $800 billion dollar tax cut…to “pay” for that tax cut…how can they ask them to pay for that tax cut? Because they are immoral bastards that are using the coal miner and the single mom as props for their thievery….impeach…
Meals on wheels vs. golf….
Well…just a shorty here on what the priorities of the trump administration are…as I told you earlier, trump proposes to eliminate the Meals on Wheels program that serves some of our most needy and deserving Americans since we “just can’t afford it”….so let’s take a look at what he thinks we can afford…every time he goes to play golf it costs over 3 million dollars of taxpayer money…to put this into perspective that would pay for over 450,000 meals for our seniors delivered to their door so they can stay in their homes…but the immoral trump thinks it’s more important for him to play golf than feed our seniors…that is one of the most sick things I have ever heard…and I’ll bet quite a few of these seniors he wants to starve voted for trump….impeach…
The damage done….
Well…now that the trump gestapo has starting imposing themselves on American citizens coming back into the country by confiscating and searching their phones in direct violation of the 4th amendment, maybe there will be more outrage about what damage the Border Patrol and other immigration agents are doing in the name of trump. Over the past week, the Canadian Girl Scouts, called the Girl Guides, have issued a travel ban for any of their troops that were thinking of traveling to the US. Some would say that this is an overreaction to what is going on here but I say it is a perfectly reasonable thing to do with the horror stories of children being detained and handcuffed for hours by the INS if they were Muslim or had Muslim families. This is what this country has come to under trump…that Girl Guides from Canada are at risk of being traumatized by the INS or Border Patrol so they just won’t come here anymore…that is “freedom” to the trump followers and his gestapo but it is shameful to our country and all I can do is hang my head…I just hate these son of a bitches…impeach…
You’ve been screwed, trump voters…
Well…how do you feel now trump voters? Voting for hate and racism has gotten you this…once you got trump into office he has turned on you like the liar he is…filling his government with Goldman Sachs execs who will only pursue policies that will help the rich, not you ignorant fools. Both in his trumpcare proposal that will take healthcare away from many of you and make it un-affordable for the rest of you…leaving you to die early or go broke paying for your healthcare…to his budget which will destroy any program that helped you at all….jobs training? Gone. Environmental protections that finally gave you in coal country clean air and water? Gone. You get the picture…no, you probably don’t. You are propelled by hatred and racism and have been manipulated by trump and his cronies…aren’t you pissed about how much you’ve been lied to? Or are you too ignorant to turn off fox news and think for yourself? Your hero trump went on tv and admitted his policies will hurt the counties that voted for him most and then he said oh, well…that’s just how it is. Feeling pretty stupid yet? You should be….impeach…
The diary of Anne Frank….
Well….have been reading a few articles lately that describe the plight of immigrants in this country who have taken to hiding to avoid trump’s gestapo, and I am appalled at how much these stories mirror the Diary of Anne Frank. When I was young I read the book and saw quite a few television adaptations of the diary that showed the terror the family felt when the Gestapo got close and also the bravery of their friends in trying to keep them safe. That same thing is unfolding here in the US and I still can’t believe that we are allowing trump’s Gestapo to send these immigrants to their death as sure as the Gestapo did during WWII…and I can’t believe the media has not seen these similarities and blared headlines across the country pointing out these atrocities…this is not the country I grew up in…impeach…
Granny starver in chief….
Well…as every day goes by, the idiot trump reveals that his “I’m for the little guy” rhetoric is proven to be the sham that those of us on the left knew it was….every damn thing in the budget that he just released rewards the rich and the military/industrial complex at the expense of the people who voted for him…and the latest outrage is the elimination of a program that literally keeps many of our older citizens alive…his budget cuts the Meals on Wheels program completely…eliminating a lifeline for many older infirm folks and committing them to a slow death by starvation while he takes that money and gives it to the military that doesn’t need the money…we already spend more than the next ten countries that follow us and we don’t need to spend more money there when people are hurting across this country. This just shows that everything trump said on the campaign was a lie…he duped the gullible into thinking he cares about them…open your eyes trump voters….he does not give a damn about you…impeach….