It’s extortion by any other name…

Well…John Boehner has sunk to a new low even for him and the rest of the repubs….in a speech he gave a few days ago, this idiot put forth the proposition that the reason that business is sitting on the sidelines in the faltering recovery is the uncertainty about what regulations my be imposed in the future. He even suggested that Obama fire his entire economic team because of the lagging pace of job creation since they’ve had a whole 19 months to do it. Really, John? After you and your repub buddies had 8 years to screw it up and had a net job creation when you were in control of zero…that’s right…zero net jobs added. And now you’re urging your business cronies to sit on their hands unless you get what you want…that is to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and less regulation for business. By anyone’s definition this is just a blatant case of extortion and you should be ashamed that you put your status as a lap dog for business ahead of a nation that is suffering.

What do you offer that is new; that is different than your policies that ruined the economy? Why are you waiting to do something until after the election? If this crisis is so urgent, (and I believe it is) why aren’t you working with the administration to help get the jobs engine going again? Why aren’t you talking to your business cronies and asking them to help get the engine going? Stop the political posturing and tanning and get your butt to work helping America get going again…until you do, shut the hell up and leave us alone….geez…

August 25th

Well…this one is going to be short since I really don’t have a lot to say right now…looks like a normal day for a Wednesday…out to Ada later for pool and beer with the normal workout this morning….I will promise that there will be some topical stuff later this morning or early afternoon…I am still quite elated with my son’s news but that is tempered by the overeating from yesterday that I feel guilty about…yep, I have a well developed sense of guilt about almost everything that I do…more later…

Sometimes there’s good news…

Well…this is one that I love to write….when one of your children exceed your expectations not only with their success in business but their growth as a person you just have to write about it…I am so proud of J (and you can’t tell which child since they all start with a J)…was on the phone with him for an hour talking about the events of the week where he works. On his own initiative…and on his own time, he attacked an IT problem that his company has been working on for over a year and solved it in a week….and was invited to the home office to have the CEO thank him in person, and was offered a promotion and a move to Dearborn….It was just neat to hear him so excited about his work and his life…but I guess this was not unexpected..of anyone I know, he is the only one that can walk into a room and know he’s the smartest one there…always been that way…but he lets his actions do the talking for him….I just love that kid like I love the other three and I am so thankful that we raised such good people….that have been an addition to the world… ;-)

Let’s just refuse…

Well…I’m back and I don’t know how formed this idea is but let’s give it a try…what if we just refuse? What if we just refuse to be scared of immigrants? What if we just refuse to be scared by the imagined threats to the Constitution? What if we remember our high school economics and refuse to believe the laughable and discredited ideas of the Laffer Curve where the right tells us cutting taxes means more revenue? What if we refuse to believe that Afghanistan is as important as the politicians tell us? What if we refuse to be led around like sheep by Fox news and start to think for ourselves? What if we refuse to believe that the First amendment only applies to Christians?

I truly think we need to start to say no to the politicians who use fear for political advantage and re-take the fearlessness that has made this country great…what would have happened if Newt and McConnell, and the rest of the fear mongers were around during World War two? They would have wrung their hands and told the country to fear the enemy, that they were too dangerous to take on…you know that is what they do today with the Islamist terrorists and aren’t you tired of living in the swamp of fear that they spew everyday? Let’s prove to them and the rest of their fellow travelers that the US is still fearless, that we can and will take on any threats without cowering in the corner as they would like us to.

The only thing I’m scared of is that we will lose the great American character that welcomes all religions, that helps those in need, and who always does the right thing even if it’s not popular…that’s the definition of leadership that we need to restore and very few of our “leaders” know anything about that….geez…

Why are we such chickens these days?

Well…had this thought while I was reading some of the online papers this morning and I will be adding to it as the day goes on…I think I’ll need the bike ride to solidify it but I’ll start with this….when did we, as a people, become so scared of everything? When did our courage start to melt with just the building of the Park 51 project in New York? Or any building for that matter…why are we so scared of immigrants and a bunch of cave dwellers in Afghanistan? There was a time that we believed we could handle anything; any challenge that faced us and our leaders were of the same it seems that our leaders (mostly on the right) think that we should fear threats that our previous generation, and my generation would laugh at…after all, we made it through the cold war looking at a USSR that had 20 thousand nuclear weapons pointed at us and the largest army in the world sitting on the border with Western Europe. Do you think the threat from Islamic (or any other type of ) terrorists is of the same scope? We have gone from leaders who believed that the US would prevail in any conflict to the Newts and Palins who believe that building an Islamic center in Manhattan threatens our way of life. They should be ashamed that they don’t believe in this country…..geez….

August 24th

Well..out with G last night and did a pretty good job but no booze when I got home and I didn’t die from boredom…didn’t sleep for crap but didn’t die so that is a plus…going to try it again tonight without sleeping pills, too, so I may be crabby as heck tomorrow. I do need to clean this place up today (where have you heard that before) and pickle some of the veggies I got from C before they spoil…and look for work as always with a goal of at least 5 resumes going out. But who knows, still not a lot of things out there I want to do and I think I have enough cash to get through Sept….I do have to get supplies today since I blew that off yesterday and I need to get the crop timing down better…

I did finish “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” a couple of days ago and it was okay but not that special…I think Jonathan Kellerman does a better job in creating suspense…and the Robin Cook book “Chromosome Six” was more of a page turner…just finished that yesterday and going to start another today from the big bag o books that T gave me…more later…

Let’s at least try to be nice…

Well…this idea popped into my head this morning and I thought I’d share it…I remember growing up that most of the people you met and interacted with on any given day were pretty nice and courteous and the act of being nice never set you apart. But these days, with the coarsening of our society, everyone is so on edge, so ready to assert their ‘rights” that people doing simple acts of niceness are held up as being somehow different or naive. But I don’t think that is the case, at least I don’t want to believe it. Why can’t we smile when the person in front of us in the checkout lane takes their time unloading their shopping cart and then a minute to talk to the cashier? Why does everyone’s behavior have to fit what we want it to be?

I admit, I have been one of those people that angered easily when people don’t drive fast enough or can’t make up their mind at the coffee shop….but I am proposing that we start to think of what type of person we want to be and what impact our behavior has on others. I no longer want to be a part of what people see as the inevitable lowering of acceptable standards of behavior….I’m going to promise to try to do better….and I hope some of you will join me…

August 23rd

Well…that was a long weekend and I need to give my liver a rest today…so no booze, only water today so I’ll start to feel better…I think I’ll go back to the normal routine today, too, but I do need to get some resumes out and probably should do that after the ride….no beach today since I do need to go get supplies for the next crop…I think I’m going to go slow today, make a good dinner, and try to get the pain out of my shoulders…it has been bad lately and the ibuprofen doesn’t really work anymore so I’ll have to try something new…I know, this one is not that interesting but I will have some topics later that might be…but, who knows…more later…

August 22nd

Well…this weird thought popped into my head when I was out on the bike this morning…actually, it popped into my head on the way to GH Friday but I forgot about it until this morning. I was driving and listening to “4 Way Street” by CSNY and realized that I was doing the exact same thing 40 years ago but then I was in my 65 Galaxy…now is that consistency or just the biggest rut you’ve ever heard of? I still enjoy doing that stuff so I guess I’ll keep it up for another 40 or so….

Not a lot going on today…I really should feel like crap today but I think the bike ride helped bleed out all of the toxins from yesterday…well, not all of them but a goodly amount and with nothing planned except for a short Sunday Funday today should be okay…been eating way too much salty foods, though, and I just feel puffy today but I hope a lot of ice water will help with that. I did say yesterday that the writers block was going away…but I was wrong..this one took forever and it’s not one of the best….more later…

What you never want to be….