Tag Archives: republicans

Trying to get caught up….

Well…still in hibernation mode so I thought I’d come back to do another of these to get the backlog down some….but, I’m not sure what to write about….the wind is blowing so hard and loud that I thought they were plowing the lot…and the poor Miata is sitting out there in the cold looking pretty forlorn…I am looking forward to the congress being back and the stupidity on the right starting again…and it has with another dishing expedition from a couple of right winger congresscritters..they now want all of the notes, memos, etc. having to do with the hypothetical trillion dollar coin that had been proposed to get around the debt ceiling hostage taking by the repubs….more money spent, more time wasted for nothing…but that is what the repubs do…they don’t give a damn about millions of unemployed not getting their benefits…but, they will spend millions for nothing….or to try to score political points…okay, that’s enough for now….more later…

Noodling, noodling…

Well…have been reading a bunch of news all day but nothing is leaping out at me to comment on…I did read a little blurb about a repub who is running in the primary for US senate seat from one of the New England states and it was just refreshing…or maybe I should say astonishing what this idiot thinks is a plus for his campaign…he was convicted of beating his then wife, and then appealed the conviction all the way to the state supreme court since he didn’t believe that they should take anything a woman says in domestic violence situations as evidence….and then went on to denigrate the legal system and everyone else who dared to hold him responsible for his actions…and, this is what he thinks is his best trait: that he will do what he thinks is right no matter what anyone else thinks…and he just can’t get it that this not representing people but just being another stubborn, tea party ass who will just add to the dysfunction in congress. Just another instance where the repubs don’t believe that laws apply to them at all…but are really quick to impose government on anyone they don’t agree with…say, like all women…geez…

Maybe some good news…

Well… have been looking for a topic without much luck so I guess I’ll just try to do a couple of shorties to get back in the groove…one thing I did read today is a heartening new set of polls that show, even in red states, that the repubs are being blamed for not renewing the unemployment benefits that expire on the 28th. And, it’s not even close….all of the polls put the approval rate in the mid to upper 60′s…not something that the repub idiots should ignore…after all, who are they supposed to be representing? If the people in these districts want partisanship put aside to help their fellow citizens, shouldn’t the repubs listen? Yeah, I know, the only thing they listen to is money and their masters don’t want the extension approved…geez…

Obamacare polls…

Well…after the bottom was reached in the polling on Obamacare a few weeks back, and after the website was fixed to where most users are now able to use it, the numbers have come back to where it has an almost even favorable/unfavorable rating…but that doesn’t stop the right from continuing to lie about the program and say that a great majority of the people in the US don’t like the law…one thing that I have to keep stressing to people is to go deeper into the numbers…while it is true that the numbers are even right now, there has always been 15-20 points of those in the disapproval column that disapprove because the law is not single payer and does not cut the insurance companies out completely. So, if you add even the low side of 15% back to the approval side of 46%, you get a good majority of people who approve of the law, although some of them hold their noses while doing it since it is better than the previous system. It is clear that the majority of people in the US, other than the tea party idiots, want the system changed and want it to be given a chance while improving the law as flaws surface…as things have been done since this country started…at least until the right wing infection of the repub party…geez…

Just have to hate the repubs…and the dems that go along…

Well…just a short one on the budget that was reached over the past couple of days and all of the cheering that has been done to celebrate it..well..I for one won’t be celebrating since they gave billions more to the military that they just don’t need while taking away extended UE benefits for 1.7 million people…so, what are these people supposed to do, starve? I have had enough of feeding the military machine and the obscene profits that their cronies continue to suck out of this country…when are we going to get our priorities straight? I just don’t blame the repubs..after all, you expect them to screw people…it’s in their nature…but to the dems that are going along I same shame on you…where are your principles? Where is the caring for people like me who just can’t find work in this repub stifled economy? I’ve sent the letter out to my reps to let them know what I think…more people should…geez…


Well…with the improvement of the ACA website and the spate of good news stories coming out, we just knew that there would be another shiny object that the right and Fox “news” would trot out to keep their rabid followers salivating on how bad Obama is…the latest, as you can see from the snark headline above, is the fact that Obama shook Raul Castro’s hand at the funeral for Mandela. Now, is this the next impeachable offense that the tea partiers will bring to the House? Look, this is one of the stupidist controversies that I can remember the right pushing…well, no, all of them are stupid, but these folks think that no one remembers history anymore…like maybe Nixon shaking Mao’s hand? Or Cheney fawning all all over Saddam? Or Eisenhower shaking Khruschev’s hand? These guys on Fox seem like they just aren’t trying anymore…if you have to gin up a controversy over a handshake, it just means they have nothing…and never have…geez…

Delusions and lies…

Well…just read an interesting article about the post mortem of the Virgina races that was done by one of the higher ups in the RNC and all I can say is that these folks really have gone over the line into delusions…what this idiot comes out and says is that the conventional wisdom that they lost the election because they were too far to the right is just wrong…if they had only talked more about taking way womens rights, about hating gays, and the ACA, they would have won in a landslide…no matter what the polls said…they were just not mean and assholish enough. The only thing I have to say to that is “please proceed” keep reminding people that you don’t care about anyone unless they are rich and white…people will just flock to that kind of message and vote you in for life. They just don’t get that the country is getting away from them…and with these changes, they can’t even beat a weak dem candidate for governor.

Oh, the lies part…just one more reason to understand what the repub party has become…they have set up a fake website in California and sent out official fliers on official stationary sending people to the fake website that is full of lies about the ACA that have all been debunked…and the taxpayers of Cali are footing the bill for this crap…I hope the repubs feel good when they convince people to not sign up for insurance and they either go bankrupt when a medical emergency happens or they die since they don’t get the care they need….what a bunch of absolute assholes….geez…


Well…another budget showdown looms and I read one line from one of the hardline righties in the House that made me laugh my butt off…in defending the lowered funding in the sequester budget, one of these idiots said that the sequester is “the law of the land” and said that the dems should respect that. To quote Daffy Duck “it is to laugh”…from these same idiots who have railed against and tried to remove the ACA 41 times…which is also “the law of the land”, I wonder if they are so irony impaired that they don’t realize that this one is an ocean of irony? I long for the days when there were big politicians who could put party nonsense behind and do what is right for the country…which is not to continue to waste time taking insurance away from millions of Americans. There are days when I wonder if anything can be done to fix these idiots…probably not…geez…

They’re crazier than I thought…

Well…as you know, I have been detailing the crazy in the repub party for quite a while now and it looks like I’ll have to keep doing it for another long while with the latest revelation that these idiots have been holding formal meetings trying to put together impeachment proceedings against Obama for Benghazi or some other things that they aren’t even sure of…but, they just know that he should be impeached since he won the last election and didn’t give the repubs everything they wanted. I really, really hope they do it…and I can’t wait for the ads and the dems getting up on the floor of the house and asking why the felony torturer in chief, ole GW wasn’t impeached for things the really are high crimes and misdemeanors….man, these guys have gone over the crazy falls this time but I think they will be looking for another one as soon as they hit bottom from this one….how much more stupid can you get? Gonna be fun to watch…

Unintended consequences….

Well…have been reading lately about the fallout from the decision that many repub governors have made to not allow the medicaid expansion in their states…whether it just ODS or the fact that the repubs hate poor people, the results are the same…to deny millions of people any sort of health insurance and hurt people mainly in red states. But, there is is an unintended consequence that these idiot governors didn’t see coming…without this expansion, many hospitals can no longer shoulder the burden of providing free care to the uninsured…so what do they do? Across the red states hospitals are closing in record numbers…many in rural areas that invariably vote for these repub idiots leaving no care for anyone. So, the smug, insured repubs who think that it’s not their problem that the poor have no health care are finding that they now live in areas where even they will have to drive 50 miles or more to the nearest hospital…a long way to go when you have a heart attack, stroke or even a car accident….I think it serves them right…maybe this will be another instance where the repubs don’t give a damn about anything until it affects them? Just another time where they will do anything to hate on the people of this country…even if it costs more money or even kills people…what a nice bunch…geez…