Well…have been getting behind on the political stuff lately so here goes…I have been watching with interest (actually with popcorn) the daily slow motion disintegration of the repub party in the House over the past month or so and it would be funny if it didn’t have such dire consequences for all of us…with the debt ceiling fight coming up, the crazy assed righties of the GOP are perfectly willing to do everything in their power to destroy the world’s economy since Obama, something, something….and they are so delusional even John Boehner had enough and resigned and they have not been able to find anyone else to do the job…and the crux of the whole thing is the fact that these righties believe that if they only got rid of Boehner…the 54th vote to repeal Obamacare would work….either not knowing or willfully ignoring the fact that any bill doing that would be vetoed and if it was attached to the debt ceiling bill, that would still be vetoed and the country’s economy would crater…but that doesn’t matter to these asses…they have their jobs and just don’t care if millions are put out of work by their shenanigans. This is what happens when you let children run the show…wishful thinking replaces facts and the country suffers….geez…
Tag Archives: debt ceiling
Just trying to stay current…
Well…I have still not recovered from the day yesterday but I have started to feel guilt about not getting things done here so I am back for another one…it is funny how the right has gone off the rails today with ole Boehner having to use the dems to get the clean debt ceiling bill passed…the right is calling for his head since they want to keep fighting and being asses and he had a brief bout of sanity….and it is just so funny that sanity is the one thing the right just can’t tolerate…and the fact that he took this club away from the neanderthals until after the next election later in the year….I am still waiting for ole “Carnival Cruz” to try to make mischief while Reid tries to get it through the Senate….should be fun to see…
Let’s not be stupid, folks…
Well…it appears that there will be a vote on a clean debt ceiling increase tomorrow and I am starting to get irritated with the left starting to frame the action as”caving” by Boehner…who really cares what the reasons are behind it or what it looks like? If you have any feel for politics, the first thing you should be thinking is that we got what we wanted but we don’t have to further poison the waters by rubbing his nose in it. We should be thanking Boehner even if it’s just for show…everyone knew he had to get to this point with a clean bill but it also helps our side if we try to reward him for this behavior…one of the basic tenets of psychology is that you get the behavior you reward for…so, let’s take the long view and reward him for it…you never know, it might make his base so pissed that he gets a primary challenge this year…we can only hope…
New stuff or old stuff?
Well…have been sitting here trying to figure out some new stuff to say but have only come up with snippets that wouldn’t make a whole one of these so this one is going to be a little disjointed…okay, most of these are a little disjointed but that’s my “style” and I’m sticking by that….forgot to mention this morning that the snow totals for this year here in GR are 4 feet more than last year…yep, 4 feet more than the 37 inches of last year and we still have more than a month of winter left to go…might be a record year if we get 15 more inches…I still can’t believe we’ve gotten 85 inches of snow this year…no wonder I’m so depressed…is this old or new stuff? Not sure…but I have been following the debt ceiling fight…another one of those? Yep, here we go again but this time the repubs have figured out that they are not going to be able to hold it hostage and crash the economy to try to jerk the country even farther to the right…and have given up before the fight began…but, ole Boehner has tried to save face by saying he won’t give Obama immigration reform this year to spite him….yeah, spite away, John…are you guys so stupid that you don’t recognize that every time you pull this crap of trying to hurt people it comes back to bite you in the ass? Yeah, they really, really, are…oh, and one last thing…the deficit is down to 1/3 of what it was when Obama took office….yep, this big spending, communist has reduced the deficit more than any repub president in the last 30 years…and he is still a socialist…I say, give me more socialism is that’s what it looks like…geez…
Things are so absurd I don’t know how to comment…
Well…have been sitting here most of the aft trying to figure out how to comment on the politics of the day but they are so absurd that I really don’t know what to say…I don’t think I’ve seen so many idiot repubs in one spot and it is making my head hurt…the worst of the worst are the new set of deniers that have set their sights on the debt ceiling. Led by ole Rand Paul, one of the least intelligent people ever to be a senator, we have this group saying that defaulting on our debt doesn’t matter, that we can just pay it in little drips and drabs and everything will be fine…don’t they remember the same nonsense got us the downgrade in 2011 that cost us over a hundred billion dollars just because these asses wanted to make a point that they are a childish bunch of idiots who don’t understand how the economy works. And now, they want to do the same thing but even worse…any default here will cause the credit markets to freeze and raise the borrowing costs to the US by more hundreds of billions….and will probably crash the stock market to the tune of a thousand points or more…costing investors trillions…I just can’t believe these idiots are in charge…geez…
Let’s keep repeating “the repubs are to blame”
Well…waiting for the Tigers game to start and thought I’d put a few words down about the gov’t shutdown and the debt ceiling fight that is coming up…and let’s keep repeating this…the repubs are to blame…or, more to the point ole Boehner is to blame for this…never in the history of the country has the minority party tried to nullify duly passed laws by holding the world economy hostage with the threats to crash it…and then sitting there in their ignorance and saying that the default on our debt will have no effect…even when every economist in the world says it will cause a crisis that is only rivaled by the great depression….so, we need to keep repeating “the repubs are to blame” and then take back the house in 2014…these are some of the stupidist people I have ever seen in my life…and they just may wreck the country before that….geez…
The delusions never stop…
Well…I am sitting here shaking my head about some comments that were made by one of the idiot repubs in congress where he thinks that the dems will agree to delay the implementation of the ACA since “they compromised on other parts of the law” and that the repubs have compromised from their earlier position that the whole law would need to be repealed and now they just want it delayed a year. Another year of hostage taking for what? This is like any thug extortionist saying “hey, we were going to kill 50 hostages but look how nice we are since we now only want to kill one”. Harry Reid needs to just tell them no…tell them to go ahead and crash the economy…since the polls are all saying that the whole country knows it is the repubs that are responsible. Then, what about the people like me that will finally be able to afford insurance? These crazy bastards don’t care about that…just making points for their rabid, ignorant base is the only thing they care about. Just wait until their corporate masters lose trillions when the meltdown happens….no more repubs…geez…
Looks like the repubs are going to crash the economy…
Well…I have had enough of the political terrorists on the right using the economy as their hostage after they continue to lose elections…and the thing is, only a small fraction of the country want what they are selling…starving people, tax cuts for the rich, and unfettered corporate hegemony over the economy….this is not going to be pretty…and these assholes had no problem raising the debt limit 19 times while ole GW was in office…the only objection they have is that Obama is presidentin’ while black….I wonder when their corporate masters are going to get tired of losing trillions in equity while these idiots play with government…I have no other words…
Republican extortionists…
Well…the repubs have finally devolved into the Mafia with their latest threats to crash the world economy unless they get all of the crazy they have been trying for for the past 4+ years. The latest nonsense is that they have threatened to hold the debt ceiling hostage unless the Keystone pipeline is approved along with the wish list of the far right…of course the repeal of the ACA, but then more tax cuts for the rich, more food stamp cuts for the poor, and more voter suppression, slashing SS and Medicare…you get the point…they can’t win elections so they thumb their noses at democracy and do what thugs do, threaten the country and the world…are these guys nuts? At least we have the president saying that one of his biggest mistakes was negotiating with extortionists in 2011 and has promised never again. I say let them crash the economy…and then let’s tie this millstone around the necks of every one of them and push them out of the congress so maybe some sane people can take their places…ignorant know-nothings have no place running this country…we are the laughingstock of the world whenever they open their mouths and I have had enough of the crazy…geez…
The lack of outrage is doing me in…
Well…I have been working on trying to circumvent the lack of outrage lately but trying to make some faux outrage…is not working at all so I really don’t know what to write about…politics has reached the level of absurdity that I can’t top with the repubs going off the rails constantly…I really can’t believe how crazy these folks have gotten…the latest one that has me shaking my head is an editorial in the Detroit News yesterday arguing against medicaid expansion here in Michigan since when it was done in other states, not as many people signed up as was projected so we should not make it available to anyone who can’t afford insurance….or the other day, too…when ole Steven King. R from crazyland, said that he could spot an illegal immigrant from their “cantalope sized calves” that they get from carrying 75 pounds of drugs across the border…and sadly, I’m not making this up….then in another fit of the crazy…there are about 14 repub senators who say they will crash the world economy unless Obamacare is repealed…going along with ole Boehner who says that he will hold the debt ceiling hostage unless every safety net is destroyed….never mind that before Obama, the debt ceiling was raised 57 times with no drama…I wonder what the difference is now…hmmmm…could it be because the repubs are a bunch of racist hacks? No wonder the repub controlled congress is at the lowest approval rating in history…we just need to do something to throw these know-nothing idiots out in 2014…geez…