Tag Archives: Florida

Ignoring the virus isn’t working for the repubs…

Well…gee, who would think that ignoring the virus and doing nothing to fight it wouldn’t work for the repubs? In Florida, Ron DeSantis’ approval rating has plunged to the lower 40′s from the high 50′s in just a couple of months once the milestone of him killing more people than his margin of victory was passed…and, with 99% of those dying being unvaccinated and 99% of those being repubs, the damage is going to get worse….how the hell do you run on killing 50K people and doing nothing for anyone but your rich buddies? The ads write themselves for the 22 election and if Charlie Crist can’t win in this environment, he just needs to go away. Oh, and here’s a funny bit…with the trampling of women’s rights and voting rights in Texas, a new poll shows that Abbott would lose to…wait for it…Matthew McConaughey by almost 10 points if the election was held today…and Abbott’s approval ratings are flirting with the 30′s as many, many tech companies are re-evaluating their moves to Texas as women are turned into second class citizens with less rights than men….I really hope these morons lose and lose big next year…how can you live in Texas or Florida with these assholes in charge? Geez…

Biden to the rescue…

Well…as you’ve read here, the asshole repub governors of Texas and Florida are doing everything they can to get teachers and kids sick by forbidding any mask or vaccine mandates while threatening them with loss of pay and state funding for any school that tries to protect their staff or kids….but yesterday Joe Biden had his education secretary send a letter DeSantis of Florida telling him that any funding he cuts will be made up by the feds, essentially taking that threat away from him and doing the right thing by the staff and kids of the state of Florida…and that funding will be sent directly to the school districts so DeSantis can’t screw with the funding like he did with the 7 billion dollars Florida got from the coronavirus relief package and never gave to the schools just so he could have leverage to force people to die for his being an asshole. Look, if repub governors want to try to make sure their people die by forbidding them from using life saving equipment and vaccines by mandate, then Biden will do everything in his power to help the unfortunate residents of Florida and Texas who really would prefer not to have their governors kill them…geez…

Maybe killing your voters is not a good thing…

Well..with the terrible news out of Florida where almost 25% of the new cases of covid are happening is a really bad thing, but to have the governor actively suppress all of the mitigation strategies like vaccinations, mask wearing, and social distancing is looking more and more like a bad political move, too. The latest polls from Florida have DeSantis trailing Charlie Crist by a few points so it looks like “deathsantis” letting the virus kill more and more of his voters is not too smart as he panders to the far right anti vaxxers while leaving everyone else to fend for themselves…and this time, there is no way for him to spin it that he “defeated” the virus with this surge that is much worse that last spring before the vaccines were in wide use….and a lot of the people who are getting sick in the wave are the un-vaccinated youngsters under 12 and how is that going to sound in a political ad for next year….”you have your freedom but you don’t have your kids anymore”, vote Desantis….what an incompetent piece of crap….geez…

Now they’re just trying to kill people…

Well…in any other time, a governor like DeSantis would be in jail for his negligence and outlawing of any techniques to try to mitigate the spread of covid in Florida…and all that in the state that is awash in the delta variant and has almost 25K new cases every day….more than 20% of the total in the entire US. But, not now…he still gets away with forbidding mask mandates for school children so young they can’t get the vaccine along with the teachers who will be teaching them that can’t be required to be vaccinated…I wonder how many of those kids he will murder? Weeks ago, even with the poor showing of Florida in the first two waves with thousands and thousands of Floridians dead from his inaction….this idiot has been crowing that he “defeated” the virus and he didn’t need no stinkin’ mask mandates to do it….but it is all smoke and mirrors where he just stopped reporting all the cases and deaths so no one could check him on his lies…and he continues to lie about how bad it is in Florida with almost a thousand people dying each day from delta…but he is happily running around the country running for president while the people of Florida die…but, I guess that is a badge of honor for the modern repub party…after all, more than 50% of repubs still say they won’t get vaccinated…and this clown just sits there grinning as he kills…geez…

Countdown…5 days to the election…

Well…a few good, high quality polls for Joe today that put him up by 6 in Florida and that means that he has an 89% chance of winning the EC according to 538, and a 95% chance of winning according to the Economist…if trump loses Florida the game is over and we should know that late on the third or the early hours of the 4th…and crucially, Joe is over 50% and that leaves only the undecideds that trump could get and he would need to get all of them to even get close…okay, I know we on the side of good have a habit of seeing the worst and remembering 2016 when Hillary was ahead (but by about 2/3rds less than Biden is now) and got almost 3 million more votes but still lost…so we need to keep working up to the night of the 3rd and then be ready to take to the streets if idiot boy and his minions try to steal the election…but, let’s also take a breath and think about all the work that has been done so far…have a drink, and get ready for the pull all the way to Tuesday…we are saving this country and that is damn hard work. Think of how good it is going to feel when we kick trump and his cronies to the curb…I have the cocktails ready…

We’re all gonna die…or it’s a hoax…

Well…the more I see of life, the crazier it gets…with the hurricane bearing down on Florida, I just saw a short clip from Fox news with this idiot pointing to the map of it’s path into Florida and said “you’re all gonna die…and your children, too”…not sure if he was making a joke but it was still in really bad taste…but I guess it fits fox news pretty well….on the flip side of that, many of the right wing websites are parroting the idea that the hurricane is a hoax and conservatives shouldn’t believe the NWS since it is run by Obama and you can’t trust him…Jade Helm…something, something…..so, I will say to the idiot conservatives that read these sites…sure, stay there, there’s no hurricane coming…damn, you caught us at another liberal conspiracy…just walk right out to the beach to see for yourself….and don’t leave for at least a few hours since the liberals control the weather and you might catch them in their conspiracy…..and then you can go on Breitbart and expose them….geez….

Now it’s bribery…

Well…if being a racist wasn’t enough, now it is becoming clear that ole Trump is a briber, too….and he freely admits it. What will it take for someone to do something about this? As a little background, as AG’s around the country investigated the fraudulent Trump University, and it started to look bad for Trump with at least 5 investigations in different states getting to the point of proffering charges, two of the AG’s…in Florida and Texas decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a suit….even though two other AG’s disagreed….now we know why they dropped the investigations….ole Trump gave campaign contributions to the AG’s of both Texas and Florida and then magically the cases were dropped. Yep…I guess now you can buy your way out of legal trouble with 25K in Florida and 50K in Texas…just as long as you have repub AG’s…I guess money talks and justice walks. Trump has even said that when he makes political contributions, he expects to get something for them in the future. And the AG that took the bribe in Texas is now the governor there…funny how that works out. One thing they didn’t count on in Texas is that one of the people that was in the office during the investigation just released 14 pages of material that shows that the case there was really strong and now the governor…Abbott is retaliating against the individual that made the scam public….just another day in the repub run justice system…grease my palms and you can do anything you want…geez…

Rick Scott shows what a true republican is…

Well…have been reading all morning trying to find topics to get caught up on these and ran across a story that is the true distillation of republicanism playing out in Florida…with the tax cuts for the rich decimating the budget there, the gov, Rick Scott, has indiscriminately slashed the budgets of all departments of the government…with huge cuts to child and family services that Scott said is necessary to “grow jobs” in Florida. But the unintended consequence, or maybe it is intended, is that over the past few months, 40 children have died because there are just no longer enough case workers to go around and highly at risk children were returned to dangerous home situations. I’m not sure what else to say about it…but, it point outs the callousness and disdain that the poor get from republicans since they are “takers” in their eyes…geez…

Not sure what to write…

Well…haven’t been thinking too much about what to write today but I do need to find something so I don’t get too far behind….maybe I’ll take a second look at the papers and see if there is anything there….oh, maybe we should all boycott Florida until they become humans again…I mean, letting ole Zimmerman off for killing a kid but then putting a black woman in jail for 20 years for shooting at her boyfriend (and missing) while he was beating her? No matter what anyone says, racism is alive and well and institutionalized in Florida. Then we have the repubs across this country seemingly unable to do anything but think, talk, and legislate against abortion when even their constituents don’t want that crap from them…so who are they representing? I am damn tired of having these religious nuts getting their way when they only represent about 15% of the people, the hard right that wants to turn this country into a theocracy. Maybe there is a little hope with the filibuster deal that was reached in the senate today….as I’ve said, the repubs only respect power and that Harry Reid finally used his is a good sign…but ole Mitch McConnell acted like the spoiled brat he is and opposed it….now, ole Harry just needs to use the nuke when, not if, the repubs renege on the agreement…

Idiots in charge…

Well…I had to laugh today when the governors of two of the hurricane prone states finally figured out the the austerity that they just love, along with the rest of the idiot repubs, is going to limit the preparations for hurricanes that the federal government can fund. The genius in Florida, Rick Scott, is now whining and crying that his national guard doesn’t have the money to train for disasters anymore so he and Bobby Jindal, another repub genius, are teaming up with a bunch of other repub governors to send a letter to Obama asking him to give them money so they don’t have to pay for them on their own. First, these guys just don’t have any idea who is responsible for legislation in the federal government…it is the repub controlled house you idiots…Obama can’t just appropriate money, that is the job of the house…so, if you really want to get things done instead of grandstanding and doing the only thing that repubs want to do, attack Obama, talk to your tea party buddies in the house and get them to end the sequester….geez…