Tag Archives: Fox news

Fox news hypocrites…

Well…if you ever watch fox news…and I sure hope you don’t, you’ve seen them go on and on and on railing against mask mandates and “vaccine passports” even though everyone who works there is required to be vaccinated…and just today it was announced that they are putting on a live show in Florida with the usual suspects like hannity and carlson who have made it their mission in life to lie about everything having to do with vaccines…and, guess what? Every person who is going to pay between 150 and 500 dollars to go to the event has to show their vaccine card or a negative test within 72 hours to be admitted….yep, in desantis’ Florida, that has a law preventing requiring proof of vaccination and has a 1,000 dollar fine for everyone who is asked their vaccine status, fox news is ignoring the law, probably with desantis’ blessing since they just love them some fox propaganda….and they love them some huge hypocrites that infest the right here in the US….I wonder when we on the left are going to get some billionaire to start our own truthful media empire to make sure people know the truth since the mainstream media daily seem to be going more and more right and keep parroting fox talking points? Needs to happen now….geez…

The only difference…

Well…I’ve been around on the Earth a long time and have lived with vaccinations the entire time…I even remember doctors coming into the schools and vaccinating everyone for smallpox…and everyone can look at their right or left shoulder and still see the scar from that vaccination…and there were no teachers or parents bitching that they wouldn’t let their kids get vaccinated….or letting their kids get sick and die just because they are morons. With every one of my kids and myself, any time a new vaccine was ready to be used, we all went to the doctor and got it…and I just got my third covid vaccine to go with my flu vaccine for this year….and there are about 8 vaccines that kids have to have before they can go to school and no one bitched about that but a small group of morons who would believe the anti vaxx lies that were spread by word of mouth…the only difference between then and now is fox “news” and the anti vaxx assholes there who spew lies and facebook that does the same…they are responsible for hundreds of thousands of new deaths here in the US since, with the delta wave, over 96% of the deaths are in the unvacinated….who to a one parrot the fox news talking points when they are asked why they didn’t get vaccinated. So fox is murdering people with their lies as is facebook and this is as good a reason as any to break both of them up and hold them responsible for it…how? I don’t know but there must be something that can be done to stop their corrosive effect on our society…geez…

Hey, morons…get vaccinated…

Well…hey, trump cultists, when are you ever going to figure out you are being manipulated by your “friends” at fox news? All day, every damn day, every one of the talking heads on fox are telling you constantly to not get vaccinated and to attack people who have been…but guess what, morons? Every damn one of those talking heads who spew their lies and keep you worked up all damn day have all been vaccinated! I guess vaccinations are only for the rich who take advantage of you stupid, stupid cultists…will knowing this make any difference to the unthinking horde? Not a chance…after all, fox has been lying constantly to the idiots for 30 years and the idiots always make up rationalizations to give them a pass for it…I wonder what this one will be? That Bill Gates snuck it into their cocaine and they took it by accident? Or they thought they were taking a new “miracle cure” pushed by the my pillow guy and Obama switched it out for vaccine? Whatever it is, these mooks will be all in for whatever the lie is….geez…

Looks like fox “news” is in trouble…

Well…after the orange idiot lost in November, fox “news” has been bleeding viewers and advertisers so fast that, after a 20 year run of being in 1st place in cable news, they are now a distant third to both CNN and MSNBC….it’s funny how trying to destroy our country and overthrow an election will do that to you. There appears to be the start of a purge of the morons who were the biggest trump supporters, too, with Lou Dobbs getting axed Thursday and now there are rumblings that tucker carlson could be next and I really love the right eating their own. But the biggest danger they face are the lawsuits that have been filed by Smartmatic, the voting machine company that everyone on fox news lied about for a month, for 2.7 billion dollars and that include dobbs, bartiromo, and pirro personally since they were the ones doing the non-stop lying after the election…I don’t know if the dobbs firing was related to it since his lies are all on tape and can still be submitted as evidence, or if they are trying to come a little back to reality to get sponsors to come back…after all, if the my pillow guys is your biggest advertiser (oh, and who has already been sued by dominion for over a billion dollars) you have a problem…and that tap is going to shut off pretty quickly.  I wonder if you tell a lie in the woods and there is no one there to hear it, is it still a lie? Of course it is but the no one there to hear it part is making me grin…

Selfishness on display….

Well….I didn’t know that not being able to plant flowers or get a  haircut was a threat to the “freedom” of the people of Michigan. Yesterday, spurred on by fox news, you know, the network that said that the coronavirus was a hoax…a bunch of rural, white repubs decided that trying to prevent the spread of the virus was not “‘murican” and not being able to go out to bars and gun ranges was the “greatest” threat to freedom in the history of the country….and a few of them even got out of their cars to gather on the steps of the capital to wave their guns, confederate flags, and trump 2020 flags and “own the libs” by ignoring social distance recommendations…. after all they say, that most of the infections are in “urban” areas which is racist code for black areas and they just think they are immune from the virus since they live in the country….now, I’ve raged about the selfishness of repubs here for years now….that they don’t care about any crisis unless it hits their immediate family and this puts that selfishness on full display…that even minor inconvenience…well, the stay at home orders are more than a minor inconvenience to many people who have lost their jobs and their businesses, but what are their lives worth? Again, the right is trotting out the “economic anxiety” excuse for the protests, that people need to get back to work, but that is the same reason that they used to explain the election of trump that has been exploded many times…and the true reason is that unless you are straight, white, and christian, you don’t count at all and it is okay that you die or get locked up in cages since you are “the other”….what other reason would there be for waving a confederate flag? I know that this lockdown is hard on people…even for someone like me who is used to being alone…but this “protest” of these morons is going to get people killed just like the 90% of coronavirus deaths here in the US that could have been avoided if trump and his cronies had done their jobs instead of playing politics with the response…I guess we are not “in this together”…but over the past 30 years we never were….

Ha, ha, ha…it’s fox news that is taking down trump…

Well….just read an article that I found to be pretty insightful and that posits that it is fox news who is taking down trump…just like the rest of the mouth breathing droolers who believe everything that fox news says…the idiot trump does exactly the same thing, but this time, believing the completely untrue conspiracy theory that fox news has been pushing about the Biden’s “corruption”, the idiot trump has acted on these lies by trying to extort the Ukraine into investigating them again…even though all 4 other investigations have found no “there” there and have found no wrongdoing by the Bidens at all. So, it appears that trump is no different from the rest of the fox news zombies but he has the power to take the lies to a new level that includes sending Barr all over the world to try to get anyone to buy into these conspiracies and lie for him. The fallout from all of this is that the countries that Barr has visited to try to use their intelligence agencies to dig up dirt on both our own IC and the Bidens are all fuming mad about the attempt and have told Barr to just stay the hell away from them….lots of winning, huh? These clowns need to be removed from office and put on trial for their crimes…can’t wait to see the Barr perp walk…geez…

Trump’s losing fox news…

Well…you know I never, ever like to give fox news credit for anything since they are a cesspool of hate, lies, and trump fluffing…but, something happened the other day that just stunned me and I had to share it. After the past couple of weeks of trump attacking fox news for having dems on sometimes and not kissing trump’s ass enough…Neil Cavuto had had enough and went on the most righteous rant that basically laid bare the fact that trump lies all the time and that trump’s idea of fake news is just facts that he doesn’t like…cripes, this thing could have been written by any one of the anchors on MSNBC and I wonder why now? Has fox finally come to the realization that trump is toast in 2020 and is starting to distance the network from him? Yeah, I know, it’s like Dr. Frankenstein trying to distance himself from the monster he created…I wonder why trump hasn’t responded? Has he finally realized that fox news is all he has left and isn’t going to get fawning from anywhere else? Whatever the reason, I’ll bet the idiot in chief is stewing about Cavuto right now and I can’t wait for the tweetstorm…should be a beaut…

Trump just can’t keep his mouth shut…

Well…it has been a strange day so far and I can’t shake the feeling that it is Friday…and I can’t shake the feeling that we are only inches from the idiot boy trump doing his final meltdown….that was really, really evident today with his call in to his propaganda channel, fox news, and the consensus of people who have seen it is that he is “unhinged”….and even the folks on fox cut him off when they understood that he was getting into shaky legal territory with his meandering rant. That was confirmed when the US attorney that is working on the Cohen case filed a motion less than two hours later saying that since idiot boy said that Cohen only did a “tiny, tiny little fraction” of trump’s legal work, they should expedite the review of documents seized in the raid of Cohen’s home and offices…and that the documents are not likely to be protected by attorney-client privilege. That wasn’t the only thing the moron in chief said…he also confirmed he lied when he said he knew nothing about the Stormy Daniels hush money by saying that Cohen represented him when dealing with Daniels. I can see Daniel’s attorney just grinning since the idiot boy just can’t keep his mouth shut….I say keep it up, moron, prison is getting ever closer….impeach…

Dumb, dumb, dumb…

Well…we all know that trump is an ignorant idiot with an IQ barely larger than a stump, and this morning we got just another example of how stupid he really is….after his favorite show, fox and friends, lied about protests that were going on in London…saying they were against the idea of a national health service when they were really about the fact that the conservatives there won’t fund it and that has led to cutbacks….so idiot boy gets on twitter and parrots the lie in a tweet…and the response was not pretty to see…well…for those of us that see trump as one of the dumbest people in the world it WAS pretty to see….oh, and the stock market is down another 300 points…tired of all the winning yet? Impeach….

Bye, bye Billo….

Well…those are words I have been wanting and waiting to say for many, many years…that ole Bill O’Reilly is being fired by fox news…yep, I guess they finally saw that the toxic sexual harasser who has lost almost 70% of his advertisers in the last week he was on the air was a danger to fox news and their bottom line so they are cutting him loose…but, to show how sexist and ridiculous the fox news environment really is, it wasn’t enough that they paid out 13 million dollars in settlements to the women he harassed…they were okay with that, but they were not okay with the damage that keeping him was doing to the rest of the shows and to their revenue….as always with the right and their shills, it is just fine if they act like asses and treat women like crap just as long as they are making money for the oligarchs, but when the money stops, the false outrage comes out and they grow some fake moral spine….all I have to say is bye bye Billo…don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…..impeach trump….