Tag Archives: immigration

Circling each other…

Well…it is a little bit of an interesting time in politics right now with the changes that are coming and the parties circling each other like fighters waiting to land the first punch….and it looks like it was Obama that landed with the executive order on immigration and now we wait for the repub response…and the thing that I don’t understand is why the repubs just don’t do what Obama asked…pass a bill that would make the executive order unnecessary. That way, they could take credit for it and take a big chunk out of their Hispanic problem…but they just can’t do anything that would look like they caved in to Obama…and that is the master stroke of Obama’s comment of  “pass a bill”…the repubs will look petty if they just attack and they will lose their base if they agree to do their job and pass a bill on immigration….it just may be interesting the rest of the year after all….

Still delusional…

Well…with the things that have happened this week in politics, I thought I’d just remind everyone here just how delusional the repubs have become…let’s start with the lawsuit agianst Obama for delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare…something his administration had every right to do…and the delusional thing is that ole GW did the same thing with Medicare Part D when that was just being implemented…didn’t see any lawsuits or bitching from the repubs then…or any from the dems either since we understand that you have to change things on the fly sometimes…and the next delusion is the fact that what Obama is doing on immigration is not the unconstitutional/unlawful outrage that the delusional repubs are screaming about…in fact, every president since Eisenhower have done exactly the same thing….something like 49 times presidents have used their correct power to do something on immigration where the congress has neglected it duty to “pass something” as Obama said last week….I wonder when the adult repubs will step up and stop being delusional? Oh, that’s right, there are no adults left over there…geez…

Tom Coburn is a terrorist….

Well…I thought I’d seen it all but I guess not…with the battle over immigration policy raging in DC and the do nothing repubs frothing at the mouth that Obama is going to do their jobs for them, the latest from the senator from crazy, Tom Coburn goes way over the top to overt incitement to terrorism. Today, ole Tom came out and said that “they’re going to go nuts (talking about his supporters)…you could see instances of anarchy…you could see violence” tacitly approving that these are tactics that are perfectly appropriate as a response to a political dispute…one of the repubs own making. If I was more of a conspiracy theorist, I might think that this has been the plan all along…to gin up some reason to get his crazy assed followers to use their “second amendment remedies” to destroy what this country is all about…that political disputes are to be solved peacefully; that the transfer of power after elections is done peacefully without the crap that these folks are pushing…since they hate the fact that government needs to work to make a country work….they are doing everything in their power to ensure that it won’t work and then when their inflammatory rhetoric results in violence, they will stand back and say “see, I told you Obama is going too far” and the people agree with us…no matter that they won this last election with 19% of the vote of the people. It just like the gangster from the movies that says “gee, nice country you got there…it would be a shame if anything happens to it…”  Inciting people to violence for political ends is the definition of terrorism…you should be ashamed Coburn…geez…


Well…with all the howls from the right that any movement by Obama on immigration will be “the biggest abuse of power in the history of the world” and “an impeachable offense” I am laughing and laughing again at how stupid these folks are…or they can’t read or have really stupid staffs…if they didn’t, they would realize that two years ago the supreme court pre-approved many of the things that Obama plans to do…and that same ruling gave the executive branch wide leeway to do what they see fit on immigration….so, again, it doesn’t really matter what Obama does, if he breathes, “impeachment!” If he talks “Impeachment!” there is just no credibility that the right has these days since they refuse to do anything to deal with the problems with immigration…Obama has given the repubs two years to try to fix this mess and they have just sat there and bloviated without doing anything…so, it’s on their heads…I really do hope they sue Obama or impeach him over the immigration changes he will announce tomorrow…and then I will laugh when they get laughed out of court with the court citing the Arizona supreme court decision…what a bunch of maroons….geez…

Tennessee repubs are pricks…

Well…just had to comment on what happened over the weekend at a town hall meeting that was held by one of the repub reps from Tennessee…when a 12 year old girl whose father is an undocumented alien asked what the rep was going to do to help her father avoid deportation along with the other millions that are here, and this prick answered “nothing” and then went on the typical repub rant about they are here breaking the law so they should all deport themselves…yadda, yadda….but, the worst part is the crowd turned on this young girl and started to cheer this prick as she stood there crying….where the hell are these pricks from? Who taught them that it is okay to attack even children for political reasons? That is where the repub party is right now…just a bunch of hating pricks who don’t deserve to breathe the same air as those of us who have empathy for the plight of others…I’ll bet they went home feeling so smug and good about themselves that it makes me sick….I just can’t wait until they all die off…geez…

Thre crazies come out from the right..

Well…I am shaking my head on how some of the idiots on the right are still walking around free since they seem so crazy…starting with the out that asked the governor of Mass whether the bombings in Boston were a “false flag” operation staged by the government as a pretense to strip everyone of their civil liberties….yep, not making that up…and then we have ole Louie Gohmert of Texas saying the other day that we should hold up immigration reform since al queda has camps all along the Texas border and are training their operatives to “act like Hispanics” now, I’m not sure what acting like a Hispanic is, and I’m sure ole Louie doesn’t either but it just shows that these guys will use any tragedy to try to further their crazy-assed conspiracy theories…and the strange thing is that no one is calling them out on it….especially since there is absolutely no proof that there are camps along the border or any false flag nonsense either. And, now, as of this morning the repubs are going to shoot down any gun reform…even the watered down, loophole ridden bill that is trying to get through the senate even though 90% of the people in the country want it to happen…what a craven bunch of assholes the repubs are…and this last one shows how bought and paid for they are…keep it up repubs….you’ll be gone in two years….geez….

More laughs for us…

Well…I haven’t really been following the immigration debate until the past few days…and what a few days that has been! I find the outrage on the right of the “leaked” Obama plan making me smile and smile…and one thing I find the funniest is that the leaked plan is almost exactly the same plan that ole Marco Rubio was going to propose…of course until Obama proposed it, then it was a commie, socialist, Kenyan plan as described by Rush and ole McCain…but, since these ideas are supported by a great majority of the electorate on both the right and left, where does that leave the repubs? I think Obama is finally figuring out that the right will reflexively oppose anything that he wants up to “two chickens in every pot”….and that gives him leverage and maneuvering room…it is so much fun to watch the repubs reacting to everything that Obama does; running around with no strategy and making themselves look like fools in the process…and Lindsay Graham has sunk so low as to citing internet rumors as reason to oppose Chuck Hagel…making himself look ridiculous to everyone but the crazy asses on the hard right. All I have to say to him and the rest of the right is “please proceed”…geez…

A couple of things I’ve noticed…

Well…as I’ve watched the shenanigans from the repubs over the past few years, there have been a couple of themes that I’ve noticed that runs through everything they do….it’s either about winning elections or pushing their ideology. For example, when you hear them talk about immigration, they never say that immigration reform would be good for the country or for the people who would be affected…it’s always about reform to get the immigrants to vote for them and that is just sick…I don’t think they understand that these are real people, living real lives here and solving this problem would help the country by bringing them into the light. But, the repubs don’t want that…they want to keep these people illegal so they can continue to exploit them and keep wages down for everyone. The second thing that is so stunning about the repubs is how they push their ideology on the country when people don’t want it….using the old bait and switch that has worked so well in Wisconsin and here in Michigan…pretending to be reasonable people to be elected, and then rolling out their radical agendas afterward….to see this in action, you just need to look at Michigan and the right to work for less law that was never mentioned before the election but then rammed through the legislature in a lame-duck session. Now, you can see this same nonsense across the country with the outright attack on womens rights by mandating invasive ultrasounds before women can make the choice to have an abortion. Why can’t they just do the jobs they were elected to do? Govern for all of the people in your state, not just the hard right nuts…geez….

Arizona and Immigration

Well….reading all of the furor over the new immigration law that was just signed in Arizona, and the predictable stances from the left and right, I think of one question that is not being asked: Why are the illegals there? I think it’s pretty well settled that they are there for jobs. Then, that drives you to a second question: who gives them the jobs they are there to fill? I think that question is a little more complex and the explanations have run the gamut but center on the assumption that they are there to do jobs that Americans won’t do.

I can’t fault the people of Arizona for being frustrated that 6-7 percent of their population are illegals, but I think their anger is misguided; Why aren’t they mad that employers in their state are creating the problem by hiring illegals? Why aren’t these employers being held up as unpatriotic because all they can see is the increased profits that come with a workforce that is an unethical company’s dream: non-union, non-voting people who can be abused at will. But, by using the illegals, they are just passing on the costs that would come from an American workforce (higher wages and healthcare, pensions, etc.) on to Arizona’s and the U.S. society as a whole since it has been argued repeatedly by the right that illegals send their children to our schools and use our emergency rooms for their health needs. This means higher profits for the company and bigger bonuses for the managers.

I’ve always thought that business needs to be socially responsible and pay it’s employees enough for them to have the chance to do what our founding father’s codified in the founding documents; “the pursuit of happiness”.

You and I pay our fair share as members of our society. Why shouldn’t business? Geez….