Tag Archives: moron

This is gonna be good…

Well…with the first excerpts of the idiot trump’s niece’s book dribbling out prior to it’s release next week, all I have to say is this is gonna be good if it’s anything like the first revelation that trump paid someone to take his SAT’s for him so he could use the scores to help get into Wharton College…that makes sense since one of his professors there said trump was “the dumbest student” he had ever had in his 40 years of teaching…..this after all the birther bullshit where idiot boy questioned how Obama got into Harvard  and spewed almost daily how Obama should have to show his “records” since he truly believed that no black person could ever be smart enough to get in on his merits. Now we know that trump certainly didn’t get in any college on his own merits…other than his superpower of cheating at everything he does. One question I have is how rotten do you have to be that your entire family hates you? That is exactly what we are going to see when the rest of the book is released…that his own damn family, who are no paragons of virtue other than Mary, hate his guts for his lying, cheating, and stealing and who all say he has no principles at all….but, we all knew that before 2016 but morons in this country, along with Putin, elected him anyway…what does that say about the modern repub party?

He’s even more nuts today…

Well…cripes…I think I’ve said this many, many times before but the idiot in chief is even more nuts today…reacting to a typically Seattle protest in the center of the city where the police have abandoned a station there…not because of  violent protesters but to keep a protest from becoming violent, the thug in chief went nuts and called the peaceful protesters “ugly anarchists” and said they must be “stooped” IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST…yep that exactly what the moron in chief tweeted….I wonder if he means they must be bent over like walking with a cane? As you’ve seen, idiot boy is so threatened when anyone exercises their constitutional rights which is what these peaceful protesters are doing…and they are doing it by showing movies and making cupcakes….monstrous actions that need to be stopped….the mayor of the city, Jenny Durkan had this perfect response to trump’s rage tweeting..”Make us all safe, go back to your bunker” ….and the governor, Jay Inslee, weighed in with….”stay out of Washington State’s business…stoop tweeting”. I guess people are finally pushing back on the moron since they now know he is all talk and bluster and won’t do a damn thing because it’s too much work….the people on the ground in Seattle know their city and the people there and know what the correct response to the protest are….trump really should STFU and get another Big Mac…that’s all he’s good for….

The #bunkerbitch was “inspecting”

Well…with “bunkergate” in full swing, okay, I’m trying to get bunkergate to trend with not much luck yet, the idiot in chief had to go on his propaganda network; fox news to whine and cry that he wasn’t hiding in the bunker but had gone down there to “inspect” it to make sure he knew his way around in case of a terrorist attack…okay…yeah…I’m laughing my ass off at that one…since when did trump actually do any work? And he damn sure wasn’t doing any “inspection” when he fled to the bunker to escape the dangerous shouts of people protesting outside…you know, those 50 caliber shouts that can kill from 300 yards away? This moron is falling apart in front of our eyes and when asked about all of the crazy assed shit trump has done in just the past week, every damn repub senator, who by the way left him in office after he was impeached..oh, remember that…he is still the impeached *president…I’d almost forgotten…back to the running senators…every damn one of them have run away when asked about trump gassing protesters to get his photo op….not one of them would answer even when they won’t shut the hell up about everything else….so, let’s try to get #bunkergate trending…maybe on twitter…it would go really well with #bunkerbitch….and guess who it will piss off?

This is beyond stupid…

Well….cripes, how much more stupid does the idiot trump have to get before someone has the guts to stand up to him on the repub side? Yesterday, when idiot boy was touring a plant in Pennsylvania that makes masks and other PPE, and of course trump wouldn’t wear one since it will smear the orange makeup he uses, he made a comment about testing that was just so damn stupid, even for him, that all I can do is shake my head. During his comments, he said this: “…if there was no coronavirus testing, there would be fewer cases of the virus…”  Let that one sink in for a minute…trump thinks that if you just stop testing, all of the virus will go away….and I’m sure that he made the leap to that stupidity because someone told him that recognized cases are going up because there is more testing happening….so, in his Adderal addled brain the testing is the CAUSE of the virus spread so stop testing and everything is just going to be fine. Now, hmmmm…I wonder if that works for other diseases, too…stop testing for cancer and you won’t get it….stop testing for diabetes and there will be less of it…yeah, you get my drift…come on repubs…the 25th amendment was made for exactly this situation…trump was never able to do his job with his abject stupidity…but the deterioration in even the past year is so damn clear that leaving him in place is a danger to this country…and there are already 90,000 dead that show that danger….can we last another 8 months? Who knows?

The world weighs in on trump…

Well….the rest of the world is staring at the US and it’s non-existent national response to the coronavirus pandemic and have started to ask the question “what happened?” 30 million people out of work, food lines stretching for miles, and the highest death toll from the virus in the world…and they are finally getting the idea that it is trump’s fault…and they are starting to be honest about everything that the idiot boy has done…from shattering long term alliances, to shredding treaties that he doesn’t like, to embracing dictators around the world, they now have trump’s number and they are now not shy about weighing in on the incompetence and stupidity of the moron in chief….in just three short years, trump has taken this country from the respect that was built from WW II to his election to an international pariah who no one can count on anymore…and, for the first time in a century, absolutely no one is turning to the US for leadership or guidance…and, thanks to trump, American democracy is no longer worthy of admiration as he sows the seeds of hate and division…along with his prime enabler Mitch McConnell who just last week said that he will block any aid that helps any blue state…even though his state of Kentucky gets much more back from the federal government than they put in every year…subsidized by the very blue states who Moscowmitch wants to hurt. So, trump on his own in only 3 years has allowed our power and our respect in the world to wither away by his stupidity and 3rd grade view of how the world works….and the rest of the world has moved on and is laughing at him…the world has trump’s number and they are finally realizing that we are no longer trustworthy partners so they are going to go it alone….nice job you asshole….

More stupidity from the moron in chief…

Well….as if pushing an unapproved drug for coronvirus that kills people isn’t enough, the moron in chief yesterday told his stupid followers that “intense” UV rays and injecting disinfectant is the new cure…yep, you heard that bit of colossal stupidity right….he wants people to get 3rd degree sunburns and inject themselves with Lysol to “cure” the virus…and do you want to bet that some of his followers are going to do it? Look, repubs, I know you want more unqualified judges, but do you really want this idiot killing more people than the 60,000 he already has? Okay, we all know the answer to that…and it is yes…yes they do want to kill more people…especially if they are the brown and black people who are disproportionately killed by the virus. Why do you think Kemp wants to open Georgia? Because the right wing media is still pushing the idea that white people are immune and that is one of the reasons for the “demonstrations” by all white people to reopen the country….along with the whole “the cure is worse than the disease” lies that are pushed by the billionaires who are behind the idiot uprising. I am getting just so tired of having to live in a country run by a moron and his moron cronies…where every day we have to listen to someone who should be in a mental institution instead of the WH….just shaking my head….so much that it’s hurting my neck…

The new stupidist thing I’ve ever heard…

Well…if you’re still listening to anything the moron in chief says, you’ve heard some pretty stupid crap come out of his face…but just yesterday, the stupidest thing I have heard come out of anyone’s mouth came out of idiot boy’s pie hole….I need to quote it so you’ll believe it: “the germ has gotten so brilliant the antibiotic can’t keep up with it….there’s a whole genius to it…not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart…”…okay…I’m shaking my head at the stupidity packed into those few sentences…a brilliant virus? The antibiotic can’t keep up with it? Cripes, the ignorant moron has just shown that there is another thing to add to the long list of things he doesn’t understand….first, viruses can’t be “brilliant” they don’t have brains, they can’t think…they are just pieces of RNA that can hijack host cells to replicate…and that is the only thing they do….they don’t look around and see “antibiotics” and run away from them….and second…doesn’t every second grader know that antibiotics don’t work on viruses? It’s even in in it’s name….let’s spell this out…anti means against something…and biotic means living things, which viruses aren’t….viruses exist in a gray area and are considered to be non-living until they infect living cells….god, I am so tired of stupid people running this country and killing people with their stupidity….this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard….until later today when the idiot opens his yap again….

The real “death panels”

Well….I wonder if everyone has as short a memory as the repubs think we do…I sure remember the lies when the ACA was being worked on with the repubs shouting every damn day that there were things called “death panels” that would condemn the old folks in this country to death after they reached a certain age or started to need more care…all of it a blatant lie to scare people into hating the bill…but that didn’t happen and the ACA is more popular than ever, especially in these pandemic days. But just yesterday, and I think I mentioned this a little, the new repub trial balloon that is being floated is that we are going to have to sacrifice older people to the virus to get the economy going again by removing the measures that are in place across the country to keep people isolated and prevent the virus spread…the idiot  trump started it the other day when he said that he will “open” the economy in 15 days if the damage that closures are doing too much for the economy…and one of trump’s parrots, Lt gov Dan Patrick of Texas (of course) said that killing hundreds of thousands of seniors could be “worth it” if it got the economy going again…asking what kind of country would be left for his grandkids if we wait until the virus is controlled…yep, the “pro-life” party is just perfectly fine killing lots of seniors if his rich buddies need to steal even more money from the rest of us and they can’t do it when the economy is shut down. We know one of the reasons the idiot boy trump wants the economy going again no matter the cost is that it is costing him money with his hotels shut down….and nothing else matters except him and the world’s effect on him….the one thing that idiot boy doesn’t understand that he didn’t do anything to “close down” the states that are trying to stop the spread of the virus by isolation so there isn’t a damn thing he can do to “open” them…do you think Cuomo or Whitmer are going to listen to anything that the big orange moron says? They are going to do what the science says, what the experts say to protect the people and not corporations….so bloviate as much as you want moron, we in Michigan are going to do what’s right for us and you can just go right to hell….

“I never understood wind…”

Well…just got back from running errands that have finished up everything I have to do before the holiday, and as I wait for the temp to come up so I can ride without a stocking hat, I just had to comment on the idiot in chief’s comments at another of his damn rallies that you and I are paying for. As we all know from the idiot’s speeches and actions on renewable energy, he just hates wind and solar with a passion that is just not understandable…okay, it is when you know that repubs everywhere hate it, too…and it has been a platform plank of theirs forever…but just yesterday, the idiot was just jaw droppingly stupid when he went off on a rant where he said he “never understood wind…but I know windmills very much…I have studied it better than anybody…when they are manufactured, tremendous fumes and gasses are spewing into the atmosphere…you know we have a world, right?” Okay…first, this idiot has never studied anything in his life except his daughter’s body…and knows absolutely nothing about “windmills”….especially since a windmill is a wind powered machine that is used to mill grain…hence the word “windmill” and it is not a wind powered generator that is used to produce electricity. Second, almost every damn manufacturing process emits some gasses to the atmosphere…but in the lifecycle of wind generators, even with manufacturing factored in their pollution is less than .1% of a coal fired plant for the same amount of generation capacity…so it is painfully obvious that he hasn’t studied this or anything else. Then, moron boy went on to dredge up his old rant about “windmills” are going to kill all the birds but especially bald eagles, like they are bald eagle seeking robots that stride the land looking for eagles to mash with their blades….and yes, I will admit that there are birds killed by wind turbines, but the numbers are no more than against any other building that is built where birds fly…and to put the deaths in context, even it’s a million birds, cats kill billions of birds every year and no one is saying to kill all of the cats to protect the birds…or to tear down every city where birds fly. If anyone else had given this disjointed rant, they would have been referred to a psychiatrist to get them some help…but the repubs just keep on saying this level of stupidity/delusion is just peachy with them…

Putin got everything he wanted…

Well….sitting here waiting to go out and get my hair cut and thought I’d talk about how successful Putin’s operation about Ukraine has been…but first, Russian state tv has been openly mocking the idiot trump for being the stupid dupe that he is and for doing Russia’s work in the Ukraine…they have even taken to saying they have a place for trump to escape to after he is out of office so he can avoid criminal prosecution…just like the corrupt past president of Ukraine did when the people there rose up and threw him out. Ukraine experts from around the world are marveling at how Putin has accomplished his entire Ukraine wish list with trump and his cronies help….he has gotten Giuliani and his criminal conspiracy to continue to cast doubt on  the new Ukraine regime’s legitimacy by his constant hammering about corruption there…and ole Rudy has re elevated all of the corrupt, Russian backed conspirators that were thrown out when they were found to be the criminals they are…and by trump telegraphing his Russia bias by not inviting the Ukrainian president to the oval office, and by inviting Lavrov to grin and continue to spread the lies that it was Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the 2016 election, Putin got exactly the diversion he planned and used the stupident to reinforce those lies…and trump just grinned along not knowing or caring what it looked like to the people of Ukraine…just as long as it benefitted him personally. Man, I can’t wait for this moron to be gone…