Tag Archives: Obama

Circling each other…

Well…it is a little bit of an interesting time in politics right now with the changes that are coming and the parties circling each other like fighters waiting to land the first punch….and it looks like it was Obama that landed with the executive order on immigration and now we wait for the repub response…and the thing that I don’t understand is why the repubs just don’t do what Obama asked…pass a bill that would make the executive order unnecessary. That way, they could take credit for it and take a big chunk out of their Hispanic problem…but they just can’t do anything that would look like they caved in to Obama…and that is the master stroke of Obama’s comment of  “pass a bill”…the repubs will look petty if they just attack and they will lose their base if they agree to do their job and pass a bill on immigration….it just may be interesting the rest of the year after all….

No more Ferguson…

Well…with the fear of beating the whole situation in Ferguson to death, I think I’ll move on to other topics this afternoon and see where it goes…first, just read the Obama has grown a spine and has told Harry Reid that he will veto the bill that ole Harry has negotiated with house repubs that would have screwed the middle class by taking away tax breaks and giving them to business…yep, I’m not sure what the hell ole Harry it thinking but that is not what any dem that I would vote for would do….I can now see why people don’t think there is any difference between the parties. Why can’t our side start acting like dems? I applaud Obama for telling Harry it was a non-starter. I also applaud Nancy Pelosi for making sure that there would not be any dems voting to override any veto….hmmm…what’s second? Not much…I am done going out until Friday aft for pool and that feels good…got a bunch of stuff done today and ran a couple of errands but now, it’s veg time with soccer…champions league is not my favorite unless Man U is playing but it’s good for taking a nap…..more later…

Still delusional…

Well…with the things that have happened this week in politics, I thought I’d just remind everyone here just how delusional the repubs have become…let’s start with the lawsuit agianst Obama for delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare…something his administration had every right to do…and the delusional thing is that ole GW did the same thing with Medicare Part D when that was just being implemented…didn’t see any lawsuits or bitching from the repubs then…or any from the dems either since we understand that you have to change things on the fly sometimes…and the next delusion is the fact that what Obama is doing on immigration is not the unconstitutional/unlawful outrage that the delusional repubs are screaming about…in fact, every president since Eisenhower have done exactly the same thing….something like 49 times presidents have used their correct power to do something on immigration where the congress has neglected it duty to “pass something” as Obama said last week….I wonder when the adult repubs will step up and stop being delusional? Oh, that’s right, there are no adults left over there…geez…

Poisoning the well?

Well…I am laughing and laughing and laughing about the new repub talking point they trotted out in the past few days that says because Obama won’t do everything they want him to, and is going to do an executive order on immigration, he is “poisoning the well” of cooperation that the repubs are lying they would consider. I mean, c’mon…the fricking repubs have cornered the market on poison over the past 6 years…starting with ole Mitch stating that his only goal for the country was to defeat everything that Obama tried to do…and then you have the entire right going on an on about the birther nonsense…and that he is not an American…and on and on….I’m not sure what well they are talking about but the right has poisoned it, sold it to the Kochs and paved it over in the past 6 years…so, try not to laugh yourself to death when you hear this crap from the right…geez…

ODS returns…

Well…going to try to get back into the political ones today but I am going to ease back into it with and oldie but a goodie…Obama derangement syndrome and its revival since the repubs won the last election. This syndrome was rampant on the right for the first term of Obama’s but it seemed to die down somewhat, or maybe it’s just that I stopped listening to the noise since the people on the right spouting this nonsense really are deranged. Now, it’s back with a vengeance with the impeachment talk that is reaching a new high since Obama said he is going to do something about immigration since the repub controlled House won’t. Anyone with any connection to reality knows that the steps that Obama is proposing are the same that Saint Ronnie of Reagan and other presidents have done but that doesn’t matter to these idiots….since Obama won’t just roll over and do what he’s told, of course it’s an impeachable offense…I can’t wait for these folks to actually bring the charges…I need a good laugh…geez…

Net neutrality…

Well…if you have been reading the news lately, other than the election crap, I’m sure you’ve come across the current discussion on net neutrality…that is that all ISP’s have to treat all net traffic the same no matter who it is or where it comes from…and, just today, Obama came out in strong support of keeping the net the way it is, not allowing “fast lanes” for corporations and people who will pay much more for their traffic to be given special treatment which would slow down the traffic to a crawl for those of us who can’t pay. Now, that makes sense, doesn’t it? The web has worked this way since it’s inception, with all traffic being treated equally and it has worked quite well so far but the problem to the repubs is that with true neutrality, their buddies can’t screw everyone and jack the prices up…and, they can’t have that, can they? So, of course, we have Ted Cruz today saying that with true neutrality it is the same as Obamacare…huh? It’s just like everything else in this country to the repubs…if they can’t make a profit from it, then they will destroy it…just what fast lanes will do to the internet…geez…

It is to laugh….

Well….just read an article with a quote from ole Boehner saying that the repubs have no intention of impeaching the president, saying it’s all a plot by mean old Obama to get out the vote for the elections in the fall. As soon as I read that, the only thing that came to my mind was the old Daffy Duck quote: “It is to laugh” and I did laugh. One thing he didn’t say was that he intends to do it after the election…lying to the public again since he can see that even talking about it risks losing both the house and senate. So, let me get this straight….Obama is the one talking about impeachment and using his Jedi mind control to get everyone on the right to talk about it and push for it? Man…that guy is pretty fricking smart if he is thinking that far ahead…I think the more rational explanation is only that ole Boeher is scared of his own side and their rabid hatred for Obama and he is losing control of the narrative…or the truth is getting out and the general public just doesn’t like it….geez…

Why does anyone listen to Ollie North?

Well…I am just flabbergasted how the right keeps rolling out it’s war criminals and convicted felons to criticize everything Obama does…this pattern continues with the criticisms of ole Ollie North on the trade for the last POW in Afghanistan…you remember ole Ollie…the multi-felon who was convicted of selling weapons to Iran to finance right wing death squads in Nicaragua, and then lying his ass off in front of Congress when questioned about it. Exactly how does committing treason qualify you to criticize the current administration? I know, first amendment and all that and I support everyone’s right to spout out on any subject…but the right just has no shame…they have been wrong about everything for the past 30 years…anyone else would have just retired to private life but, on the right, being wrong just makes you more and more money since they have convinced the rubes that it is all a plot by the “librul media” and that they were right all along…what a bunch of crap…geez…









Isn’t this treasonous?

Well…as the Ukraine crisis unfolds, a thought has been rattling around in my head in regards to the constant right wing criticism of the president…isn’t it treasonous to try to undermine the president in time of crisis for purely political reasons? I think that this can be construed as giving aide and comfort to the enemy and making Putin’s position stronger by making the president look weak (not that he is weak)…what happened to the idea that was followed forever until these crazy-assed righties got to power that politics stopped at the waters edge? It just shows you that today’s right has no ideas in foreign policy that should even be listened to…their one and only idea is to use the military to attack no matter what the crisis…a one size fits all solution that fits the less than bright lights on the right…geez….

Obama derangement syndrome and the Ukraine..

Well…to hear the right howl and howl about the supposed inaction of the president on the Ukraine, you’d think he was drowning puppies or giving Putin Alaska to ensure he won’t invade. The only thing you need to remember, though, is this is just another instance of Obama derangement syndrome where the right will bitch about everything just because he is presidentin’ while black and, for the chicken hawks on the right, the only solution to any diplomatic problem is another war that will enrich themselves and their buddies in the war supplying business. One thing that pisses us off on the left is the fact that they call Obama weak because he is letting Putin push him around by not threatening war when ole GW let Putin invade Georgia and basically level the place….and without any squeak from the right saying that GW was weak….so, to me, these asses on the right have no standing to criticize when it is so nakedly political and devoid of any principle….geez…