Well…damn, what a difference a real president makes on the world stage…as Putin rattles his sabers and threatens Ukraine with an invasion if they don’t roll over for him and stop working with the west to guarantee their sovereignty, can you imagine what would be happening if the idiot boy was still in office? Yep, he would be rolling over for Putin and half of Ukraine would be Russian territory by now…but, Biden is not taking any of Putin’s bullshit and is working with NATO to respond to his threats with the only thing he understands…power…and we are making it clear what the cost will be if he does invade…the Russian economy will be crashed and it will cost him billions personally…and he won’t have a reconstituted USSR that is his real aim. I understand the people who are protesting and have sent letters to Biden opposing war in Ukraine, but appeasement of people like Putin just doesn’t work…and I think that Putin is thinking in terms of the previous guy who was so scared of everything and his administration was so incompetent that he could basically do whatever he wanted anywhere in the world with no consequences…and that is no longer true when you have a competent president who truly values our allies and works with them as a team to meet Putin’s blustering…no matter what China says….why they are supporting Putin on trying to stop NATO expansion, I don’t know but I think it is more a sharp stick in the eye to a newly muscular American foreign policy…and it costs China nothing as they try to extend their influence across the world…so, I think Biden is doing it right and I hope he keeps it up…
Tag Archives: Putin
Trump gets told to stand down by Putin…
Well…I’m sure by now you’ve see that gas prices went up by 43 cents a gallon today in response to the attack on a Saudi oil production facility that cut their output in half…and of course trump’s reaction is that the US is “locked and loaded” and waiting for the Saudis to tell him who to attack…which should be an impeachable offense right there…but a funny thing happened today when the Russians issued a statement essentially saying that heated rhetoric is not doing any good for peace in the mideast…and an hour later a spokesman for trump comes out and says that “locked and loaded” just meant that we are okay here in the US and don’t need to import any oil to meet our needs, not that we are going to attack anyone…kind of a funny coincidence that just after Putin says “heel” trump kisses his ass and does what he says. When are we going to get rid of this traitor? Now that you can see that trump is taking commands from Putin, what are you going to do about it repubs? For the millionth time, nothing….we may just as well just shut down the government and just let Putin run the US, too, since he is doing it anyway…geez…
trump embarrasses the US again…
Well…I’ll bet Putin is just laughing his ass off and grinning with his puppet trump’s performance at the NATO breakfast this morning..god, can the idiot boy get any more embarrassing to us? Showing his ignorance and stupidity, trump went off on Germany today calling them “captive of Russia” because they get 35% of their natural gas from Russia…and you could visibly see everyone else in the room cringe when idiot boy went off on his rant and when the adults in the room tried to correct his lies with facts, this moron just shouted them down and wouldn’t listen. This all plays into Putin’s goals of breaking up the EU and NATO and sowing discord that will reduce Europe’s power to contain Russia….goals that trump seems to gleefully embrace as he trashes our closet allies. I have a bit of advice for the friends we have left in the world, just frickin ignore trump and his minions and go your own way until we can get rid of this idiot…and that day is coming…just not soon enough…impeach…
Do not read anything that comes from RT…
Well…with all of the evidence that Russian media was part of the propaganda that lead to the installation of trump that is ruining this country, there are still many of these same outlets continuing to do damage by publishing slanted, lie filled news articles in support of trump. One of the worst is the Russian site RT, whose propaganda is constantly picked up and re-published by almost all of the right wing “news” sites. Just yesterday, RT published a story (that came up in my google newsstand feed) alleging that Obama had interfered in the investigation of Hillary’s e-mails, part of RT’s ongoing effort to undermine the Mueller investigation…and, none of it was true…Obama talked to the FBI, but it was to find out what they had on the Russian interference in our elections….not about e-mails or anything else. So, do not read anything that comes out of RT…everything they publish is what Putin wants people here to believe…and it is all lies….
Trump the weak…
Well…if you wanted to see the result of the weakest, most ignorant, and stupid president in the history of the country, you just have to look at the actions of Putin over the past few days where he deployed a new missile system that is specifically prohibited by treaty to go along with his invasion of the Ukraine. Where is the tough guy trump who said that none of this would happen under his watch? As the idiot trump fiddles, the rest of the world has his measure and is taking advantage of his stupidity….across the globe, every country has seen that trump is just an idiot and they are going it alone since they know there is no US leadership with trump in charge…..this is who you voted for repubs…in less than one month trump has made the US much less safe and much less respected in the world…cripes even Iran is laughing at him…and Yemen, and Germany, and Russia, and the list goes on….repubs, impeach this idiot before he does even more damage….
Trumps’s buddy Putin…
Well…I guess today we know what ole Trump thinks is a “strong leader” when he describes Putin…a “strong leader” that sends missiles into the Ukraine and orders a passenger plane with 300 people on board shot down just because it was flying over the country. That is the conclusion of an international investigation that was released yesterday…that the Russian government sent the missile launcher into Ukraine and on the orders of the Russian government, launched the missile that destroyed the plane…then recalled the launcher back to Russia. This is standard fare for Putin and if Trump were to be elected, the green light will be on for Putin to ramp up his terrorism in the former states of the Soviet Union…since it has been his stated goal to reconstitute it and put those countries back under Russian control…and when you know that, you know why Trump has been attacking NATO, the only protection these states have from Russia and Putin. Never in the history of our country has a presidential candidate spouted support for a violent dictator and told him that “if I am elected, go ahead and subjugate anyone you want, I won’t do anything about it”. Trump needs to explain…but never will….geez…
Putin and Hitler….
Well…as I said this morning, I had a flash the other day when I was watching a show on the Third Reich and they showed how Hitler used the supposed abuse of ethnic Germans in Poland as a pretext for invading the country…he did it to keep them “safe”. That immediately brought to mind Putin’s statements when he invaded Crimea to annex it that he was going there to “protect” the Russians that were living there…and he has used the same ploy for the attacks in the rest of the Ukraine. The repubs constantly compare everything they don’t like to Hitler…I wonder if any of them will do the same for their buddy, Putin? Not very likely…geez….