Well…I am shaking my head on how some of the idiots on the right are still walking around free since they seem so crazy…starting with the out that asked the governor of Mass whether the bombings in Boston were a “false flag” operation staged by the government as a pretense to strip everyone of their civil liberties….yep, not making that up…and then we have ole Louie Gohmert of Texas saying the other day that we should hold up immigration reform since al queda has camps all along the Texas border and are training their operatives to “act like Hispanics” now, I’m not sure what acting like a Hispanic is, and I’m sure ole Louie doesn’t either but it just shows that these guys will use any tragedy to try to further their crazy-assed conspiracy theories…and the strange thing is that no one is calling them out on it….especially since there is absolutely no proof that there are camps along the border or any false flag nonsense either. And, now, as of this morning the repubs are going to shoot down any gun reform…even the watered down, loophole ridden bill that is trying to get through the senate even though 90% of the people in the country want it to happen…what a craven bunch of assholes the repubs are…and this last one shows how bought and paid for they are…keep it up repubs….you’ll be gone in two years….geez….
Tag Archives: republicans
I know I need to do a political one…
Well…have gotten distracted with it being warm enough to go out on the bike in just a t-shirt today and then it was the car that was calling me…and now, I’m going back to the hardware store to try to find a screw for the sunvisor…but, I will be back for a political one in about an hour…
Okay..decided to not go and look for the screw so I’m back here…I am just laughing about the repubs efforts at “re-branding” themselves in all areas, from womens rights to gay rights, voter suppression…etc. when you have an idiot like one of ours here in Michigan, the former congresscrud Agema who went off about “the gays” on his facebook page using debunked statistics to try to make the point that, and here’s a whopper, that 50% of all murders committed in NYC were done by gays…just so laughably untrue…and he went on and on that gays are like alcoholics, that they have more diseases than the straight population…you get the picture…substitute black or jew for gay in any of his statements and we see how far they haven’t come…but, the worst part is that this piece of crap was not only not disavowed by the repub hierarchy, he was invited to the latest repub platform meetings and had all of his hateful nonsense written into the new party platform….so, the hate goes on but they just need to explain it better and everyone will hate? People like Agema…hell…people like most repubs were never taken seriously when I was a kid….why now? Who know? geez…
Are we in 1913 or 2013…
Well…I woke to a news story that makes me question if we are really in 2013….in NC, there are a group of students in a high school there who are trying to have an integrated prom for the first time ever…yep, in 2013 the racism still runs so strong in the south that in 2013, segregation is still acceptable and being taught to the children there. And, when the repub governor was asked to support these kids and their bid to end this nonsense, his only comment that it was a “Democrat stunt” and he was not going to comment or support the integration. I marvel at the hate and racism that still runs so strong in the repubs….even in this day and age….but, I am not surprised…especially with the latest meme from their side is that the “god fearing christians” are going to be rounded up and made to wear signs on their clothes since they oppose gay marriage, and then the next step is concentration camps…I am not making this up….what a bunch of maroons…geez…
Religion is no excuse for bigotry…
Well…have had this one rattling around in my head for a couple of days now and I’m still not sure if I can get it out and make any sense…it started with the latest gambit of the bigots on the right where they are playing the persecution card now that they have been called out on their bigotry towards gays…saying that they are just following their religion so that gives them a pass to be racists and bigots…that may be so within their religion but it doesn’t give them license to push their bigotry on the whole country. That is what they have been doing for years with DOMA, prop 8 in Cali, and the constitutional amendment here in Michigan that bans gay marriage. I, for one, am just damn sick and tired of having religion in the public sphere at all…why should my life and the lives of anyone be affected by silly assed writings done by a bunch of superstitious goatherders over 2,000 years ago….especially since all of them were cribbed from earlier writings…some from over 1500 years before Jesus was supposedly born. I have just one thing to say…if you want to live by the Bible or the teachings of the flying spaghetti monster, go ahead…just leave me out of it and stop trying to jam this crap down the throats of us who think…geez…
Meandering around…
Well…I have been trying to get a political one out here for a few days and have not had much luck…one thing I did want to comment on is a trend I see..or at least I hope I see..that the repubs have taken control of many states but, as they implement their radical reverse Robin Hood nonsense to reward their rich donors, destroy womens rights, and keep on hating the gays…people are starting to see then for what they are and it is not pretty…and most people are seeing that the “vision” of the repubs is not the vision they want. We just have to look at gun control and the obstructionism that the repubs are using to serve their masters in the NRA…over 90% of the people of this country want some form of background checks before a gun can be purchased and yet the repubs will not let that pass….exactly who are they representing? Here in Michigan we had CEO bonuses paid for by taxing the pensions of retirees and finally people are starting to try to do something about it….I really do hope that we can keep the groundswell going against this nonsense and just maybe we’ll have a country that we can be proud of again, one where everyone has the same rights and can freely exercise them…I have to hold on to that hope….
More fallout from Citizens United…
Well…you’ve heard me rail about the stupid CU decision by the SC many times here, and while the effect of unlimited money has not swayed national elections, if we take a look a little lower down into state elections, we can see where the real mischief is being done. Here in Michigan, you have the DeVoses who have bought themselves a legislature and with it their own pet right to work for less laws, and huge tax cuts for business while everyone else pays more…and the bit by bit dismantling of the public school system. In North Carolina…one man and the companies he is connected to gave over 80% of the money that was used to buy repubs seats in the legislature, and with those seats come laws that want to establish christianity as the state religion, right to work for less being enshrined in their constitution, more abortion restrictions along with the continued discrimination against anyone who is not a white, male, religious bigot. This is where we need to concentrate our efforts if we want to get back to a country that doesn’t spend it’s time and money taking away rights or preventing people from gaining those rights they are already entitled to….this crap just can’t be allowed to stand…geez…
Tennessee Republicans are bastards…
Well….I have been reading about this story for the better part of the week and I still can’t believe what I’ve seen…always looking for more ways to punish the less fortunate, the repubs in Tennessee have sunk to to the lowest low I have ever seen…this week, these assholes pushed two bills in the legislature that would punish kids of poor families who are on assistance by taking money away from the family if the child is struggling in school and doesn’t meet some arbitrary standard….yep, these pricks want to put whether the family eats or not on the performance of a 6,7, or 8 year old who is probably already doing poorly because of going to school hungry every day. What kind of a person would torture children this way? It is nothing less that child abuse being pushed by these son of a bitches and they should be ashamed of themselves and their continuing attacks on the disadvantaged…how can they live with themselves? Geez…
More gun registration nonsense..
Well..have been taking in the outright nuttiness from the right on background checks for gun purchasers and the fear…no, that’s not it…the paranoia that is oozing from these folks that background checks will lead to gun registries and then the government coming to get everyone’s guns to subjugate the populace. Man, how stupid are these people? First, in this age of social media, do these folks think that the start of gun confiscation could be kept secret? Second, who is going to go after the guns in a country the size of the US? If they mobilized every soldier, police office, and dog catcher, the process would take years and what would people be doing while this started? Just sitting in their houses waiting? From this bunch of wannabee Rambos? Third, why not just hide the damn things when they come for them? Is the government going to dig up every back yard in the country? I have had enough of these alarmist idiots being taken seriously…we do need sensible gun regulations just like we need financial regulations and the other regulations that help set the rules that make societies run….geez…
The crazy is strong in North Carolina…
Well….I have been thinking for a while now about doing a daily repub crazy contest but with the latest crazy coming out of the repubs in NC, it would take a long, long time to beat this one. In case you haven’t heard, the really crazy TP repubs in NC have proposed a new law that would establish a state religion (Christianity, of course) in NC and that would also, in their fevered brains, allow them to ignore any federal law or court ruling that they don’t like…proposing that the constitution does not apply to them…unless they can use the tenth amendment to nullify the rest of it. Yep, I’m not making this up…these idiots, in one breath, say that the constitution is not applicable there and they are going to ignore it…then, in the next try to use it to support their crazy. Nevermind that courts all over the country including the supreme court have ruled that federal law takes precedence over state law, and have affirmed in many, many cases that the first amendments establishment clause applies to every state. So, we have another case where ignorant repubs who have no clue what it means to govern are using the state government to push their crazy on the people of their state, not to mention enriching the law firms of their donors by hiring them to defend these blatantly unconstitutional laws….how much more of this crap do we have to listen to? Geez…
The real “death panels”…
Well…as I read more and more about the asshole repub governors who refuse to help the poor in their states by allowing the free expansion of Medicaid, a new study about the effects of this refusal caught my eye and the irony started to drip….in the study, the estimates of the effects of blocking Medicaid result in an extra 3,000 people dying each year in Texas who could easily be saved if they had access to healthcare. While we had the fake death panels that the repubs were so obsessed with in the last two elections, the repub governors are now sentencing thousands of real people to death just for some silly assed “principle” that the growth of the federal government has to be stopped by poor people…and if that means that some of them die, oh, well, they just don’t give a damn…and, if you multiply this by the 15 governors who have rejected the Medicaid expansion, the repubs are killing 45,000 Americans just because they are stupid pricks…that should be in every dem ad for the next season…what a bunch of crap…geez…