Well…as you know, I am amazed that Jennifer Rubin still has a job at the Washington Post and she showed again today why she shouldn’t. With every column being nothing but regurgitation of repub talking points, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when she spouts the latest one…that Obama’s recovery in the economy is not what he promised. Okay…let me get this straight…the right does everything they can to make sure that a fact based response to the downturn will be unsuccessful by their relentless carping on the deficit and making sure that the stimulus was too small, and now you have ole Jennifer bitching that the recovery isn’t better? The only thing I have to say to that is: get the hell out of the way and let serious, non-fanatic, people do their jobs instead of cheering for America to fail. Just like Rush and the rest of the idiots on the right…just shut the hell up and let the adults run the government…geez…
Okay…that one sounded better in my head than it did after I wrote it…I’ll try to do better next time…
Well…it’s the start of the month and I have been trying all morning to work up some outrage about some topic but I’m just not having any luck….the repubs are just being themselves…and I wonder why they always have to play the blame game instead of doing their jobs? Like ole Boehner this morning going on and on about the jobs numbers and it being Obama’s fault that the economy is not growing faster and creating more jobs. But, what does he offer? Where are the concrete proposals, based in fact, that would get the economy growing faster? Where is the action on Obama’s job bill that economists agree would create millions of jobs? Nowhere. The only thing the repubs have to offer is more spending cuts and more tax cuts…neither of which will do anything to make the economy grow and, in fact, are the exact opposite of what should be done. I guess all I have left to say to Boehner and the rest of the repubs is “get to work making the economy better”….but they’re not listening…they never do…geez…
Well…I wonder if the repubs in congress are getting whiplash from changing their positions so rapidly on government spending? With the new numbers out yesterday that showed that the economy contracted by .1 percent over the last quarter, the repubs are in full howl that they are right with their new position that we should cut more spending…never mind that during the campaign, they ran on the idea that the automatic sequester, that they agreed to, would push the economy back into recession. The consensus from real economists is that the contraction was caused by the huge cut in defense spending that happened over the last quarter…down almost 22% due to getting ready for the cuts to come if the sequester remains in place. What I find really funny about this whole thing is that the repubs did not believe any of the numbers coming out of the administration over the course of the campaign when they showed that the economy was growing and unemployment was falling…but now the repubs seize on this “government” number and loudly proclaim that they have leverage now for more spending cuts….can these folks get any more stupid? They keep trying…and succeeding…to the detriment of the rest of America…geez…
Oh…kind of buried the lead there…Keynes was right…cutting spending in a time of near recession will lead to lower growth….but the repubs don’t believe in facts…or Keynes….
Well…I am really quite amused with the outrage..outrage, I tell ya, that is coming out of the repub party in response to the Obama win and the inaugural address where he laid out the progressive path forward that the electorate voted for in November. He ran on some very clear progressive principles like having the rich pay their fair share, protection of social security and the rest of the safety net and now he has the gall to try to give the electorate what they voted for? That is one of the big problems with the liars on the right…they think everyone lies like they do and they can’t even fathom that someone would keep promises that were made; that everyone are the venal, amoral crazies that they are…and I think they get it from the false equivilancy that has been pushed in the news media over the past 20 years or so that equate the parties as being just mirror images from the left and right. That’s why I laughed so hard at the surprise that ole Paul Ryan exhibited on the Sunday shows this weekend…never mind that he changed his positions three times in 5 minutes; showing the utter lack of principles the idiot has…it is the surprise that any politician would keep their promises to the country that revealed what an utter empty vessel this supposed “brain” of the repub party is….keep it up Paul…things get better for us every time you open your mouth…geez…
Well…if you were here yesterday, you know about the Koch fueled push to change how electoral college votes are awarded to try to rig the election for the repubs….the reason that the repubs in Virgina are using to justify this blatant attempt to steal presidential elections is so damn funny that I just had to do another one dealing with it. One of the idiot repubs there explains that the areas with less population are feeling that their votes aren’t counting as much as the urban areas…yep, that’s right, this idiot is proposing that a town or rural area with a few thousand voters should count the same as the urban areas that have millions of voters…oh, and the area with millions of voters are the scary “urban” voters that the repubs don’t feel are “real” Americans…or, more likely, won’t vote for the batshit crazy repubs. That is what apportioning electoral votes by congressional district would do….it would mean that the white, rural areas of states with less than half the votes would still control how many and to who the electoral votes would go to. What else are these guys going to do to destroy our democracy? One of the things these short sighted, amoral asses just don’t get is that they have just handed our side the best issue we could have hoped for for the 2014 elections…just imagine the ads that will be run against the repubs that are doing this nonsense…especially since more than 80% of the American people are dead against this kind of shenanigan….please proceed….geez…
Well…not sure if you’ve heard of the latest outrage by the repubs across the country and their continuing push to rig elections by any means possible, starting with the gerrymandering of congressional districts, various methods of voter suppression, and now trying to rig the electoral college so even if their candidate loses by as big of a margin as ole Mitt did, he would still be president. This latest, nasty little trick by the Koch’s and ALEC, seeks to change the way electoral votes are awarded from the winner take all method in most states, to apportioning them by congressional districts that the repubs have already rigged. If you need any evidence of the seriousness of these proposed changes, you just have to look at our state of Michigan where Obama won by 9% but with the new scheme, the majority of the electoral votes would have gone to ole Mitt. An analysis I saw yesterday that was done on the national level found that if the votes were awarded as the repubs propose, even though Obama won by almost 6 million votes, ole Mitt would have won the election. How much more un-American can you get? But, that is the repubs pattern, wave the flag to distract people and then steal elections by any way they can. In all of my long life, I have never seen a party, other than in the Soviet Union, that would go so far to rig an election that they wouldn’t win on their ideas…these guys should be arrested…oh, one last thing…it is being proposed here in Michigan by the same folks that brought you right to work for less and guns in the schools…geez…
Well…just got the new shifter for the bike in the mail and have been working on it for a while trying to get it installed and adjusted…I did have one revelation in the process…it helps to read the instructions….okay…as the title says: I’m not sure about this one…I know it will be political later but right now I am getting ready to go out and shoot pool with Tom…and the car is running so I guess I should get dressed and get out the door…there is a lot of nonsense going on in Washington today especially with Hillary testifying in Congress and tearing these know nothing hacks a new one…fun to watch…back in a while…
Well….watched most of the inaugural speech and thought it was much more liberal than I expected…and I hope it signals a more assertive Obama that has learned that reaching out to the right and treating their crazy-assed ideas as if they have merit is the wrong path. They are never going to work with him anyway so why not push the agenda that more than 60% of the country wants…raising taxes on the rich and protecting the programs that we paid for over our lifetimes. The response from the right was a predictable as the sun rising…they bitch because he never mentioned compromising with the hostage takers on the right…they bitch because the speech is too partisan…they bitch because he uses the speech to tell the truth about gays, the economy, and the environment…and they just generally bitch because he is not Mitt Romney….and that really makes me smile. I’ve had enough of trying to compromise with the right when their idea of compromise is that all of us in the center and on the left just roll over and let them ruin this country with their Randian nonsense….and I was especially happy that Obama drove a stake into the heart of the “makers vs. takers” meme that the repubs have been pushing for way too many years. Now, I just want Obama to live up to the speech and do the things that the people want…that’s what winning elections is about.
Well…I have been waiting for a couple of weeks to work on this one…hoping that the whole thing would die down and be just a bad dream…but, it appears to be even worse than I expected so I need to say something about it. As you know, the repubs lost big in the last election even with all of their efforts to suppress the votes across the country….and since the voter id crap and restricting voting hours didn’t work, we now have the Koch brothers pet organization, ALEC, you know, the guys behind the stand your ground laws that make it legal to murder, figuring out ways to make sure that repubs can win in the electoral college by rigging how the votes are apportioned…going from winner takes all in most states to proportional awarding of the votes…by some formula that would always favor the repubs. In fact, here in Michigan, with the new way of dividing the votes would have given 9 of the 16 votes to Romney where Obama won the state by almost 9 points. That’s the repubs idea of democracy in action…they can’t compete on ideas since the country has moved on past them, but their thirst for power has them willing to subvert the very democracy they say they revere…but that is the repubs…no honor, no honesty, and no intelligence…geez…
Well…I am just sitting here shaking my head about the deterioration of the repub party into one that is mesmerized by tactics that they feel are winners but that the American people don’t. The latest in this unending series of crises of their own making is the idea floated by the idiot Eric Cantor to raise the debt ceiling for only three months, thinking they can then use it again to try to extort budget cuts in the future. What I don’t understand is why they think it will work in three months when it’s not working now? Again, the definition of stupidity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting different results and that is exactly what is on display here…the abject stupidity of the repub “leadership” who think that confrontation and extortion are the same as governance…as much as I questioned the intelligence of the American people when they continue to vote for these morons, poll results giving the repubs in congress a single digit approval rating show that the people are finally recognizing that the repubs are the problem, not the solution for this country…and none too soon…geez…