Well…with what is going on across the country today where the repubs are blatantly denying people their right to vote, the one thing you need to remember is who is doing it…in ALL cases it is the repubs that control the voting process in their states…these guys know they can’t win fair and square so they are doing everything they can to fix the election and steal it for Romney…but this is just the latest in the pattern of the repubs cheating every system they come into contact with…cheating to get their kids into the best schools, cheating to allow their cronies in the financial industry to steal money from the rest of us, and cheating to try to make sure the middle class has no voice in their work life by attacking the only voice they have left…membership in unions. So, the one thing you need to remember is which party is the cheater…and it IS the repubs..geez…
Tag Archives: republicans
Let’s talk jobs…
Well…have the car torn down and I’m waiting for the new radiator to arrive (it’s on a truck somewhere here in GR) so I thought I’d do a short one on the subject of jobs that the repubs think is going to be a winning issue for them…and again, these numbers point to the boiling pot of hypocrisy that is the modern repub party. Today, Think Progress came out with a neat little comparison of the jobs added to this point in both ole GW’s first term and those added under Obama…and it is not a pretty picture for GW…at this time in his first term, there were almost 1.2 million jobs lost…yep, that’s right, lost…while in Obama’s first term there has been a net gain of almost 800,000 jobs….a 2 million job difference that is all the more amazing considering that there were 2 million jobs lost in the first month of Obama’s term. So, the next time you hear that the repubs are “job creators”, remember these numbers and shake your head…just more of the lies, lies, lies that ooze from the modern repubs…geez…
The no values party…
Well…I find the contortions that ole Mitt is doing to try to make himself palatable to the general public really laughable…or, I would if the shape-shifting wasn’t such a dangerous thing….what message does it send to the world and the bad actors in it on foreign policy? If they just wait long enough, that a new policy that they will like is tried? This kind of crap just emphasizes the cynicism that runs rampant through today’s modern repub party…that even the tea partiers and their rigidity on their supposed “American Values” don’t have one word to say when ole Mitt abandons the party’s principles and platform to try to get votes…these supposed values must not mean too much to them…at least not as much as power does, the power to imposed their views on the entire country when all the polls show we don’t want what they are selling. The lack of any core values combined with the embracing of public lying is the biggest threat to this country that we face…geez…
Another inconvenient fact for the Republicans…
Well…with the new attack on Obama on the oil lease nonsense, they are again lying through their teeth as I explained a couple of days ago, but the new, inconvenient fact that the repubs don’t want to talk about is the trend in domestic oil and gas production. Over the past four years (you remember those years of the over regulatin’, socialist president) oil and gas production in the US has soared and is on pace to rise another 7% this year…if these trends continue, the US will be the largest producer of oil in the world in just a couple of years…surpassing even Saudi Arabia. So, either the regulations didn’t have any effect on rising production or they actually spurred more oil and gas production…either one just blows apart another lie by the repubs…maybe the truth will win…at least it looks like it has gotten up off the canvas and is ready to go a couple more rounds…
Let’s climb down from the ledge….
Well…there has been much consternation from the good guys that Obama has not been able to pull away in the polls with Romney being exposed for the shallow idiot that he is…and plenty of us have been on the ledge, ready to jump…but there was a good article that just came across Twitter from the WAPO today that does the right math, the electoral math, not the popular vote math the repubs are pushing. In the popular vote, ole Mitt has been crowing that all he needs to win is 50.1% of the vote to become president, again exposing that he is just not too bright…when we look at the electoral math and map… even with being tied, Obama has almost 240 votes that are essentially locked in of the 270 needed for election while ole Mitt has around 190…of the 110 left, Obama only needs to win 30 more but ole Mitt needs around 80 to get the job done…basically, he would have to run the table and take all of the remaining votes, something that does not look possible with the leads that Obama has in many of those states. So, climb down from the ledges folks, it still looks good for the good guys and with today’s new rape controversy sparked by another stupid repub…it will look even better tomorrow…especially since ole Mitt just did and ad for this idiot. Geez…
I think my brain has stopped working…
Well…I’m not sure what the heck the problem is with me lately, but I have been having real problems getting to these and having something to say…but, I have been blocked before and I’m sure I will be again…so, let’s go…I just love the word mendacity and I have been getting to use it a lot lately when I have been describing the repubs and their actions…from voter suppression to just bald faced lies in the debates across the country, I have never seen a party that is so far distanced from the truth…the latest example comes from the senate debate in Montana where the repub candidate denied vehemently that he voted to turn Medicare into a voucher program….the only problem was that he did…and it was in the congressional record…but with these guys, it just doesn’t matter, they just move on and their supporters don’t seem to mind they are being lied to….maybe it’s just not my brain that has stopped working…maybe everyone’s has…geez…
A short comparison..
Well…there are so many things that people need to remember for the election in three weeks…I’ll list a few of them here..first what party wants to give more tax cuts to the rich and pay for them by taxing the middle class? Yep, you guessed it, the repubs…second, who wants to take away a woman’s right to control her body and her healthcare? Yay…you got two right, the repubs, of course…Who is the party that is doing it’s best to make sure your neighbors and mine can’t vote? Three for three, the repubs…the last one is just a general thing…who are the people who lie like rugs every time the open their mouths? That’s 100%…the repubs again…how can this election even be close? Geez….
The Republicans are the problem…
Well…I have been thinking about the erosion of faith in public institutions and, listening to and reading the news as much as I do, there is one inescapable conclusion to be drawn…the repubs are the problem. From the obstructionism in the repub controlled house that has not passed a jobs bill in the past two years but have voted to repeal Obamacare over 30 times…to the incessant questioning of statistics that don’t go their way, these folks are undermining the American way of life as much as any terrorist can….and now, today it was announced that there is going to be an investigation in the drop in the unemployment percentage that happened last week since ole Rush and his ilk “know” that the books have to be cooked since the “gut feel” of people like Jack Welch just tells them the number is wrong. How about this: instead of investigations, why don’t the repubs just look at the math and ensure that the methodology of the calculation is the same as it has always been…something I’m sure they will find is true…but no, that would be too easy and you can’t attack the president or get media coverage looking at a math problem…or maybe it is the fact that they don’t believe in math at all…after all, these are the folks that are building a faith based budget that has no basis in reality…and people are buying it…geez…
Still in shock….
Well…I am still in shock about the debate…and the new meme from the right that says it didn’t matter that ole Mitt lied his butt off…he just looked better doing it…and we are two days later and the polls haven’t moved so I look at it as a mulligan for Obama…but he’d better do better at the next one or I will lose more respect for him. I am just struck how the repubs have no meaning to the words they say…and how the media allows them to just keep changing their stances on everything on almost daily basis…and I did laugh out loud today when the commenters on the right went through the roof about the good job numbers that came out being convinced that the dems are “cooking” the numbers to win the election…and all I have to say about that is “project much?” When they are in power, that’s what the right does because they don’t believe in facts but the dems take the numbers for what they are good or bad…I think the repubs have destroyed this country with their continued assault on the institutions that make this country work…you don’t get to pick and choose your numbers…geez…
Republican voter fraud…
Well…if it wasn’t such a serious subject, I’d be laughing my butt off about the latest news of repub voter fraud…this time, a company the repubs hired to do voter registration in Florida was found to be submitting fake forms and just making people up…now, this is bad enough but what are going to do with the fakes they have submitted? Is the next shoe that is going to drop that they have hired fake folks to use these registrations to fraudulently vote? I find this whole voter fraud thing to be the worst sort of projection by the repubs…they can’t find any real fraud so they are creating it so they can point to it and say aha? Then we have a Florida house member that has tried to pull the same crap that Bolger and Schmidt tried here in Michigan…running fake candidates as dems but the guy in Florida even went so far to run the fake dems campaign and then promise him a job in his office when he loses. I wonder if this is part of the play book that the repubs have gotten from ALEC? These guys know that in a fair election they are going to lose so they are lying and cheating again…or I should say still…geez…