Well…the tanned one had his Marie Antoinette moment this morning when he was asked if the cuts he is proposing will mean the loss of jobs in the USA….and his answer was ‘so be it” that he doesn’t care that these cuts will potentially cost a million jobs and has the real possibility of plunging the country back into recession. I’m sure you can see his reasoning here which is the reasoning of the repub party….keep the economy bad and unemployment high and the repubs take back the White House in 2012. Another example that the repubs don’t care a bit about you or I…but Boehners case has a nice little twist to it…he’s perfectly happy to cut jobs anyplace but his home state of Ohio, where he is using the earmark process to continue a spare jet engine that no one else wants…not the pentagon or anyone else wants this bit of wasteful spending to continue…but Boehner does since the engine is being made in Ohio and continuing it will protect 7,000 jobs and his re-election status next year….can anyone say pork, pork, pork? Geez….
Tag Archives: John Boehner
Here comes the Christian Taliban….
Well…okay, the title is a little hyperbole and I know that most Christians are not the murderers that the Taliban are, but they are so similar on the way that they want to control the women and ideas in their societies that I have to make that comparison if only to raise the big red flag and wave it like a crazy person. This is what we have to look forward to with the idiots who’ve been voted into office…
First, we have Boehner and Cantor, with the prodding of one of the right wing religious blogs threatening to withhold funding for the Smithsonian because of what one person found “objectionable”, never mind that in the months the display was there no one, not one person, complained that the exhibit was inappropriate. The display in question has a short film (all of 14seconds) of a decayed crucifix with ants crawling over it and this one person, with the help of Fox news, got the head of the museum to withdraw the display. Doesn’t anyone see the parallel here between the conservative Muslims threatening to kill anyone who makes an image of Muhammed and conservative Christians threatening to kill an organization for art that steps on the toes of Christianity? There will be more of this to come….I will predict that right now with 100% certainty.
The second harbinger of doom I can’t attribute right now since I can’t remember what rep it was who said it…I’ll look for it and amend later but I wanted to get his idea down first…but one of the new repub chairs of a house committee said this week that his primary focus was going to be on getting stronger restrictions on a women’s rights; going after Roe V. Wade to make abortion and other women’s health issues (like contraception) much more difficult for women to cover in the new healthcare law. I’m not making this up folks….they just want to take us back to the culture wars that have made such a huge divide in our country just so they can get what they want from their base and force the non-religious and those of other faiths to heed their religion; sounds like an organization that starts with a “T” a little doesn’t it? ….geez….
I don’t get the media…
Well…as you are aware, the narrative that the media has taken up about the mid-term elections is that it is going to be a landslide for the repubs and Boehner is already working with lobbying groups since it is all but assured that he will be speaker of the house when the election is over. Let’s just wait a minute before we anoint the tanned one as the winner….what the media is reporting was the Gallup poll from last week that showed that a general repub candidate was almost 11% ahead of the general Dem one. But where is the reporting on the same Gallup poll from this week that shows the two general candidates in a dead heat at 46% each? Where are the stories about the erosion of this huge repub lead? Where are the stories that the ideas that Obama has set forth in speeches in the last week have started to gain traction with the electorate? Why has the media become so lazy that once they have a story they can lead with, they stay with that story and it becomes the general wisdom that is unchanging?
We all have to remember that in August of 2008, McCain led Obama by about the same 11% as the general repub candidate led by last week…and that McCain’s lead started to evaporate just as quickly. So let’s not write the epitaph for the Dems just yet; you and I still have to vote and if we all get out I think there can be a surprise for the conventional wisdom in November.
Finally some fire…
Well…just a short comment on the speeches that Obama gave over the last week…it’s about damn time! It’s about time he finally stood up and said enough to the repub smear machine and called them out on the economy. What was Boehner’s response? More tax cuts and slashing spending is all the economy needs to get going again…and believes that the policies that did not work for the 8 years when the Bushies were in power have magically changed and will work now. If the Dems can’t beat these know nothings, they deserve to lose and if Obama can’t clearly relate the differences between the Dems and repubs and highlight the good work that has been done; maybe he doesn’t deserve our support anymore. But, then, I put my thinking hat back on, tamp down the emotions, and remember what this country was like when the repubs were running the show and objectively see that the Dems couldn’t screw this country up as much as the repubs if they try….and, at least they have the integrity to not try….geez…
Boehner’s still an idiot…
Well…who is the right and their point man, John Boehner, going to attack next? Mom? Apple Pie? The latest in his daily string of craziness was to go off on federal workers; spouting the lies that federal employees make more than ones with comparable jobs in the private sector. When do the lies stop working? When are we as a country going to stand up and tell these guys that they have to have more in their heads than their warped opinions, that we will no longer listen to the demagogues when they blatantly distort the facts for political gain. The facts in the case are that many non-partisan studies have been done comparing private and public sector pay and invariably find that the private sector workers make more.
Why this attack on his fellow Americans? People who just want to do their jobs don’t need to be demonized by this idiot and his fellow repubs and their lie that federal workers are overpaid is a direct extension of their tactics over the years to attack the middle class. The ironic thing here is that this moron IS a federal employee and the 195K+ he makes makes him one of the highest paid of them all…geez….
It’s extortion by any other name…
Well…John Boehner has sunk to a new low even for him and the rest of the repubs….in a speech he gave a few days ago, this idiot put forth the proposition that the reason that business is sitting on the sidelines in the faltering recovery is the uncertainty about what regulations my be imposed in the future. He even suggested that Obama fire his entire economic team because of the lagging pace of job creation since they’ve had a whole 19 months to do it. Really, John? After you and your repub buddies had 8 years to screw it up and had a net job creation when you were in control of zero…that’s right…zero net jobs added. And now you’re urging your business cronies to sit on their hands unless you get what you want…that is to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and less regulation for business. By anyone’s definition this is just a blatant case of extortion and you should be ashamed that you put your status as a lap dog for business ahead of a nation that is suffering.
What do you offer that is new; that is different than your policies that ruined the economy? Why are you waiting to do something until after the election? If this crisis is so urgent, (and I believe it is) why aren’t you working with the administration to help get the jobs engine going again? Why aren’t you talking to your business cronies and asking them to help get the engine going? Stop the political posturing and tanning and get your butt to work helping America get going again…until you do, shut the hell up and leave us alone….geez…
It’s the Boehner and King show….
Well…I hope you looked at the news yesterday to hear the latest from the repubs…I would laugh if I didn’t think there are people out there that are listening to this crap. First, there was Boehner, holding a new conference to propose that we have a moratorium on any new federal regulations to give companies some “breathing room” to make huge profits and take chances that ruin our environment and economy. The only thing I could think of when I saw the news conference was that he was just checking off a box that his owners told him to so he could get the next payment from the financial industry and BP. How can he stand there with a straight face and say that not regulating the oil industry, financial industry, and insurance industry is in the best interests of regular Americans? This is what you get if you elect repubs this fall….
Then, there is Peter King, I think a house member from Pennsylvania, whe was on a talk show the other day and he revealed that the repub strategy for the fall elections is to not tell anyone what their plans or platform is going to be….and he even admitted they would get destroyed in the media if they said they are going back to tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts, and giving the country back to big business.
Doesn’t any of this trouble you? It should since they are advocating returning to the policies that got us into this big hole we are in…geez…..
More Boehner…..
Well…in the last post, I neglected to mention another wonderful statement that came out of Boehner’s mouth today….another jaw-dropper that is breathtaking in its obtuseness…he stated that reforming the financial regulations that the Dems have been working on, regulations (or lack of them) that allowed the worst meltdown and recession in 8o years is like “killing an ant with a nuclear weapon”.
Oh, really, John? How did all that de-regulatin’ work out for the country? How many people are out of work because of you and your ilk whose only allegiance is to the corporations that buy your votes to stack the deck against ordinary folks?
Are you stupid or do you just not care what you say? Oh, that’s right, the repubs don’t care what they say because most of it is lies or comes form the little voices in their heads….
I’ve been working very hard to not be angry all the time about everything, and my friends can see I’ve had some success; but when I see this stuff from any public figure who is cynically using his position for the personal gain of his business friends…I can’t stay silent…I hope you can’t either…geez…
Those heartless bastards..
Okay folks..if you had any doubt of what the GOP is all about, all you have to do is open your ears and eyes and listen to the new assaults on the middle class that they have proposed in the last couple of days…first you have George Will (I know, not a legislator but he is a defacto leader and one of the “brightest” brains of the repubs) saying that there should be no more extensions of unemployment benefits for anyone since “doing so will just encourage people to stay unemployed”. Okay George, who in their right mind would chose to lose their house, medical benefits, and everything else they’ve worked for just to get a measley 300 dollars a week? Where the hell are those jobs they are not taking? I’d really like to know since I could use one as could many other people I know..one who is going to lose his house because you and your repub buddies are so worried now about the deficit. Where were you when you and all of your rich, repub cronies were getting millions in tax cuts that you knew were going to put the country in the red and you didn’t care…you got yours so the hell with everyone else.
And now we have Boehner today saying that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be paid for by pushing the eligibility for social Security back to 70 and then means testing for anyone to get any money at all. Now, you know how these guys are about taxes, doesn’t he realize this is one of the largest tax increases in history if his plan is followed? Oh, but is not a tax on his beloved corporations but on the middle class so that is okay in his eyes. It is just another way to minimize the importance of Social Security and for the repubs to get what has been their goal since the 30′s; the elimination of any and all safety nets for everyday people…just listen to their senate candidate from Nevada, Sharron Angle, who has stated that Social security should be eliminated and everyone should be on their own.
I sit here amazement that anyone listens to George Will or John Boehner anymore…they are despicable people that need to go away and take their ideas with them….geez….