Tag Archives: Obama

New stuff or old stuff?

Well…have been sitting here trying to figure out some new stuff to say but have only come up with snippets that wouldn’t make a whole one of these so this one is going to be a little disjointed…okay, most of these are a little disjointed but that’s my “style” and I’m sticking by that….forgot to mention this morning that the snow totals for this year here in GR are 4 feet more than last year…yep, 4 feet more than the 37 inches of last year and we still have more than a month of winter left to go…might be a record year if we get 15 more inches…I still can’t believe we’ve gotten 85 inches of snow this year…no wonder I’m so depressed…is this old or new stuff? Not sure…but I have been following the debt ceiling fight…another one of those? Yep, here we go again but this time the repubs have figured out that they are not going to be able to hold it hostage and crash the economy to try to jerk the country even farther to the right…and have given up before the fight began…but, ole Boehner has tried to save face by saying he won’t give Obama immigration reform this year to spite him….yeah, spite away, John…are you guys so stupid that you don’t recognize that every time you pull this crap of trying to hurt people it comes back to bite you in the ass? Yeah, they really, really, are…oh, and one last thing…the deficit is down to 1/3 of what it was when Obama took office….yep, this big spending, communist has reduced the deficit more than any repub president in the last 30 years…and he is still a socialist…I say, give me more socialism is that’s what it looks like…geez…

Here’s another problem with the right…

Well…not sure if you watched the interview that Obama did with ole Billo before the SB, but I thought Obama did a good job at stabbing at the premise of Fox news and the fact that the “scandals” they report on are mostly only scandals since they are the ones pushing them as scandals. One of the inferences that has been made on Fox news for quite a while now is that Obama must have know what was going on in some IRS office in Cleveland and probably even was in on planning who was to get audited by that office…even though there is no paper trail or any person saying that he was…and, what president would have time for that? Then, of course, the right then goes on to complain that, if he didn’t know what was going on, he should resign since he is a bad president by not knowing. Got that logic? Okay, now let’s look at the reaction of the right to Christie’s shenanigans in NJ….and the theme that comes through all of theĀ  right’s reaction is that of course he couldn’t have had anything to do with it…after all, he said he didn’t and that should be good enough for anyone…and how dare you question anything a repub does? So, Obama should resign for something some far-removed subordinate did but Christie should stay in office for something his inner circle did….yep, doesn’t make much sense but the right never does…they always feel that they can do whatever they want even if it is against the law, but if they even think in their fevered brains that a dem might have, could have, or thought about doing the same things, they should be lined up and shot…what must it be like to live in one of those fevered brains? Don’t want to find out….geez…


Well…with the improvement of the ACA website and the spate of good news stories coming out, we just knew that there would be another shiny object that the right and Fox “news” would trot out to keep their rabid followers salivating on how bad Obama is…the latest, as you can see from the snark headline above, is the fact that Obama shook Raul Castro’s hand at the funeral for Mandela. Now, is this the next impeachable offense that the tea partiers will bring to the House? Look, this is one of the stupidist controversies that I can remember the right pushing…well, no, all of them are stupid, but these folks think that no one remembers history anymore…like maybe Nixon shaking Mao’s hand? Or Cheney fawning all all over Saddam? Or Eisenhower shaking Khruschev’s hand? These guys on Fox seem like they just aren’t trying anymore…if you have to gin up a controversy over a handshake, it just means they have nothing…and never have…geez…

Of course they hate the Iran deal…

Well…after the announcement of the deal with Iran to slow down their nuclear program, of course the right comes out hating any idea of talking to the Iranians since they have been just itching for another war somewhere…they couldn’t get one in Syria and now it appears they won’t get on in Iran, either. So, their masters won’t get to replace their billions of dollars in war material that won’t be used and that just pisses them off…after all, what did they purchase legislators for? Now, what the hell is John McCain going to talk about on the Sunday shows? I just don’t understand why war is preferable to talking to the right…I think they do have ODS…Obama Deranagement Syndrome….and they are just unable to think in any terms but “if Obama did it, it must be bad” or to take the longer view that this is certainly better in the long run than destroying another country just because we can…we just need to let the adults in the room do their jobs and maybe get what we want, and for the Iranians to get what they want…is that so wrong? It’s just part of the whole mindset of the right that there is no win-win…there are only winners and losers and if we compromise at all, we are the losers…stupid…but that is the repubs these days…geez….

I’m confused…

Well…here comes the new meme of the day from the right wing wingnuts…that because Obama got Syria to give up it’s chemical weapons without firing a shot, it makes him look weak and because he is weak (in their minds), he now will go along with defunding Obamacare. What the hell planet are these nuts living on? In any rational mind (which means none on the right), getting what you want through talking and diplomacy is much preferable to using military force and killing a bunch of innocent civilians…but the right thinks that there is only one response to any crisis…bomb them! But, the funny thing here that exposes the pure, unadulterated hatred the right has for Obama is that they were for bombing Syria until Obama came out for it…then, they immediately changed to be opposed to it….I, for one, feel that diplomacy was and is the right choice in this situation, that there is nuance and subtlety that can work wonders if you have an administration that understands it. That does not describe ole Gw’s time in office…they had an outcome they wanted and then faked the info until they had a reason to attack….something that still should subject those folks to the law….I can’t wait to see how this one plays out…geez…

I was right….

Well…if you look back a few days, you will see my take on what should be done on Syria…basically to use diplomacy to twist some arms and throw around a few rewards to get this problem solved without using the military…and, guess what? That’s just what Obama and Kerry have been doing getting Russia to put some pressure on Syria to give up their chemical weapons to international supervision without a shot being fired…but I do think the idea of the war talk and Obama twisting some arms in congress to get the authorization really did put Assad on notice that the game was up and that there was going to be change…maybe this is the eleventy dimension chess that some on the left think Obama is capable of…I’m not sure if that is what happened here, but it appears we are farther from attacking than we were a week ago and that is progress in my book….geez…

Not sure what to do…

Well…as you can probably tell…I have been struggling with a case of writers block or whatever it is when the ideas just don’t come…but, with over 2500 of these done, that just doesn’t make sense. I did want to comment on Syria a little bit…I do like the idea that there are some deliberations going on instead of just the knee-jerk use force reaction that has passed for foreign policy lately…not sure where it is going, though, when the WH says that they are not bound by any decision of congress…weird…why do it then?

The true nature of the repubs in Texas was clarified over the weekend when they refused to sign their LGBT National Guard up for the benefits that the Pentagon has said they qualify for after the demise of DOMA….basically saying that the bigoted hatred of gays trumps the service that these soldiers have done…so, the next time anyone on the right says they support the troops, think “they support the troops if they are heterosexual” and tell them to go to hell…okay…not feeling it right now so I am going to go and then come back later for more…I am one down already for the month…

Good move on Syria…

Well…finally got to the last one for the month…wanted to get it done before the Michigan game comes on in a half hour…I find the president finally doing the right thing on Syria…going to congress for approval even though this congress hates him…this move will do a couple of things that I like..first, it takes away the right’s ability to criticize him for any decision he makes…either getting them on board to agree with any attack…or, Obama will be able to use their refusal for cover and not attack…either way the politics works well for him since the left really wants the government to work like it’s supposed to with the branches doing their jobs…and, if refused, he can blame the right for being wimps and not supporting the necessary use of force…whichever, it is a win/win…but I really do hope there is no attack without the UN being involved…we need to stop all this world policing to repair our standing in the world…

Impeachment, again?

Well…still feeling like crap this aft but thought I’d try to do one of these to ensure I don’t fall too far behind…and to relay my incredulity that the idiot repubs are talking impeachment for a second dem president in a row…never mind that you didn’t hear a peep out of the guys when ole GW was approving torture…committing many felonies in the process…and then having the oil companies write the laws that govern them…along with allowing the banks to crash the economy while the justice department just stood around and watched….and the thing is that the repubs can’t even say what the actual acts are that rise to the threshold of “high crimes and misdemeanors” they just “know” that he must have done something wrong since he wants to actually follow the constitution and appoint judges, or sign a laws that would help millions of people get health insurance. In the repubs crazy world…anything that the president does is an impeachable offense…if he walks his dog he should be impeached, if he breathes he should be impeached…you get my drift. I really do hope they do it…I hope the crazy-assed house does try to impeach Obama…it would be one of the final nails in the coffin of the crazy that has been ruining this country for the past 30 years….I’ve had enough of it that’s for sure…geez…

The right has gone completely frickin crazy…

Well…as I was reading some of the online stuff today, I came across the latest bout of outrage aimed at Obama from the right and I am just shaking my head at this one…as a little background, Obama was doing a presser with the head of Turkey the other day in the Rose Garden, and due to poor planning, it started to rain while Obama was making his remarks and one of the marine detail held an umbrella over him….well…the idiots on the right exploded calling it another reason to impeach Obama…Marines are never allowed to do that…he picked a white Marine since he is a racist…that Obama can’t order a Marine to do that…and many, many more asinine statements that just show they plain just hate the guy and no matter what he does, it is wrong. No matter that every president since FDR had Marines doing that for them and there are even photos of Reagan and both Bushes having an umbrella held for them….these folks on the right have just gone over the edge with this one…maybe this will be the one that makes the rest of the US understand that these folks are crazy…sure hope so….geez…