Well….there is good news here in Michigan in the senate race with Gary Peters pulling out to a 10% plus lead in the latest polls and that I can understand…Land is the most stupid, incompetent candidate I have ever seen with no ability to think past the talking points that she tries to regurgitate and even gets those wrong…but, what I don’t understand is how ole Snyder is up on Schauer in the governor’s race…after all, Snyder gave the middle class a kick in the gut with right to work, taxed retirees and gave the money to CEO’s, and has lied through his teeth about the crony capitalism he has been practicing since he lied his way into office…now, I may be unusual in that I follow politics and pride myself in knowing what is going on, but people, how can you vote against yourself and keep giving this country to the rich? I just shake my head every day…geez…
Tag Archives: Rick Snyder
Snyder is just a liar…
Well…just saw an ad a few minutes ago that has our wonderful governor, Snyder, lying through his teeth through his surrogates about Medicare….you know the one that they tried in the last election? Where they conflate the cost savings in Medicare to taking the money away from seniors and using it to pay for Obamacare? I wondered how long it would take before they rolled out that lie that was debunked years ago…the 700 billion being a reduction of payment to health care providers and it has nothing to do with the care that seniors get…Medicare is exactly the same as it was but with waste cut out and growth in costs reduced….that’s it, that’s all you have to know about Snyder…he’s no different from any other lying repub….all I have to say to him is “why don’t you run on your record?” Oh, that’s right, his record is terrible so he can’t….so the lies and fear come out…geez…
The walking dead…
Well…I laughed a little this morning…okay, I laughed a lot at the news this morning that the national repub party has pulled their money for ads supporting the walking dead repub senate candidate Terri Land….with the polls showing her from 10-12 points behind Gary Peters, I guess they have seen the writing on the wall and one of the brain cells they have left have realized here candidacy is dead, dead, dead. I guess it will be left to the Kochs to try to buy the seat and keep pissing the money away…can’t happen to nicer guys….and the one other good thing is that the money that would have had to be spent to help Peters can now go to going after the idiot Snyder…I’d like to see them ask him one question: “Where are the jobs?” When your state is 36 out of 50 in job creation, ole Snyder has to be held accountable….geez…
Michigan political update…
Well….have been looking at some of the good news here in Michigan on the political front, and thought I’d so a short update on what’s going on. First, though, today is the last day to register to vote to be eligible for November’s election so get out and register if you haven’t already…and then vote…because if we vote, we win…it’s as simple as that especially here in Michigan where Obama carried the state by 10 points. The update has a little good news in it and a little not so good news….first, the good news. It looks like Gary Peters is going to defeat the invisible Terri Land if the polls hold that are showing him up by 8-10 points…it should be more given that she hasn’t talked to anyone during the entire campaign…depending on Koch money to air 6 million dollars of ads that are mostly blatant lies or fabrications hoping that people are too stupid to see the truth….it looks like the Kochs are becoming toxic to the people they are trying to install in their government. The bit of bad news is that Mark Schauer is trailing ole Snyder in the governor’s race and I just don’t know why….are people losing their memories? Don’t they remember that Snyder and his cronies are responsible for the biggest tax increase on seniors in the states history? And, that they gave that money away with no strings attached to the supposed “job creators” who have not created one job but have raised CEO’s salaries by 50%…wouldn’t the workers here like that kind of sweet deal? Don’t count on it….Snyder doesn’t give a damn about workers…and you can see that from his approval of right to work which is just code for killing unions and the middle class jobs they provide. So, good news and bad that can be turned into good if we just vote…that’s all….geez…
Politics and other stuff…
Well….just reading about some of the polls here in Michigan that now put ole Snyder ahead by a couple of points and the first question that comes to my mind is why? This is the guy who said, when he was running last time, that he didn’t want any new abortion restrictions to come to his desk…what happened when they did? Of course like any repub liar, he signed them and made them law. When asked about right to work that is decimating the middle class here, he said the same thing…he didn’t want to see it cross his desk. What did he do when it did? Of course, he signed it just like all the rest of the repub liars….when asked about the auto bailout he went along with the rest of the repubs and said “let the free market work” even though doing that would have killed the auto industry here in Michigan…and what is he doing now? Touting all of the auto jobs that have come to the state, taking credit for them when it was none of his doing…just like the rest of the repub liars…so, tell me folks…the voters who have seen this lying and mendacity, why are you going to vote for this liar? I am pointing this at you Dems…get off you asses and vote this idiot out of office before the giveaways to business takes your job…geez…
Water is a human right….
Well…just read that, with the blessing of our wonderful governor, Rick Snyder, the city of Detroit is going to start shutting off the water to people who can’t pay their water bills…and the estimate is that there will be 3,000 homes and businesses per week…yep, per week that will lose their service…and now, since our gov won’t do anything, there are organizations the have had to appeal to the UN to get the US to adhere to the treaties we have signed that say you just can’t do that, that water is a human right and that it can’t be shut off for profit. But, that is what Detroit is doing…as part of the “grand bargain” to try to save Detroit that was just signed by Snyder…the Detroit water department has to cut it’s costs and one way that they will do it is by not supplying water to people who can’t pay. What the hell kind of country do we live in when you can continue to give tax cuts to the rich so there are no tax revenues left to fix the schools, fix the roads, or provide life saving water to the citizens? This is the repub dream in action folks…if you can’t pay, you die…geez…
Another day…
Well…it has been a strange day..or a normal day as they have been going lately….felt pretty good until this aft and then the bottom fell out and I have no energy…but, I’m not going to complain too much…just a little….it looks like the lies are starting to catch up to ole Snyder here in Michigan and the old folks, who normally are the core repub constituency, are starting to peel off to the dems with all of the crap he has done to them…and to me…over the past three years they have taken almost 3 grand from my retirement to give pay raises to ceos….and he tries to atone for that by making a website that tries to convince us that things are so good for retirees here…what a frickin laugh….it appears that the media is starting to actually call out these liars…just hope it make a difference and we can send Snyder back to one of 15 houses…geez…
Snyder piles on…
Well…after ole Schuette wasted money and time this week appealing the equality ruling and joining the fight against ACA subsidies, we now have ole Snyder piling on the few same sex couples who got married over the weekend by instructing all state agencies to not recognize these legal marriages,…as I’ve said before, the repubs rail and rail and rail about Obama “picking and choosing” which laws to enforce, then do exactly the same thing to discriminate…at least Obama does it to enlarge rights and fight for the middle class…these idiots do nothing but try to keep their enemies down by denying them rights that everyone should have….what a bunch of crap….geez….
One more about Snyder…
Well…just wanted to add another one on ole Snyder’s state of the state address from last week and the one glaring thing that was was not in it…specifics…particularly specifics on how his policies of tax cuts for the rich, attacking unions, and hurting women have created jobs here in Michigan. And you know how the repubs like to take credit for any good news even if they had nothing to do with it…like the auto recovery that was a combination of the companies, the unions, and the federal government and had nothing to do with any repub effort…don’t you think that if Snyder had any data to back up his boasts that his policies were working that he would have led with that in the address? He can’t because it doesn’t exist…we are next to last in unemployment rate and are projected to be 49th in job growth over the next three years and our performance mirrors that of other states where the discredited repub economic policies have been tried. So, this so called tough nerd needs to be sent back to the business world where he comes from…where ceo’s can not perform and still get millions of dollars while the workers pay the price…just like the people of Michigan have paid the price for the past 3 years….geez…
More lies from Lansing…
Well…I have been gagging since the state of the state speech that our “wonderful” governor delivered last week…full of boasting and taking credit for the few jobs that have been added since they gave away thousands of dollars from retirees to their corporate masters…and the worst is his tries to make the radical, right wing fueled policies of his tea party cronies seem like they are supported by the majority of the people of Michigan. They are not….more than 70% of the people didn’t want the additional restrictions on a woman’s right to control here own healthcare…but the radicals jammed it through the legislature and Snyder signed one of the most restrictive laws in the nation. More than 60% of the people didn’t want pensions to be taxed to pay for more giveaways to the rich and corporations that have not resulted in the adding of one job…but the legislature passed it and Snyder signed it…more than 60% of the people didn’t want a “right to work for less” law that is a direct attack on the middle class and the unions that helped make the middle class possible…so, when this liar tries to make himself and his radical, corporatist, religious cronies sound mainstream, don’t believe it…look with your own eyes and your own wallet…geez…