Well….if you didn’t know it, the culture wars are alive and well here in Michigan with the passage of a couple of bills that were proposed here by the repub controlled legislature….the latest nonsense comes from the supposedly business friendly Snyder and his team who are now targeting private businesses, making it illegal to offer health benefits to non married partners and same sex couples. Why are these idiots still fighting this culture war when even businesses and their owners don’t see this as a problem? It’s just another example that the Michigan Taliban (aka the republicans) are all for freedom and individual choice when it is for someone they agree with but will use the full force of their government position to punish those they don’t. How is this making Michigan more competitive? How is this creating jobs? If governor Snyder is serious about making Michigan more competitive, he should veto these bills…geez….
Tag Archives: republicans
Can Rick Perry be this dumb?
Well…I have been getting more and more amazed every time ole Rick opens his mouth over the past couple of weeks. Can anyone running for president be that dumb? Okay, yeah, I know, most of the repubs that are running are that dumb but the stupidity just oozes out of ole Rick. I’m sure you’ve heard of the last couple from the idiot…..at a campaign stop last week, Rick wasn’t sure what date the election was on and he then compounded that with thinking that the voting age was still 21 years. But, here’s the capper…this idiot doesn’t even know how many supreme court justices there are…coming up with 8 instead of 9….I don’t know where these idiots come from but back in my earlier years, folks like this would be laughed off the stage….geez…
See….told you I’d get another one out….
More Republican shenanigans here in Michigan…
Well…I really shouldn’t be surprised at the behavior of the repubs here in Michigan but then they do something that just whacks me in the side of the head and makes me realize that the pit where they get their shenanigans has no bottom. Let’s back up a little for some context…as soon as the repubs gained control of Michigan, they passed one of the most undemocratic laws ever seen here…the so-called “emergency manager” law that would take the governing of some cities and townships that are in fiscal distress out of the hands of the elected officials and hand it to an appointed “czar” that could then fire anyone they want, abrogate union contracts, and run the city as they see fit, not as the people of that region want. Again, more of the hypocrisy that oozes from every pore of the repubs across the country, where they cry about the left trying to kill democracy and then try to nullify elections by the phony cry of voter fraud and this type of law. When the outraged citizens of Michigan decided that they didn’t vote for the type of nonsense included in this law, they did what they always do, getting a petition drive started to put the measure on the ballot in 2012. What was the repubs response to this perfectly proper use of citizens power? When it began to look like the signatures would be easily collected, the repubs again tried to game the system and silence the voice of the people by rescinding the law and replacing it with another so the petitions would be invalid. This is the type of nonsense you get from these folks…they don’t give a damn what the people of Michigan want, just what their ideology driven masters want…the total destruction of unions and the middle class….geez….
One other thing…
Well…I was going to get to a couple of topics in that last one but the flow was such that I thought it should end with just the one…so, I needed to come back with another comment on maybe a little bit of shining hope that the rational folks in this country deserve…yesterday, (or the day before), Obama came out firing against the hypocrites in the repub party for protecting the Bush tax cuts for the rich, while making sure the payroll tax cut is not renewed…one that will benefit mainly the middle class. I think this is a narrative that needs to be shouted from the rooftops…that the repubs have never met a tax cut for the rich and connected that they didn’t like, and that they have never met one that benefits the middle class that they did….and that these folk have sworn to protect Grover Norquist more than they have sworn to protect the Constitution…geez…
Do you need any other reasons?
Well…the true colors of the repubs continue to seep through their carefully crafted conservative coats….this week, another layer was peeled off of their hatred for the middle class when they refused to back the continuation of the payroll tax holiday that primarily benefits the middle class. These hypocrites are back on their same old tired mantra that any continuation of these tax breaks for workers must be paid for by additional cuts to the programs that benefit the middle class…in essence saying that workers can have tax cuts if they pay for them. But they never said that when they cut taxes for the rich or corporations, of started two wars that were not funded….when are we going to tire of this nonsense? When are we going to call these idiots out on this naked grab of middle class money that is then given to the rich in the form of tax cuts? I know, you guys are getting tired of hearing this but who else is going to hold this corruption up to the light?
Do you need any other reasons to never vote for these crooks again? Geez….
The state of the republican party…
Well…lots of stuff going on in the repub primary races and, to me, points out a lot of the hypocrisy that is rampant in today’s repub party. The front runners in the party of “family values” are either serial cheaters and liars (see Newt Gingrich) or they are serial sexual harassers ( see Herman Cain) of they are serial flip floppers (see Mitt Romney) who will do or say anything to garner votes; no mater that what they say today is 180 degrees the opposite of what they’ve said in the past. Let’s try to remember why ole Newt isn’t in congress anymore…the fact that his ethics violations were catching up to him and there were severe sanctions on the horizon…but the worst of it is that he is the embodiment of what is wrong with the revolving door politics that runs between congress and K street. where even a disgraced legislator can continue to slop at the trough and make millions and millions of dollars shilling for the companies that elected them. What happened to the republican party that had principles? We can see that principles don’t matter to them anymore, just power and influence and money….geez…
Okay, one last thing…now, I’ll trash the dems in the senate, too, for their misguided bill that would allow the indefinite detention without trial or other recourse to terrorism suspects on US soil….now I think these folks have never read the 4th amendment to the constitution or they would know that this bill would be overturned by the supreme court…so, shame on you dems, for this piece of political nonsense…our court system is plenty robust to take care of these folks through normal channels…
Let them eat cake…Newt’s version…
Well…I don’t think I’ve sen anyone as breathtakingly tone-deaf in a long time as ole Newt…we have here the embodiment of the 1%…a man who turned his House tenure into the connections and cronyism that got him no interest credit at Tiffany’s and huge government contracts that he made millions on…and now, he is championing the destruction of unions and their workers to be replaced by child labor. Nope…I’m not making this up folks…in a forum the other day, ole Newt actually said that union janitors in every school across America should be fired and replaced by the kids that go to school there…never mind what this would do to the poor kids that would be the ones doing the work, the stigma and bullying that would come from having to do this. But, this doesn’t matter to ole Newt…I’m sure he would like to return to the early 1900′s where children as young as 8 years old worked 12 hours a day in factories…after all it would mean more money for the “job creators” and wouldn’t that trickle down?
Then, he doubles down in response to a question about the “Occupy” movement where he is asked to comment on what has been going on and his only response is “they should all go out and get a job..after they take a shower”….but that is the point Newt, without connections and cronyism, there are no jobs for these folks to go out and get….how can anyone be so out of touch? Oh, he’s a republican…that answers that…. Geez…
Even millionaires want to be taxed more…
Well…this will be a short one but I think it is an important development in the ongoing tax nonsense by the repubs…the other day, a bunch of millionaires tried to get to the deficit “supercommittee” and ask them to tax them more…I was shocked but heartened when I heard this…maybe some of the rich do have consciences….and maybe there are some people in his country that are finally starting to think? I think that the repubs are going to be in for a big surprise next year in the elections….this country is starting to wake up to their ruinious tactics and their fealty to Grover Norquist and his anti-tax pledge. But, one thing I do fear is that the dems have not learned anything and will give in again to the repubs extortion..then, the only hope will be winning the election and reversing what happens over the next couple of months.
Oh, one other thing, I am starting to hope that the supreme court will overturn the healthcare law…then we can go back to the best idea…a single payer system that will allow us to cut the insurance companies and their egregious profits out of the equation…that will save 20% right from the start….
Why do the republican candidates seem so small?
Well…when I was out on the bike today, I heard this lyric by Peter Gabriel..”the place where I come from is small town, they think so small, they use small words…” and it made me think of the current crop of repub candidates…I can’t remember a smaller bunch of politicians…I don’t mean small in the physical sense but in the size of their ideas. Over the course of the debates so far, there has not been one of them with any ideas on how to make the country greater…to move us to the next stage…they are all a just of counterpunchers that just say no, that just say what can’t be done, and who only parrot the failed ideas of the repub party of the past thirty years. Where is the person from the conservative end of the spectrum that can think for themselves and not just channel Grover Norquist? What happened to the time honored approach to foreign policy that said “politics end at water’s edge” and that the president should be supported when he deals with the rest of the world?
This group of tiny politicians remind me of a pack of Pekinese yipping and yapping around the ankles of the greats….geez…
Oh, and one last thing that should disqualify them all….at the debate a couple of days ago, every one of them has vowed to violate the Geneva conventions by the use of torture on terror suspects…and commit a felony at the same time…what a bunch of idiots…
308 days and counting…
Well…just a short one for now…kind of a reminder of what the repubs think is important….they make quick work of the “In god we trust” resolution and other nonsense that has no meaning to ordinary citizens…like the two bills in the house and one in the senate that would instill “personhood” on a fertilized egg and restrict women’s rights to control their own bodies…but not one bill to create jobs or to help the middle class out of the crises that was created by their cronies..so, this may turn into a daily thing…but that would be cheating so I may just include this count up in the morning one….let’s say this together…it has been 308 days since the repubs have taken control of the house of representatives…and not one bill to help the un and underemployed here…geez….