Well…I think most of you should be glad that you don’t live here in Michigan with the nonsense that is going on in the repub controlled senate….in case you haven’t heard…a couple of repub senators inserted language into an anti-bullying law here that would allow bullying if it was a result of “a deeply held religious conviction”…yep, you heard it right…in a bone thrown to the religious conservatives here, these two idiots gutted the anti-bullying law that had support on both sides of the aisle just to make sure they continue to have the support of the tea party crowd…never mind the fact that religion should have nothing to with any law here in the US, these are the same people that introduced legislation preventing Sharia law from being used as the basis for any legislation here in the US…but, I guess it’s okay to have religious law if it is Christian law…again, nonsense and hypocrisy from the repubs here and across the country….
Tag Archives: republicans
A placeholder on ole Herm and the repubs
Well…thought I’d come back and do this one up right but the outrage I felt last night has mostly dissipated…but not completely…I think the theme was something like this…over the past few decades, going all the way back to Nixon, the repubs have repeatedly shown their disdain for the law and have felt they only have to follow the ones they agree with…Nixon felt that he was above the law (I think his quote was “if the president does it, it’s not against the law”) during Watergate and this theme tracked through the signing statements of ole GW that asserted that he would only enforce laws that he agreed with. Now, we have the right rolling out the big guns to attack the women who have come forward to reveal ole Herm’s reprehensible behavior toward women. I find it funny that the “law and order” party abandons the law as soon as someone asks them to follow it….and that the repub controlled congress spent millions and millions of dollars investigating Clinton for exactly the same sort of allegations….can the right get any more hypocritical?
The uncertainty boogeyman…
Well…I am getting a little tired of the…no, a lot tired of the talking point of the right that it is the uncertainty of the implementation of the healthcare law and other federal regulations that is keeping the economy from taking off. These assumptions are just a lot of hooey and speculation on the part of the right’s pundits and alleged experts…nothing more than a bunch of guesses that have no basis in history or fact. There is not one instance in the history of the American (or any other) economy that this type uncertainty has had anything to do with growth or job creation…in the face of slack demand that is rampant in our economy and the overcapacity that still exists, along with the productivity increases that have more than kept pace with that tepid growth….there is no reason for any business to hire anyone. But, the right is still using the lie of uncertainty to drive what is their main agenda…to remove any checks and balances and return us to the robber baron days of the early 20th century..or the deregulated financial days of the early 21st. This is just utter nonsense and ultimately highlights the lack of economic honesty in their arguments…it is all about demand…in this same environment of uncertainty, do you think that businesses wouldn’t hire if there were increased demand for their products or services? Geez….
More republican nonsense…
Well…I’ll bet you’re getting tired of my pointing out the nonsense that comes daily from the repubs, but someone has to do it and I really, really wanted to point this one out since it is so representative of the contempt the repubs have for the unemployed in this country. Instead of working on a real jobs bill that will help put people back to work, (and let’s not confuse the tax cut nonsense they are pushing for a jobs bill), the repubs in the house are going to waste the better part of a day this week on a resolution that will affirm that the “official” motto of this country is “In god we trust”. Yep, folks, I’m not making this up…in this one fell swoop, and in a bow to their evangelical base, these idiots are telling the 20% of us non-believers that there is no place for us here unless we allow the majority to force this bit of nonsense on us. When are we, as a country, going to stop voting for these do nothings whose only purpose in life is to make sure that the economy stays in the tank so Obama can’t get credit for it. And now, in an article that I just read….none of the senate repubs are going to vote for necessary infrastructure spending since it will be paid for by a tax of .7% on those whose incomes are over a million dollars a year. So, the rest of the nation is left to suffer crumbling roads, bridges, and schools just so the repubs can protect the unconscionable wealth of the 1%. I think their time is gonna come…to quote Led Zeppelin…geez….
I find a few things funny…
Well…don’t really have a big one for the day so, as I sit here and wait for lunch to cook, I thought I’d just talk about a few small things that I find funny or ironic….I do find it funny that the repubs are so scared of the Occupy movement that they have brought out the nukes already…but, then, Keith is bringing it from the left, too but I don’t see any equivalence…the repubs protecting their rich buddies and Keith trying to finally get the message of the unheard out…I do wonder how long Current is going to let him get away with having most of his show on the protests….I find it funny that that in the struggle of millionaires against billionaires in the NBA contact talks has reached the so what? phase….most of the the people I know and the writers covering it just don’t see where canceling the entire season would be a bad thing…I know I haven’t watched a pro game in years..too much whining and self importance from those folks…I also find it funny but irritating when the ceo of Bank of America starts whining about the Occupy protesters that they are hurting the feelings of the thieves that tanked the economy….boo hoo you tone deaf idiot…you people have stolen everything from the middle class and you want sympathy? Not gonna get it here or anywhere else but in the inbred, insular little world you live in….okay, that’s enough for now…have to go check the temp on the chicken….don’t want to overcook it…..
The republicans are even ignoring business…
Well…this is going to be a shorty since I’m over my quota for the month and really don’t have a lot to say today…but, I did want to get to one thing…all of the repub candidates jobs plan consist of more and more of the same…tax cuts for business and the rich hoping that the largess heaped upon them will “trickle down” and create jobs; never mind that tax cuts have never created one job when there is no demand for the goods or services that job will create. Even business leaders are saying that it is not the tax burden that is holding back the economy but it is the lack of demand that comes from the falling real wages of everyone but the rich….on this point, there is plenty of blame to go around and the question I have for these same business leaders is “why would you expect rising demand when you keep cutting the real wages and benefits of your workers by outsourcing and not sharing the rise in productivity with your workers?” The real problem here is who goes first? People won’t start to spend again until they are comfortable that their rising wages will make it feasible to buy things again and business won’t raise wages or hire until demand is rising. So, as always, we’re stuck in a “Catch 22″ without any visionary person or company that will make the leap of faith necessary to break the gridlock…and on it goes….
Here’s the indisputable proof…
Well…this one is pointed at all of you right wing idiots out there that say the OWS protesters are just a bunch of whiny losers that don’t know what they are protesting…according to a report out today done by the Congressional Budget Office…the non-partisan arm of congress that is charged with coming up with the cost of new legislation among other things…the income of the top 1% of people in this country has tripled….yep, tripled since 1979…with most of that growth coming after the Bush tax cuts in 2000 while the rest of the country’s workers income increased a paltry 80%….so, 300% to 80%…pretty easy numbers to understand even for the troglodytes on the right. How are you guys going to wave away this one? When you take into account the productivity gains over that same time period, real wages for the bottom 80% of us actually went down over the same time period….and the right wonders why the rest of us are so pissed off. It is just this kind of inequality where the top 1% takes no risks and has no risks…where they just sit back and rake in the cash through connections and rigging the system that is finally triggering a broad based revolt of the working people in this country….it’s about time…geez…
The republicans just don’t get it…
Well…I find it funny that ole Rick out of Texas is rolling out his “revolutionary” new flat tax plan to match up with ole Herm’s 999 plan and neither one of them understands that things have changed or are changing in this country….the media has started listening to this nonsense and the false equivalency that has rotted our media discourse is starting to be rolled back…and the American people are finally getting the truth behind these plans…that they are slanted to cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of everyone else. I hope the days of cutting taxes for the “job creators” who really aren’t are over….that the nonsense of giving more and more to business with the hope that they will create jobs will finally be reconciled with reality…that not one job will be created by tax cuts, that not one company will add one job unless the demand is there for the goods and services they produce, and the only way to create demand is by rising wages for the middle class. But, the repubs just don’t get it…they are still playing out of the 2010 playbook when no one was paying attention….now, with the OWS protests and a newly awakened media….there is shift back to reality based governance where facts have regained their superiority to the gut feelings that the right truly believes are equivalent….none too soon either…geez…
Republicans and the rule of law..
Well…just a short one on the ongoing pattern of the repubs that only believes that a law or agreement should be adhered to when it suits them. The latest example of this nonsense is the piling on that happened when Obama announced that all combat troops would be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year….and the republicans went nuts calling it a grave failure of diplomacy by Obama’s administration. I’m laughing right now with the absurdity of it all…after all, the agreement to withdraw the troops was negotiated and signed by ole GW….so now, all of the repub candidates and some others on the right are blaming this on Obama? And, they are proposing abrogating another agreement just for political points in an election? These people are the worst kind of panderers, people who will say anything to inflame their base, no matter the damage to the US’s international standing…just like the neocons did getting us into Iraq…it just proves that these folks have an inability to learn…or to live in a reality based world…geez…
Just some stuff..
Well…I wonder when the general public is going to wake up and get it that the repubs idea of fairness is to tax the poor and middle class while giving more and more breaks to the rich? The latest folly is ole Mitt’s idea of reforming the tax code by replacing it with a flat tax…and idea that came and went a long time ago that would be a tax cut for the rich while raising taxes on everyone else…just like ole Herm’s 999 plan. Why do the repubs hate the poor and middle class so much? That is evidenced here in Michigan by the scramble of the repubs to take away the last vestiges of the safety net by throwing people off welfare and limiting unemployment and food stamps for the newly poor. And those moves were supported by a sense of urgency, like the entire state will disappear if we don’t save a few million dollars by attacking the least of us. But, when it comes to cutting their own benefits to help with the state budget deficit…like the lifetime healthcare legislators get after just one term in office, that can wait until 2014 when most of this current crop of thieves will already be retired…just more and more of the “I’ve got mine, the hell with everyone else” attitude that has been the repubs mantra for the last thirty years….when are we going to get tired of this nonsense?