Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Here’s the difference…

Well…if you need another example of how destructive the repub party has become…and you really shouldn’t…just look at the response of the two parties to the potential of a coronavirus outbreak here in the US. The dems have come out in agreement with the professionals in the government health community (what few of them are left) that we should start to prepare just in case the worst happens…which is how every damn outbreak in the country has been handled until idiot boy trump and his minions were installed by Putin…very reasonable by my estimation…but the response of the repubs and the pundits on the right are all filtered through a political lens that says that there is no problem, it’s just the dems trying to scare us for political gain and to hurt the idiot boy…so I guess that the dems got to every investor and trader on Wall Street and forced them to sell their stocks? And the dems forced ole Rushbo to call this deadly virus “just an exaggerated cold” that no one has to worry about? And the dems forced China to quarantine at least 5 major cities and shut down factories, schools, and offices for no reason other than to make trump look bad? This is the problem when your entire world is based on conspiracy theories and lies…those on the right can no longer see what is true and by minimizing the threat, they are preventing the basic steps necessary to mitigate the effects if there is a huge outbreak…let’s just ask on simple question: do the dems control the CDC, the NIH or the funding for these essential pandemic fighters? Nope, it’s all on the morons including the moron in chief and they will continue to live in their delusions as the country waits for the worst…

Hey trump lovers, how’s your 401K today?

Well…yeah, that’s a recycled title….did one of these a few months back but had to do another one today with the Dow down another 400 points after yesterday’s selloff of 1100 points…so that makes a 5 1/2 percent loss in just two days…if you had 100K in yours you now only have 94,500 dollars…I know I sometimes harp on the stock market here but it’s only because the idiot trump thinks it’s the be all and end all to the economy’s health…so you gloat when it goes up, so now you have to take the crap when it falls…especially when it is trump’s lack of concern that the coronavirus is even serious…saying “everything will be fine when April comes” and somehow the magic of the calendar changing will stop the virus from infecting anyone else while trump decimates funding for the NIH and the CDC. He also cut the US contribution to the WHO, the organization that is at the forefront of the fight against this virus….and, I said yesterday, people are going to die because trump and his cronies are shortsighted assholes and are using cuts in funding to push their anti science bullshit…does that matter to you trumpies? Yeah…probably not…after all, the people dying so far are “foreigners” and who cares about them?

The stock market weighs in…

Well…have been busy this morning and just finished up my chores for the day but I needed to come here and weigh in on the orange idiot’s ego stroking tour of India while the deadly new virus explodes around the world. Gee…I wonder if cutting funds for the NHS and the CDC is a good idea right now…yeah, we know the answer to that one…the stupident hates science and facts so he thinks that any government agency that deals in that is not  necessary and an easy place to cut money so he can give it to the military…I wonder if the military has virus targeting bombs and missiles? So now, the stock market, that trump trots out to lie and say the economy is doing great, is falling like a rock…down over 1,000 points already today as business weighs in on the incompetence of trump and his minions and the prospect that not one damn person that idiot boy has appointed has any idea how to deal with any real emergency…just the ones that trump fabricates in his moldering brain. And what do we get from trump? Standing in front of the Taj Mahal with the stupid grin on his face for a photo op while his incompetence kills people around the world. It is going to get much, much worse since he is too stupid to understand anything…remember that this fall…it could be your family and friends that trump is killing….

Crony capitalism at it’s worst…

Well…if it wasn’t already clear that the only purpose of any repub administration is to loot as much money as they can from yours and my tax dollars, you just have to look at the contracts being let for the idiot boy’s wall….just because the idiot stood up and brayed that the wall was an “emergency”, the rest of the government run by repubs is going along with the plunder and ignoring all of the purchasing rules that apply to government contracts. Just yesterday, it was reported that trump just gave out a contract to build 100 miles of his idiot wall for a billion dollars…yep, and the worst part is that there were no reviews, no competitive bidding and no compliance to any rules that every other contract has to meet…and this one shows the worst of crony capitalism…being given to a politically connected repub whose company has a total of 3 employees…yep, a billion dollar contract to a company that essentially doesn’t exist except in the fevered brain of the moron in chief….I wonder if this is the same company that got a 300 million dollar contract to fix the electrical grid in PR but didn’t do any work at all and just stole a hundred million dollars before their contract was terminated? There is a reason there are rules for government procurement…in every damn repub administration they treat the government like their own piggy bank to reward their friends and steal as much as they can….keep it up, folks…the day is coming when honest people will be running the government and there will be hell to pay….

Barr really, really has to go…

Well…running a little late getting here for this one today and I have good reasons for it that I’ll get to later…first, another day, another revelation that Bill Barr has used his position to try to help trump instead of upholding the law…late last year, a Turkish bank with close ties to Turkey’s strongman was under investigation for a multitude of crimes including money laundering and helping Iran get around the UN sanctions it was under for it’s nuclear program…and of course Erdogan didn’t like that so he called the idiot trump, knowing that he is a patsy who can be taken advantage of, and asked him to kill the investigation before indictments could be handed down by the SDNY…and, of course, idiot boy called up his fixer Barr and told him to kill the investigation which Barr tried mightily to do but the prosecutors at SDNY were having none of that since they had spent years building the case and it was clear that the bank was breaking the law….so before Barr could fire anyone in the SDNY office, they filed the indictments and got the case into the courts…now, from what we’ve seen lately, that doesn’t matter to Barr at all…if it benefits trump or his cronies, there is nothing Barr won’t do…and that makes me call for his resignation…again…along with 1,100 former prosecutors who signed a letter saying that Barr is corrupting the justice system and has to go….and now….

NASCAR can go right to hell…

Well…I knew that the owners of nascar and most of the drivers are trump loving morons and that was shown when he was installed and drivers like Kesolowski and Bowyer expressed their glee on twitter and I responded to them with a question…” you have young kids, would you point to trump as a role model for them?” Of course, they couldn’t defend it so they didn’t respond…and we have seen the heads of nascar, the France family, palling around with the idiot boy and wearing their MAGA hats… we’ve even seen driver Austin Dillon giving the white power “OK” hand signal in the intros to the races…so nascar is  a cesspool of trump supporting, entitled, right wing assholes…even with that, I have been ignoring those facts since I am still a race fan and wanted to see the races, but, with the invite of the asshole in chief to be grand marshal of the Daytona 500 tomorrow, I have reached my breaking point…normalizing trump with this type of event is something I will not be part of…so I will not be watching the 500 tomorrow…and, being honest, I have been losing my interest in nascar for years now and have basically used the races for background noise as I take a nap on Sunday afternoons…hence the term that I use, “napcar” to describe the series. I hope the trump loving France family enjoys their little bubble of right wing assholes…but for a lot of the rest of us, nascar is dead to us with this last straw….great way to grow the series, morons…

Bill Barr is a transparent liar…

Well…one of the drawbacks of getting up so early and getting all of my work done by 8 am is that I need to find something to do to keep from getting bored…and re runs of Leave it to Beaver are just not cutting it…so, I thought I’d come here for number two before I head out to HF…so, did you see that fake outrage that Bill Barr displayed yesterday saying that the idiot trump’s tweeting is “making it impossible to do my job”? The pundits who are almost always wrong or who have and agenda immediately piped up saying it was a huge break with Barr “standing up” to trump…yeah, that sound you hear is me laughing my butt off…if anyone believes this is standing up to trump, I have a nice bridge in NY to sell you…this is nothing more than Barr reacting to the outrage of his turning the justice department into trump central and doing his best to let trump’s criminal cronies off the hook for their crimes…and I’m sure he is coordinating this “outrage” with the WH to give him cover to continue to destroy the justice department, but to do it in secret instead of in the open as trump tweets expose his behavior. I’m sure Barr has already taken his crayons to the WH and drew up some nice charts and pictures that explained to trump that he is still going to do everything he tells him to but it needs to be quiet…we’ll see if trump’s tweets change to other topics now that he has gotten what he wanted from Barr…one good thing is that quite a few commentators have seen through Barr’s lies and it is being widely reported…but that doesn’t matter to the troglodytes that support trump….

Impeach the son of a bitch again…

Well…look, did you expect that the idiot trump would be chastised at all by being only the 3 president impeached in the history of the country as Susan Collins thinks? Nope, I’m sure you didn’t…and today he is back at criming again by calling up Bill Barr and telling him to contest the sentencing recommendations for his crony Roger Stone of 7 to9 years for the 7 felonies he was convicted of, and threatening to pardon him if Barr didn’t do what he wanted. Now, in any other *presidency, this would be enough to get calls from his own party to cease and desist this unacceptable interference in the justice department or for him to resign…but no, we have Barr grinning and saying yup, I’ll help you commit more crimes to get your crony off and not one damn repub senator or rep saying word one…so now what do we do? Adam Schiff, start preparing a new set of impeachment articles and load them up with all of the times idiot boy obstructed justice…starting with the 10 times in the Mueller report, and then adding every other damn time he has done it in the past 3 years…and then send it to the senate and have mitch have to deal with it…one benefit of that is that if moscow mitch has to deal with that, he can’t get any more right wing, unqualified judges approved..since every one that he rams through has been judged unqualified by the ABA. If this is the only tool we have to work with until the election, then we have to use it to make sure the public knows how corrupt and wrong all of this crap is….

The fascism is supercharged now…

Well…we’ve witnessed the predictable damn result of the repub conspiracy to protect trump at the cost of our democracy…it’s not enough that trump is doing the rounds where the repub senators who ignored all the evidence and acquitted the idiot are giving him standing ovations, but now his cronies in the senate are now going after his enemies starting with Hunter Biden where trump has directed the IRS to release every bit of information they have on him…including his tax returns and anything that may have come up in earlier partisan investigations trying to dig up dirt on his father…and leading the charge is chief toady Lindsey Graham who telegraphed this move weeks ago, trying to curry favor with the fascist in chief. Now, folks…take a look at the modern repub party that has given up any fig leaf of legitimacy and have gone full fascist by using the power of the government to go after private citizens…no matter that three investigations have found no wrongdoing by either of the Bidens, but in the fascist state that the repubs have created that looks just like frickin Russia, it is now okay to do anything they feel like to anyone they want…what’s next? Disappearing political foes? I am so depressed by this crap that I am going to stop reading the news for a while and probably won’t post much about it unless it’s good news…just can’t take seeing my country destroyed for an asshole like trump….

A cool bit of shade…

Well…not sure if you watched the SOTU last night, and I’ll admit I didn’t since I can’t stand trump and how his stench has polluted all of the institutions he touches…I mean, giving the presidential medal of freedom to frickin Rush Limbaugh? The guy who has done more damage to this country than anyone other than trump or mcconnell? Not sure how long it’s going to take to fumigate that stench but I’ll bet the dem who is elected is going to make almost a full time job of it….and I want a damn asterisk by every judge, war criminal, and medal of freedom that idiot boy has presented….but, that’s not what this one is about…at the end of the lying, racist speech last night, Nancy threw a huge bunch of shade at the idiot by theatrically tearing up her copy of idiot boy’s speech on live tv right over trump’s shoulder…and of course, the repubs thought it was the worst, most devisive thing that has ever happened in the history of the country…and that made me laugh…trump has shown nothing but contempt for everything in this country and it’s institutions…so for Nancy to show her utter contempt for trump was a fitting response…and it will be a rallying point for the rest of the year until the election when we throw trump and his cronies out…yay Nancy…