Well…a couple of thing have come up over the past few days that just made me laugh about how stupid the republicans have become…or still are? First, we have the idiot congressman from Florida name Yoho that came out the other day to proudly say he has told ole Boehner that he thinks the 10% tax on tanning beds that is included in the law is racist against whites since “no dark-skinned people” use them…yeah, not making this up, again…and then he goes on and on about how terrible the rest of the ACA is and how he will vote to repeal it…yada, yada…statements that are just dripping with stupidity since repeal is never going to happen. Then, we have a rep from NC at a town meeting the other day boasting about how many times he has voted to repeal the ACA when his constituents asked him why he wanted to make sure that they will never be able to afford insurance and never be covered for pre-existing conditions…and then asked what he would replace the ACA with…and, of course, the idiot couldn’t answer since they really don’t care if people like me can afford insurance or not…they have theirs and anyone else can go to hell….geez…
Tag Archives: ACA
The 40th time is the charm?
Well…never in my lifetime have I seen a political party that isn’t; like the repubs are now, evidenced by the 40th vote, yep that’s right, 40th vote to repeal the ACA. When are these idiots going to get thrown out of congress for wasting the time and money of the American people? Over on the senate side, you have the same damn thing going on with Canadian Cruz vowing to shut down the government if the ACA is not defunded as part of the debt ceiling deal….he is willing to crash the entire world economy just to prevent some people, like me, from being able to get affordable health insurance, and to prevent people with pre-existing conditions from ever being able to be insured…in what twisted vision of America is that good for the people? I have just had enough of the tea partiers trying to shove their fascistic view of life on the sane ones here who believe that we need government to protect us from the Ayn Randian version of capitalism that they love so much….and the bitch of the whole thing is that the people who will benefit from the ACA continue to vote against their own interests…and for these bat shit crazy repubs…geez…
Is the 33rd time the charm?
Well…you need to look no farther than the repub controlled house to see why the unemployment rate is not improving here in the US. Today marks the 33rd time that the repubs have brought bills to the floor of the House to repeal the ACA…a lesson in political futility that has many in this country wondering if they have lost their minds…after all, one of the great philosophers said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” but that is just what we see from these guys…the senate will never even take up the bills and the president will veto it if it ever got to his desk. So, why are they wasting the country’s time when there are still 50 million people without health care and over 8 percent unemployment? Where are the job creation bills? Where are the infrastructure restoration bills? This is just another example where it is clear that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their wealthy backers…geez….
Another day…some hope…
Well….it has been a hot one and I didn’t get the bike fixed yet…broken welder and all that but should have it back by the weekend…there have been some developments that I did want to comment on…first…I am laughing to watch the repubs twist and turn and try to take political advantage of the ACA ruling…but, there are new polls that show the almost 60% of the people want to move on to try to fix the rest of the countries problems…not go back to re-legislate and litigate the health care battle. So, keep it up repubs, your opposition will work well with your base but the rest of the country is moving on and is going to leave you behind in November. Oh, other polls out today show that Obama is taking the lead in many of the swing states and among independents…so, again repubs, keep it up, whatever you are doing is working for us…I have glimmers of hope that the 1% may not be able to buy this election after all….yay!
One last thing…I just about gagged when tea party darling rep Joe Walsh started whining that his opponent…the veteran Tammy Duckworth, who lost both of her legs to an RPG in Iraq, talks about her war record saying that it’s unseemly that she trots out her injuries when she talks about her experiences….get over it Joe…she served, you didn’t and she gets to talk about her sacrifice any time she wants….last I saw, you still had all of your limbs….
I made it…
Well…I did get to the last one for the month and I’m not sure if I feel good about it or what…didn’t have as many fillers as last month so maybe my head is starting to work again…I did find it funny the other day when ole Mitt was describing what his healthcare plan was…exactly the same as Obama’s but ole Mitt has no plan to pay for it…just like the two wars, the medicare drug plan…and everything else the repubs do…so who is more responsible? It’s just more of the same magical thinking that got us into the financial mess we find ourselves in…and, the rest of the ole Mitt’s agenda is just more of the same “trust us” nonsense they have pushed in Wisconsin and even here in Michigan…and how did that work out? I am just so exasperated that people find this kind of nonsense acceptable when they have seen the extreme right wing crap come out after the elections…do you think the repubs are going to change? Nope, not when they have billions of dollars coming from the 1% and corporations that will be used to lie, cheat, and steal…geez….
More lawlessness from the right…
Well…I marvel at times how the repubs became known as the “law and order” party when, here in Michigan, we have a repub AG that thinks he is the only person who determines what the law means…starting with the medical marijuana law (or I should say continuing with this law) which he opposed when it was put on the ballot a few years back, Mr. Schutte has formed a pattern of lawlessness that would make a bank robber proud. His latest nonsense came after the supreme court ruling on healthcare yesterday when he said that he would not take part in implementing the law saying that we should wait until after the election in November when he feels that the repubs will win the presidency and repeal the law. First, this man has a duty to all of the citizens of Michigan….not to just the hard right that he panders to on a daily basis and those of us that don’t have insurance would like the possibility of getting it that comes from the new law. Second, when did our constitution change to read that the AG could substitute his political decisions for the will of the people? The courts here have slapped this idiot numerous times, showing that he is not the great legal mind he thinks he is but just some overly political hack using his office to push his crazy far right agenda on the people. But, this is just the latest outrage from this man…and Governor Snyder should straighten him out today…geez….
Activist judges and the right…
Well…I find it funny how things flip and flop in the political arena, especially when it comes to “activist judges” that the right seems to decry until the judges are the conservative bloc on the supreme court. I don’t even know why the right calls themselves conservatives anymore…that used to mean a reverence for the institutions and traditions of the country including hundreds of years of legal precedence know as “stare decisis” that they now want ignored by the court to further their radical right wing agenda. That is not conservatism, it is radicalism cloaked in the robes of Scalia, Roberts, and the others that blatantly lied about their reverence for the traditional role of judges…to find the facts in relation to the law leaving politics outside of the courtroom….but these “justices” see their roles as co-equal legislatively to the congress and are ready to ignore the constitution to further the goals of the tea party whose rise has done more to coarsen the political discourse and ruin the art of compromise on which democracies function. I hope the Roberts court does throw out the ACA….then we can get to where we need to be in healthcare…poised to go to a single payer system whose purpose will be to provide affordable care for all Americans…not profit for a few…geez…
It’s about the social contract…not healthcare…
Well…just another short one on the arguments that happened on the ACA in the Supreme Court and the fact that I think that people are missing the point of the whole thing….I can understand why some on the right don’t want to be “forced” to buy healthcare under the new law…but, how many of them are already forced to by the fear that a health problem will bankrupt them? What’s the difference between the two? How many of them have ever canceled their insurance in the name of freedom? You can probably count them on one hand. But, this whole argument has never been about healthcare to me….it is whether or not we we still have a social contract where we work for the common good of the society and where, sometimes, in that society we have to make compromises that will benefit the whole while placing a small burden on each of us as individuals. That is what the individual mandate is…a small burden for the majority of us that will help the 50 million people who can’t afford the peace of mind that comes with being insured….but, those on the right, including the debate audience that when asked about an uninsured person needing care to save his life and chorus sung out “let him die” are actively tearing down the social contract that has served this nation so well over the past 200 plus years….what kind of a country will we have left when those on the right get what they want…back to the days of “I’ve got mine, everyone else can go to hell” that prevailed in the early 20th century….I’m glad I’m getting older and won’t be around to see it if the right wins…geez…