A tradition ends…

Well….as you know, it has been my tradition to wear shorts at least until Thanksgiving every year no matter what the weather…this has been going on for almost 30 years now…of course not while I was working, but the rest of the time…but now that I am old and the reasons for doing it have receded into the fog of memory….I think it is time to end the tradition after tomorrow…so, no more shorts when it is too damn cold to do it….but, I will still wear them if it gets to 60 in January…after all, I do like to wear them…and I’ve still got the legs for it…

Lock her up…

Well…hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites…we know that the trumps and the repub party are all hypocrites…and the latest revelation just adds to the totals of hypocrisy that oozes out of them every day. During the 2016 campaign, it was all Hillary’s e-mails all the time…that she used private e-mails to conduct government business…it was basically the only thing the entire campaign was based on and was aided and abetted by the media who couldn’t see the ridiculousness of it all…and now, guess who also is using private e-mail for government business? Yep, Ivanka frickin trump….and her excuse? That she didn’t know it was wrong to do it…nope, she never stood onstage with her idiot father while he bleated and bleated about Hillary’s e-mails…and she never gave interviews where she was so concerned about the e-mails that maybe, just maybe Hillary should be locked up for doing the same damn thing she is doing right now….yeah, right…we need to be rid of these stains on America and soon…I’ve had enough of them…impeach….

November 20th

Well…running a little early today and I need to be…they are shutting off my internet for maintenance this morning so I will be going dark for a while today…got up at 5:30 again today and that is a little annoying…as always…but I guess I’ll live through it…still having problems with my intestines again today but they are not as bad as yesterday…yet…and I hope they continue to improve today and I am right about the peanut butter…went hard on the bike yesterday and that had made me really sore today but it is a good sore and reminds me that I have been slacking a little on the bike and need to pick up the pace….I think I’ll do a full sprint today…I think I ate enough to support that but we’ll see when I get out this morning…have had flat legs for weeks now and I may have to take a couple of days off to help that…didn’t get much done yesterday other than washing the car but I will clean to prep for t day the next couple of days…it is pretty relaxing to be having dinner alone again this year and I can’t wait to see how the turkey comes out…more later…

We all knew it was a stunt…

Well…with all of the bleating by the bleater in chief about the caravan of  “thousands of criminals and middle eastern terrorists” that was moving toward the US from central America, trump and his cronies freaked out and sent over 5,000 troops to the Texas border to stop them from entering the US…never mind that they weren’t even heading to the Texas border and the “caravan” was mostly comprised of women and children. People who could think knew that this whole thing was a stunt to affect the elections and that was confirmed today when the Army announced that they have started to withdraw the troops after setting up a few rolls of barbed wire at the border…now when Obama used the military for political purposes…oh, that’s right…no president has ever used the army on US soil for political purposes…not once…ever! So, idiot boy just spent 100 million dollars for using the military as a prop…with his constant disdain for the military and it’s sacrifices, how long will it take before the repubs will stop supporting this crap? I wonder how many schools could have been repaired for 100 million dollars? Geez I hate trump…and the repubs…impeach…

I think I may have figured it out…

Well…as you know, I have been fighting some intestinal discomfort the past couple of days and I may have figured it out…about a year or so ago, I developed a sensitivity to peanuts where, whenever I ate them, they tied my intestines into knots with lots of pain…and this bout feels just the same…while I was on the bike today it hit me that in trying to get some more calories in me, I have been eating some peanut butter with toast in the morning and with crackers as snacks in the afternoon….it was one of those DUH moments that I get sometimes…so now the experiment comes where I cut out the PB and see what happens…but, I still need to get more calories in me so I’m not sure how to do that…we’ll see…..

Some thoughts…

Well…after most of the votes from 11/6 have been counted, it appears that we will have picked up around 40 seats in the House…giving us the majority we need to at least hold trump and his minions accountable for all of their crimes. But, it can’t stop there…the repubs have been rigging the systems across the US for years now and that is what we need to also focus on…as we have done here in Michigan, gerrymandering needs to be killed everywhere so every vote counts and the unpopular programs and ideas of the repubs die the fast death they deserve…and people like Kemp in Georgia, the secretary of state who was running for governor, can’t use their positions to suppress the votes of people who would overwhelmingly vote for our side. I mean, what the hell is wrong with everyone who is eligible to vote getting to vote? So, while going after trump may have some instant gratification, and needs to be done, let’s not lose focus on everything else that is wrong…and get started fixing it in January….

November 19th

Well…that was a little better…didn’t get up until 6:40 this morning and the extra sleep really did help…my intestines are still in a fit, though, and I’m trying to figure out why that would be….really tried to eat more yesterday but I’m finding it to be harder than it should be…maybe I’ll start the day with some toast and peanut butter and then try for a big lunch…need to do something…had an okay day yesterday but it was pretty boring with no soccer but that re starts this weekend and that should help…didn’t get much done and didn’t have to and have decided to wait until after I do the big meal Thurs to clean the kitchen…I do need to get the fridge ready for that one so that may be the project for the day…hey, I just realized my neck doesn’t hurt this morning…weird….it looks like a normal day today but no pool with Tom having to work so I will have another day of just hanging around here…more later…

Now for something lighter…

Well…haven’t been feeling too well the past couple of days…especially last night when my intestines were screaming at me all night and I had to take a bunch of stuff to try to alleviate it…it’s better today but there is still something going on…doesn’t feel normal and I think I need to eat more today….but, that’s not what this is about…I refuse to write anything about the stupidest person on the planet today so I thought I’d lighten it up a little and get my weird credentials back….I think I’m shrinking…have worn 32 inch inseam jeans since I stopped growing in my teens but, with the last pair I bought last year, they are just too damn long and I am walking on the bottom of the legs…so, I went out to Target this week and bought a pair of 30 inch inseam ones of the cheap Wranglers that fit me so well since they don’t make them in 31′s which would be perfect….after I tried them on, they were okay but it seemed a little short so I got my problem solving hat out and it hit me that I could stretch them just a little which would make them 31′s…so, yesterday after I washed them, I hung them on my shower rod wet using pants hangers and then used another one to hang my bucket with 5 pounds of potatoes in it…it’s so damn funny that it worked great and now I have jeans that fit perfectly for only 20 bucks…and a little thinking…I told you this was going to get my weird credentials back…

November 18th

Well…running a little late even with getting up at 5 and I blame the newspaper…felt like crap last night and I’m not sure what that is about…my intestines were and still are giving me fits and the only reason could be not eating enough…or a bug maybe? I think I have been overestimating the calories in chicken lately…you know, you would think I’d have that figured out by now…and that goes for veggies, too…all I know is I need to eat much more today since I’ll be getting out on the bike as soon as it’s light….slept crappy again last night…oh, I wasn’t going to bitch about that anymore…so I won’t….was so sore yesterday I had to take some ibuprofen last night and that seems to have helped some with my neck…I can move it this morning without much pain and that is a plus…and it helped with my legs, too so I may try that again before I get on the bike…my legs have been dead for almost a week now so I think I’ll have some toast before I go out and see if that helps…not much to do today…didn’t clean much yesterday and I think I’ll wait on the kitchen until after t-day…so that means the bathroom needs to be done so I don’t feel guilty about not doing anything again today….more later….

Get rid of your best general because the other side doesn’t like her?

Well…damn, there are times when I just shake my head at the stupidity of some of the dems in the House who are saying that Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t be the next speaker of the House because the repubs will attack her…hey, guys…where the hell have you been for the last 40 years? The repubs only attack people since they have nothing else…no legislative accomplishments other than tax cuts for the rich…do you think that anyone who is a dem speaker not Nancy Pelosi won’t be attacked? Look…we won this election not on bipartisanship but on issues that matter to the people of the country…issues that the repubs don’t give a damn about but will lie through their teeth saying they will work with the dems on but why should we? They have shown they are all liars and cheats and need to be dismissed until they show by their actions that they care about making the country better for everyone…not just the rich. Until then, we just need to ignore them and everything they say…at this time in this country’s history, we need our best general running the House and that is Nancy Pelosi…she doesn’t care that the repubs don’t like her…why should we? No speaker of the House or minority leader has done more to keep the party together and get us back into power than Nancy…now we need to have her back…geez…

What you never want to be….