All posts by James DeVol

The toddler in chief strikes again…

Well….if any of you out there have kids, you recognize the idiot trump’s behavior as that of a toddler….with his short attention span and lack of the ability to think about the consequences of his actions. After his tough guy act where he imposed tariffs on China without ever thinking what the response would be…and the effects now being felt by farmers across the country who are losing money and in danger of going bankrupt, the idiot boy wants to undo his first act in office; pulling the US out of the TPP….to try to help these same farmers that he has crapped on. And guess what? The other countries that are party to the trade agreement have said “no thanks” and have refused to even entertain re-opening the pact since trump insulted all of them and is so unstable that there just is no point in even talking to him. How’s that for making America great again? When can we be rid of of this idiot? Impeach…

April 13th

Well…man, just can’t get started this morning…and there is really no reason for it…just feel slow and need to ease into things I guess….slept okay last night but lost an earplug overnight and couldn’t find it…but, that’s not unusual….I did get out and have a nice HH with T yesterday and had lots of fun….and I got out on the bike in shorts yesterday but it looks like I won’t get out again until Tuesday or so with the ice storm that is coming over the weekend…so, I think I’ll just hunker down, stay warm, and watch sports…..I did have the top down on the car yesterday and that was cool….but, it looks like a while before that will happen again….it is cool that I really don’t have to be anywhere….not much to do today…will probably clean some if I don’t get on the bike…the wind is already over 20 right now and I just don’t want to do that much work…..more later….

April 12th

Well….got the grocery run done on time today and now it’s time for news…but first, slept okay last night but feel a little warm this morning and I think I have a bug…didn’t feel that hot yesterday and that continues this morning…but, I am going to try to burn it out on the bike today…it is already almost 50 so I am going to get out in shorts in a few minutes….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but fixing the water pipe noises that have been bugging me for a week….and today looks like just a little light cleaning until I meet up with T later….my heel has been hurting the past few days but it doesn’t this morning and that is a little weird but I’ll take it….might even wash the car if it is going to dry up this morning…it needs it’s spring wax job but I’m not sure if I’m motivated enough to do that….more later…

Good riddance…..

Well…my day brightened up considerably a few minutes ago when it was announced that Paul Ryan is not going to run for his house seat this fall….okay, that’s an understatement…I’m grinning about this and all I have to say is good riddance to the smarmy little granny killer. This idiot has been on the wrong side of every issue…and was instrumental in the great tax scam giveaway from last year where the rich and corporations were showered with money and the rest of us were left with nothing…and, he is going to use the next 8 months to try to gut SS by lying that SS has anything to do with the deficit…when even saint Ronnie of Reagan pointed out that they are completely different funds, and that cuts to SS payouts will only go into the SS trust fund, not into the general fund…so there would be absolutely no effect on the deficit. This is just one of the bits of hypocrisy that this empty suit has foist on the country…to get to the core of Ryan’s lyin…you just have to remember his washing clean pots and pans at at homeless shelter during his campaign for VP just so he could get a photo op…that is his entire tenure…just one big photo op and stealing for the 1%….good riddance….

April 11th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but, again, I didn’t get much done and I’m okay with that…slept okay last night and had some really weird dreams that I really don’t know how to describe but they were fun…there was a government job for me, dogs, and lots of snow…but, I’m not sure there is a connection between all of them…I did get a nice bike ride in with no stocking hat, finally, and I may be able to do the same today…it looks like we have a couple of days of good weather and then back int he 30′s again…I am at the point where I am going to write off April as being a total loss for spring weather…so there will be more hunkering down and no shorts this month….I do have some things to do today but not much so it looks like another easy one for me….need more coffee and to see if anything happened in the news last night…more later….


Well….I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of ocular migraines, those zig zag, pulsating lines and stars that happen in your vision…usually before a migraine occurs but not always? Just had my first case in a couple of years and they have left me exhausted….I’m just glad they are normally benign and only last about 30 minutes….but it is weird having your vision appear like you’re looking through shattered glass…..and that no one knows the cause of them…just that they are not a symptom of of other underlying problems…and, I think my vision has gotten better in the hour or so after they ended….yow!

Just delicious…

Well….spent the night last night watching the news for the first time in a long time and the ongoing meltdown of the idiot trump was just delicious…as you know, idiot boy’s personal “lawyer” had his office and residences raided by the FBI yesterday….looking for evidence of bank fraud and election fraud violations in relation to the many, many payoffs Cohen made to women that the idiot had affairs with…supposedly, Cohen took out a home equity loan to pay off Stormy Daniels and it is a good bet that he lied on the loan application…after all, you’re sure not going to say the purpose of the loan is to pay off a woman your boss had an affair with….so that right there is bank fraud; getting a loan under false pretenses. I read one nice little comment from a former prosecutor this morning….he said in the rare case that a lawyer has his office raided, the lawyer has always ended up in prison….so Cohen has that to look forward to…oh, one last thing that made me laugh just showed up on the internet….after the idiot trump complained loudly about Sessions recusing himself in the Russian conspiracy investigation, it was reported that the US attorney whose office is working on the Cohen investigation, one appointed by trump, has also recused himself from the Cohen investigation since he was appointed by trump and trump is involved in this investigation, too…I wonder how the idiot in chief is taking that little bit of news? Badly, I hope….impeach…

April 10th

Well….running a little early today and just didn’t sleep long enough….or well enough with being up and down all night…and I am feeling it right now….can’t remember being this tired in quite a while so it’s another one to ease into…it was an okay day yesterday and we tied at pool so that was cool….and it was nice to get out of here for the first time in a couple of weeks…I have been coughing for the past couple of days and I wonder if that is why I feel so tired….the allergies are in full swing already and that could have something to do with it, too….didn’t get anything done yesterday and I might today but that will take some motivation that I just don’t have right now….I think I was well under on calories yesterday so I am going to try to make that up today…the problem is that nothing even sounds good…it took a lot of work to just get through a couple of chicken thighs…I think I may have to vary my diet some to get around that…but, I’m not sure what that would be…..more later….

But, but, but,…her e-mails…

Well… with the breaking news this afternoon that the idiot trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, had his offices, home, and even a hotel room searched by the FBI today…and the first thing that came into my head was what the media harped on during the election…”what about her e-mails”…and how much that nothingburger was pushed and pushed was such a load of crap…and no one in the media said one word about the criminal conspiracy that is run by trump. If one outlet would have said one thing about the life of crime that trump has led, we wouldn’t be saddled with this moron who is killing this country….I dare anyone to equate a private e-mail server with a raid on the *president’s personal lawyer…and don’t give me any crap about a “witch hunt”….the raid today was signed off by a federal judge who looked at the evidence presented to him and determined that there is probable cause that a crime was committed….and, here’s the good part….this is a separate investigation that will continue no matter what idiot boy does…he can fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and everyone else at the justice department and this investigation will continue…and Michael Cohen has all the dirt on trump from years and years….the noose tightens….impeach…

Trillion dollar deficits…

Well…who would have thought that cutting taxes for the rich and corporations and increasing spending would lead to trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see? Just every frickin economist that is not a right wing shill. With the CBO report that is coming out later today (and that was previewed over the weekend), deficits for the federal government are projected to be at least a trillion dollars a year…but the report states that this is the most optimistic reading, that the deficits couldĀ  be twice that and will continue for at least the next ten years if nothing changes. Do you remember when the biggest threat to the economy were the deficits during the Obama years? Yep, just another bit of hypocrisy from the repubs and shows you it was never really about the deficits then…it was about trying to hurt Obama and trying to keep him from being successful. One other thing that you need to remember, that SS and Medicare have nothing to do with these exploding deficits…they are completely separate accounts and SS and Medicare have been paid for by you and me…remember that whenever the repubs say that these programs are “in crisis”….they are not and won’t be for at least 30 years…and that can be fixed with just one change…by making all income subject to SS taxes….and that’s what we’ll do when we take back the house and senate…