All posts by James DeVol

Add another one to the B-3 count….

Well….just can’t get started this morning so I am reading and watching a little tv and I ran across a Bruce Springsteen concert on AXS…and guess what, there is a Hammond B-3 on the stage…and, I just realized a weird thing with it’s placement….most of the time, the B-3 is on the left hand side of the stage when you are facing it….not all of the time but 90%…strange….so, add another one to the B-3 count…

Trump is the worst person in the world…

Well….I just can’t believe the media letting trump and his gang of fascists get away with trumping up (yeah, I meant to do that) “reasons” for the ban on muslim refugees with trump gleefully tweeting about a knife attack at the Louvre in Paris the other day and his assistant liar Kellyanne Conway making up an attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky that never happened….but the thing that is so sickening is that trump never even acknowledged that one of his followers, a white guy, surprise, surprise, attacked a mosque in Quebec and killed 6 people…and that was caused by trumps hate speech that he spews every day. One thing that trump doesn’t want anyone to realize is that you are 5 times more likely to be killed by a white, right wing asshole in the US than by a muslim…and that he just stopped the federal investigations into right wing terror to reward his white supremacist base. The only thing I know is that every day, trump is competing for the worst person in the world and has won every day he has been in office….and I hope those days are numbered….

February 3rd

Well….it is just too damn cold out there right now…had gotten used to it being kind of mild and now shifting back to normal for Michigan in feb is kind of brutal…it even feels cold in here and I have the temp set at 75….made a little cash yesterday so that was cool…so at least I don’t have that to think about…didn’t do anything else yesterday and today will probably be the same…think I’ll let cleaning go until tomorrow….slept on my right shoulder last night and it hurts like crazy from it….will probably need to take something for it later if it doesn’t get better….but, my back is better so I guess that evens out…I should get out for more allergy stuff today since I am running really low and my allergies are really bad right now…more later…

No so fast Uber….

Well….the ceo of Uber today announced he was leaving the position of advisor to the trump administration, saying that he didn’t want his helping trump to be seen as endorsing trump or his agenda…and now you can start laughing….he was perfectly fine with trump until the illegal immigration order that hurt Uber’s business when they tried to take advantage of a taxi strike in New York….what a disingenuous load of crap….the ceo, Travis Kalanick, is backpedaling so fast his shoes are smoking and it is only that he is losing money from the #deleteuber movement…not that he doesn’t agree with Trump and probably voted for him….as the rest of the assholes who have anything to do with this racist, white supremacy driven administration….you just can’t take things back when you were perfectly fine with trump and never said a word before the election…so, still delete your Uber app and use Lyft instead….

The weakest president ever?

Well…as more and more world leader interact with the idiot trump, they are getting the picture of the weakest, most erratic president the US and the world has ever seen….he is revealing that he is all bullshit and bluster and so damn stupid and ignorant that he is already being taken advantage of…just take a look at what Russia did within hours after trump got off the phone with Putin. After lifting sanctions from the Russian secret service, the FSB; what used to be the KGB, and giving Putin a gift, Russia sent troops into the Ukraine…something that trump said would never happen “on his watch” and what the stupid people that voted for him thought they were going to get….how tough is it to let your adversary get and do anything they want? The kicker in this whole Russian relationship with trump is that the recording of the phone call with Putin magically disappeared so no one really knows what trump promised Putin or whether the phone call was to thank Putin for electing him…or maybe it was to set the terms of the bribe that Russia paid to make sure there would be no action when they did invade the Ukraine? The swamp keeps filling and trump is the slime on top….

Trump is truly insane…

Well….if you haven’t already seen evidence that trump is mentally ill, I’ll give you a couple more little bitty pieces to that puzzle. Over the weekend, the idiot in chief threatened the president of Mexico with sending in American troops to take care of the “bad hombres” down there since the idiot doesn’t think the Mexican army can handle it…yep, he really did say that…and then, that not being enough, on a call to the PM of Australia, the idiot started freaking out and yelling at him since we have an agreement to take in a few hundred refugees…and trump went off and yelled that he didn’t want them to send us more “Boston bombers”… but that was not even the best of it…he then hung up on the PM in a huge snub to one of our staunchest allies in the world. Now, this kind of behavior is surely an impeachable offense since it is evidence that trump truly is mentally ill…come on repubs, dust off the 25th  amendment and get to work…the world can’t take much more of this….

February 2nd

Well…running really late today with getting up a little late and then having to do the grocery run….it’s kind of a pain to not be able to do my normal routine in the morning and I feel like something is off from it….I did make some cash yesterday and got to see T for happy hour and that was a lot of fun…nice to have cash for the next month in the drawer…..and I am going to make a little more this morning….slept okay last night but I am having some problems with the earplugs hurting my right ear so that is a little troubling since I do need to use them….might just have to use another pair….don’t have a lot to do today after I run my errand this morning…I should clean but might wait until the weekend…I am going to make tacos for lunch and I bought some avocados to make guac and chop some to put on the tacos….just sounds good…more later….

This is weird…

Well…nothing about politics right now just a weird thing that happened to me as I was running errands this morning…was out on the e-way and “Country Girl” by Neil Young came on and it immediately flashed me back to listening to the same song at this time of the year in my 1965 Ford Galaxie back in 1971….flying along the e-way just like this morning…and if you remember the heaters in Fords of the period, itwas much like the marginal one in the Miata and you always had to dress for the winter, even inside the car….kind of a weird flashback but it did make me smile….

February 1st

Well…it was a good day yesterday and I got to hang out with my youngest son for  a while and catch up….and I made a little cash so that was cool, too….the allergies are really bad this morning and I think I’ll have to go out and get more allergy stuff today or tomorrow….just feel worn out again this morning and I think it’s the combo of the allergies, not eating enough, and bad sleep… today will be a veg day while I try to rectify all of that…other than lunch with T, that is…..the coffee needs to start working pretty soon or I’m going to take a nap….not going to do a lot today feeling like I do…hope it’s not a bug…more later….