October 12th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I had a lot of fun out on the drive with the Miata folks…11 cars and 16 of us…many more than the picnic and it was a hoot…did almost 80 miles on the drive and then had a nice lunch in Hastings before coming back home…put the top down on the drive there and it was only 34 degrees….took quite a while to get warmed up after that but it was still fun….slept pretty crappy again and I know I didn’t eat enough yesterday so I’ll have to make up for it today…didn’t ride the bike with all of the  travel and things I had to do so I need to get out for a long one today after it warms up…not much to do today…going to just veg out most of the day and watch some football and then look forward to “the Walking Dead” starting again tonight…more later….

October 11th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…made a late comeback but not enough…slept okay, too, but I do feel a little slow this morning…and that needs to go since I need to leave for the Miata owners color tour this morning…should be fun…going to put the top down going out and it is only 33 degrees…found a stocking hat to wear…I wonder if any of the others will have their tops down? Probably not. Almost decided to not go but don’t want to disappoint the organizer…nice guy….no bike ride today since I have stuff to do when I get back but I’m going to make money today so that’s okay….need to make sure the phone and music player are charged up for the drive and I need to sunscreen even though it’s October….more later…

October 10th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I got some stuff done so that was cool…got the car washed and waxed for the drive tomorrow but I think it will be dirty again before then….slept okay and had weird dreams about teeth falling out with lots of people I don’t know in it…feel kind of crappy today since I just had to have cocktails for the Wings game last night…which they won and looked good doing it…everyone was working hard and it was good to see…just hope they can keep it up for the game tomorrow night….not much to do today…pool, of course, and I need to meet up with T for a couple of minutes and that will be nice….and the bike ride, too, but it is in the 30′s right now so that will have to wait for a couple of hours…more later….

Let’s go Red Wings…

Well…with the season starting for the Wings tonight, I thought I’d do one on the hopes and dreams that come from a new season…..okay, no hopes and dreams at all, not sure why I wrote that….just want a better season than last year…no injuries that keep the stars out for half the year and no crappy goaltending. But, the thing is, if we play well, there is no need to lean on the goaltender every night. I am disappointed with the play of some of the guys who got the big contracts last year…I’m talking to you Frantzen…one of the most frustrating players we have when there are games that he can’t be stopped and then the next one you can’t remember him even being on the ice…and that can’t be attributed to the other teams learning how to play him..he has been in the league long enough that everyone has seen him…he just needs to adjust to them and get the job done.  We do need the injury bug to stay away this year…but, it looks like it is still here with Pavel getting injured in the pre-season, and it looks like he will be out until next week at the earliest….and I have my fingers crossed that Hank’s back is finally 100% after the injury and surgery last year…he says it is and since he is the captain…we’ll take his word for it. I am excited to see the youngsters play again this year and see if the way they played last year was a fluke or not…it is cool to see how fast they are and how enthusiastically they play…that in itself makes them fun to watch. That’s it…only one thing left to say…Let’s go Red Wings….

October 9th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…slept normal and crappy but feel okay this morning except for my back still hurting….okay…just made it pop…hope that works like it has in the past…normally, when my back pops it stops hurting…hope it works this time….I did get out to HF for some tools and got a cool little led light for free…it is a work light and a flashlight…pretty neat little unit…but the keyset I bought fell apart before I used it so that needs to go back….there was a fire at the adjoining complex night before last and it left ashes on my car that need to come off today…have to get the car ready for the color tour on sat and it needs to look good…not much to do today….grocery run to get some food in the house and then the first Wings game later…will do a post on the Wings to get caught up later…more later….

The Kansas experiment ends…

Well…it has been said that the states are the laboratories of government where things are tried to see how they work…and there hasn’t been a state that has been more experimental than Kansas over the past 4 years where a repub takeover of the government has been the laboratory for all of the “ideas” that the repubs have for government and how it should work. You know what this means…slashing taxes, cutting spending, more abortion restrictions…yada, yada….and guess what? As every economist that didn’t graduate from Liberty University will tell you, these thing do not work to spur growth in the economy or job creation but they keep trying it anyway. We now see what these policies do on a large scale….a deficit of over 300 million dollars due to tax cuts for the rich and corporations…slashing of spending on education and public projects such as roads and bridges and a regression to last on every measure of economic growth. Not surprising, since this is an ideology driven government, not a fact based one and one thing the repubs do in all parts of life is do things on faith even though a century of economic history shows their ideas have never worked…ever. Now, it looks like the repubs are going to pay by losing the governorship, one senate seat and many seats in the house since the people have had enough of the excuses…Brownback, the governor, has even tried to blame his mess on Obama…standard protocol when these idiots screw up…can’t happen to a nicer bunch…geez…

October 8th

Well…running really early today since I am up watching the lunar eclipse and it is almost total right now…just  a sliver left and I can’t wait for the color to turn red…haven’t slept much and feel pretty crappy and tired so this is going to be a short one for now…my back is now in pain on both sides and both legs are involved and it has been a long time since it’s been in both sides…oh, well…just getting old I guess and I don’t like it….not much to do today…just the normal stuff but I do need to make a run to Harbor Freight to get some free stuff but that is about it….might even be nice enough to put the top down…more later….

The walking dead…

Well…I laughed a little this morning…okay, I laughed a lot at the news this morning that the national repub party has pulled their money for ads supporting the walking dead repub senate candidate Terri Land….with the polls showing her from 10-12 points behind Gary Peters, I guess they have seen the writing on the wall and one of the brain cells they have left have realized here candidacy is dead, dead, dead. I guess it will be left to the Kochs to try to buy the seat and keep pissing the money away…can’t happen to nicer guys….and the one other good thing is that the money that would have had to be spent to help Peters can now go to going after the idiot Snyder…I’d like to see them ask him one question: “Where are the jobs?” When your state is 36 out of 50 in job creation, ole Snyder has to be held accountable….geez…

October 7th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…but, it took me over an hour and a half to get to sleep last night and I was up all night again so that wasn’t cool…not sure what to do about it since I have tried everything I know…oh, well…didn’t get much done but today will be better…I think…can’t be worse….I do have some errands to run today….need to find some black silicone to repair an abrasion on the top of the car before winter…and I do need to clean it and get ready for the color tour with the group Sat…hoping for 10 cars or so driving through the countryside and it is only for a couple of hours so I guess I can do that….need to make sure the mp-3 player is charged along with the phone…not much to do today…oh, already talked about that…more later…

Michigan political update…

Well….have been looking at some of the good news here in Michigan on the political front, and thought I’d so a short update on what’s going on. First, though, today is the last day to register to vote to be eligible for November’s election so get out and register if you haven’t already…and then vote…because if we vote, we win…it’s as simple as that especially here in Michigan where Obama carried the state by 10 points. The update has a little good news in it and a little not so good news….first, the good news. It looks like Gary Peters is going to defeat the invisible Terri Land if the polls hold that are showing him up by 8-10 points…it should be more given that she hasn’t talked to anyone during the entire campaign…depending on Koch money to air 6 million dollars of ads that are mostly blatant lies or fabrications hoping that people are too stupid to see the truth….it looks like the Kochs are becoming toxic to the people they are trying to install in their government. The bit of bad news is that Mark Schauer is trailing ole Snyder in the governor’s race and I just don’t know why….are people losing their memories? Don’t they remember that Snyder and his cronies are responsible for the biggest tax increase on seniors in the states history? And, that they gave that money away with no strings attached to the supposed “job creators” who have not created one job but have raised CEO’s salaries by 50%…wouldn’t the workers here like that kind of sweet deal? Don’t count on it….Snyder doesn’t give a damn about workers…and you can see that from his approval of right to work which is just code for killing unions and the middle class jobs they provide.  So, good news and bad that can be turned into good if we just vote…that’s all….geez…

What you never want to be….