Well…this little nugget just popped into my head and I thought I’d share it….this goes back to ole Mitt’s statement that “corporations are people, too, my friend” on the stump and highlights an unintended dig that Mitt had for those same corporations. When you look at the numbers, you’ll find that many, many corporations like GE did not pay any income taxes in the past few years….so does that make them part of the 47% that ole Mitt so callously derides? To me, this just points out the incoherence and ignorance that is the core of the repub candidate…I thought I’d seen the stupidist (I know that’s not a real word) candidate for president when I saw ole GW…but Mitt is in a class of his own and makes even Rick Perry look like a genius….bring on the debates…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
Have to take on this latest “mitticism”…
Well…ole Mitt has done it again…reveling what he truly thinks about the American people who are not rich, who are not part of the privileged few like him who have been given everything and think they earned it. The latest from this idiot comes from a fundraiser earlier in the year where he shows his disdain for almost half of the people of this country who, by his measure, are the “takers” who pay no income tax and will never vote for him…and he shows that he would not give a damn about them if he is elected. First, let’s get this straight…even those who do not pay income taxes, and this is mostly a result of the Bush tax cuts, pay payroll and other taxes that average almost 16% of their income and they can’t use any loopholes to reduce this tax burden…which is more as a percentage than ole Mitt pays in income taxes…and, the second thing is that, in the 47% that don’t pay income taxes, you have all retirees on social security and the unemployed, but you also have the working poor whose wages have been in real decline due to repub policies that have rewarded companies for offshoring jobs….and now you have Mitt blaming these folks for the policies that he still champions….why any working person would ever vote for this idiot, I just can’t fathom…geez…
Some news and other stuff…
Well…as you know, I’ve been watching the continuing rise of Obama in the polls and it has made me smile some…and the latest, where he is up by 11-14% in Pennsylvania just adds to the smile…and if you add in the 10 plus that Obama is up here in Michigan, ole Mitt must be really, really concerned…I cannot wait for the debates where I’m sure Obama will torch ole Mitt and force him to admit that the only economic plan he has is more of GW’s tax cuts and spending cuts…one thing we do need to remember when the talk comes from the right about the national debt, that most of it happened under ole GW’s watch…12 trillion of it to be exact so no one should listen to the repubs on anything economic…they just don’t ave a clue. One other thing that I do want to comment on is a statement that came out of the ‘value voters” summit that was held last week sponsored by the usual suspects on the right; the Family Resource Council, AEI and their ilk….something that sounded just like something that would come out of the Taliban of radical Islam…where they said that women should dress more modestly or they should expect men to act badly around them…really? In the US, in 2012? Again, these folks that push personal responsibility to the point of nausea now turn around and say that men just can’t help themselves and it is womens fault if they don’t dress in a burqa? The last thing we need in this country is to elect these folks…and Romney and Ryan both support this nonsense…geez…
Here’s the difference…
Well…I think things are starting to turn in the election and I do believe that it comes down to the competing visions that the two parties have for the country…the dems have a vision of possibilities and a greater future with fighting for the middle class while the repubs have a vision of a diminished America of going backwards on the rights of citizens and giving more and more away to corporations and the rich. The American people are starting to see the repubs for who they are and they don’t like it…they don’t like ole Mitt trampling on the memories of the 4 Americans killed in Libya and they don’t like that he appears more and more like he is in no way near ready to be president….and the media is starting to call them on their vagueness and lies…I am really starting to have hope that the repubs are being seen for what they are…they are not like the rest of us to be sure…
Flip flopping must be contagious..
Well….it looks like flip flopping might be contagious with the comment that Paul Ryan made yesterday on the role of government in peoples lives…in case you are unaware, ole Ryan is the author of many bills that would restrict the right of women to contraceptives and abortion…so, yesterday he comes out and uses for an example of government abuses the new contraceptive requirement that he feels is taking away the rights of the Catholic church to control the women that work for it..so, he thinks it’s bad for government to impose regulations that would help women but he thinks it’s just peachy when government is used to take rights away….what a crazy, screwed up idiot…and this is the future of the repub party? I hope so…then we will never see another one in the White House…geez…
Here’s a conspiracy theory for you…
Well….I was just thinking about a few things, mostly the whole idiot Romney statement and came up with this thought: what if this whole thing is a plan by the repubs to inflame the middle east so they then can criticize Obama for being weak? After seeing how Fox covered it yesterday and today, it appears that this might be what is happening…although I am loathe to give the repubs any credit for having any intelligence at all…just a thought…
Just a few things…again…
Well…after the over the top output over the past few days, I think I’ll just take it easy today and noodle around again to see if anything starts to work…I did want to talk about the new conference that ole Mitt did on Tuesday….did anyone else get creeped out by the smarmy, smirking, exit? A serious situation like the one in Libya and all this guy can do is smirk? It is getting too easy to take shots at this idiot…so, that will be the last one for the day. Good news with the polls here in Michigan…the latest ones show that ole Mitt is 10 points behind and has stopped spending money here…yay…and other polls show that senator Stabenow is leading Hoekstra by 11…and Hoekstra keeps making mistake after mistake…kinda like ole Mitt…okay…I won’t talk about him anymore. I did go back to watching the news yesterday and I think it will be a one time thing since it has gotten way too strident for me…that’s about it…can’t really think right now…I may be back later for more, though…who knows?
One last thing for today…
Well…I know I have been hammering ole Mitt almost non stop for the last couple of months but my ire has been earned by the stupidity we see daily from these folks…but the one scary thing that most people don’t know is who his foreign policy advisers are…if you like to be lied into two wars that were not paid for, then vote for ole Mitt since he has all of guys that were responsible for the Iraq war working for him and making his foreign policy…scary stuff if you love this country as I do…what we don’t need is a re-run of the Bush years….and that is what you’ll get with ole Mitt…
I find this just too funny…
Well…reading and reading all day, I found a new thread that has started to pop up that is just too funny…that is if you think the Romney candidacy is a joke as I do…the repubs have already started to try out the trial balloons of why Romney lost…yep, even those on the right are starting to see this election as a lost cause and are getting ready to throw Romney under the bus to try to save the “brand” of the republican party by saying that ole Mitt was just a bad candidate but the ideas of the party are still good and the people like them. The people like tax cuts for the rich? The people like deregulation of the banks? The people like the dismantling of Medicare? The people like the destruction of Social Security? The people like two wars that were not paid for? The people like government intrusion into women’s bodies? The people like the rejection of science for ignorance? Man, the repubs are just delusional if they think that the rejection of Romney is not a rejection of the crazy right wing ideas, too…and maybe the media won’t let them get away with it this time…we can only hope….geez…
Romney can’t even tell time…
Well…another set of lies came out of the Romney campaign today and who can be surprised? As you know, there was a rocket attack on our embassy in Libya yesterday that killed four diplomats, and as can be expected from the idiot Mitt, a press conference was called to criticize a statement put out by the Egyptian Embassy that called for sensitivity to all religions that ole Mitt is casting as an “apology” from Obama for the attack in Libya. Let’s cut right through the crap here…this statement was issued BEFORE the Libya attack and had to do with protesters in Egypt, not the Libya attack since it hadn’t happened yet. Should we elect ole Mitt to the presidency if he can’t even tell time? Just another incidence of the lies, lies, and lies that a desperate Romney; clutching at straws, will say to try to save his sinking campaign….geez…what an idiot…