Well…there is not much going on with politics but the Iowa nonsense with the repubs but I can’t believe that there is so much time and attention being expended on this weird, throwback of a process. When you do the math, the whole caucus there and all of the votes amount to less than one-half of one percent of the total electorate in the US and the winner comes out thinking that he or she is presidential material and has earned a mandate to continue. But that is not what this is about…this is supposed to be about the repubs getting some sense and abandoning the idiot Newt for the nonsense he has been spouting…now, ole Newt may be right at home in a Dickens novel, but he is certainly not presidential material and it looks like even the hard right that controls the elections in Iowa has wised up to that fact. Well…maybe I’m wrong that they’ve gotten smarter…since they have pushed Rick Santorum to second place in the polls and have even kept Ron Paul in the running…this could be fun to watch if you like slow-motion crashes….I know, not too lucid but I’m really trying so bear with me a while…if I don’t get better then abandon me…
Category Archives: Politics
Everyone’s doing fine but the workers…
Well…this one just popped into my head about an article that I saw a few days ago that said that the current congress is the richest one in the history of the country with the current crop’s net worth being 10 times the average Americans, and this points to one of the problems that I see with the country right now: that everyone but the workers are doing well. Corporations have the highest highest retained earnings of any time in history and CEO pay is at it’s highest in relation to worker’s pay since statistics have been kept…why doesn’t anyone connect the dots here? We have the rich in congress making laws for the rich bought and paid for by corporations that have done nothing but stagnate the income of the middle class (or, in real dollars have shrunk the income of the middle) and we wonder why no one is spending, we wonder why the economy can’t stop sputtering and start to move again? Until the middle gets a true share of their contribution to the economy and the rich stop taking more and more, we are doomed to just idle, to look at tiny slivers of hope and blow them out of proportion just because we want to believe that the American dream still exists…I’ve got news for you….it’s already gone…geez….
Boehner is still an idiot….
Well…just a little short one to comment on the jaw dropping comment that ole John made after the dustup over the extension of the middle class payroll tax cut that was resolved last week. The quote goes like this: “…we fought the good fight. Why not do the right thing for the American people even thought it’s not what we (the republicans) want? What a revaltory statement that I’m sure he didn’t want to make…he’s just not that bright but it did lay bare the repubs contempt for the American people and our country that is held by these folks….that they don’t give a damn about anyone but the party and those of the 1% that bankroll it and buy repub seats in congress. I hope Boehner’s comments are plastered across the media for the next year and Obama keeps hammering them on their lack of concern for anyone but themselves….geez…
Is Michelle Malkin a human being?
Well…normally, I wouldn’t even concern myself with the half-baked nonsense that Michelle Malkin writes since her screeds make my brain hurt when I read them….but, today, I just had to comment on her downright gleeful take on the struggles of the L.A. school district to supply better meals to the children that go to school there. She deems the whole venture to upgrade the lunches a failure since the children “voted with their stomachs” and liked the old high-fat meals of pizza and chicken nuggets better. Of course kids are going to like the food they have been taught to like through billions of dollars of advertising…and I do admit that high fat, fried foods taste good, but to not even try to stem the obesity epidemic would be a gross abandonment of our responsibilities as adults and the only thing Michelle Obama is trying to do is to use her voice to try to educate people on how to eat better for a healthier life. But, as always, ole Michelle sees it as a sinister plot to have the government take over all aspects of everyone’s life but then throws in that the program in L.A. is a failure because they have provided health benefits for part time cafeteria workers. Geez, Michelle, who taught you to hate so much? Just another shill for the right wing conspiracy to take everything from the 99% and give it to the 1%…
Nolan Finley has gone over the edge…
Well…I really do have to thank ole Nolan for being up to more of his nonsense this morning in the Detroit News where the latest dump from his tortured mind sees Obama and his re-election team behind the ‘Occupy” movement with a little George Soros thrown in for good measure. His main premise is that since Romney will probably be the republican nominee, (as he sees it) it is imperative for Obama to discredit the financial industry where Romney made most of his money and the best way to do this is to make a fake populist revolt of the people to make the charges. Nolan, Nolan, Nolan…..this sounds a bit like projection since your beloved tea party is just that… a fake grass-roots organization backed by billionaires for the specific purpose of killing the middle class and taking more, and more, and more for the rich and corporations. What you truly don’t understand is the “Occupy” movement started long before it had the backing of unions or really anyone on the left and Obama is still keeping his distance….and was really late to the party. I think you have the whole thing completely backwards….”Occupy” is truly a people run movement that is a direct response to republican policies that always favor the rich and, whether it was the plan or not, have decimated the middle class….so, when you talk conspiracy theories, your fear of the people taking the country back from your ilk oozes from every word…and you should be scared…
Romney’s entititlement society…
Well..it just pisses me off when one of the 1% starts to lecture us on what, in his warped, privileged mind, is wrong with society today. He is lecturing us on entitlement? Romney, who was born the son of wealthy parents who has all the best in life with no struggle to pay the rent, put food on the table, or send the kids to college? I’ve had enough of the elites and their rich buddies faking that they even give a damn about anyone but themselves and then continue to steal what rightfully belongs to the middle class, without who the rich would not be rich…the only sense of entitlement here in the US belongs to the rich who think they got to where they are by hard work…and that is just nonsense…they got where they are with the connections and old boy networks that do not operate on merit…they operate on cronyism and the winks and nods that come with a rigged system. Mitt, why don’t you just go back to Bain Capital and ship some more jobs overseas…that is the only thing you are good for….geez….
Tax shenanigans….
Well…if it wasn’t so sad, watching the repubs try to justify not continuing the payroll tax holiday for middle class workers without getting a new pipeline for their oil company owners would be funny. But, it really isn’t…it just another example of the sad state of affairs in the modern republican party that is dominated by the tea party. One of the really sad things is that, even with the claims of Rick Perry and some of the other repub candidates that the pipeline is really a jobs program since it would create between 100,000 and a million jobs, none of that oil is even going to be used in the US since we have become a net exporter of refined oil products. So, what is this pipeline about? It’s about more and more profits for the oil companies who don’t really give a damn that the pipeline will run across one of the largest aquifers in the central US, and that independent analysts have said will create maybe 500 new jobs; if that many. This is what happens when business owns one of the two parties here in the US and will never be better until we take their money out of the equation….and get the repubs back to representing the people who voted them into office not the corporations that bought them their seats in congress…geez…
More nonsense from ole Newt…
Well…I don’t know if ole Newt is just an idiot but there are so many recent statements that I am heading toward that direction with his attack on the courts one the weekend talk shows last weekend. In case you haven’t heard, ole Newt said he would abolish federal courts that rule differently than he thinks they should and even send federal marshals to arrest judges to make sure they appear before congress if requested to explain a ruling that the party currently in control of congress did not agree with. This nonsense is so breathtaking in it’s ignorance of the constitution and the separation of powers doctrine that has been the foundation of our justice system that it just shows the true contempt that the repubs have for America and our laws and traditions. I just can’t believe that any of these idiots that are running for the repubs can compete with Obama…
The republicans are at it again here in Michigan…
Well….if you didn’t know it, the culture wars are alive and well here in Michigan with the passage of a couple of bills that were proposed here by the repub controlled legislature….the latest nonsense comes from the supposedly business friendly Snyder and his team who are now targeting private businesses, making it illegal to offer health benefits to non married partners and same sex couples. Why are these idiots still fighting this culture war when even businesses and their owners don’t see this as a problem? It’s just another example that the Michigan Taliban (aka the republicans) are all for freedom and individual choice when it is for someone they agree with but will use the full force of their government position to punish those they don’t. How is this making Michigan more competitive? How is this creating jobs? If governor Snyder is serious about making Michigan more competitive, he should veto these bills…geez….
Let’s stop this nonsense…
Well…in case you haven’t heard, there is a new military spending bill wending it’s way through the congress that has a very troubling provision in it…in the guise of fighting terrorism, there are provisions in this bill that will essentially gut the constitution and make it no longer applicable to yours or my rights as citizens of the US. What this bill will allow the government to do is detain indefinitely, any US citizen, even caught on US soil who is even suspected of any connection with terror or terrorist support. The government would not have to present any proof that this person had committed any crime and the person held would have no recourse to challenge the detention…in direct contravention to the 4th amendment, and habeas corpus. This means that the president would have more power than King George the Third who we fought in the revolutionary war and could lock our citizens up in the equivalent of the Tower of London. The worst part of this is this is bi-partisan nonsense with even dems like Carl Levin of Michigan supporting this egregious destruction of our civil liberties. I need you folks to write to your legislators and Obama and tell them in no uncertain terms that you will not accept this destruction of what this country stands for…I have…geez….