Well…there was an interesting article in the Free Press today that compared the difference of two midwestern states…one run by dems on dem principles, and Michigan run by repubs on repub principles…want to guess which one is doing better…I mean after you get your car out of the huge pothole it just fell into here in Michigan. Of course, it’s the one, Minnesota, run on facts and sound economic principles…not Michigan that is run on ideology and wishful thinking by the crony capitalism that is the repub party. In Minnesota where tax rates on corporations are much higher than here in Michigan, they have enough money to fund their schools, fix their roads, revenue share with their cities and do the infrastructure spending that will pay off in the future with higher growth rates for all their citizens. One thing you have to note is that even with higher corporate tax rates, there is no big exodus of jobs…in fact, their unemployment rate is 3 points lower than Michigan and they have not hollowed out their middle class. Here in Michigan…taxes were raised on retirees, cut for corporations and you can see the results whenever you drive your car….as the roads pound it into dust since there is no tax money to fix them….cities crumble as revenue sharing tax money is given to the rich and corporations, and not one job is created except for more accountants for the CEO’s that have to figure out how to spend all of the new money the have gotten from those tax cuts. All the while these tax cuts hollow out the programs that benefit workers and make Michigan competitive…but the repubs just don’t give a damn about that since workers are just “takers” that take food out of the mouths of the rich. I think everyone needs to read of the failures of the repub economic policies and call them out on it…I have had enough…geez…
Tag Archives: Michigan
Another day…
Well…it has been a strange day..or a normal day as they have been going lately….felt pretty good until this aft and then the bottom fell out and I have no energy…but, I’m not going to complain too much…just a little….it looks like the lies are starting to catch up to ole Snyder here in Michigan and the old folks, who normally are the core repub constituency, are starting to peel off to the dems with all of the crap he has done to them…and to me…over the past three years they have taken almost 3 grand from my retirement to give pay raises to ceos….and he tries to atone for that by making a website that tries to convince us that things are so good for retirees here…what a frickin laugh….it appears that the media is starting to actually call out these liars…just hope it make a difference and we can send Snyder back to one of 15 houses…geez…
She’s even more stupid than I thought…
Well…since when do candidates run for office when they are completely ignorant of the issues they are going to be deciding for the American people? The latest example (and it seems like there is one every day) of this ignorance comes, again, from Terri Lynn Land from here in Michigan. This time, she was asked a question about net neutrality, the idea that every packet of information that crosses the internet should be treated the same without any interference from the ISP’s or any mechanism for anyone to buy faster speeds to the detriment of those who can’t afford to pay. Here is her response: “I think the internet should be free…it’s a great source of information. I’m on Twitter and a fan of Twitter…it’s a great way to actually interact with the community…” Not a mention of the true issue…and with that no understanding of the issue…how can anyone think she is ready for the US senate? Oh, yeah, she is against abortion and gay marriage…that’s about all of the qualification you need if you’re a repub…geez…
Terri Lynn Land truly is stupid…
Well…as I have been searching for topics, I came across this gem from Terri Land who is running to be a senator from Michigan…and who exhibits all of the traits that make the repubs so repulsive. When asked if she supported the auto bailout that has proven to be so successful she says: “I have always supported auto workers (except when she supports the repub goal of breaking the unions) It’s great the autos are doing well…I support the autos”….okay can’t even pretend that I understand a thing she is saying…especially when she supported ole Mitt’s plan to “let Detroit go bankrupt” and is now trying to weasel her way out of it to make it look like she gives a flying damn about workers…which she doesn’t….and then goes on to use the code words of all repubs “I want to go to Washington to make sure we have a competitive environment here in Michigan (you can read that bust the unions and ruin what is left of the middle class by paying Chinese level wages) and that you don’t over-regulate (meaning let business do whatever the hell they want to pollute and scam the system so the 1% gets all of the wealth) and that you don’t over tax and don’t over burden Michigan families…meaning that she wants more tax cuts for business and that she wouldn’t over burden Michigan families by making them make decisions on how to spend or save the extra money they are making since, under her, there wouldn’t be any. The question session ended when her handlers saw that they were going to ask questions that she couldn’t answer truthfully; if she did, she might as well just go home now since she would certainly lose the election. The same old repub BS…lie and lie, then screw the middle class when you get elected…what an idiot…geez…
Another analysis says cutting taxes and austerity doesn’t work…
Well…read an interesting little study today where Doug Drake, the former head of revenue and tax analysis for the Federal Reserve, finds that dramatic cuts in taxes and spending like those that have been done since the repubs took control here in Michigan do nothing to increase prosperity or create jobs….read that again, the only thing that the repubs know how to do, that they take for their religion does not work! I know I’ve harped on this before but I think we in the middle and on the left need to keep shouting it until these idiots stop this crap…until they stop making this country crumble with their tax cuts for business and the rich…until they stop allowing children to go hungry for those same tax cuts…until they actually use facts and not faith for economic decisions…this is malfeasance on a grand scale and they need to be held accountable for it…it is just like what I was taught in my masters program…that you can never cut your way to growth…doesn’t work in business, doesn’t work in government either…geez…
Raising taxes on the poor and middle class…again…
Well…as you know, the roads here in Michigan are some of the worst in the nation, caused by the tax cuts that the repubs gave business here which have starved the government of the funds it needs to provide even the most basic services. Now, the repubs are back at it again with proposals to raise the gas tax by 25 cents a gallon to fund the needed repairs that have been caused by their neglect…but, as every economist will tell you, these types of taxes fall the most heavily on the poor and middle class who have been screwed by the repubs for too many years to count. They did this three years ago when they gave businesses a 1.6 billion dollar tax cut paid for by raising taxes on the retired and middle class that has not yielded one job according to numerous studies that have been done but has inflated CEO and executive pay to match the 1.6 billion…so, basically, every retiree has written a check out of his retirement fund and has given it to a CEO here in Michigan. What if, instead of upping taxes on the people, we just rescinded the failed tax cuts to business? That is the problem with ideological economic policy, it doesn’t have to work….the repubs just have to believe it works and that is just a good as proof…keep voting for these idiots Michigan and pretty soon business will be untaxed and you won’t be able to eat…geez…
Terri Land is just ridiculous…
Well…I am dumbfounded by the new ad being run by Terri Land attacking Gary Peters here in Michigan in the senate race for Levin’s seat…basically, the entire ad is this: I am a woman so I know about women’s issues and since Gary Peters is a man, he doesn’t. Yep, that is the entire ad…but to me, the real issue here is not that Terri is a woman and understands women’s issues…which is just not true by the way…the real issue is that, in her time in congress, she just doesn’t give a damn about those issues…she voted to repeal Obamacare 50 plus times, and has made it clear that any attempt to even out the wage disparity between men and women has been rejected by her and her cronies in the repub party…along with her support of the restriction of women’s rights that is at the forefront of the modern repub party.,..exactly what issues does she care about? What issues does she think are important…you can never find that out since she never takes questions from the press…sending out aides to answer…is it because she just isn’t bright enough to talk without talking points? Just like the rest of the repubs…stonewall or lie until you are elected and then do exactly what the rest of the repub party does…make laws for their rich donors and then grift to get a piece of it….geez…
Snyder piles on…
Well…after ole Schuette wasted money and time this week appealing the equality ruling and joining the fight against ACA subsidies, we now have ole Snyder piling on the few same sex couples who got married over the weekend by instructing all state agencies to not recognize these legal marriages,…as I’ve said before, the repubs rail and rail and rail about Obama “picking and choosing” which laws to enforce, then do exactly the same thing to discriminate…at least Obama does it to enlarge rights and fight for the middle class…these idiots do nothing but try to keep their enemies down by denying them rights that everyone should have….what a bunch of crap….geez….
Schuette just hates the people of Michigan..
Well…with today’s revelation of our AG’s suit against subsidies for people getting healthcare in the state, we can see that Bill Schuette just hates the people of Michigan…going so far as to take affordable insurance away from residents just to prove that he hates Obamacare and any program that helps people who need it. Where the hell were you before Obamacare passed, Bill? Not a peep out of you for people whose insurance was canceled, not a peep for people with pre-existing conditions that couldn’t get insurance, not a peep for people who couldn’t afford insurance….but, you roar like a lion against the basic help the the ACA provides to people who need it…just like the appeal of the equality ruling, and conspiring with the extremists at Right to Life of Michigan to take away womens access to their healthcare, ole Bill just hates the people of Michigan and solving any of their problems…just make sure they are held down and don’t have the avenue to financial security or equality….this is your repub party, hate, hate, hate…geez….
Typical howl from the right…
Well…it has been funny to hear the howl coming from the right here in Michigan…was actually looking out the door to see if I could see or hear any heads exploding…on the ruling on equality that was handed down Friday afternoon in favor of everyone having the same rights. The cries were the same ones that you always hear when the repub sponsored bigotry is found to be unconstitutional…damn activist, liberal judge! But, the only problem with that is that this guy was appointed by Reagan…so that makes him a liberal? I am so tired of the repubs loving government when they can use it to discriminate, but when the result is to increase equality and freedom, they just howl like crazy….and one other funny thing is that in every state where these types of cases have come to the court, every judge has come down on the side of the 14th amendment and equal protection…so now all judges are activist liberals? Get over it haters…get over the fact that this country is changing toward equality and tolerance for all, not just the people you agree with…geez…
Oh, on last thing… Schuette, stop spending my tax money to defend discrimination with the appeal…especially since you have no case…