Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Boycott trump tonight…

Well..the idiot in chief is going to give another self congratulatory speech tonight in congress and all I have to say is that any sane American needs to boycott the speech to make it the lowest rated one in the history of the country…and, to those of you that are still giving the idiot the benefit of the doubt in respect to the office of the president I call bullshit…trump has no respect for the office or he wouldn’t be using it to enrich himself in direct violation of the constitution….trump has no respect for the rule of law or anything else, especially you idiots that voted for him and unleashed his racist, white supremacy hate on the rest of us….so the only thing a sane person can do is to boycott the address and anything else trump…he needs to be isolated like a cancer and cut out of the body politic before he kills it….and that is coming….

“Massive” trump rallies…

Well…with the insecure idiot in the white house obsessed with the “crowds” of his supporters that are never there…his minions at the right wing rags felt the need to fluff his ego by organizing “huge” pro-trump rallies across the country to be held today…I sure hope they don’t show the idiot  pictures of the “massive” crowds or ole donnie will blow a gasket. In contrast to the millions that showed up across this country and the world to protest cheeto donnie, the largest “massive” rally had less than a hundred people show up and most of them had maybe 15 to 20….huuuuge support, the biggest support ever in the history of the world….I hope the fake president does get a look at the “crowds”….and they show him he is the most hated person in this country…maybe he’ll have a stroke and do us all a favor….impeach…

Chicken in chief….

Well….with the latest revelation that most of his staff’s time is taken up praising and protecting the idiot trump’s poor little fee, fees…and with his refusal to go to the white house correspondent’s dinner because they will be “mean” to him, I think the idiot trump needs to be renamed the “chicken in chief”. Just like any bully, trumps talks a good game but when challenged he folds like a cardboard suitcase….and what is that going to mean when some actually sane head of state calls bullshit on the chicken in chief? He’ll go back to the white house and his staff will tell him he did a magnificent job…the best job…and the delusional trump administration will try to spin it into a win…but, the media is now aware of this nonsense and are going to tear him a new one….not sure if the chicken in chief can take it….hope not….

Boy, trump voters sure are stupid….

Well….if I keep shaking my head as much as I have since the election, I am going to do some serious damage to my neck….the latest damage has been done by reading the newest meme that is running around the internet….that many and many of trump’s voters can’t believe they are going to lose their health insurance since they voted for trump…and the lament seems to go that they trusted him to “shake up” Washington but didn’t listen to him when he said that the ACA was going to be repealed…all I have to say is that he’s a frickin repub…that’s what they are about…they hate you poor voters that they scammed into voting for them…and they always have but you people are just too damn dumb to realize it…or too filled with racism and hate to think about your own self interest…to the woman in Florida who got free coverage for all of her health problems through the ACA and is now wondering if it was a good idea to vote for trump, all I have to say is you screwed this entire country with your stupidity…and now you are going to be screwed like the rest of us…hope you like bankruptcy….idiot…

Not safe for refugees….

Well….take a look at the title of this one….Amnesty International has just deemed that the US is not safe for refugees…never in the history of this country has this ever been said about us…and we have trump and his minions to thank for it…as every day goes by, trump is destroying the good name of our country by his fascist notions of what we are….and the majority of us who did not vote for the ignorant asshole are being sucked down onto the black hole he is creating by his policies, by his using his gestapo of the CBP to harass immigrants, tourists and citizens alike this country has now been made much less safe than it was under Obama…and the dark vision offered up by president bannon is being implemented in our name….I am ashamed to be an American for the first time in my life…and you did this, trump…this asshole needs to be impeached….

Trump’s gestapo…

Well….just one more thing that makes trump’s administration look more and more like Nazi Germany is how his gestapo, also known as as the customs and border patrol, is treating travelers coming into the US…or even how they are treating American citizens when they stopped everyone getting off a domestic flight and asked for their ID’s, in direct violation of the 4th amendment….but we know that trump has no clue what’s in the constitution and can barely read so maybe that’s to be expected. The CBP is so bad and is abusing so many people that they even stopped a famous 70 year old author of childrens books from Australia and kept her in a room while they verbally abused her for hours…and they detained Muhammed Ali jr. for hours screaming at him and asking him to explain his Muslim faith. Things have gotten so bad that there are now 22 countries that have issued travel warnings about travel to the US and have recommended that their citizens not travel to the US…this is what trump and his minions are doing to our country…is this what you voted for trump voters? Yeah, it probably is….

The media should boycott trump…

Well…after the petulant little boy trump barred some media organizations from the wh the other day, something that has never happened in the history of the country, I think the media needs to boycott the wh completely…take the attention away from the man-baby that he so needs. If you needed any other evidence that this idiot means to destroy our democracy, you haven’t been paying attention and you should be…the path of destruction he has already cut is worse than Nixon or any other “president” in our history…and he needs to go…impeach…

Putin is laughing his ass off…

Well….Putin’s plan to remake the world by electing the idiot trump is working out perfectly for him and he must be laughing his ass off as he watches the ignorant idiot play right into his hands. As trump’s minions were trying to reassure the rest of the world at a security conference in Europe that trump is not the idiot he appears, Putin was making the third of the Ukraine that his army has been fighting to annex a permanent part of Russia…and I hope you remember trump’s pledge that “he’s not in Ukraine” during the campaign which was a lie then and it is still a lie now…and there is no response since Russia’s foreign policy goals are trump’s goals, too. Jason Chaffetz, what does it take to put the US first instead of your own personal power? The investigations need to start…now….

Trump destroys an industry…

Well…with the rest of the world watching what the idiot trump and his minions are doing to the immigrants and the rest of us in this country, the rest of the world is voting with their money and tourists are staying away from the US in droves. The trade industry is reeling from the loss of over $185 million dollars in tourist spending just in the first month of trump’s terrorizing reign and the future looks even more bleak with bookings for flights to and for hotel stays here dropping by almost 20% for the spring tourist season. The so-called great for business idiot is destroying an industry right in front of our eyes and will be putting many people who voted for him out of work just as the crackdown on immigrants here is doing in retail as the immigrants have just stopped spending with the threat that they may be arrested at any minute.  So, good job trump voters….enjoy being unemployed….

Just what a dictator would do…

Well…if you had any doubt that trump styles himself an anti democracy dictator, just take a look at what his administration did today. News organizations that have been reporting on his treasonous dealings with the Russians during the election that are continuing now, have been excluded from the daily press briefing at the wh….something that stinks of dictatorship…and this after the liar stood up at the conservative jerk off, CPAC, and said that he has respect for the first amendment…but he lies so often no one can know what he thinks…ok, that’s wrong…he doesn’t think…he doesn’t have the capacity to think….now, I call on the rest of the news organizations in this country to boycott these press conferences…spicer just lies in them anyway so they are worse than worthless to any real news media anyway….