Tag Archives: republicans

Hater in chief…

Well…have just read an article about ole sister Sarah’s speech in front of the NRA this past week and I can’t believe how much hate has permeated the right since she was unleashed on the country…and, this last speech had one line that distilled it down to it’s essence…”If I were in charge, waterboarding would be baptizing terroists” or some such nonsense as that….so, this darling of the right, this supposed upholder of everything American is willing to discard everything the US has stood for since it’s inception just to look tough and throw red meat to the lunatics that are now running the repub party? She should be called the hater in chief with views like that…hate the Muslims, hate the gays, hate the progressives, hate the immigrants, hate the minorities…hell, hate everyone unless they are part of the tiny fringe in this country who still think slavery was a good idea and that any white person is just better than anyone else….this is what they’ve devolved into…and she is the hater in chief…or grifter in chief….either one fits…or both fit….geez…

Trying to keep up again…

Well…it has been a lazy day today and I even skipped the bike ride with the wind blowing over 20…and I have been thinking about topics for today without much luck….there is the whole racism thing that has been running through the news lately and the funniest part off that is any repub coming out to say they are shocked, shocked, that there are racists in the repub party…look, today’s repub party is based on racism, sexism, and hatred and they wear it as a badge of honor…voter suppression, anti immigration, hatred of gays and on an on are planks in the repub platform….and, let’s keep away from the false equivalency that everyone is that way…none of the progressives that I know are and you never hear anyone on the left saying this crap….geez….

This guy runs the RNC?

Well…I am still laughing after reading about this one earlier in the afternoon and I wonder if all the people in the repub party are this stupid?  If you haven’t heard the laughter yet, the head of the RNC…the guy with the just improbable name, came out today and called for an investigation since Harry Reid is using his Twitter account to attack the Koch brothers and the idiots on the right…and the reason he wants this investigation? The idiot called it “using his government paid for Twitter account for political purposes”….this idiot is so stupid or out of touch that he doesn’t know that Twitter accounts are free with sign up…no government or any other kind of payment so where is the scandal? There isn’t one…just like the rest of the fake scandals that have been perpetrated by the right….just a bunch of idiots who don’t want to govern…just try to score points…geez…

Still no outrage…

Well…even after yesterday’s post on the takers in the repub party, I still can’t work up a lot of the outrage that normally fuels this thing…it’s not that I haven’t tried….but I think I’m in outrage overload and just a little numb from the whole direction of the country….where the ACA is doing good across the country and the repubs are still trying to take insurance away form those who have benefited from the law…and the bad thing is that these same people will vote for them since…freedom or something…not sure why the poor folks who vote for the repubs keep doing it…it’s not like they give a damn about them…they don’t…and have shown that for decades now…and no amount of regulation or tax cutting is going to get them into or keep them in the middle class…it only works to make the rich richer and make the rest of pay for their pollution and stealing of the natural resources that belong to every citizen….I guess that is communism or something…will never figure it out….geez…

The deficit drops…

Well…I have been just shaking my head at the hypocrisy of the right for the past few years concerning the federal deficit but one new little tidbit of information that came out this morning highlights how the concern from Ryan, Cantor and their cronies is just so fake and partisan…this morning, the CBO reported that the deficit is going to be under 500 billion dollars for the year…the lowest since 2000, the year that ole GW took office…that means that every year that that idiot was in office, the supposedly terrible deficit was ignored by the repubs and when the dems were in control, they never held the government hostage to try to cut it. So, when you hear anyone on the right bitch about how out of control “Obama’s” spending is, you just have to tell them this little truth…they won’t believe it but you should tell them anyway…maybe their heads will explode and that will be fun to watch….geez…

We don’t need no stinkin’ equal wages…

Well….just getting ready to go out and shoot pool but thought I’d get this short one done before since I know I won’t do it when I get back…I am still amazed that any woman still votes for the idiot repubs, with them taking away their right to control their own bodies and now it being revealed they just don’t give a damn about equal wages, either. Just today we had many repubs come out and comment on the various fair pay acts that have been blocked by the repubs both on a federal level, and in many states…saying that they are not necessary and “let the market fix the problem..if there is a problem”…I wonder where the hell these guys have been for the past 50 years? Isn’t that long enough to let the market try to correct the fact that women make 60-70 cents on the dollar compared to men who do the same jobs? This is an issue that needs legislative remedy since the market has proven that it won’t address this problem…and women need to do their part by not voting repub anymore…geez….

Still not feeling well…

Well…still not feeling well today and I’m not sure if I did it to myself or not….don’t think so…but, I still do have to come back to do another one today no matter how I feel….I did just get the chance to go out and read Nate Silver’s new website Fivethirtyeight.com and it could become a place for some news that is as objective as it comes since he is  a numbers guy and just wants to report the facts, not opinion…well…there may be some opinion but it will be labeled as such so you can tell….the repubs shot themselves in the foot, again, over the past few days…bitching about how people who qualify for food stamps actually use the program to eat…while applauding corporations not paying any taxes while using the laws/programs that allow them to do that….shouldn’t their heads be spinning yet? I guess “corporations are people my friends” and as such they are more equal than real ones….geez…

The repubs sudden concern with poverty…

Well…I have almost been laughing at the sudden concern that the repubs have been showing for poverty in the US….ignoring the fact that it is just election year pandering and lies, there is a demographic component to this new found concern that can’t be ignored. When the face of poverty in the US was the brown “other”, it was easy for the majority white party to ignore them since they were lazy and it was their own fault that they were poor…but now, with the increasingly white face that is repub caused poverty..,.caused by the policies of the repubs that want to destroy unions, the social safety net, and outsource jobs…they no longer want to ignore the problem since, even in poverty, these poor whites will continue to be their constituents…not like the minorities who are just takers who don’t deserve representation. This overt racism is so evident in all of the repub party today that it will be interesting to see the pretzels that will have to be made with their logic…may even see some heads explode…hope so…geez…

Isn’t this treasonous?

Well…as the Ukraine crisis unfolds, a thought has been rattling around in my head in regards to the constant right wing criticism of the president…isn’t it treasonous to try to undermine the president in time of crisis for purely political reasons? I think that this can be construed as giving aide and comfort to the enemy and making Putin’s position stronger by making the president look weak (not that he is weak)…what happened to the idea that was followed forever until these crazy-assed righties got to power that politics stopped at the waters edge? It just shows you that today’s right has no ideas in foreign policy that should even be listened to…their one and only idea is to use the military to attack no matter what the crisis…a one size fits all solution that fits the less than bright lights on the right…geez….

Stupid, stupid Republicans…

Well…as the repubs continue to gloat over defeating the union drive at the VW plant in Kentucky…this neat little tidbit came into the news this morning…the head of the union that represents workers at the plants in Germany said that there are now talks to possibly stop manufacturing in the US…and to certainly not expand production here…so, just to spite the unions here, the repubs have basically scared VW away from expansion and the prospect of thousands of new jobs is now gone….these idiots really thought, in their delusional minds, that VW would thank them for killing unionization even when VW told them that they wanted a union in that plant and that they are more profitable and efficient when they have a union shop. And, VW also understands that when their workers are paid fairly, they have enough money to buy their products and the entire economy benefits, not just the 1%. That is one of the major reasons why Germany is still a manufacturing powerhouse…workers and management work together to face the realities of the economy and share in the pain and gain…not the economy that the repubs want here…that the 1% gets everything and the workers get crap…geez…