Well…if you didn’t really know how much the Kochs hate progress and anyone but the rich, you just have to take a look at the mischief they and their minions are doing in Tennessee. Just today the bought and paid for senators that they own put forth a new bill that would prevent any new mass transit projects from being built…yep, you heard it right…they have just introduced a bill that would not allow any county or municipality to look at their mass transit needs and do something about it…and guess what? Who are the people that use mass transit out in middle of the country? Yep, you guessed it…the middle class and poor….and now the Kochs are buying laws that don’t allow the people to say how their tax dollars are spent…of course, only the Kochs should be able to say how they are spent since they are rich and know better than anyone what the country needs…and, to them, any money spent on anything but tax cuts that benefit them just can’t be allowed to happen…what a bunch of asses…geez…
Tag Archives: Koch Brothers
Another day…
Well…I was going to update my day since I can’t find anything that gets the old outrage flowing today…I did get a 5 mile bike ride in and I feel so decrepit with the lungs on fire and soreness everywhere…oh, well…one thing that has made me smile a little is that the Koch’s have pulled their lying ACA ads from the air across the US…it looks like the Kochroaches don’t really do too well when exposed to the sunlight of the media and truth….maybe things are finally turning..I think their brand is being tarnished by the lies, lies, and more lies they have been putting out…it’s okay for their base since they are used to being lied to and eat that crap up, but the rest of the country is starting to get tired of it…especially since over half of the political ads run so far this year…something like 30,000 of them have been against the ACA…even though people are starting to like the law…hope it continues and the Kochs just go away…wouldn’t it be nice if they’d use the money to feed the hungry or house the homeless…430 million would have done a lot of good…geez…
United Kochs of America…
Well…I wasn’t sure union buster Bob Corker could sink any lower in the senate today…but, he did it! In negotiations for aid to the Ukraine…ole Bob is holding the package up until he gets something for his bosses…the Koch brothers…a special law that would exempt them from rules that govern tax benefits given for the Kochs to donate to their own supposedly non profit political action committees…yep, you heard it right…. ole Bob is trying to alter foreign policy just to get the Kochs millions more in exemptions from paying taxes that they owe. I do applaud both Dick Durbin and Harry Reid for calling this crap out on the floor and adding it to the outrages that the bought and paid for legislators of the United Kochs of America have done over the past few years…we need sunlight and pushback to make people understand how toxic these brothers are to our democracy…geez…
The Kochs truly are evil…
Well…feel like crap again today but I do need to do another one of these to try to stay close to the goal for the month…I find it heartening that Harry Reid has started to shine a light on the nefarious actions of the Kochs…even going so far as to use them as the poster boys for most of the evil that is being done to the middle class here in the US…and you can see this evil in all of the repubs that want SS gone, who want to cut off unemployment benefits, that want to do away with environmental regulations, who want to cut taxes on the rich and corporations, and who want to kill unions…all things that the Kochs have been pushing with the 400 million dollars they spent in the last election cycle…just like cockroaches, I hope these evil people will scurry away once they find that the country is on to them and their ilk like the Waltons, and Adelsons….we need to just keep hammering on them for the evil they do and make people understand that these billionaires never feel like they taken enough from you and me…they always want more….geez…
They couldn’t see this?
Well…have been reading this week about how much money the Kochs spent in the last election cycle and it just makes me sick…412 million dollars…yep, you heard it right 412 million dollars from just two guys trying to buy themselves a democracy…and anyone that calls him/herself a tea partier, has had their seat in the congress bought by these two idiots…and, the one thing I want you to remember is that they are not just giving this money away out of the goodness of their hearts…they want something for it…they want what they have been given in Wisconsin for example…where their toady Walker and the rest of the repubs there have gutted the rights of the people to organize…they have been given right to work here in Michigan since the Kochs hate workers and unions….you get my drift…that just two brothers could do so much to damage the middle class and environment has one cause and one cause only…the supreme courts Citizens United decision that made unlimited money the new norm in elections…and made people like the Kochs just a little bit more equal than the rest of us….my question to the court is…”you couldn’t see this?” everyone else did and now our democracy is at risk because of the activist repubs on the Roberts court…what a bunch of crap…geez…
Part two…
Well…it has been a long day today and I haven’t had the time to get to trying to find a political topic for the day…I do find it heartening that there is real pushback to the lies by the Koch brothers about the ACA…I just don’t understand why a couple of billionaire brothers give a damn if people can get affordable insurance…what is it to them? Do they feel better when they hurt other people? Or is it that they were given everything and lived a privileged life and have bought the idea that the rich constantly push that no one else deserves anything? Along with buying ads to try to destroy the unions and the middle class…don’t they have enough already? Why can’t they just leave the rest of us alone and stop making the country a worse place to live? I have had enough of rich people just taking, taking, and taking, and rigging the system with their money so no one else even has a chance…they should be careful…when the winds of politics change, we progressive will have long memories…how does a return to the 90% tax rates of the 50′s sound to you Kochs? Geez…
The Kochs are still lying about the ACA…
Well…living here in Michigan, you would think there is a guy or woman named ACA that is running for every office they way that the Kochs are spending money to try to defeat him/her. The latest ad that they are running has some woman with cancer that goes on to say that with Obamacare and it’s out of pocket expenses, she is going to die since she can’t afford them and her plan got canceled…all of the talking points that the Kochs are pushing to hurt people for political advantage for their right wing nutjobs. The only problem that these ads are having is that all of them have been found to be full of lies and half truths and the media is finally calling bullshit on them….this one is no different. First, cancer is no picnic and I don’t wish this woman any more stress than she is already going through…but, by being in this ad, she opened herself up to fact checking…something that was done well by Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post. First, yes, her non-compliant policy was canceled….but, she was able to get one for almost 700 dollars a month less than she was paying….and the bitch about how she can’t afford the 6,350 out of pocket costs in the new policy? When you net the old payments with her new ones…her actual costs are lower than they were before….and, let’s make this one more point…before the ACA, her chances to get canceled because she was sick was a very real possibility…under the ACA they can’t cancel at all. Living in Michigan, I live with the crazy right that are so frickin delusional that they will believe anything, and I think this woman was probably paid well for her part in pushing these lies….how can she live with herself? Oh, that’s right, the right has no shame…geez…
As if another reason was needed to stop Keystone XL…
Well…as if another reason was needed to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, well…other than the pollution the thing will increase across the country with the piles of pet coke toxic waste that comes from refining the tar sands…and which is piling up across the country making some neighborhoods in south Chicago almost uninhabitable when the wind blows…we have a new study out that finds that the Koch brothers stand to make…wait for it….100 billion dollars if the pipeline is built…yep, the same Koch brothers who unleashed the tea party on the US and have already spent over 50 million dollars bribing repubs to take up the fight in congress. These folks are the last people that should be given another 100 billion dollars to try to wreck our democracy and put people like Ted Cruz into office….that should be enough to stop this nonsense…especially when those of us in the midwest will see our gas prices rise astronomically if the damn thing is built….geez…
The cliff moves back a little…
Well… it looks like the repubs are rapidly moving back from the cliff as their masters the Koch brothers, and the Heritage foundation have finally said enough of this batshit craziness they have embraced. While I applaud the results, since when should an organization that is not part of the government so blatantly be able to call the shots and control our entire government? Who elected the Kochs? That is what I see as the problem with the current state of affairs…when the Citizens United decision allows two rich brothers to control the entire government through the money that they give to candidates….what I really don’t get is whey elected officials should allow this to happen…where is their pride? I guess that this is the fruit of the astroturf tea party organizations that the Koch’s have fueled over the past few years…they have bought themselves a government and their money now displaces the votes of millions and millions of Americans…we should all be really pissed about this…and take care of the problem next year by voting these wholly owned legislators out and putting people in their place that will truly represent us…not just money…geez…
Another reason to hate the Kochs…
Well…it there weren’t already enough reasons to hate the Kochs and their right wing craziness, they have outdone themselves with the latest out of the group they control, Americans for Prosperity. In the past few days, they have sent a letter to all of their pet senators they own warning them to vote against any and all hurricane Sandy relief bills that are now coming through the senate…with the threats included that they will spend millions to defeat anyone who doesn’t toe their line. One of the leaders of the Koch group went so far as to call the aid package a “disgrace” and rebuilding the damaged areas is “not a federal government responsibility…we need to suck it up and be responsible for ourselves..” More crap from billionaires who think the only function for the federal government is to do their bidding and make them rich…what a bunch of assholes…geez…