Well…given all the stupidity that is coming out of the repubs these days, I was just flabbergasted when I read of this little nugget from ole Jeb! that he said at a town hall meeting the other day…you know the schtick…and the lies that Medicare is an “entitlement” that needs to be “reformed”…and by reformed the repubs mean eliminated unless their billionaires can make profit from it….well…and here’s the stupid part…he’s talking to retirees and people that are near to retiring…and telling them that one of the most popular and efficient programs that the government does is going to be eliminated and the retirees will be thrown back into the private insurance market. One of the people that was there just blew when he used “entitlement” as the slur that the repubs think it is…the woman retorted “Medicare is not an entitlement…I paid for it and earned it…” So, I think you can say that ole Jeb! is done…this one is going to be looped throughout the general election campaign if he is the nominee…and I don’t think that is going to happen…good riddance…geez…
Tag Archives: Medicare
I just hate political ads…
Well…I am just getting so sick of the political ads here in Michigan, especially the lying ones from our wonderful governor that have revived the zombie lie that Obamacare cut 700 billion out of medicare and seniors are going to not get the care they need and then will die….this one was debunked so many times but I am going to do it again here…the 700 billion dollars were for cost savings in payments to Medicare providers and slowing the rise in costs…not one senior would even know that these cuts have happened since their care will not change….so, if you hear anyone talking about these cuts..cut them off before they get into the talking point…I hate to hear them and I bet you do, too…geez…
Snyder is just a liar…
Well…just saw an ad a few minutes ago that has our wonderful governor, Snyder, lying through his teeth through his surrogates about Medicare….you know the one that they tried in the last election? Where they conflate the cost savings in Medicare to taking the money away from seniors and using it to pay for Obamacare? I wondered how long it would take before they rolled out that lie that was debunked years ago…the 700 billion being a reduction of payment to health care providers and it has nothing to do with the care that seniors get…Medicare is exactly the same as it was but with waste cut out and growth in costs reduced….that’s it, that’s all you have to know about Snyder…he’s no different from any other lying repub….all I have to say to him is “why don’t you run on your record?” Oh, that’s right, his record is terrible so he can’t….so the lies and fear come out…geez…
Where’s our progressive warrior?
Well…watching the fiscal curb nonsense that has been going on over the past month or so, a question has come to mind about Obama…”where’s our progressive warrior?” Where is the person that we elected to take the results of the election and turn it into policy? Where is the person that was supposed to protect SS and Medicare at all costs and get the revenue side of the economic equation back in balance? After all, government spending and taxation is at its lowest point in almost 50 years as a percentage of GDP and the economy is sluggish because of it…take one look at Europe and you will get the idea of what the repubs plans to continue to cut spending will do…we will certainly have a double dip recession with more people out of work and less tax revenue coming in…I have had enough of compromise with the terrorists on the right…they have changed politics from the collaborative art of compromise to one of take no prisoners…to one of winner takes all and no matter how much Obama may want it, we aren’t going back to compromise any day soon and he needs to wake up to the new political reality and be the tough warrior for the middle class that the repubs are for the rich…and he needs to do it now before this country is forfeit to the know nothings on the right…geez….
A short one on Medicare…
Well….had to comment on the new Romney ad that says he will restore all of the cuts to Medicare that happen under the ACA…as I said a couple of days ago, the cuts to Medicare that are contained in the ACA are to the big drug companies, for profit hospitals and other providers of service to Medicare recipients…not to Medicare recipients themselves…people on Medicare will see NO service change. But, you know what that means….that Romney doesn’t care about the growth in health costs in this country since most of them go to profits for the people that support him and will continue to make the 1% even richer on the backs of everyone else…so, when you hear the lies of ole Mitt, remember what he lives for…to concentrate more wealth in his buddies hands…geez…
Now there are two liars running…
Well…read a couple of good articles today in the Post and I think the Free Press and I am heartened that the media seems finally willing to do it’s job in questioning the ‘just trust us” crap coming out of ole Mitt’s campaign…where they lie, lie, and lie about what their policies are going to be if elected….first, though I wanted to get to the big lie the Obama cut over 700 billion out of Medicare to pay for the ACA and he is using that money to reward his political cronies…yadda, yadda…what ole Mitt doesn’t want you to know is that the 700 billion that will be cut out of Medicare is to providers of care, cost reductions that are far overdue but will not result in any reduction of care to anyone on the program…and the other lie embedded in this one is that it is only Obama that would propose something like that, but when you look at the fiction that is the Ryan budget…he counts exactly those same savings to justify more tax cuts for the rich. For anyone to see what the actual policies of a Romney administration would be, just take a look at Wisconsin and what ‘just trust us” did to that state with Scott Walker at the helm….these folks should not be taken seriously until they actually present more that vague platitudes, until they actually present numbers that can be scored by the CBO in a non-partisan way so everyone can see that ole Mitt’s plans would explode the deficit and allow the rich to steal even more…geez…
There are parallels…
Well…was sitting here watching the olympics and a thought just came to me regarding the relationship that ole Mitt’s tenure at Bain has to do with how he would govern as president….while at Bain, ole Mitt gutted companies and fired people with little regard for the human toll that it took, all the while enriching himself and his rich buddies. When you look at what little detail he has presented in his economic plan (and his fealty to the Ryan plan), it appears that the same kind of thing would happen with ole Mitt as president…huge tax cuts for the rich, huge cuts to Medicare and Social Security for everyone else with little regard for the human toll of the plans…in fact I think he gleefully likes that effects….since he has no empathy for anyone other than those that were born rich like him and has shown this lack of empathy throughout his life and career. It heartens me that Obama has finally started to frame the argument in these terms, to highlight that what Romney wants to do is exactly what was tried by the Bushies…didn’t work then, won’t work now….and that the polls have started to turn against ole Mitt since he so inept at everything….what a joke…geez…
A mess of stuff…
Well…wanted to get this one down before I have lunch and forget it…and, this one is going to be a mash up of different topics….so, bear with me for a few minutes and you might get something worthwhile…remember though, I said might, not would. Let’s start with some more repub hypocrisy…this time on jobs and their constant bitching that Obama has not created any jobs in the aftermath of the deep recession and say that two years of his term should be enough to have created millions of them. Then, we have the repub governors, notably Scott Walker of Wisconsin, coming out late last week and saying that he needs time for his policies on job creation to work, saying that it will be probably almost 3 years for them to really get going…so two years is too long for Obama to create jobs but three years is okay for the repub plan to create jobs? Did they fail elementary math? I seem to remember that three years is longer than two years. Geez….
Nope…I guess this one won’t be a mess of stuff…I should talk about the latest craziness from Michelle Bachmann…she just attacked Obama saying he wants to end Medicare and she won’t let that happen when in the next breath she cries about socialized medicine in the Affordable Care Act…or Obamacare as the right likes to call it. Michelle, Medicare is socialized medicine…a plan run and controlled by the government that you say you hate…so what is it? Is “socialized” medicine bad or good? You can’t have it both ways….and this person is a “serious” candidate for the repub nomination? I sure hope she gets it….4 more years for Obama…
Poor Paul Ryan…
Well…you just got to love the rationalization program that is going on from the right this morning with the loss of one of their traditional house seats in New York yesterday. The best one came on Morning Joe this morning when Paul Ryan basically called the voters there stupid for voting against his brilliant plan…okay,that was a little sarcasm but he deserves it. This guy reminds me of ole Newt who does the same thing when people disagree with him, he denigrates the person, then uses the excuse that the opposition just doesn’t understand or they would agree wholeheartedly. But, Ryan also rolled out the repub ploy where he is playing different groups of people off against each other; saying that people over 55 were misled into thinking that these changes would affect them. My answer to rep Ryan is no….these changes won’t affect me but I still care what they will do to my children and other people that are approaching 55…and I have a true belief that we are all in this together and any plan that is just another giveaway to the insurance industry that bought the repub congress we now have is just morally wrong…I hope other people are having the same epiphany…
Just a short one to start the day…
Well… with all of the talk about the Ryan plan to gut Medicare and the repubs claims that it will lower costs and extend its life, a little read bombshell was dropped by the CBO yesterday…their non-partisan analysis of the plan blew all of the claims out of the water with the conclusion that Ryan’s plan would actually INCREASE costs by almost 40%. Yep, you read it right, but is it a surprise? This budget of Ryan’s was never about controlling costs; it was a blatant attempt to impose the repubs radical right wing agenda on the country, destroying the safety nets that the repubs have hated since their inception. But, I see hope that the country is finally getting tired of the repub agenda to take, take, take from the middle class and give to the rich…which Ryan’s Medicare proposal does.. it’s a reward to the insurance companies the gave the repubs 90% of the money they spent in the last election. I think the people are starting to see that the type of America that is Ryan’s and Walkers is not the one they want…at least the people in the congressional election in New York are getting it…in the special election yesterday for the house seat in a district that has been held by the repubs since 1960, a Dem won; running on opposition to Ryan’s radical budget….maybe Ryan can go away in 2012….geez…