Well…with the whole house vote on going forward with impeachment of the criminal trump, we found out something else about all of the damn repubs…they are all criminals just like the idiot trump…what else can you call someone who aids and abets trump’s crimes by ignoring the mountain of evidence that has already been revealed that trump and his cronies extorted Ukraine to get them to attack Joe Biden with a bogus “investigation”. Today, every damn repub voted against going forward with the impeachment and we saw them bleating all day about how it’s “illegal” for Nancy Pelosi to go forward…and now they are diving right into the trump swamp by filing ethics complaints against Nancy and Adam Schiff for doing their jobs to uphold the constitution…another bit of obstruction of congress that these criminals should pay for in the next election….and they are going to…when almost 60% of the country wants trump impeached and removed…much more than who voted for the idiot boy by the way…this is going to be a stone around the necks of all of these conspirators and are going to cost them the senate and the presidency. We just need to hammer them every day and make sure that the public knows that their support of trump is no different that of a getaway driver in a bank robbery…he is still guilty of the robbery as much as those who went inside…they need to pay for this betrayal of our country…
Tag Archives: Nancy Pelosi
They’re playing it right…
Well…I’m not sure what the stupid repubs thought they were going to accomplish with their stunt of invading a secure space to try to disrupt impeachment testimony yesterday, but it appears that all it did was make them look ridiculous since the testimony they were trying to disrupt happened later yesterday and by all accounts drove another nail in the idiot trump’s coffin. I just loved the reaction to that crap by Pelosi and Schiff…which was to have a press conference saying that plans are forming on their part for the public impeachment hearings…essentially ignoring the repubs who broke house rules. But, I’m sure that Pelosi is not ignoring their unethical behavior and will drop the hammer on them at some point in the future…and as I suggested, it could include losing committee assignments or even censure. The real problem the repubs have is that they have nothing…trump has already admitted to the extortion and no amount of pretzel logic is going to change that…all it is going to do is make the repbs like Lindsey Graham look more and more ridiculous every day and may even cost a few of them in 2020…we can hope….
I wonder…
Well…just sitting here taking the day off of everything, reading some news stories and one that jumped out at me was the release of a “fact sheet” by Nancy Pelosi this morning setting out the broad outlines of the impeachment inquiry that appears to center on the abuse of power relating to the Ukraine extortion…now, I believe this is too narrow…but I understand that with all of the crimes that the idiot trump has committed, Pelosi and Schiff don’t want to make it too complicated for the general public to understand and I defer to their experience. Especially since Schiff is a former prosecutor and Pelosi has shown over and over that she knows how to wield the levers of power in the House…there was one thing that was buried in the sheets was the fact that there is evidence that both Pence and Pompeo were involved in this scheme..and that makes me wonder if there are charges and impeachment in both of those idiot’s future? After all, if trump is being impeached for running this extortion, should Pence be rewarded if trump is removed? It should never happen that a VP is rewarded for doing the same crime as the president…and guess what Pencie? There are real laws you have broken that you can be prosecuted for after you’re out of office…just like idiot boy and I’m sure there are prosecutors out there who are already working on the case….don’t think praying is going to help here you hypocrite christian….I just found a popcorn pumper in the basement here and I think I’m going to wear it out watching the hearings…
Just so damn dumb…
Well…along with the idiot boy’s meltdown today at a press conference with the PM of Italy…and that one was a real eye opener with the idiot in chief going off an a psychotic rant while the PM just sat there with a bemused look on his face…I just read of a meeting with house leadership and trump at the WH where he verbally attacked Nancy Pelosi, essentially telling her she loved communists and called her a “third rate politician” to her face…now, we all know that trump is one of the dumbest people on the face of the Earth, but to attack the one person who controls the impeachment process that is going to rid the country of you? That is just so damn dumb as to be pathetic…and Nancy’s comment was just delicious…”what we witnessed on the part of the president was a meltdown…” and that will goad the moron into even more psychotic behavior…people at the meeting described trump as being “genuinely pissed off” and red in the face and noted that no one could communicate with him in that state. So, repubs…you own this mess…what are going to do to fix it and make trump go away? Nothing probably…but that means you are going away in 2020….and good riddance…
It’s a meltdown!
Well….the idiot trump continues to melt down from the reality that even his delusional ass has recognized…that he is going to be impeached, he may not be removed but he will not win reelection and he is going to go to jail after his term is done. In his latest rants, he went after Adam Schiff, the chair of the foreign relations committee, calling his impeachment investigation treason and calling for Schiff to be arrested for doing his job…and idiot boy went off again after Schiff and Nancy Pelosi held a joint news conference describing how they are going to proceed telling the reporters the investigation is going to be swift and thorough…and telling the country that they have had enough of trump’s obstruction and anyone who ignores subpoenas or tells their subordinates to not testify is guilty of obstruction of the impeachment investigation and there will be consequences if they do it…so maybe we’re getting somewhere, finally…
Buckle up…impeachment is on…
Well…have been at the house all day today and just got back here to some surprising good news…at 5 pm today, Nancy Pelosi is going to announce that an impeachment investigation of the idiot trump is going to start tomorrow…yep, the great day is finally here…where true patriots do their duty to the constitution and hold the moron in chief accountable for his too numerous to count crimes….and it appears that it is going to be broad based using the Mueller report and the fact that idiot boy has suborned perjury by asking people to lie for him, has blatantly broken the emoluments clause of the constitution by taking money from foreign governments at his hotels and has extorted foreign governments to do his bidding for political purposes. I t will be really interesting to see the idiot in chief’s reaction to this today…should be an epic meltdown….
A scandal a day…
Well…with just watching the news this week, it is very clear that the rule of law is gone in this country with the scandal a day pace that the criminal trump administration has been racking up…and, I’m going to take an unpopular position here…it’s the dems fault. Nancy Pelosi has the tools she can use to hold these assholes accountable but we hear not a peep from her…oh, they talk about contempt and tut tut about how bad trump is, but they never do anything about him as he breaks another law today by taking the whistleblower report that they are never supposed to see and spreads it around the WH for everyone to read…where is the impeachment of Bill Barr for driving this behavior? Where is the impeachment of Barr for breaking the law as much as trump does by inserting the justice department into this scandal when the law specifically forbids them from getting involved? Stop the damn talking, dems if you are not going to do anything about trump and his criminal cronies…and that goes for you Schiff, Nadler, and Swalwell along with Pelosi…I am getting disgusted with your inaction…and with that inaction, you are no better than trump…
How much bigger of a green light do you need, Jerry?
Well…with the spectacle of Corey Lewandowski lying and refusing to answer questions form the Judiciary committee this week with the smarmy, entitled look on his face, disrespecting chair Jerry Nadler all the while, and Nadler not doing a damn thing about it…Nancy Pelosi gave an interview where she said that Lewandowski should have been held in contempt ‘right then and there”…and my only question I have for Nadler is “how big of a green light do you need to hold these little pricks accountable for their lies and obstruction?” Look, I know that people on our side are still hoping for a return to “normalcy” in the congress but wake the hell up, there will be no normalcy until every damn repub is gone…have you had your frickin eyes closed for the past 30 years? Have you not seen that the repubs will break any law and lie, cheat, and steal to stay in power? Jerry, you have no choice here…you are the one with the power to restore the rule of law and every time you sit on your hands and let these assholes get away with not following the law, you aid and abet their dismantling of our democracy…so, get off your ass and hold these criminals responsible…or history will not treat you well….geez…
I’ve been thinking…
Well…hmmmm… have been trying to figure out why Nancy Pelosi is slow walking impeachment of the idiot criminal trump…especially after Mueller’s testimony earlier in the week…but, I am willing to give her some leeway, after all, she only has about 90 dems calling for impeachment and she needs 218 to get any articles passed…and she is not going to embarrass herself or ruin the chances by moving too early…trying to herd the cats of the dem caucus is hard enough without starting with less than half the votes she needs to be successful….and there are many court cases going on that would strengthen her hand after they are resolved and the information they are suing for is in her hands…so, for now, I’m willing to let her do her thing at her pace and let things play out…but, just for now…the criminal trump has to go…impeach….
This is pretty funny…
Well…decided to not do a second ride today with the wind blowing over 20 and gusting to 30 or so…so, I thought I’d do one of these before I try to take a nap to compensate for getting up before 5 this morning…I just read something that is pretty damn funny..it seems that this morning, Nancy Pelosi called on the idiot trump’s family or staff to intervene with him before he hurts himself or the country given the spectacle of his meltdown yesterday. Now, you know I’m an old guy and have been around for a while, but in all of those years I’ve never heard a speaker of the House ask a president’s family to intervene before he hurts himself…and trump’s reactions this morning shows that she has set up house in his head rent free and is owning the moron in chief and that makes me laugh out loud. I wonder how this will set with the “great businessman” to be roundly ridiculed by everyone who saw his little hissy fit in the Rose Garden yesterday? Meltdown, meltdown, meltdown….impeach this ass right now….