Tag Archives: Paul Ryan

Middle schoolers get it…

Well….Just wanted to do a short one on something that I read that made me smile today…the idiot Paul Ryan was at a middle school in New Jersey last week where he wanted to use the kids as a prop to push his granny killing agenda…and, guess what happened? More than half of the kids walked out and would not be used to normalize his radical transfer of wealth to the 1%…..so I applaud these kids that know who this fake idiot is and what he is planning on doing to this country…much more aware than I was at that age…..thanks kids…

A few things…

Well…as you have seen if you’ve been here before, I normally don’t come back for a second one of these on Fridays…after shooting pool and drinking beer, I just don’t have the motivation to do a second one…but, I’m sitting here waiting for it to be cocktail time and just read about a couple of things that I wanted to comment on…first, a story just came out that the staffers in the WH have been researching impeachment like crazy over the past few days and I find that just so damn funny…I wonder if it’s to defend against it or how to make it happen? Whatever it is, it is never a good sign when your staff is starting to think impeachment is a real possibility. Then there is the hot mike moment when Paul Ryan and his partners in crime were caught talking about the idiot trump and his collusion with Russia…showing that they knew that Russia was meddling in the election and did nothing about it since trump was being helped…and Ryan was heard telling everyone to keep it a secret since they were “family”….now, this lays this conspiracy right at the feet of repub leaders…I’ll bet McConnell new about it, too….and these guys should really worry about this since they could be spending time with trump in prison….okay, I guess I can hope that this will happen…impeach….

Yow…this is big…

Well…the pieces are falling into place on why Jason Chaffetz abruptly resigned from congress today…. money laundering for the Russians through his campaign since the Russians knew of his long term affair and were blackmailing him about it….I thought it was strange that he got a 10 million dollar donation from trump the day after he released the Comey letter before the election….and now information is coming out that the Russian connections go much wider than trump and his cronies. A source has said today that the FBI has a tape of both Ryan and McConnell talking about how to launder Russian mob money through their campaigns. Yep, you heard that right…the speaker of the house and the senate majority leader are on tape colluding to launder money for the Russians…how corrupt are the damn repubs? Can it get worse? Yep…I’ve been saying it for a long time that these were the most corrupt people ever to run this country and now it appears I was right….and the reason that ole Jason resigned so abruptly is that he is cutting a deal and that is probably part of it…I just can’t wait to see the perp walks that are going to come from this….impeach the whole lot of them….

Okay…I thought I’d better come back here for a minute to temper the breathlessness of this post…sure don’t want to be the left wing version of Breitbart or Infowars, sites that lie and lie and lie for political gain…let’s just leave this as something to watch for….and see what happens…..don’t want to hurt my credibility by going too far…and if this isn’t true, I’ll be back to say I was wrong….

The real reason for trumpcare….

Well….with all of the “negotiating” going on with the repubs for what is going to be in trumpcare, the real reason for any of this is being obscured by debates on coverage, deductibles, and how many people will lose their healthcare….the real reason for any bill on trumpcare is to gut Medicaid and give the rich 900 billion in tax cuts…there is no other reason and that is why Ryan is not serious about what is going to be in the bill. He just doesn’t care as long as he can give the people that bought him his seat and the rest of the repubs seats a payback for their investment….he doesn’t care that 15 million low income people that get healthcare through Medicaid are left out in the cold to die…in fact, that’s a feature, not a bug in his system….in the warped minds of the repubs, anyone who hasn’t figured out how to game the system and get rich deserves to die, and to ask the rich to pay their fair share as part of the societal compact is not something that ever enters the minds of these assholes….keep that in mind when you hear news about this cruel, heartless bill…it’s only purpose is to make the rich richer and everyone else can go to hell….

Paul Ryan, sooper genius….

Well…one of the great mysteries of the past few years is why anyone would think that Paul Ryan was a successful “policy wonk” and the “brains” of the repub party. Just take a look at his accomplishments since he has been in the House….he did get a post office in his district renamed….hmmm…but what else? He introduced legislation that would have privatized Social Security and been a huge giveaway to the investment community….but the real kicker of that legislation was that if converted to buying stocks for SS, the program would have owned every stock and in every company by 2050….I wonder what that is called? Could it be Communism? Where the government owns all of the means of production? Yep, this sooper genius wanted to put the country on the path to communism since he is just not bright enough to think of the long term consequences of what he proposes. Just like the turd of a healthcare law he just introduced that will kick 24 million people off their health insurance they have gained under the ACA….you could probably say that that is the purpose of the law since allowing low income and middle class people to be able to afford health insurance is something the repubs don’t give a damn about….but, given the total failure of a career that Ryan has had, it might be that he is just that stupid and didn’t see the consequences of what he is proposing…I hope this debacle once and for all puts a stake in the vampire idea that Ryan is the “brains” of the repub party….he is just a no talent hack that has played the pliant media for saps….

Paul Ryan is just not too bright…

Well…the guy in charge of “fixing” health insurance in this country has no clue how insurance works…let that sink in for a minute…Paul Ryan has no clue how insurance works and now want to “fix” the system. The other day, when giving a presentation on his plan, ole Paul decried the fact that healthy people had to pay premiums that would pay for healthcare for sick people who also paid premiums…I just slapped my head when I heard that…especially since that is exactly how insurance works…everyone pays into a pool and then the risk is spread across the entire insured population….but that’s not how repubs look at anything…any shared risk is “communism” in their eyes…and I heard another one of these idiots bitch the other day why any man should have to pay into a pool that covered maternity care…that right there is the problem with the repubs…they don’t believe in community or shared goals but just their own damn selfishness…they don’t want to pay for roads in other states, they don’t want to help their fellow Americans suffering natural disasters, and they sure don’t want to have to help pay for “women’s health” and all the icky stuff that goes along with that…I just hate these people..they have destroyed the sense of community that any country needs to survive….

Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha…..

Well…just had to do another one of these about a little bit of news that just came over twitter….the ultra right wing of the repub party has just said that if the repub “healthcare” law is going to pass, it is going to need dem support. Now, I know that some of us dems have been delusional in thinking that you can work with the repubs when it is just not possible, but our delusions are not anywhere nearly crazy as the repubs thinking any one of us would support more giveaways to the rich and gutting a law that has helped get healthcare for 30 million of our fellow Americans. Just isn’t going to happen and Paul Ryan is the most delusional of them all when he says that he will have 218 votes for the law when it is put up for a vote…not gonna happen, Paul….the crazys on your right think that any law that restricts people’s freedom to die early from a lack of healthcare is communism…and you will never get the 30 of them to go along and you can be damn sure that no dem that wants to avoid being primaried is going to help you torch the ACA….you own this turd of a law…enjoy…

Just some thoughts…

Well…have a few thoughts in my head right now so I thought I’d talk a little about them…not sure if any of them could be and entire post…so, the inaugural that trump says is going to be the biggest looks to be one of the most lame in history….at this time for Obama’s last one, you had to go 200 miles into Virginia to find a hotel room…a reporter checking it out found that there are rooms available at 61 hotels in downtown DC….and now the idiot is recording facebook messages begging people to come so he won’t look so lame…the CBO has come out with the cost to repeal Obamacare and it looks ugly…..premiums up by 50% the first year and 37 million people without insurance…and all Paul Ryan has to say is that the CBO hasn’t costed their plan out so how can they know that it isn’t the most wonderful thing in the world? All I have to say to that is where’s the plan, idiot? You keep saying you have one but it’s like double secret probation….you can’t see it…what a bunch of morons…geez…

Oh, forgot one thing…the idiot’s approval rating before he is even in office is down to 40%…to compare, Obama’s was at 84% at the same time period…and one last chuckle…one of the women who the idiot sexually assaulted is going on tv in a minute to announce that she is suing him for the assault…and she has Gloria Allred as her lawyer…I smell an 8 figure settlement coming…

I still have opinions…

Well…it has been a week of staying away from the news but the little tidbits that I have seen by accident are exactly as I predicted…the 30 million people that got health insurance under Obamacare are shit out of luck…this is the first thing that Ryan has on his agenda for the end of January is to repeal it and let insurance companies do what they want….see, I still have opinions…but I need a couple of weeks to recover from the idiocy of the American people….okay, that’s enough of that stuff for now….I did break the handle on the glove box on the Miata today….damn…but I got a new latch assembly brand new from Moss Miata for only $12.90 so that was cool….I’ll have to find a video out on youtube to see how my lock tumbler goes in but it doesn’t look like too big of a job…I can still get it open with the broken latch so I can get to the fasteners that hold it in…it’s always something with a 22 year old car….

Let’s investigate the investigation of the investigation…

Well…did you see this one coming? That the first response of the repubs to the FBI not finding any crime in the Clinton e-mail “scandal” is that the investigation the FBI did needs to be investigated? Because everyone just “knows” that Hillary is guilty and there must be a cover up going on since nothing was found…just like nothing was found in the 9 Benghazi investigations, like nothing was found in the Whitewater investigation…but the repubs continue to think that it is because the Clintons are “above the law”, not that there is nothing there…and now they are going to waste more of our money holding hearings on the investigation…I have had enough of these partisan hacks using our government for scoring political points….why don’t you do your job for a change? To go along with the obstruction that has been the centerpiece of the repub agenda for the past 8 years, we now have the idiot Ryan opening a new front by saying that he will ask the DNI to withhold security briefings from Hillary since she just can’t be trusted with the information….and Trump can be? God I hate these guys….they have done more to destroy the trust in the institutions of this country than any terrorist group could ever do…geez….