Well…don’t believe a damn word trump and the bastards who are kidnapping children say about this new EO that supposedly is going to keep families together…it was all for show since separating them was just a policy that could have been changed with a phone call…but, idiot boy just had to put on a show about how “nice” they are by keeping families together. What about the families that have already been terrorized by separation? Nothing is going to be done to get these kids back with their parents, according to DHS…they don’t even have any records of the names of the families or the kids..and that’s because these racist pricks don’t even think of these kids as people at all…just a way for their cronies to make money and for them to look “tough”…but this isn’t “tough” it is just the kind of sadistic crap that these people live for…bullies act the same way when they torture their victims…and these assholes are nothing more than playground bullies…getting their jollies out of hurting “brown” people…ever see any white kids in any of these trump child concentration camps? Nope, didn’t think so…impeach…
Tag Archives: impeachment
Part of it is about the money…
Well…with the continuing outrage (at least from us on the left) about the repubs stealing children from asylum seekers and sending them to secret concentration camps across this country…oh, remember they are “trump concentration camps”…if that is not bad enough, it has come out what these private prison companies are charging for “caring for” these children that they are putting in wire cages…800 dollars a day…yep, for each child they are abusing, you and I are paying these thugs and trump cronies 800 dollars a day. For that money, you could put each child up in a four star hotel and provide them with their own personal nanny and doctor….I think this money is part of the reason for this policy in the first part…along with trump’s racism and hatred of anyone who isn’t white, these private prison companies give millions of dollars to repubs so they will enact policies that will allow them to steal 800 dollars from you and me…we can’t afford to fix our roads or schools, but we can afford to pay private prison companies 800 dollars a day per child…these are the modern repbs folks and they need to go, now! Impeach…
Trump’s concentration camps…
Well…I’m going to propose that whenever anyone talks about detention centers for immigrants, we rebrand them “trump’s concentration camps” to get at the real horror of them…and any administration that has to go to the media and say “we’re not Nazis” has to be pretty horrible. They might not BE Nazis, but they are doing exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews….when they got to the death camps, the children were immediately separated from their parents…and never saw them again…and let’s call this just what this human rights violation is: child abuse…plain and simple child abuse. Everyone in this administration better plan on never traveling outside of the country again…how they are treating these asylum seekers is against international treaties on human rights…and there are countries just itching to punish these assholes by arresting them and sending them to the Hague for trial….let that sink in for a minute…were any of Obama’s administration under threat from the Hague? Nope, didn’t think so…what a criminal operation…impeach…
Bye, bye Paulie…
Well….if you haven’t heard yet, a judge just revoked Paul Manafort’s bail, sending him to jail until his trial…and that means little Paulie is going to spend the rest of his life in jail after he is convicted of even a few of the 30 felonies he is charged with. The straw that did it was the fact that they caught little Paulie trying to get witnesses against him to lie, and that was specifically laid out in his bail agreement as a big no-no….I am a little tired of the talking heads out there saying all of this is just to put pressure on him to flip on trump….I don’t think that’s the case at all, he broke the frickin law and he is being held accountable for it…to think that there is nothing to the charges is to continue to swallow trump’s line that they are just trying to get to him and it’s all fake….and we had the predictable distancing from trump this morning when he said “he only worked for me for 45 days or something” and that was just another lie in a lie strewn gaggle at the WH this morning…just remember that Manafort was trump’s campaign chair for 6 months, not 45 days….I wonder if Obama’s campaign chair was ever arrested? Nope, and no one else in Obama’s admin was either…impeach…
The trumps get sued…
Well….finally, an attorney general has noticed that the slush fund that was the trump foundation was being run like a personal piggy bank for the trump family…and they are all being sued by the NY AG for it. This all came about because David Farentold of the Washington Post smelled something foul and dug into public records of the foundation to find self dealing and huge misuse of funds with trump buying all kinds of stuff for himself and his family…and the kids, who were all on the board so they could each suck up some of that sweet graft, didn’t do a damn thing about it when it is the boards job to make sure the law is followed. The kicker here is that, not only are they being sued, but the AG has referred the case to the IRS and the FEC to see if there were any laws broken there. So, I am laughing my butt off about this today….they are going to rue the day that their idiot father was installed as president by Putin….I really do think that the whole family will look great in orange jumpsuits….impeach…
Oh, and this one makes 6,300 of these I’ve done since this thing started…yow….
Michael Cohen has flipped…
Well…if the news of the idiot trump was not bad enough with his fumbling and flailing on the world stage the past week, it just got way, way worse for him this morning with the news that Michael Cohen’s lawyers just quit, which usually signals that Mueller has flipped him and he has started to cooperate with the investigation…and the only way that they would give him a deal is if he gives up someone higher up…and the only one in his circle who is higher up is the idiot boy trump himself. I am almost giddy with glee at this development, that there may be an end to this national nightmare that has a real crime family running the show…and we know that Jared and Ivanka worked with Cohen on many “deals” so I’m guessing that means that they are in the crosshairs now, too…couldn’t happen to more rotten people who have gotten away with too much for too long…get used to orange Mikey…and Ivanka, and Jared…you’ll be wearing it for a long time….impeach…
A petulant little child…
Well…after the debacle of the idiot trump’s behavior at the G-7 conference this past weekend, the European news is completely destroying trump, calling him a “petulant little child” and Macron of France even going so far as stating that there is really no point in even talking to trump since he is an “incoherent liar” that tries to govern by “fits of anger”….now, I just want you to let that sink in a minute….the repubs freaked out when Obama wore a tan suit and now they are silent when trump bulls his way to destroying our standing in the world since he is just so damn ignorant and dumb. Now, I think Putin got just what he paid for in electing trump….he wanted to drive a wedge into all of the European relationships from Nato to the G-7 and trump is obliging him…and now trump wants Russia re-admitted to the G-7, not understanding or caring that they were expelled for the annexation of Crimea and their invasion of the Ukraine…attacks that are still going on right now. Now we have the idiot in chief talking to Kim and elevating his thuggish regime on the world stage….and no matter how trump’s toadies spin it, it is not a good thing to be talking to Kim and it is not a “failure” of previous presidents when they didn’t….they knew that Kim couldn’t be trusted and still can’t…but, I guess trump is comfortable around liars…after all, he is the biggest liar in the world…impeach…
The stupidity, it burns…
Well…I know you’re probably tired of reading about how stupid the idiot trump is…probably almost as tired as I am of writing about it…but, cripes…when he attacks Canada with some ignorant bullshit, I do need to comment. I’m sure you’ve heard of the phone call that the idiot boy had with Trudeau where Trudeau asked trump why Canada is a national security risk to the US, the excuse that trump used to impose tariffs on Canada. What did the idiot say to that? He said “you guys burned down the WH”…..just jaw dropping stupidity and ignorance. Every damn school kid knows that it was the British who burned the WH in the war of 1812…Canada wasn’t even a country yet in 1812 so how could they have done it? But, that doesn’t matter to the idiot in chief…just another instance where he makes crap up to score what he thinks is a political point and that blows up in the faces of all of us….when are you going to do something about this moron, repubs? November can’t come soon enough for 60% of the country….impeach…
Another trump fiasco…
Well….I’m sure you’ve seen some of the photos and video of the latest trump fiasco, and I hope you laughed as hard as I did when the idiot boy was singing “God Bless America” and knew only about 5 words of the entire song. Now, Mr. “super patriot” can’t be bothered to learn the words to the two songs that he is using as a racist hammer to go after NFL football players for protesting the unfair treatment of minorities by police in this country, and that fact shows that it is all a game to him to gin up support from his base and keep them stirred up. One of the funniest parts of the Eagles refusal to go to the WH and trump throwing a little hissy fit about it was the “fans” that were supposed to be Eagles fans that were at his “patriotic” rally…all of them were repub staffers and they were all white…the Eagles have no AA fans? The absurdity of the entire spectacle was pierced by at least two people in the crowd who took a knee when the national anthem was played…I wonder if anyone pointed it out to the idiot boy? What a buffoon….impeach…
Cohen should be scared…
Well…just another little one on a story that no one else is talking about so I thought I would, and it’s one that should make the idiot trump and Michael Cohen pretty damn scared. It was reported yesterday that the special master that was going over the evidence seized in the Cohen raids has determined that less than 1% of it is privileged information that falls under lawyer/client privilege….yeah, that is pretty stunning…over 99% of the info, including the 16 phones that were seized are fair game and can be used to build a case against Cohen, and I’m sure idiot boy, too. This one is going to be a good one to follow over the next couple of weeks…and I can’t wait until someone tells the orange menace…the tweetstorm is going to be epic….impeach…