April 20th

Well….running on time today but got up after it was light and that was a little strange….too damn bright in my bedroom….but, I did sleep okay and feel okay this morning so that is cool…and I’m not really sore today and I probably should be after getting back on the bike….I hope I can get out in shorts today….the weather is starting to break a little but not enough for me….it is still in the 20′s right now and that is just too damn cold for the last part of April…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but today will be busier…going to wash the car and I need to go to Meijer’s to look for a new pair of running shoes to use on the bike…40% off is a pretty good deal….but, not right now…I need coffee and to read the news for topics for later….more later…

3 dollar a gallon gas is back..thanks, trump…

Well…I think I got lucky this morning when I decided to fill up the car at $2.69 a gallon and then noticed, when I was out on  the bike, that the price has shot up to $2.95 a gallon…and since the repubs always blamed Obama for any price increases, I will do the same with the idiot trump…thanks, trump. Hey, trump voters, where’s your tax cut now? Just this price rise is over double what the tax cut was for most people…and when you couple it with the cost increases for health care that is entirely the doing of the repubs, you have been taken for the saps that you are. This doesn’t even factor in the nonsense on tariffs on Chinese steel that the Chinese have just responded to by raising tariffs on our crops by up to 156% which will put a bunch of farmers out of business this year. This is what you get when you put a moron in charge of economic policy who has no frickin clue what he is doing…cripes, he has no clue about anything…trump is just one of the most stupid people I have ever seen…and we are all paying the price for that stupidity…impeach…

April 19th

Well…running a bit late today with having to run the car to melt the ice off it…I hope for the last time….slept okay last night and feel pretty good today with being good for days now and getting out on the bike for the first time since last week….and I’ll get out on it again here in a while…but I am going to wait until I can go out in shorts without gloves….and, I’m not sore at all today, other than a little in my legs, but that is to be expected….didn’t get much done yesterday but I have quite a few things to do today…. but I’m not going to start until more coffee….and I need to read the news, too…I am going to cook some today with some Texas style ribs and some leftover roasted potatoes….I think I may clean some, too…but that will wait til the aft….more later….

Takin’ it to the streets…

Well…there seems to be something stirring out in the country where we have chiefs of police telling their officers to make sure they have their riot gear handy since there is some “intel” that Bob Mueller is going to be fired soon. As I’ve already said, the criminal in chief is going to put the final nails in the coffin of the repub party if he does it….and the protests across this country are going to be something that has never been seen if the repubs in congress let him get away with it…but, with the idiot McConnell announcing to trump yesterday that the bi-partisan bill to prevent Mueller’s firing “will never get to the floor”, he has given him the green light to do it without any consequences…and this will make McConnell the person who has done the most damage to our institutions and country than any other person but trump….we need to get ready to join the protests to shut this country down until trump is held accountable for his crimes…and then we need to vote every damn one of the repubs out of office in November…the country depends on it….impeach…

The day is here….

Well…just had to talk about a little thing that happened to me this morning after I got my hair cut….it’s official, I am actually considered old…..the trigger for that? I got my first senior discount on my haircut…and, I’m not sure how I feel about that…I know I’m getting older but damn, this says to me that the dreaded day is here….okay, not dreaded and it made me laugh so I guess I’m okay with it….

April 18th

Well…got up really early today and I’m sure I don’t like it…5:30 is way too early when I don’t have anywhere to be….but, I did sleep okay so that is something….and I’ve been good for a few nights now so that is another something…I am going to get sore again today with getting back on the bike so I may have to take some ibuprofen before I go out…I sure hope the snow is done but just looked at the forecast and we may get some more tonight….but, it looks like the weather is going to break over the weekend and we’ll get back to normal…and it is going to be almost 70 next week….now I have to decide if I’m going into shorts for the year…I need to get that done before May or it will be the latest I’ve ever done that….not much to do today….I am going to get my hair cut this morning and then I have an errand to run after that and then into the normal day….more later….

It’s quiet…too quiet…

Well…have been reading the news all morning trying to come up a topic but the news has been pretty quiet today…maybe a little too quiet given the unending scandals coming out to the idiot trump’s administration. You may have heard of this one, though, that Scott Pruitt didn’t think the government vehicle that he was issued was quite good or safe enough so he got them to issue him a fully bulletproof one…and that even included bulletproof seat covers…through his whole tenure, Pruitt has spent money hand over fist….more than the past three administrations combined and the question came to me..”what changed?”…what was the reason this moron feels so threatened? I wonder if it could be the fact the EPA is now being run for the companies that it is supposed to regulate and that these companies are writing new regulations that will kill thousands of people a year with the increased pollution?  Or is it just that these thieves are the typical chickenshit repubs who are scared of their own shadows and there is no reason for the increased security other than it makes them feel important? No other EPA administrator has needed a 20 person security detail or a bulletproof vehicle….and this idiot doesn’t either…geez….

April 17th

Well…running a little late today and it’s another day that I just can’t get going…slept okay last night and I’m not really sore anywhere which is a little weird…probably from not riding the bike for a few days and it snowed again last night so it will be at least one more day until I can get out again…maybe tomorrow afternoon…we did get out for a short day at pool…and I won…didn’t get much done yesterday but a few errands in the morning so I think I’ll do some cleaning today…after I get a lot more coffee in me, that is…I do need to start getting rid of stuff around here to get ready for the move later in the year but I guess I have time so there is really no urgency to that…I’m still waiting for spring to come…maybe next month? More later….

I think we have PTSD….

Well….this is just going to be a shorty on a thought that just popped into my head….I think the 62% of us that just hate the idiot in the WH and all of the scandals and crimes of the trump crime family have PTSD. The quick description of PTSD is a mental condition that results in a series of of emotional and physical reactions in those who have either witnessed or experienced a traumatic event….now I don’t mean to minimize the PTSD that our soldiers have brought back from war…but, to me, the idiot trump’s election was just that sort of an event….

Is there another reason?

Well….with the photo of Michael Cohen hanging out with his cronies taken on Friday, my initial thoughts was that he is just an idiot for doing it…but, is there another reason for the photo? Now, once one of the guys in the picture was identified as a Russian with close ties to Putin, I think the reason for the photo was a message to the idiot trump and anyone else who is under investigation for conspiring with the Russians that they can get to them anywhere and they need to be very careful. When you see the video of the “meeting”, at the very end the Russian goes up to Cohen and whispers something into his ear and Cohen’s face goes even more blank that it normally is…I think that means he just realized that he is screwed no matter what happens…he is either going to prison for many years or he will meet the fate of the Russian journalist that was reporting on Syria and “accidentally” fall off his balcony to his death….that is the Russian’s MO , after all….impeach…