Well…again, sitting here thinking bout what to write about without much luck…I just can’t do more Trump…he is such a ridiculous person that I can’t make stuff up that is stranger than what he says….I did read a small article that is making me think some about the election…how do you campaign against someone who just doesn’t care what he says? Who can be on both sides of an issue within the same interview or just doesn’t see lying as a problem…it’s not anything that anyone has had to deal with in an election before so how to do it? I did want to talk a little about Paul Ryan’s ideas to fix Puerto Rico’s financial crisis since they look so similar to what ole Snyder did to Michigan with his “Emergency Managers”….basically, Ryan wants there to be an appointed board that will take over and deal with the crisis with the emphasis being on slashing more and more out of the budget for the island that already has endured draconian cuts just to make sure that hedge fund managers will get their payday….I just don’t understand this crap…after all, austerity never works for anyone except for the rich…oh, that’s it…I get it, the rich need to get paid for any crisis…even ones that they cause….what a bunch of crap…geez…
Tag Archives: Paul Ryan
A non apology apology…
Well…Paul Ryan…what else do I have to say? This idiot came out today and said he was sorry he made the comments about “makers” vs. “takers” during the campaign that he lost and tried mightily to walk back the fact that this apology is not an apology at all…unless you think that just apologizing for the words he said makes up for the rest of the crap he is still supporting in his latest budget proposal. Things like cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps, and every other program that tries to make life a little more bearable for the poor here in the US…I wonder when he will apologize for that? For being the clean dish washing liar that he is…for being the budget “guru” who uses magical thinking and magical math to try to make tax cuts for the rich look like they won’t result in more of the huge deficits that Obama inherited from the last round of the tax cuts that the repubs just “knew” (without any evidence) would grow the economy and create jobs. So, no, Paul…we in the reality based world don’t accept your fake apology any more than we accept your fake budgets or fake dish washing…it’s all just a scam to provide a smoke screen to hurt the American people and give more of the country away to the rich….geez…
The dead-eyed granny killer is their savior?
Well…it has been quite funny to watch the courting of Paul Ryan by the rest of the repubs to be speaker of the house acting like he and only he could be the savior of their party…I would laugh if it wasn’t so silly that this idiot has that kind of a reputation…after all, what has he done in his time in the house other than run for VP? Other than put together wish list budgets for the Ayn Randians that infest this country, not much. Lets remember that this guy is one of the biggest liars in the country…remember him washing clean dishes in a soup kitchen during the campaign? Remember also how Joe Biden took him apart during the debates exposing his far right nonsense that was lauded as great ideas by the repubs. Remember, too, that these great ideas included gutting Social Security, ending Medicare and every other program that benefits anyone but the rich…and now, with the batshit crazy “Freedom caucus” in the house, he is being called a liberal…since they don’t think he goes far enough…they want to eliminate everything in the government but the military and they want to give the MIC more and more money for more and more wars. so, if you think that ole Paul is going to be the “‘savior” of the repub party and the country…you are not just ill-informed..you are an idiot…..geez…
Pretty frickin outrageous…
Well…just read a little article on one of the websites that has my jaw dropping in it’s so outrageous….while the reps in both the senate and house work for the people in their districts and the law says they have to take time to listen to them, there is a new twist that the repubs are trying out to limit the participation of people they don’t want there…they are charging money to attend the town hall meetings that are supposed to be so their constituents can question them about their votes and express their thoughts on what they want from their rep. In the past couple of months…ole Paul Ryan has started to charge admission of 15 dollars a head for access to these meeting with the express intent of keeping the “riff raff” out of these meetings…and by riff raff that means anyone who is going to ask them a question that might put them on the spot…just when I think the repubs can’t sink much lower…they have sold our democracy to the highest bidder and now they are charging for the “privilege” to talk to them…what a bunch of grifters…geez…
Paul Ryan is still the worst person in the world…
Well…I just don’t know what to say about this lying, race-baiting idiot other than wow…wow that he would even be so blatant the other day to say that the problem with poverty in the “inner cities” is the men there have never learned the “culture of work” that the rest of the country has…blowing as hard on the right wing, racist dog whistle as he can to motivate the rabid, right wing, racist base that keeps these idiots in power….and to compound this crap, he comes out today and says that he didn’t have any racist intent and then goes on to describe that there is rural poverty too…but, rural poverty is caused by the “lack of jobs” not by a lack of the “culture of work”….so, let me get this straight, in minority areas, poverty is caused by the people themselves but in white areas it is caused by a lack of jobs? What about the lack of jobs in the cities that can support people there? I am not stunned by the lack of understanding from this idiot…he has just let slip the overt racism that has been rampant in the repub party forever…but now, they show no need to conceal it since the only people who vote for them are their white base…they know no independent is going to buy their agenda of hating gays, minorities, and women so they have just given up…and their “leader” is the worst person in the world…geez…
Here’s the difference between them and us…
Well….just a short one on a story I read in the papers yesterday about an anecdote concerning our VP Joe Biden told by one of the people on his SS detail….while visiting a donut shop, a man came up to Joe and asked him if he would meet his wife who was on her deathbed in a little house a few away…of course Joe said yes and went to the house, found that it was sweltering and turned to one of his aides and said “we need to get an A/C unit in here…” and they did it…just like that. The thing about it was this was quite a while ago and we are just now hearing about it…not from Joe but from someone who was there…I’m sure the Joe felt that just being a human being didn’t really merit being in the papers…it’s just part of life. In contrast, let’s look at the idiot Ryan and his fake washing of pots and pans with never a thought of really helping someone…the only thought being how he could exploit this fake for political gain. That’s the difference between us and them….we truly care about people and want everyone to do well and have a great life…they just don’t give a damn…geez…
Austerity is still nonsense…
Well…had to comment on the latest revelation that the supposedly academic paper by Rogoff and Reinhart that the repubs and conservatives across the globe have used to justify the focus on austerity around the world is a fraud…yeah, big surprise that the repubs would use a fraud to justify being pricks and hurting people but it is such an obvious fraud that it was discovered by a grad student at U Mass who found that they had made mistakes in their Excel formulas…yeah, I couldn’t believe it either…ruining countless lives across the world from an Excel error? No wonder they wouldn’t let anyone see their source data or how they came to their conclusions, but the more egregious thing is that they did one of the most common frauds in research…they willfully excluded data that they knew would have made their hypothesis false….these folks are just frauds and I want an apology from them and from Paul Ryan for all of the damage they’ve done by relentlessly pushing this crap since the start of the recession…isn’t this the last time we should ever have to hear from the idiot Ryan? Geez….
Who is Paul Ryan kidding?
Well…I am laughing my butt off at the “new” Ryan budget that is so much more of the same old crap that even the Murdock owned Wall Street Journal is panning it…how many more times does he think he’ll have to increase the tax cuts for the rich and gut everything else before he is successful? Again, this is the definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” and shows that the repubs are so delusional that they can’t even think of anything else to do…even though the American people (who generally have more sense than this idiot) soundly, roundly rejected this nonsense in the last election. Exactly who are these guys governing for? Oh, yep, stupid question….the same old folks that don’t believe in economics, or science, or anything they don’t hear in the echo chambers of the right. I just have one thing to say…”keep it up!” at least until 2014 when we can send Ryan and the rest of the austerity nuts back to the tea parties they came from. Geez…
One of the problems with liars…
Well…I am really quite amused with the outrage..outrage, I tell ya, that is coming out of the repub party in response to the Obama win and the inaugural address where he laid out the progressive path forward that the electorate voted for in November. He ran on some very clear progressive principles like having the rich pay their fair share, protection of social security and the rest of the safety net and now he has the gall to try to give the electorate what they voted for? That is one of the big problems with the liars on the right…they think everyone lies like they do and they can’t even fathom that someone would keep promises that were made; that everyone are the venal, amoral crazies that they are…and I think they get it from the false equivilancy that has been pushed in the news media over the past 20 years or so that equate the parties as being just mirror images from the left and right. That’s why I laughed so hard at the surprise that ole Paul Ryan exhibited on the Sunday shows this weekend…never mind that he changed his positions three times in 5 minutes; showing the utter lack of principles the idiot has…it is the surprise that any politician would keep their promises to the country that revealed what an utter empty vessel this supposed “brain” of the repub party is….keep it up Paul…things get better for us every time you open your mouth…geez…
Gonna be getting a bunch of these…
Well…with the election getting closer and closer, I am going to be free forming this and trying to get thoughts down as I have them…which means you’ll be getting a bunch of these in the next 24 hours…I am getting so excited about this election and I’m sitting here vibrating with the new projection from Nate Silver at 538 that says that Obama now has an 86% chance at winning tomorrow and I may even be able to let myself breathe a little…I may even watch Fox a little when the results are certain to listen to how fast they make excuses and throw ole Mitt under the bus…and there will be nothing but excuses…not that their ideas as so far out of of the mainstream that the country is rejecting them but that they just weren’t conservative enough…get the point repubs…people don’t want your crazy assed ideas of putting the government into women’s health decisions or any of the others…I can’t wait for ole Mitt and crazy Paul to go away…geez…