Well…watch what happens over the next few days with the repubs and the next relief bill and you will see how much these assholes hate Americans. While every reputable economist is calling for much more help for working Americans who are facing eviction or losing their houses since they can’t pay the mortgage with being out of work and the economy undergoing a “dead cat bounce” on the way to an even more severe recession as the virus rages across the country and the stimulus payments expire, the repubs just can’t help themselves and have loaded this next bill up with business bailouts while slashing the aid to individuals….with no work and no aid, there are potentially 20 million Americans that will face homelessness if nothing is done. But does that matter to the repubs? Nope, not at all as they go on and on about the extra unemployment payments keeping people from working for work since they can make more money staying home than going back to the crappy jobs they were laid off from….and the repubs can’t get it through their heads that there are no damn jobs…40 million Americans have filed for unemployment because their jobs are gone…have the repubs magically created 40 million jobs while no one was looking? Yeah…that’s a big no damn way and typical repub magic thinking…as the economy dives again with the virus surge and the cuts to aid hit and further kill demand for anything since no one will have any money they will be willing to spend. So, of course, the repubs will blame someone other than themselves for the tanking economy…after all, “I take no responsibility” is the repubs new mantra…..throw them all out…
Tag Archives: republicans
The death cult strikes again….
Well….how stupid are these people? First you have the “protesters” of the lockdowns going around and exposing people to the virus as part of their “freedumb” and owning the libs….and I have a bitch about that…a few thousand astroturf fake protesters wave their guns and maga hats around and the news falls all over themselves calling it a “movement” when we all know it’s bankrolled by the DeVos family and other billionaires who don’t give a shit about people that they are going to hurt by “reopening” the country just for their profit….and now you have the governors of Georgia, Florida, and Texas getting ready to let beaches, businesses, restaurants and bars open by the weekend even though the virus is still tearing through their states with no letup or “flattening of the curve” that is generally agreed to need to happen before any talk of opening anything…but do these morons care? Nope, they are so steeped in the death cult that the repubs have become that they believe that sacrificing thousands of lives needlessly is worth it to get “bidness” back on track. So, in about two weeks, we are going to see thousands of new cases that are going to spread across the country as these morons believe the lies from rush, Hannity and the rest that this sickness is no worse than the flu…even though it has already killed more people than we lost in the Vietnam war and the curve is not bending downward….this is what a death cult looks like…killing people in service to business by opening the country, by loosening environment regs that is going to let power plants pour mercury into thy sky and the brains of vulnerable children, and by heating the environment that will kill millions by drought and disease….the shit is going to hit the fan in two weeks, and it isn’t going to be pretty…
Now they’re trying to kill the postal service?
Well….what the hell is wrong with trump and his cronies? Well..yeah, everything but now they are trying to kill the US Postal Service with the idiot in chief bleating out of his pie hole that he won’t sign anything that helps the postal service in this depression…half a trillion dollars to bail out his business buddies but not a dime to fix one of the most essential services that the government performs….and the problems the service is having is directly from repub shenanigans that forced the postal service to pay for 75 years of pension obligations upfront….a debt load that no business could survive and that has never been imposed on any other business…but the repub hatred of their unionized workforce is driving all of the attempts to kill it…along with the fact that the repubs don’t want everyone voting by mail because if that happens, they will lose all across the country and their voter suppression schemes will no longer work. Everyone in this country depends on the postal service, including these idiots business buddies….what happens to people who live in red areas who voted for trump and who have no internet access who depend on the service for their SS checks? I can go on and on about the damage that losing the postal service would do but everyone knows what that would be so I won’t repeat that here…just remember that the postal service was one of the most important things that the founders of this country set up…even before there was a constitution there was a postal service…and it should be here after we throw the repubs out…
Looting doesn’t have to be permanent….
Well…with the idiot trump firing everyone who was charged with making sure the bailout money went to the right places, to quote Neil Young “the looting has begun” as trump and his cronies just steal everything that is not nailed down….almost half a trillion dollars has disappeared with no oversight…even though oversight is written into the spending bill but the repubs are helping idiot boy give the cash to whoever he wants. Let’s remember one thing that these folks are too stupid and venal to understand…that the looting is not permanent…it’s only going to last until we beat trump in the fall and then the investigations of who got what and who did what and who broke what laws will start….and with a dem in the WH, there will be unfettered cooperation with both the house and senate committees who will find out where the money went and will “claw back” all of the stolen loot…with interest and I would bet that there will be criminal referrals, too….so hey, morons…it may look good right now that you can buy a few more yachts with the stolen money…but we’re going to take it back after November after your cronies are consigned to the ash heap of history….and you will be, too…
Here’s the difference…
Well…if you need another example of how destructive the repub party has become…and you really shouldn’t…just look at the response of the two parties to the potential of a coronavirus outbreak here in the US. The dems have come out in agreement with the professionals in the government health community (what few of them are left) that we should start to prepare just in case the worst happens…which is how every damn outbreak in the country has been handled until idiot boy trump and his minions were installed by Putin…very reasonable by my estimation…but the response of the repubs and the pundits on the right are all filtered through a political lens that says that there is no problem, it’s just the dems trying to scare us for political gain and to hurt the idiot boy…so I guess that the dems got to every investor and trader on Wall Street and forced them to sell their stocks? And the dems forced ole Rushbo to call this deadly virus “just an exaggerated cold” that no one has to worry about? And the dems forced China to quarantine at least 5 major cities and shut down factories, schools, and offices for no reason other than to make trump look bad? This is the problem when your entire world is based on conspiracy theories and lies…those on the right can no longer see what is true and by minimizing the threat, they are preventing the basic steps necessary to mitigate the effects if there is a huge outbreak…let’s just ask on simple question: do the dems control the CDC, the NIH or the funding for these essential pandemic fighters? Nope, it’s all on the morons including the moron in chief and they will continue to live in their delusions as the country waits for the worst…
Let’s remember what trump obstructed…
Well…one thing I think is being lost in the noise around the Mueller report and the bleater in chief still crying “no collusion, no obstruction” is what idiot boy was obstructing…his crimes of obstruction were aimed at keeping the American people from knowing how much Russia helped him get elected…this was a direct act of war against us by Russia’s military and trump and the entire repub party is still conspiring to hide the truth. Now, imagine if trump was in charge when the Japanese attacked us in 1941 and he did the same thing he is still doing…of course he would say that “they didn’t attack us” and the reason would be his business deals with Japan and the repubs would go along and let the thousands of service people killed go just as long as he could keep making money…or taking bribes from Japan…however you want to look at it. So, let’s not lose sight of what the obstruction was about…it was about keeping the truth from the American people…that trump is an illegitimate president that was installed by our biggest enemy in the world…and the traitorous repub party is a co-conspirator in that attack…we need to impeach all of them and restore the rule of law or this country is done…impeach…
Hypocrisy…are you surprised?
Well…I know there are a lot of things happening in politics right now dealing with the controversy in in Virginia where the dem governor is accused of racist behavior and, to our sides credit, everyone from Pelosi on down have called for his resignation….but the thing that pisses me off is everyone on the right is doing the same thing…let’s get this straight right off…to me, any racist behavior no matter when it was by any candidate or politician is disqualifying…no grey area there at all…so I do think Northam should resign….but to see the “good folks” on the right clamoring for his resignation when they continue to give Steve King, Louie Gohmert, and the idiot boy trump a pass on even worse things they do every day is the worst kind of hypocrisy….and anyone on the right can just shut the hell up and let us handle it…and that’s another difference…on the left, we DO handle it…no one gets a pass, no one gets a smirk and a wink when they do something wrong…we have accountability on our side…how about you repubs? Clean up your own house before you open your mouths…geez…
Count the damn votes….
Well…the damn repubs are at it again, trying to steal elections in Georgia, Florida, and Arizona by suing to stop the counting of votes in each state since their candidates are ahead so far. So, now what’s next? They want to stop counting votes in any elections where their guys are ever ahead? Hell…it worked for them when GW was installed by the SC so why not try it again? This is not democracy…in a functioning democracy every damn vote is counted and the election is not over until they are…the howls that are coming from the idiot trump and his minions are the worst kind of projection when they scream that the dems are “creating” votes out of thin air…are they pissed that their voter suppression didn’t work this time? I have had enough of this crap….we did a good job this election of turning out our side but I guess now the rule is (according to the repubs) that if you don’t win in a landslide, you didn’t win…only repubs can win close elections and dems are “un-American” if they want all votes counted…Orwell would have understood these assholes and their doublespeak and lies…impeach….
All out war…
Well…let’s get this straight right out front…I hate republicans…or the modern iteration of the win at all cost republicans who see no problem with destroying this country just to hang on to power a little longer as the demographic wave builds and we get ready to take back at least the house in a month and, fingers crossed, the senate, too. While we wait for that time, it is time to declare all out war on the repubs and states controlled by them….and this means boycotts of any companies that do business in states who take a way a women’s right to choose after Kavanaugh and his cronies strike down Roe…and any state that restricts voting rights to try to keep dems from voting and, with the economic power that blue states wield, that means no more conferences, travel, or even buying goods from red states…that also means that when we learn that executives at Facebook throw huge parties to celebrate Kavanaugh being installed on the SC, that Facebook and it’s advertisers are also targeted for boycotts…or just stop damn using it…it rots your brain anyway and is just a huge waste of time not to mention they can’t be trusted…and I am tired of the calls for “dialog” with the right in this country…no damn more…I don’t want to hear a damn thing from any of them and I will never, ever listen to any of those idiots again…I mean, how stupid do you have to be to vote for trump? Or, how much of a racist? This is all out war that we need to wage on every damn front…get out to vote, support voting rights and make daily decisions that stop supporting any company or person on the right…that’s it…they wanted a war? We’ll give them one….charge…
Why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time?
Well….with the latest revelations that trump and his cronies in the WH are interfering in the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, I have just one question: why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time? Trying to put the fix in on this investigation is just the latest of the repubs always doing the wrong thing…on their tax cut scam that only benefited the rich, on their continuing attempts to gut Obamacare and throw 20 million people of their health insurance, to their continued attempts to take away women’s right to control their own bodies, to gutting environmental regulations that will kill more than 20,000 Americans each and every year, the repubs are on the wrong side of every issue that the polls show Americans care about and are doing their best to destroy this country before they lose in the November elections…and, if they ram Kavanaugh through to the SC, it will de-legitimize the court so that any decisions they make will be seen in the nakedly partisan lens they should be….and the efforts of the dems to impeach and remove Kavanaugh will be the first order when we take back the house and is necessary to restore faith in our government institutions that the repubs have done their best to destroy….I just hate these assholes…