Tag Archives: republicans

Just figured it out…

Well…as I was thinking about the manufactured welfare flap that the repubs are using to falsely attack Obama…I had an epiphany on ole Mitt…It came to me that Mitt doesn’t stand for anything…just winning the election. This whole thing is just a fake argument that Obama wants to end welfare to work system that was implemented under Clinton…he wants nothing of the sort…what has been requested of the feds is that waivers be issued exempting them from federal law on the matter so the governors can more tailor the programs to the facts on the ground in the various states…and this includes two repub governors…I guess these governors have gone from great supporters of states rights to socialists overnight…but you’ll never hear that from the Romney camp…it would interfere with the meme that Obama is a socialist and just wants to hand out checks to people who don’t want to work. The funniest thing in this whole idiotic attack by the repubs is that, while ole Mitt was governor, he asked for the same waiver that he now thinks is the last straw to the damning road of socialism….this man has no beliefs or core….and would have been laughed out of politics when I was younger…just shows you how far the repubs have fallen…geez…

Welfare for the rich, courtesy of the republicans…

Well…wanted to touch on a couple of things today starting with the rush to privatization of schools across the country, especially in higher education where this privatization leads to the presidents and people running the universities making millions while everyone else takes a pay cut and loses their benefits. In a recent study, it was found that the average pay of the ceos of these private schools is an average of 7 million dollars a year…yep, that is 7 million that is paid for by you and me since the majority of their funding comes from grants and subsidized student loans paid for by the federal government. This is one of the problems that I have with the repubs, as long as the well off can suck off the government and take advantage of loopholes in the laws they are all for it, but when anyone in the middle class gets any benefit from the government, they howl about “welfare” and these people are no better than bloodsuckers that are stealing money from the rich. But, the worst part of this whole story is the fact that private universities have the worst graduation rate of any class of universities and don’t really care if their students are successful, after all, the university has already gotten it’s money and if the student leaves, it’s all profit for them. Just another case of welfare for the rich where they have rigged the system to steal from the rest of America…aren’t you getting tired of that yet? Geez…

At least they’re consistent…

Well…this is going to be just a short one to comment on the whole “you didn’t build that..” flap that has been used by ole Mitt and his folks to attack Obama as being against business and businessmen. The whole idea of the repub attack is that individuals, not government create jobs and they roll out a small business owner that crows that he built his business on his own, without anyone’s help…the problem is he didn’t…this idiot got small business loans from the SBA and the last time I checked, the Small Business Administration is part of government and the loans were “government money” that the repubs just know can’t create jobs. This just reminds me of the tea partiers at their rallies waving around signs saying “keep your government hands off my Medicare” and it makes me laugh just as much. At least ole Mitt and his folks are consistent in their lies…in fact every time they open their mouths, they lie…I don’t think they can help it…especially since it works when the press doesn’t pay attention…geez…

The republicans really are crazy….

Well…came across this amazing little fact when I was watching Colbert the other day and it popped up in an article in the papers today to remind me of how crazy the repubs have gotten over the past couple of years…and I really need to put a long quote from the platform of the repub party from Texas in to get started…”We oppose the teaching of higher order thinking skills…and similar programs which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the students fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority…” okay…are you as blindsided as I am? Basically, what the GOP in Texas is saying is that they don’t want their children to be able to think, to be able to compare facts and reason, or to challenge dogma that is riddled with superstition and lies. So, whatever their ignorant parents teach them about the spaghetti monster in the sky, or that the president is a muslim, socialist, Martian can no longer be challenged by the facts as long as it is “fixed belief”…no wonder the US is falling so far behind the rest of the world in competitiveness and even respect…how can the rest of the world respect a country that has one of its major parties so full of crazies, that treat objective fact as lesser than opinion, and who elevate the purveyors of this nonsense to leadership roles? I fear for this country if the repubs get their way….

I do need to give a little props to Leonard Pitts for his article today where I got the quote from the platform….

The republicans are still idiots…

Well…read a couple of interesting articles over the past couple of days and a few thoughts have been jelling, so I thought I’d try to make some sense of them…first, if you’ve been following the news at all lately, one of the attack lines ole Mitt and the other repubs have been using is the tired old idea that government spending can’t create jobs and the stimulus program was a failure because of that “fact”….and they go on, and on, and on about it almost every time they open their mouths…so I find it increasingly funny that the repubs in the house are issuing dire warnings about what will happen to Virginia and other heavily military dependent states if the cuts to military spending are allowed to happen the first of the year. The repub governor of Virginia even went so far as to say that the “hairdressers, restaurants, hardware stores, and all other businesses” will be hurt if spending drops. Okay, let me get this straight…government spending can’t create jobs but when it stops it can destroy jobs? Logic would seem to dictate that these jobs must have been created by government spending if stopping the spending will destroy them….oh, I almost forgot, the repubs don’t use logic, just gut feeling and fairy dust. I am so disappointed that some reporter hasn’t gone up to ole Mitt and asked him to explain this conundrum…I wonder if it only the government spending that the repubs like that creates jobs? More nonsense from the nonsense party…geez…

Is the 33rd time the charm?

Well…you need to look no farther than the repub controlled house to see why the unemployment rate is not improving here in the US. Today marks the 33rd time that the repubs have brought bills to the floor of the House to repeal the ACA…a lesson in political futility that has many in this country wondering if they have lost their minds…after all, one of the great philosophers said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” but that is just what we see from these guys…the senate will never even take up the bills and the president will veto it if it ever got to his desk. So, why are they wasting the country’s time when there are still 50 million people without health care and over 8 percent unemployment? Where are the job creation bills? Where are the infrastructure restoration bills? This is just another example where it is clear that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves and their wealthy backers…geez….

If you had any delusions about Mitt…

Well…just a short one on some new revelations on who is trying to buy the election for ole Mitt…an article in one of the papers this morning lists 30 billionaires who make up the bulk of the giving so far with one saying he plans to give Mitt over 100 million dollars to defeat Obama. Now, I don’t care if it looks like I’m against rich people even though I’m not, but 30 people out of 330 million deciding the election? Do you think Sheldon Adelson is giving the 100 million out of the goodness of his heart? No, he is giving the money so he can get laws passed that will help him make back the 100 million in a couple of months if Romney is elected…an investment that anyone in the US would love to be able to do but that is restricted to those that can help the repubs buy the election…what happened to free and fair elections…after all, that is what the repubs used to favor but now all they want to do is rig them like some third world country…people, we need to defeat this money…if we do, and there is no return on investment for these billionaires, they will stop trying to buy elections…geez….

Let’s tackle voter fraud again…

Well…with the heating up of the controversy over the repub sponsored voter I.D. laws across the country, I thought I’d throw a few new facts that have surfaced over the past couple of days. First, let’s remember what the purpose of these laws are…they are to suppress the votes of people that are likely to vote for the dems…the poor, minorities, and college students, and, in Pennsylvania, that leads to almost 800,000 people (almost 10% of the voters in the state) that will not be able to vote under the law signed by their thug governor Chris Christie…and, if you are at all confused by the repubs public cries of widespread voter fraud, you just have to listen to Romney’s campaign chair from Pennsylvania who crowed to a crowd of Romney supporters that the voter I.D. law will ensure a Romney victory in the fall. I want people to remember what the truth is behind the numbers of recognized mis-voting….the Bushies did a study looking at 5 years of elections across the country and only found 86 cases…yep, 86 cases in the hundreds of millions of votes cast and even some of those were just people who voted that were not eligible for that election. So, the facts are that there is no voter fraud in the US and these laws are just another example of the repubs trying to rig another election that they can’t win on merit or ideas…when are we going to wake up to this nonsense and toss these un-American bums out? Geez…

Another day…some hope…

Well….it has been a hot one and I didn’t get the bike fixed yet…broken welder and all that but should have it back by the weekend…there have been some developments that I did want to comment on…first…I am laughing to watch the repubs twist and turn and try to take political advantage of the ACA ruling…but, there are new polls that show the almost 60% of the people want to move on to try to fix the rest of the countries problems…not go back to re-legislate and litigate the health care battle. So, keep it up repubs, your opposition will work well with your base but the rest of the country is moving on and is going to leave you behind in November. Oh, other polls out today show that Obama is taking the lead in many of the swing states and among independents…so, again repubs, keep it up, whatever you are doing is working for us…I have glimmers of hope that the 1% may not be able to buy this election after all….yay!

One last thing…I just about gagged when tea party darling rep Joe Walsh started whining that his opponent…the veteran Tammy Duckworth, who lost both of her legs to an RPG in Iraq, talks about her war record saying that it’s unseemly that she trots out her injuries when she talks about her experiences….get over it Joe…she served, you didn’t and she gets to talk about her sacrifice any time she wants….last I saw, you still had all of your limbs….

Why are we bowing to the capitalists?

Well…in reading a few articles today, one about the removal of the president of U of Va…I was struck by this thought..”why are we bowing to the capitalists?” After all, the capitalists gave us the meltdown in the economy, they brought us Enron and Halliburton and two wars and their decisions have not been any better than flipping a coin. so, why do the repubs revere them so much? In my day…only people who accomplished things were revered; not those that talk a great game and then belly up to the public trough for a bailout when their stupidity or hubris leads them to put the entire country at risk. So, let’s stop making rich people out to have the answers; after all, most of them started with inherited money and connections that would make the countries biggest idiot successful…geez…