Tag Archives: republicans

A few things I find funny..

Well…have been thinking about a few things this morning and there are a few of them that I find funny…the funniest one was the bus tour that Mitt Romney did here in Michigan over the past few days where he touted the “jobs, jobs, jobs” that would come from his administration….but not once in the time here did he mention unions and his hatred of them and the fact that policies that he supports would destroy most of them…and along with them, the ability of people get a good job that would pay a living wage…I wonder what “jobs” he was talking about?

Another thing I find funny is the fact the businesses here in Michigan, and across the country have stopped hiring even after the huge tax cut they were given by the repubs that was supposed to work it’s “magic” and create “jobs, jobs, jobs”….but, no one is paying attention here…have never seen this fact mentioned in any newspaper (and I read almost a dozen of them everyday) or by any other media outlet…when did the lies of the repubs stop being news?

I think I’m getting fatigued by all of the political nonsense that is going on…oh, I do have one more thing I find funny…that the repubs are declaring “victory” in Wisconsin since Walker retained the governor’s chair…but they never mention that they lost the senate to the dems…let’s see him try to get any of the radical right crap passed now…and this idiot is now being considered as a VP candidate…geez…

Just can’t get outraged…oh, maybe I can…

Well…I’m not sure what is going on since I haven’t been able to work up any political outrage for the last couple of weeks…I did want to make a short comment on the ‘promise’ from the repubs that, if the healthcare law gets struck down by the supreme court, that they will do nothing on healthcare until after the election…they will do nothing for the millions of young people who will be thrown off their parents policies, they will do nothing for the millions of people who will lose their coverage due to pre-existing conditions…and they will do nothing for the millions of people who will still be living on the ragged edge of losing it all for being uninsured. But, as you know, that is what the repubs do…nothing…and then just sit there and bitch about someone else trying to make things better for the middle class all the while convincing the stupid electorate that if they trust them, they will do something in the future…like more tax cuts for the rich…geez…

Not going to get behind…

Well…it has been some sort of a day and much busier than I like but I did get to see T for lunch so that made it a little better…I was going to do a political one but I cleaned up the papers and don’t feel like digging them out again….oh, there is one thing that I wanted to talk about…with all of the budget cutting and hatred of any stimulus for the economy by the repubs, we are seeing exactly what Keynes predicts…that is that with the federal, state, and local cuts that have taken place, the economy is slowing down…exactly what the repubs were trying to do to make sure that Obama is not reelected. Never mind that it is hurting the country, the repubs are all about winning the political battles no matter what the cost is…one of the most Un-American things I have seen in my lifetime….and shame on them….how do you sleep at night?

The wholly owned subsidiary of corporate America…

Well…not sure how long this one is going to be since I just started thinking about it about 10 seconds ago…so, let’s see where it goes and if it’s worthwhile. As you know, I have been an outspoken critic of the cozy relationship that the repubs have with business interests here in the US, at most times, looking like they are the governing arm of the corporations; giving them whatever they want in the guise of “job creation” and getting government “out of the way”….themes that they still parrot and push even with the financial meltdown that was largely caused by the deregulation of the industry by the repubs. I will say that the dems were complicit in this nonsense either by stupidity or political expediency and they share the blame…but let’s not let false equivilency muddy the waters here…by and large, it was the repubs doing. So, where is this going? Oh, I just read that businesses and billionaires are planning to try to buy this election with over 1 billion dollars of advertising attacking the dems and pushing the hard right agenda….I fear for our democracy if this nonsense is allowed to continue…and I fault the American people for listening to the nonsense and not doing their duty as Americans to find out the facts before they vote….geez…

Obama is the most divisive politician?

Well…the repubs have a new talking point that they have been trying out over the past week or so and it makes me laugh it is so ridiculous…they now assert that Obama is the most divisive politician in Washington today…okay, just writing that made me laugh. More divisive than the liar Romney? More divisive than the turtle McConnell who stated that his whole purpose in life and politics was to make sure Obama failed and with it the country? How about Paul Ryan and the other tea baggers who shut down the government over the debt ceiling? I have to remind the repubs yet again that in the world that is based on facts, just saying something is so does not make it true…it might to their base but to the rest of us, we say “show us” and prove your assertions…geez…

One last thing…and one that shows that idiocy is alive and well in Arizona…the repub secretary of state there is “not sure” if he will allow Obama to be on the ballot there since he is “not sure” if Obama was born here in the US….stupidity runs rampant on the right from the bottom to the top….

A short one about the republican playbook..

Well…this thought just came to me as I have been reading about the vagueness of the economic proposals that are coming out of the Romney camp…it occurs to me that this is the exact same playbook that Scott Walker used to get elected in Wisconsin…lie to the people about your true intentions and make yourself look as innocuous as possible…never revealing your true, radical agenda until after the election…the only problem is that there is no way to recall a president that does that like there are in many of the states. this appears to be in the repub playbook all across the country as we move toward the election….just more of the “bait and switch” that the repubs have done so successfully over the past few years…

One last thing…the repubs have sunk to a new low today in Virginia for rejecting a judicial candidate just because he is gay and supports civil rights for gays and lesbians. While I abhor this kind of conduct by the repubs…I also feel that it is going to hasten the inevitable decline of those troglodytes and we may not have to deal with them anymore by the end of my lifetime….we can hope, anyway…

It’s a matter of priorities…

Well…if you remember back a few months, there was this long, drawn out negotiation that led to the debt ceiling being raised and the repubs agreed to cuts in the Pentagon budget while the dems agreed to some cuts to the social safety net…a necessary compromise to keep the government from defaulting on its debts. Now, though, we have the repubs in the House reneging on the agreement by proposing that the Pentagon cuts be restored and paying for them by taking an axe to programs like food stamps and others that help support the poor and middle class. When does the military/industrial complex have to sacrifice like the rest of us? And, when are the repubs going to think of the citizens of this country and not just the businesses that buy them their seats? It’s a matter of priorities and I think the repubs have theirs all wrong….cutting a few billion out of a bloated military budget won’t make us less safe…hell, we could save over 10 billion a month just by ending the Afghan war and bringing our troops home…so why don’t we do that instead of asking the poor and middle class to give up what little is left of their safety net? It’s this backwards thinking by the repubs that keeps us from rebuilding our roads and the rest of our country just so these chicken hawks can puff out their chests and scream “we’re number one”…..and you’ll get even more of that if more repubs are elected in the fall….geez…

It’s about time…

Well…just a short comment on the decision by the president to continue to “evolve” his views on gay marriage to the point that he now supports it and all I can say is “it’s about time”. It’s about time that millions of our fellow citizens don’t have to hide anymore…it’s about time that everyone in this country has the same rights as everyone else…and, it’s about time that we tell the homophobes on the right that our gay and lesbian friends are no different than we are…they want the same chance to be happy in a committed relationship with the benefits of marriage…they want to be able to go to the hospital and visit their loved ones and not be shunted aside since they have no legally recognized relationship….especially here in Michigan where this discrimination has been codified into our constitution…and needs to be removed as soon as possible. This is the fundamental difference between the parties in this election; one party wants to continue the historical duty of a democracy to extend the rights of that democracy to more and more people while the other, the repubs, try to do their best to limit the rights of citizenship to only those that agree with them and over the past decade or so, have done their best to disenfranchise everyone but them….I hope that time is over and those of us who believe that deriving the benefits of citizenship should become easier over time…not harder and harder as the repubs do. I know that just having the president come out in favor of this civil right will not automatically tear down the roadblocks the repubs have built…but, I find it heartening that Obama has found a spine finally and has said enough to the right…now it’s up to us to support him at the ballot box to make this a better country…

What are they thinking?

Well…just a short one about what is happening in Indiana with the repubs and the fact that the tea partiers are primarying Senator Dick Lugar and it looks like he is going to lose. The shame about this is that the TP is using one of his strengths, the fact that he will reach across the aisle and work with the dems, against him, and with the idiots that are the TP, they are going to throw one of the most accomplished senators out for a moron that has never accomplished anything. I probably shouldn’t be concerned about this since, if Lugar loses, the dem candidate will probably win what was a secure seat for the repubs. This just shows you the trajectory that the repub party is on…that unless you are just as unreasonable and stupid as the TP, you have no place there….that if you really want to make a better America, you have no place there….I can see the collapse of the repubs coming…and with the TP pulling the strings, it can’t come too soon…geez…

Just some nonsense…

Well…there really is nothing going on in politics that I want to comment on right now except the nonsense that is going on with the repubs…and I know what your question is going to be: “it’s all nonsense with the repubs so what is different now?”….on a scale of 1 to 10 this one would just be a three or so but here it is…the big deal that is going on is concerned with where the hotel rooms are for the Michigan delegation to the repub convention…since this delegation has been given a block of rooms that are near Romney’s, the speculation has arisen that our governor, Rick Snyder, is going to be the vice president pick. It’s as I told you, there is just not much going on in politics so the news outlets have to pick up on this stuff….but, they are wrong…Snyder is nowhere near conservative enough for the repub electorate to stomach…you read it here first…Snyder will not be the VP pick for the repubs….what a slow news day….geez….

One last thing…and something I have been talking about for a while….that because of the austerity measures that were forced on the country by the repubs, we have seen job growth come to a standstill with the report that is out today…Keynes is proven right again and if I were Obama, I’d be attacking the repubs on just this issue…and using Europe as the bad example not to follow while their jobs growth is even worse with the extreme austerity they have practiced…