Well…just read of one of the most shameful things I’ve heard in a long time that exposes the true nature of today’s republican…I’m sure you know of the fake photo op where Paul Ryan forced his way into a St. Vincent DePaul’s homeless shelter and washed clean dishes to make it appear that he gives a damn about the poor…never mind that he has never visited one in his own district and has proposed a budget that would cut services to the poor, and now we have the thugs and troglodytes in the repub party blaming the shelter for the bad press that ole Ryan got….and going so far as withdrawing donations that the shelter depends on to survive and making threatening phone calls to the staff there…this is it folks, the clearest picture of what a country run by the repubs would look like…a vicious, winner take all society devoid of morals where the poor are ignored or pilloried for being poor…after all it’s their fault they are not rich…what a bunch of crap….geez…
One last thing…I’m sure that ole Paul can read the papers and listen to the news and knows what is going on and the pain is being caused by his actions…it’s time for him to step up and stop this nonsense, to tell his supporters that St. Vincents is doing good work in the community and to increase their donations…but that sound you hear is the silence of an amoral coward….
Well…I found the article about ole Ryan’s visit to a soup kitchen yesterday so damn funny that I would laugh if it wasn’t so sick…the repubs using the poor as props as they always do and when the election is over they go back to destroying the programs that help them. If you didn’t read the article, ole Paul dropped in on a St. Vincent DePaul homeless kitchen unannounced and then, since there was no meal being served at the time, proceeded to go into the kitchen, put on an apron and pretend to wash dishes…dishes that were already cleaned but he made a huge show of “cleaning” them…what a pure ass this guy is..fake compassion is worse than no compassion…geez…
Well…I just had to comment on the revelations of how much a hypocrite ole Ryan is when it comes to the favorite talking point of the repubs, the supposed “failure” of the stimulus that he has hyped and hyped on the campaign trail…and, I know I point this out all the time, but Ryan and the rest of the repubs are so two faced about this subject that it is breathtaking…loving stimulus and government spending to create jobs when ole GW was in office, but calling it a socialist plot when a dem president proposes it. To even top that, though, ole Ryan was at the head of the line to ask for stimulus money when the bill passed the dem controlled congress and he now says he was just doing his job when he asked for the money. How much more hypocritical can these guys get? I guess we’ll find out the next time they open their mouths…the shame is that Americans don’t seem to care that the whole repub campaign is based on mendacity…one of my favorite words from “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”…..geez…
Well…I just had to comment on the vp debate that was held last night since it was just so damn much fun to watch ole Ryan get called out on his lies and reveal himself to be the hard right hack that he is…from where I was watching, Biden torched him all night…I could have done with a little less laughing from the VP but I think it was an appropriate response to the talking point lies that Ryan was spewing and I applaud the moderator trying to get him to explain the budget numbers that just don’t add up…I would have laughed and smiled, and rolled my eyes, too, after hearing that nonsense. One of the funniest lines of the night didn’t come from the debate but from Bill Maher’s twitter feed…”someone call 911…there’s an old guy beating up on a kid on tv..” I laughed my butt off about that one…and the fact that 51% of the people in the CBS poll thought Biden won…go get ‘em Joe…
Well…I am finding it to be fun to watch the slow motion destruction of the Romney campaign and they just keep sticking their feet in it…today, we had ole Paul Ryan in Ohio trying to win over undecided voters with the old canard that being against gay marriage is a “universal value” that everyone in the country believes and that’s why he supports legislation against it…I wonder if old Paul understands the word universal? The gist of it is that universal means that everyone understands it in the same way…but the polls here in the states show that more than 50% of the people are okay with gay marriage…I guess he means that among his troglodyte followers it is a universal value but for people who think that equal rights mean equal rights it is not universal by any stretch of the imagination. Keep it up Paul, every time you open your mouth Obama gets farther in the lead…
Well….it looks like flip flopping might be contagious with the comment that Paul Ryan made yesterday on the role of government in peoples lives…in case you are unaware, ole Ryan is the author of many bills that would restrict the right of women to contraceptives and abortion…so, yesterday he comes out and uses for an example of government abuses the new contraceptive requirement that he feels is taking away the rights of the Catholic church to control the women that work for it..so, he thinks it’s bad for government to impose regulations that would help women but he thinks it’s just peachy when government is used to take rights away….what a crazy, screwed up idiot…and this is the future of the repub party? I hope so…then we will never see another one in the White House…geez…
Well…was just reading through some of the twitter feeds that I follow and found a really interesting tidbit that I want to share…in spite of all of the fake confidence that the Romney campaign is exuding…as evidenced by the “sugar high” comment from one of ole Mitt’s campaign managers and their assertion that they are still even, Paul Ryan today started to hedge his bets by getting campaign ads ready to try to retain his house seat…yep, even the number two on the ticket thinks they are dead meat and are going to lose and is scrambling like a rat on a sinking ship to continue to be able to feed from the public trough….whatever happened to doing the honorable thing and going home to write books or something when you lose an election…oh, repubs don’t do that…they move over to being lobbyists to grab a few million from the people who bought them in the legislature…what a bunch of crap…
Well…I find it so funny to watch as the supposedly honest man in the repub party, Paul Ryan, is exposed as the liar that they all are over there…the latest whopper is the talking point that 1.4 million small businesses have filed for bankruptcy under Obama…and he goes on to repeat the meme that Obama is even worse than Carter…one of the new talking points that ole Paul has rolled out this week. The problem is that ole Paul is either not the detail oriented policy wonk that he has been portrayed, or he is just flat out lying when he makes these claims…the real numbers, according to the New York Times is around 47,000….I can see why he got it wrong since 1.4 million is so close to 47 thousand….I am laughing as ole Ryan’s reputation has crashed and burned every time he has opened his mouth in the last week…even the mainstream media is calling him out on this nonsense…take a look at the Matt Lauer interview from the other day and you’ll see what I mean…and even when caught in the lies, this idiot doubles down and tries to spin what he said so much I’m afraid he is going to burst into flames from the friction…geez…
Well…I know I shortchanged you guys on the life column this morning and I may even go back and add to it…but, I’m sitting here listening to David Gilmour on TV and wanted to comment on some good news that has been coming for the past couple of days…it seems that the courts are starting to get it right on the voter suppression laws that the repubs are so fond of with three of them being struck down in the past week or so….along with the egregious redistricting in Texas where the repubs blatantly redrew lines to make sure that minorities would be shut out of governing…or being able to vote for people other than repubs…now, the appeals court needs to throw out the Pennsylvania law that was approved by a purchased repub judge to make it even better…and maybe then, we can get the Koch brothers out of the business of trying to buy laws through ALEC….what else? Oh, I find it the ultimate in hubris that ole Mitt is touring the hurricane flooded south and offering “whatever I can do to help”…is he so deluded that he thinks he’s president already? It is the people in the flooded area that will be hit hard if the idiot gets elected and FEMA gets eliminated…and let’s remember his running mate Ryan was the one who held up emergency assistance for tornado victims a few years back to score political points, saying that he would not approve it unless other things equal to the assistance was cut from the budget….remember folks, this is the party that doesn’t give a damn about anything but themselves…geez…
Well…I know I’ve been on the case of the repubs for their breathtaking lies over the past couple of months but it has been earned by them….starting with the Romney campaign responding to the media’s calling them out on the lies by saying “we are not going to let fact checkers run our campaign”….basically saying that they are going to continue to lie since the only other thing they have is tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts and tax increases for everyone else. Then, we have ole Ryan’s speech last night that was all lies and misrepresentations that have been pointed out by many, many media outlets…even Fox news has called him a liar and when fox criticizes any repub, hell is certainly freezing over. The most egregious of ole Paul’s lies center on two things…the first being the GM plant that closed in Ryan’s hometown with Ryan saying it was Obama’s fault…but, the uncomfortable fact is that the closing was announced in the spring of 2008….months before Obama was elected…what was he supposed to do? Invent a time machine and go back to save the plant? The second huge lie centers on the cuts to Medicare PROVIDERS that is included in the ACA…again, Ryan lied when he said it was BENEFIT cuts that would mean there would be 716 billion dollars less in care for seniors because of the ACA. the irony here is that the repub touted Ryan budget does exactly the same thing with exactly the same cuts. These guys have taken lying to a whole new level that I have never seen in a presidential campaign….if they lie about this, what else are they lying about? Geez…