Tag Archives: republicans

The repubs are coming for your insurance…

Well…with all of the distractions from the bull trump crashing and bashing the institutions that have kept the peace since the end of WWII, one little thing has flown under the radar is the pending attack the the repubs have planned on everyone’s health insurance. Specifically, they are going after protections for people who have pre-existing conditions and are going to allow insurance companies to go back to the bad old days where acne or broken bones were enough for them to deny insurance to anyone. I know that people who have employer provided insurance think this has nothing to do with them, that they are immune to this sort of thing and they can just keep voting for repubs and it won’t affect their lives…well, guess again…this new repub plan covers all health insurance in the US both from the ACA and from employers….the latest estimate is that over 165 million people have pre-existing conditions under the new rules that the repubs want to pass…and that’s 165 million of our fellow Americans who now will go back to the bad old days when one illness was all that it would take to bankrupt people and take away what they worked for the entire lives. This is what you get when you vote for repubs…tax giveaways to the rich and corporations, and now taking health insurance away from almost half of the people in this country…these folks are just evil….

They are all terrible people…

Well…I’ve had this thought in my head the past couple of days and thought I’d share it…when you look at the repubs running this country and can see that, objectively, they are terrible, corrupt people…how do they live with themselves? I mean if I was Scott Pruitt or any one of the other terrible people that infest this government, how do you go home at night and not think of that stuff? Is it that they are all sociopaths who have no capability for introspection or seeing the reality of their lives? Or, is it a learned behavior since they have been getting rewarded for being terrible their whole lives? Whatever it is, I can’t believe that any of them should be held up as role models and that used to be something you could depend on…they just don’t give a damn since they are getting theirs and everyone else can go to hell….geez…

Defending an abuser…

Well….the repub party continues to sink to new lows after trying to defend the child molester Roy Moore in the Alabama senate election, and now that continues with the full throated defense of Rob Porter, a senior WH adviser who resigned yesterday after revelations of domestic abuse surfaced from both of his ex-wives. This is the party of family values, folks…the party that has beaten the dems over the head with their holier than thou attitudes for the past 30 years but now we see the reality…that they are perfectly fine with hiring abusers just as long as no one finds out about it…and even when it is found out, they continue to support these folks, with Orrin Hatch saying he would hire “as many Rob Porters as he could” and that he is a “fine man”…yeah, no, no man can be a “fine man” if he verbally and physically abuses his wife or significant other…and this is just not up for debate…any incidence of this and that disqualifies you period….and the sick thing is that trump and his cronies knew about Porter’s abuse of both of his exes before they hired him…with this latest expose of how the repubs really feel about women, they have no damn right to lecture anyone on “family values” or morality…they sacrificed that when they elected a serial sexual abuser to the WH and are perfectly fine with it…impeach….

Okay, just one more…

Well…I have never done 7 of these in a day but the topics just keep inspiring me to comment, so here goes again. Not sure if you heard the new pronouncement from the EU that they will no longer do trade deals with any country that is not in the Paris Climate Accord…yep, the “great dealmaker” and well known idiot trump shot the US in the foot by his moronic withdrawal from the Paris accords…and now, the “great deals” he was going to make with them are gone…the possibility of any deals is gone, too…and that is just another instance where this in over their heads administration didn’t think at all about the consequences of their “America first” bullshit….and the effect of their stupidity and ignorance of how the world works has essentially given leadership on trade, that used to be ours, to China and the rest of the world. I applaud the EU for putting their money where their mouths are….never in my lifetime have I seen the US get out-maneuvered on every level from diplomacy, to trade, to innovation, and leadership in science than I have in the year that trump and his minions have been destroying this country…and it continues…what are you going to do about it, repubs? Again, nothing….impeach….

The results are in…

Well….I thought about doing one of these on the fake “memo” that the right is screaming about but, I don’t want to…so, I’ll talk about the tax cut scam again since some of the results are in. As you know, this scam was pushed by the repubs as being a “middle class” tax cut that would make the sun shine and would shower the MC with money…yeah, you know where this is going…as the results come in there is huge cherry picking going on in the reporting even from the “mainstream” media….centering on the “bonuses” that a few companies are dribbling out to their employees but not talking at all about how much excess profit the companies are getting at the same time. One of the biggest selling points of this scam was the same old “trickle down” bullshit they have been using since the 80′s…that if you shower money on the rich and corporations, that money will end up in the pockets of workers, something that every frickin study has shown just does not happen…and this new tax cut scam reinforces those studies if you look at the numbers. So far, less than two percent of the tax benefits that are going to the already rich has “trickled down” to workers…and most of that is in the form of one time bonuses, not wage increases that would have a lasting impact and that workers could count on every year…giving corporations one more hammer to hold over the heads of their workers. This is all crap and the repubs know it…but they had to deliver to their donors after the donors threatened to turn off the money tap if they didn’t get the payoff they paid for…impeach them all….

Let’s hope the NRA goes down….

Well….the coffee has finally started to work so I thought I’d come here to talk about a little article I read this morning about the NRA…you know, the hate group that is responsible for thousands of deaths every year in the US…this morning, it was reported that the FBI is investigating where the 30 million dollars the NRA spent to help elect the idiot trump came from. Yep, and the conjecture is that it was funneled from Putin and his cronies…well…not even conjecture…there is fire where the smoke is coming from or the FBI wouldn’t be involved….it’s just like the American citizens who were instrumental in funneling Russian oligarch’s money to the repubs in the election…and this wasn’t even restricted to the idiot trump but the money went to all levels of repbus, including Ryan and McConnell. My only hope is that this investigation proves the criminality of the NRA and shatters that terrorist organization so we can finally have some sane gun laws here in the US…..geez….

Call it what it is…treason….

Well….after a little digging into the transcript of the testimony of the leader of fusion GPS that was posted yesterday by Senator Feinstein, it is clear we need to label the repubs behavior for what it is….treason. When you look at the differences between the dems questioning and the repub questioning, you can see that the repubs don’t care to get to the bottom of Russian meddling in our election, they only care about protecting the idiot trump and their power while the patriotic dems want to know what happened and how we can protect our country from this kind of intrusion in the future. This kind of meddling, included using social media to plant fake stories is still going on and was recognized to be happening in the Alabama senate election and in the Virginia governor’s election…but what do the repubs want to do about it? Nothing, since the Russians are still helping them win elections across this country…and the treasonous trump and his minions ignore the problem that other countries have mobilized their intelligence community against….while his buddy Putin destabilizes the world. It is time not just for dems but for every citizen who cares about this country to step up and call this repub conspiracy what it is…treason…impeach….

This is huge and no one noticed….

Well…with all of the election coverage of our great win in Alabama, a huge occurrence happened here in Michigan an no one really noticed. Just this week, petition signatures were approved that puts non-partisan redistricting on the ballot for 2018….yep, you heard that right, this proposal would take the 2020 redistricting out of the hands of the repubs who have cheated through gerrymandering to maintain their strangle hold on Michigan politics even though they have gotten many less votes…and now, that is going away if we can pass this citizen fueled effort on the ballot. One of the things that people must understand is the only reason that the repubs control the government is that they cheat…without the ability to cheat, they would be the minority party they deserve to be…and I don’t mind that this same gerrymandering would be prevented when the dems take control in the future…why wouldn’t anyone with ethics and honor want our elections to be fair? With the court cases across the country that are throwing out the repub drawn maps almost daily, and now with referendums that will force fairly drawn maps, we are finally turning the tide from the repub cheaters and taking back our democracy from the big money that props up these cheaters….it’s about damn time….

They always make life worse….

Well…not sure if I have seen this in the news but this thought popped into my head on the bike today….why do the repubs always make life worse? Raising taxes on the middle class to give tax breaks to the rich makes life worse for most of the country…don’t they care? Gutting the EPA and letting big polluters get away with pushing the costs of their polluting onto the rest of us makes life worse for most of the country….don’t they care? Taking healthcare away from 13 million people makes life worse for those people….don’t they care? Letting the idiot trump destroy our standing in the world with his idiocy makes life worse for everyone in the world…don’t they care? You and I know the answer to that…they only care about their rich donors and rewarding them for keeping the money taps open….and they don’t give a damn that less than 20% of the country supports their tax scheme that is full of lies….but that is the modern repub for you folks….they really don’t care about you…even the stupid in this country that continue to vote these liars into office….they are the ones who will be hurt the most by this giveaway to the rich….but they are too stupid to understand that….impeach….

Tax cuts only for the rich…

Well…just wanted to do a short one on the tax “reform” bill that is being jammed through Congress by the repubs as we speak…never mind that there have been no hearings in either the House or Senate on the effects of this crap…something that has never happened before and is all you really need to know..that the repubs are trying to hide this disaster that is specifically being done to reward their donors who have threatened to close the money taps if they don’t get huge tax cuts. And that is the problem here…the rich are the only ones that actually get a cut…anyone who makes less than 75K a year will get a tax increase…yep, you and I and most of the country is going to see their taxes go up just to give more to the rich…just like here in Michigan where taxes were raised on retirees to give tax cuts to corporations who were supposed to create jobs with it but it never happened….and that is the same nonsense that the repubs are using to justify this giveaway to the rich…that it will magically create jobs…even when damn near every ceo asked said that the tax cut wouldn’t do a thing to create jobs…but it would give them a nice pay raise. When can we get back to actual facts being used to set policy instead of ideology? When we vote the repubs out…