Well…as you know, I’ve been watching the continuing rise of Obama in the polls and it has made me smile some…and the latest, where he is up by 11-14% in Pennsylvania just adds to the smile…and if you add in the 10 plus that Obama is up here in Michigan, ole Mitt must be really, really concerned…I cannot wait for the debates where I’m sure Obama will torch ole Mitt and force him to admit that the only economic plan he has is more of GW’s tax cuts and spending cuts…one thing we do need to remember when the talk comes from the right about the national debt, that most of it happened under ole GW’s watch…12 trillion of it to be exact so no one should listen to the repubs on anything economic…they just don’t ave a clue. One other thing that I do want to comment on is a statement that came out of the ‘value voters” summit that was held last week sponsored by the usual suspects on the right; the Family Resource Council, AEI and their ilk….something that sounded just like something that would come out of the Taliban of radical Islam…where they said that women should dress more modestly or they should expect men to act badly around them…really? In the US, in 2012? Again, these folks that push personal responsibility to the point of nausea now turn around and say that men just can’t help themselves and it is womens fault if they don’t dress in a burqa? The last thing we need in this country is to elect these folks…and Romney and Ryan both support this nonsense…geez…
Tag Archives: Obama
Can’t let this one go…
Well…I rarely repeat myself here but today I really feel the need to, I need to go back to Romney’s tax plan and the fallout of the Tax Policy Center’s analysis of it. I just love the fact that Obama has finally found out how to take some wind out of the “trust me” crap that Romney is peddling and is forcing him to respond to facts…something that the repubs really can’t do since they don’t believe in them. To recap, the TPC has stated that there are only two outcomes possible form ole Mitt’s plan, either he will raise taxes on the middle class and poor to pay for his tax cuts for the rich, or he will explode the deficit. Ole Mitt’s campaign has complained that the TPC’s analysis is flawed since it doesn’t have the details of his plan included but they have a problem since they have not released the details of the plan, instead doing what all repub candidates do; lie or stay vague so the real effects of the policies can’t be determined by the voters…just like ole Walker did in Wisconsin and like Snyder did here in Michigan. So, I have to applaud the new Obama tactic of calling him out on this vagueness since once the real effects are known, no one but his base will vote for ole Mitt…maybe there is hope after all…
Another day…some hope…
Well….it has been a hot one and I didn’t get the bike fixed yet…broken welder and all that but should have it back by the weekend…there have been some developments that I did want to comment on…first…I am laughing to watch the repubs twist and turn and try to take political advantage of the ACA ruling…but, there are new polls that show the almost 60% of the people want to move on to try to fix the rest of the countries problems…not go back to re-legislate and litigate the health care battle. So, keep it up repubs, your opposition will work well with your base but the rest of the country is moving on and is going to leave you behind in November. Oh, other polls out today show that Obama is taking the lead in many of the swing states and among independents…so, again repubs, keep it up, whatever you are doing is working for us…I have glimmers of hope that the 1% may not be able to buy this election after all….yay!
One last thing…I just about gagged when tea party darling rep Joe Walsh started whining that his opponent…the veteran Tammy Duckworth, who lost both of her legs to an RPG in Iraq, talks about her war record saying that it’s unseemly that she trots out her injuries when she talks about her experiences….get over it Joe…she served, you didn’t and she gets to talk about her sacrifice any time she wants….last I saw, you still had all of your limbs….
Obama is the most divisive politician?
Well…the repubs have a new talking point that they have been trying out over the past week or so and it makes me laugh it is so ridiculous…they now assert that Obama is the most divisive politician in Washington today…okay, just writing that made me laugh. More divisive than the liar Romney? More divisive than the turtle McConnell who stated that his whole purpose in life and politics was to make sure Obama failed and with it the country? How about Paul Ryan and the other tea baggers who shut down the government over the debt ceiling? I have to remind the repubs yet again that in the world that is based on facts, just saying something is so does not make it true…it might to their base but to the rest of us, we say “show us” and prove your assertions…geez…
One last thing…and one that shows that idiocy is alive and well in Arizona…the repub secretary of state there is “not sure” if he will allow Obama to be on the ballot there since he is “not sure” if Obama was born here in the US….stupidity runs rampant on the right from the bottom to the top….
More republican hypocrisy…
Well…I know it’s been a few time that I have used this title but it just keeps occurring and it just fits so well…this time the hypocrisy comes from an unusual source within the party, the “Log Cabin” republicans; the part of the repub party that is made up of gays and lesbians. So, when they came out the other day (nope, didn’t plan to say that) criticizing the president for his delay on his support of gay rights and marriage, I laughed my butt off…and that laughter was driven by the fact that they have not said anything about Romney’s blanket declaration in opposition of those rights….so, it’s bad to delay but eventually support gay rights if you are a dem but it is okay to continue to oppose them if you are a repub? Just the kind of hypocrisy that makes my job easier and shows that the modern repubs have no class or honesty….but, did we expect anything different with these idiots?
It’s about time…
Well…just a short comment on the decision by the president to continue to “evolve” his views on gay marriage to the point that he now supports it and all I can say is “it’s about time”. It’s about time that millions of our fellow citizens don’t have to hide anymore…it’s about time that everyone in this country has the same rights as everyone else…and, it’s about time that we tell the homophobes on the right that our gay and lesbian friends are no different than we are…they want the same chance to be happy in a committed relationship with the benefits of marriage…they want to be able to go to the hospital and visit their loved ones and not be shunted aside since they have no legally recognized relationship….especially here in Michigan where this discrimination has been codified into our constitution…and needs to be removed as soon as possible. This is the fundamental difference between the parties in this election; one party wants to continue the historical duty of a democracy to extend the rights of that democracy to more and more people while the other, the repubs, try to do their best to limit the rights of citizenship to only those that agree with them and over the past decade or so, have done their best to disenfranchise everyone but them….I hope that time is over and those of us who believe that deriving the benefits of citizenship should become easier over time…not harder and harder as the repubs do. I know that just having the president come out in favor of this civil right will not automatically tear down the roadblocks the repubs have built…but, I find it heartening that Obama has found a spine finally and has said enough to the right…now it’s up to us to support him at the ballot box to make this a better country…
Mitt Romney is still a liar…
Well….I guess it had to come to this..especially when the repubs have no new policies to help deal with a slow economy other than the tired “tax cuts for the rich” mantra they have been spouting for the past 10 plus years…so that leads ole Mitt to keep on lying to his base…starting with a speech to the NRA the other day where he claimed that Obama wants to “take away our guns” but couldn’t cite one instance where a new law was enacted under Obama that would even modify the current law of the land that is the second amendment…then he goes right in to the “explosion” in new “regulators” under Obama…citing the growth in federal government employment of almost 150K during the current administration…conveniently not mentioning that more than half of that growth was in the defense department as a consequence of the surge in Afghanistan…and another 40K of those jobs were in the veterans administration that directly go to the care of the soldiers that are coming back from 12 years of war. So, Mitt, you spout that you will do more to support the military and veterans and yet when Obama does it it is an “explosion” of regulators? You are just going to make this falls election too easy with your flip flopping and hard right turns….keep it up…the more you talk, the more people don’t want you around…geez…
A couple of things…
Well…have been watching some sports this aft so I haven’t really gotten my brain into the political gear that I need to make some sense of the things that I see happening…but, a couple of things have come up that I wanted to comment on…first, I thought it quite clever today when Obama described behaviors of Saint Ronald of Reagan that would have prevented him from even getting the nomination in today’s repub party…under full disclosure, I voted for Reagan… a mistake that I have had years to savor…what Obama was getting at was Reagan’s pragmatic approach to governance, and the fact that he advocated raising taxes on the rich to have them pay their “fair share” and this was at a rate that was more than 25% higher than it is now….if any repub these days even hints at wanting to do the sensible thing and combine budget cuts with tax increases to help decrease the deficit, they would be run out of town by the rabid tea partiers aided by ole Grover Norquist….it is kind of neat to see the shapes of the general starting to appear and I just can’t see how Romney can win after lurching so far to the right in the primary…alienating women, hispanics, independents, and everyone else except the extreme righties…..and there just is not enough of them to win a general election….can’t wait to see Karly Rove and his super pac spend a 100 million dollars and lose….geez…
I’m trying….
Well…it has been such a struggle lately to get these out but I am going to keep trying as long as it takes….I find it funny that the right has been taken aback now that Obama has figured them out and has started to fight back where he hoped for compromise in the past….and they are just screaming about his attack on the Ryan budget and the fact that he is using numbers against them…especially since they don’t believe in numbers at all, or they failed at math in high school, I’m not sure which. It is just like any bunch of bullies, when they get challenged, they sit there and try to turn the fault for the bullying back on the victim…but I’m not calling Obama a victim…he brought a lot of this bullying on himself by trying to compromise when the right had made it clear they would not compromise on anything….it’s like the right is surprised that he is not just rolling over and taking it and they don’t know how to react to it….being exposed as the party of no ideas must hurt…and I just love it…
More partisan nonsense from a right wing judge…
Well…I really didn’t plan on writing a second day about the courts but the actions of the judges appointed by repubs have gotten to the point where someone has to say something….after Obama a went on record saying he believed that the ACA should and would be upheld and if the supreme court struck it down it would need a very good reason…and not the “broccoli” defense that Scalia put forth in oral arguments…a republican appointed appeals court judge, Jerry Smith, had the gall to demand that the justice department and by extension, Obama, explain his comments in a written response to the judge…nevermind that the president gets to express his opinion about the political ramifications of court cases….this judge doesn’t have the power to request anything from the executive branch. I just marvel at the audacity of the repubs these days who spent the last 3 years decrying the “overreach” of the courts, and then cheer when one of their own vastly oversteps his power to score political points with the fox news talking points of the day. This just shows the rot that has permeated the “modern” repub party where the traditions of the separate branches of government and the checks and balances that are outlined in the constitution are just to be ignored when they sense a political advantage can be gained….and this rot has reached all the way to the supreme court and the right wing judges who are poised to impose their warped view of justice on the American people….geez…