Well…what must be in the repubs souls when all of them are okay with condemning 17,000 of their fellow Americans to certain death just to give tax cuts to the rich? That is the estimate of how many Americans WILL die if the repub plan replaces the ACA…let that one sink in for a minute…just because they hate Obama and the fact that the ACA helps people, they are willing to kill 17,000 Americans just to get their revenge and to pay off the millionaires and billionaires that bought them an election. This has got to be tied to every one of them at their town halls…ask them if they are okay with killing 17,000 Americans just to give the rich more of the country…and then ask their voters if they were voting to die when they voted for these assholes. I have a sinking feeling it won’t matter to the racists that voted these idiots in….they will rationalize it by saying “at least none of those damn Illegal immigrants are going to get healthcare”. That’s the thing, these voters want their racism more than they want their healthcare…and I fear they are willing to die and take a lot of other people with them to keep the racists in office….impeach….
Tag Archives: republicans
The repubs are just sick…
Well…Paul Ryan and his repub cronies are just sick bastards and if you didn’t know it before, just listen to what they are crowing about today with their new “take healthcare away” law. In the CBO report, buried a little ways back, there is a 3 billion dollars a year saving for Social Security that these idiots are puffing their chests out about….but, as always, these sick bastards didn’t read the fine print…just guess where that 3 billion dollars comes from? C’mon, just one little guess…give up? It comes from the fact that more people will DIE from lack of healthcare before they apply for Social Security….so SS won’t have to pay out for those people that the repubs just took healthcare away from. Just a bunch of sick bastards is the only way to describe them….and to show pure glee that they can make people die earlier so they can cut taxes for the rich shows they just don’t give a damn about you and me…after all, these “people” just love causing pain…or I should say “causing freedom” as they gut the safety net…bastards all….impeach
Racism silences Elizabeth Warren…
Well…how much clearer is the overt racism of the repubs these days when they defend a known racist, Jeff Sessions, by using a senate rule that was put in place in 1902 to protect another racist in the senate from being called on advocating the murder of AA’s? And to have the turtle McConnell silence her just when she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King from the 80′s that made clear that Sessions was a racist then and should be excluded from consideration to be the new AG. Back in the 80′s Sessions was up for a federal judgeship and had such a racist trail that he couldn’t get approved then, but in the new repub party that doesn’t matter…the only thing that matters is power to them and they really like the idea of having a racist AG who will take voting rights away from those damn minorities who vote for the dems. This one is a two fer for the repubs…they shut up an uppity woman who dares to think she is equal to the men in the senate but they then allowed two male senators to continue to read the very same letter…these actions distill what the repubs are about these days…hatred for women and minorities are at the top of their agenda…and this crap needs to be slapped down hard….
The blackout breaks…
Well….it has been two months since I stopped reading or listening to the news but the boredom got to me today and I re activated my Twitter account….not to really read anything but to just look at the headlines…I do need to ease back into it…it would be way too much to go back to the old normal right away…but, there is one bit of news that I wanted to relay…that Clinton had over a million more votes than the idiot but the voter suppression that the repubs use to cheat worked….keep that in mind if the idiot ever mentions “mandate”
Burn it all down….
Well…I have never seen a political season like the one we are being subjected to right now…it is fascinating to watch Trump and how his behavior becomes more and more bizarre every day…and now, after the sexual assault tape and the just creepy debate performance, repubs are abandoning him in droves which just drives more bizarre behavior by the idiot. And today, with polls showing Hillary with a double digit lead, Trump has gone full “burning down the house” mode against the repub party and everything else that is in his line of sight….the tweets from today are just marvelous where the Donald attacks the RNC, Paul Ryan, and John McCain for whatever real or imagined slights the thin skinned vulgarian just can’t deal with like an adult. So, get out the popcorn and pull up a chair….this is going to be really entertaining….
The country is moving on from the repubs…
Well….with the events from the Trump dumpster fire over the past week, it is looking more and more that the country is moving on from the core beliefs of the repubs….they want to build a wall and deport 11 million immigrants when a large majority of the rest of the country want some sort of sane immigration policy that would allow these workers to stay (a policy that was embraced by both Reagan an GHW Bush)….the Trump folks are still racist at heart and fear for the loss of “white privilege”…trying mightily to hang on to their shaky place in this society and decrying the idea that they just can’t be openly racist anymore..while supporting Trump for being a racist and “telling it like it is”…maybe it is to them, but the country has moved on and is trying to ensure all of us have the same opportunities….Trump and his followers salivate at the idea of overturning Obergfell and making gays second class citizens again while the country has moved on and accept the equal rights of the LGBT community…you get my drift? Trump and his followers are the last gasp of the idea that the rights of the “others” they don’t like is up to them…but the country has moved on from that whole premise…and is leaving them behind…all I can say is good riddance…this is 2016 not 1916….geez….
Breathtaking hypocrisy…
Well….I just about puked when I read a statement put out by the repubs today to commemorate the passing of the voting rights act in 1965…and to praise the people who worked hard to get it passed…and the rest of the boilerplate where they try to take credit for passing it and that it was necessary to make sure all the people had the right to vote…okay, insert a big frickin laugh right here….in every state that the repubs control, they have been doing their best for the past twenty years to undermine it an make sure that minorities, the poor, and anyone else that will never vote for a repub can’t vote…in the past week alone, there have been 5 court cases striking down these voter suppression laws and now ole Reince has the gall to praise the VRA? This is just the latest in a long, long string of breathtaking hypocrisy out of the repubs…and I’m sure it won’t be the last…I’m just shaking my head…geez…
More Trump dump…
Well…every time I read more of the truth behind the Donald, it feels like there is a little bit more pollution in my karma or that I have come too close to a black hole and had some of it ripped away. After reading the latest article in the New Yorker magazine, I think I need a shower to wash off the slime….the article, written by the the guy who actually wrote “The Art of the Deal”, the book that is responsible for making the sociopath Donald famous, paints a really, truly, scary picture of a Donald that has the attention span of a housefly and lies as easily as the rest of us breathe. One really salient point that the author makes is the insatiable need that Donald has for ever increasing doses of attention that logically led to him running for president…just like a crack addict that needs more and more to get the same buzz…I think one descriptive phrase was the Trump would run for emperor of the world if he could…he has that large of a need for attention….and truly believes that he would be “the best” at anything that he does…even though the evidence shows he is a mediocre businessman at best whose entire career has been propped up by his father’s money and cheating everyone he comes into contact with. This is the thing that the modern repub party thinks should be president and that 40% of the country says they will vote for…sad!
It’s your fault repubs…
Well…with all of the anti government rhetoric the floods out of the repubs these days, is it any wonder that the less stable of us in this country acts on it? When you have elected repubs barely contain their disdain for our president and openly say “real American’s are coming for you, Obama”, is there any wonder that people make the connection that the police are part of the government that they are supposed to hate? And, with the fealty that the repubs pay to the NRA and it’s money, making sure that dangerous weapons are freely available to anyone, is it any wonder that three more police have died in Baton Rouge? This is all your fault repubs for your irresponsible fanning of the flames of division in this country for cynical political gain not giving one damn what it would lead to…and now we know…and I fear that the open carry nuts who you have egged on for decades now are going to unleash carnage on the police in Cleveland…and it will be your fault repubs…damn….
Republicans are just evil…
Well…if you haven’t heard, there is a new health crisis that is heading for the US in the form of a virus called Zika…and, as usual, the repubs are playing politics with the health of citizens who may be affected by it. When are these evil bastards going to do their jobs? Okay, I’m ranting about this because Obama has asked congress for 1.9 billion dollars to protect the country and the most vulnerable pregnant women from this serious virus but what do the repubs do? They poison pill the bill with the funding by adding on riders that would defund PP, that would defund Obamacare and a laundry list of other right wing wet dreams that they know Obama won’t agree to…and they are doing it to just score political points and to be able to say that the dems are the ones holding up funding since Obama will veto any bill that is not clean….now, I don’t know about you but I think these assholes should actually do something to benefit and protect the American people…there are now almost 500 pregnant Americans who are at severe risk of having babies with birth defects because the repubs think everything is about politics and scoring cheap politcal points…this is the modern repub party folks…the party of pure, pure evil….geez…