Dick Cheney is still an idiot…and wrong, as always..

Well…ole Dick has crawled out from under his rock to put his two cents in on the Iran agreement…and, as you already know whenever he opens his mouth, he is wrong….he starts off his screed by saying that Obama is lying to the world about the agreement and it will guarantee that Iran will have the bomb like next week and will use it as soon as they get it for the first time since Hiroshima…yadda yadda….is anyone else tired of this idiot still being listened to? After all, he was wrong about everything in the middle east for 8 frickin years and lied his ass off to get us into the war that will end up costing 6 trillion dollars…so why would anyone that is not under Obama derangement syndrome believe him now?  I guess the superman Obama is using his mind control over the negotiators in Russia, Germany, China, and the rest of the people in the agreement to make sure they don’t see his lies and his plans to hand over all of our nuclear weapons to Iran…and, after that, he is going to give the keys to the White House to Iran, too, as he implements the secret Muslim plans he has been working on since he was born. That is just how ridiculous ole Dick is…go climb back under your rock, Dick…and be thankful you’re not under arrest in the Hague…geez…

Nothing stupid so far this weekend…

Well…as you know, I depend on people doing and saying stupid things for many of my topics here but there hasn’t been anything to write about today…the candidates seem to have gone into hiding or they’re out talking to people in their bubble without coverage…so, where does that leave me? Nowhere, it seems…..oh, there is that idiot county clerk in Tennessee who is still refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples…even though 3 court cases have gone against her…she now is appealing to the supreme court to allow her to use here religion to discriminate against gays under the guise of “religious freedom”…when will these asses understand that you can’t just shout “religion” and then have a license to treat people badly…saw a show the other day that really showed how this didn’t work back when integration of the schools was happening and it won’t work now…just quit the job you idiot…one good thing is that they have started to work on filing misconduct charges against her and then will remove here from office…I hope the couples she refused will sue her broke for damages…geez…

August 29th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool…put an 8 in on the break so that made it a little better…slept okay but no dreams again..and that is getting redundant…..it looks like I may be able to take the day off from riding today since it is raining and looks like that will continue for a while…I can probably use a day off even though I’m not too sore today…hoping that the guilt won’t drive me to going out later but if the sun shines, I may just take a leisure ride…but, I feel a little slow today and may just sit on the couch and drink my coffee….not too much to do today…I have a pork shoulder in the oven right now at high temp to brown it and then I’m going to cook it low and slow the rest of the way…just trying some new stuff to see how it comes out….more later….

August 28th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but still didn’t get anything done…well…I did get a few things done around here that were necessary but not enough….oh, well…crappy, crappy, night of sleep, too, so I’m a little worn out today…and the cramps in the calves have started already without having been on the bike and that is not good…I did get bananas at the store yesterday and have had one so I’m hoping they will be better before I get on the bike…it’s only 51 outside so I’ll have to wait a while for the temp to come up to go out…but I need to finish the coffee first anyway….one good thing is the soreness in my neck and shoulder is better so that’s something…and, I’m going to make some cash today and tomorrow so there will be groceries for the next two weeks…not much to do today…pool, of course, and an errand  but that is about it….more later…

The Hammond B-3 count….

Well…I think Tom will get a laugh out of this one…I have this weird obsession with how many bands/artists have used the Hammond B-3 organ in their songs…just saw another one…watching Crosby, Stills, and Nash on AXS…they have a Hammond…that makes almost everyone..other than Jeff Beck who I saw last week…just kind of funny….

Scott Walker and foreign policy?

Well…yeah…I’ll bet you’re laughing just as much as I am with that title…for the transparent one, the guy that says his favorite foreign policy initiative is when Saint Ronnie fired the air traffic controllers…yeah, that’s right…and this idiot thinks that he can take on the world just because he and his cronies screwed the public sector unions in Wisconsin…the last time I looked, the unions in Wisconsin didn’t have an army or nukes….and, if I remember correctly, ole Scott snuck out the back door to avoid talking to anyone that was protesting his gutting of the unions….that’s some bravery right there. What is going to be different about idiot boy’s foreign policy? I’m sure he is just going to tick off the boxes that all of the other repubs have in the campaign…no Iran agreement, bomb Iran on the first day….yadda, yadda…..look, this guy can’t even talk unless it is from the script handed to him by the Kochs so why should anyone listen to him? Can’t think of one reason…geez…

August 27th

Well…running really, really late today and I’m not sure how the morning got away from me…I did have to do the grocery run and put gas in the car but how I got to 9:30, I’m not sure…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few errands run so that was something…but no cleaning that I needed to do and I’m not sure I’ll get to it today…I do have to take G to the airport this aft so that will crimp the day somewhat…have to remember to take a bungee cord to hold the trunk down since I don’t think I’ve seen a suitcase small enough to fit without it….I have the tendon pain in my left elbow now and I am getting tired of the crap moving around like that…just wanted to get through a summer without any but I guess when you start getting old you have to just deal with it….not much to do today…I got a pork shoulder this morning and I’m not sure if I want to cook it today or Sat…but there is not much else to do other than stuff around here…more later…

Not much to say today….

Well…sitting here watching Man U play Brugge in the champions league and thought I’d try to get something out today even though I’m at the goal for the month….it has been one of those low energy days that I don’t like too much and I’m kind of sure that it is from not eating enough yesterday….just couldn’t do it….okay.. going to go look for a topic…okay, here’s a sick one…the repubs are at it again, fighting the expansion of Medicaid in Alaska since it is such a conservative value to deny poor people access to healthcare while they subsidize the hell out of business and the lawyers that will be bringing this suit…this will probably be led by Paul Clement who has been sucking the peoples money for years fighting gay marriage and anything else that would make this a better country…these fees have grown to be in the millions for this guys firm and to me is just another of the incestous forms of “wingnut welfare” where the repubs get their cronies involved to be able to bleed the taxpayers for their evil crusades….okay…that’s enough for now…need to go back to the match before my mood goes completely sour…

August 26th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but it was hard to get motivated to do much…I did get out to have a couple with G and that was only okay…slept okay last night but no dreams again and I may just stop reporting on that….the lack of motivation has carried through to today and I am trying to figure out a justification for not working out or riding the bike today…but, guilt is stronger than that right now so I guess I’ll get going in a minute….I do need more coffee to get going, though….the pain that was in my right tricep has moved to the left one and that is just so irritating….not sure why I’m so sore right now but part of it is that it was pretty cool on the bike yesterday and I never got warmed up enough to make the pain go away…not much to do today….just the normal stuff and coming back here for a couple more of these….more later…oh….only 650 more miles to 25K….

Gun Hypocrisy…

Well…after the latest mass shooting here in the US, the go to talking point for the right was that it was the gun free zones that caused the deaths since that’s where they occurred…not that crazies can get their hands on guns easily or that the hate spouted by the right spurred these nuts on….but the latest bit of hypocrisy is so blatant that I wonder why the media…oh, yeah, it’s the media…has not picked up on this…or at least not the people that used to do this job…while the right and the NRA are always pushing for more and more guns anywhere…even in elementary schools as they have here in Michigan…since they push the idea that “good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns” but I guess it doesn’t apply to them…at every repub debate, meeting or event, guns are banned for a very surprising reason when you listen to the repubs normal talking points…they are banned for the “safety of the visitors at these events” so, guns everywhere else makes you safer but only at repub events do they make you less safe? The NRA even bans weapons at their conventions, a place where you would think that the “good guys with guns” would be welcomed to make that convention the safest place in the world. Look, lets be blunt…many. many studies have shown that more guns mean more killings…so,the next time you hear anyone on the right saying you should be able to carry a gun anywhere, ask them why not at their conventions? Hypocrites…but, you know that….geez…

What you never want to be….