Category Archives: Politics

A Biden knockout…

Well…I just had to comment on the vp debate that was held last night since it was just so damn much fun to watch ole Ryan get called out on his lies and reveal himself to be the hard right hack that he is…from where I was watching, Biden torched him all night…I could have done with a little less laughing from the VP but I think it was an appropriate response to the talking point lies that Ryan was spewing and I applaud the moderator trying to get him to explain the budget numbers that just don’t add up…I would have laughed and smiled, and rolled my eyes, too, after hearing that nonsense. One of the funniest lines of the night didn’t come from the debate but from Bill Maher’s twitter feed…”someone call 911…there’s an old guy beating up on a kid on tv..” I laughed my butt off about that one…and the fact that 51% of the people in the CBS poll thought Biden won…go get ‘em Joe…

The Republicans are the problem…

Well…I have been thinking about the erosion of faith in public institutions and, listening to and reading the news as much as I do, there is one inescapable conclusion to be drawn…the repubs are the problem. From the obstructionism in the repub controlled house that has not passed a jobs bill in the past two years but have voted to repeal Obamacare over 30 times…to the incessant questioning of statistics that don’t go their way, these folks are undermining the American way of life as much as any terrorist can….and now, today it was announced that there is going to be an investigation in the drop in the unemployment percentage that happened last week since ole Rush and his ilk “know” that the books have to be cooked since the “gut feel” of people like Jack Welch just tells them the number is wrong. How about this: instead of investigations, why don’t the repubs just look at the math and ensure that the methodology of the calculation is the same as it has always been…something I’m sure they will find is true…but no, that would be too easy and you can’t attack the president or get media coverage looking at a math problem…or maybe it is the fact that they don’t believe in math at all…after all, these are the folks that are building a faith based budget that has no basis in reality…and people are buying it…geez…

A little more noodling…

Well…I have been cleaning all morning and my living room finally looks like it should and the cobwebs and dust are finally gone…so I thought I’d sit down here for a sec and see if anything comes to me….I find it funny that no one is calling ole Mitt out on the fact that he is pretending to be a moderate now and taking moderate stances on abortion and other issues that are in direct conflict with what he has been saying for the past year…as I’ve said before…this guy just has no core and has raised pandering to a whole new level…finally, I think Obama has figured out what he has to do at the next debate and that is to go after Romney and his lies….okay…not feeling it right now so I’ll come back and do a better one later…

Okay it is later and after reading a little I do have just two short ones to add…ole Mitt is at his callous best again with a talking point stump speech where he is using the death of a Navy Seal that he met once to show his support for the troops…the problem with this speech is that the mother of the Seal has specifically asked ole Mitt to stop using her son for political gain…and, of course, ole Mitt is so tone deaf that he just keeps on using this young man’s death to try to make himself seem more compassionate…what a cruel excuse for a human being….especially from a draft dodger that spent the years of Vietnam on a “mission” to convert people in France, using his dad’s political connections to get two deferments so he didn’t have to live up to his responsibilities to the country…geez….okay, that’s only one…I’ll get to the other one later in a separate post…

Finally some spine…

Well…I hope Obama has learned something from the debate and the result that someone with no regard for the truth can have…if you don’t mind lying all the time, it is easy to make people think you know what you are talking about and to refute what your opponent says. But, some spine seems to be growing in the Obama camp and the new ads that call ole Mitt out as a liar…using the footage from the debate to point out that almost everything Mitt said was a lie…and what he continues to say is just more and more lies culminating in the so-called foreign policy speech where he just copied what Obama has been doing and presenting it as new or different. One more thing we must remember is the fact that the “Arab Spring” was not driven by the US in any way…it was an uprising of the people of those sovereign states and to denigrate those that were lost fighting for their freedom is just more of the tone deafness that Romney shows whenever he talks about foreign policy…the incompetence is must mind boggling…geez…

More Romney nonsense…

Well….I think the transformation of ole Mitt into Obama is complete today with his “major” foreign policy speech where he was going to lay out his “better way” on foreign policy…the only problem with that is he basically just restated Obama’s policies and called them his own and new. When is this country going to wake up to the fact that this guy is just the worst sort of panderer who has no core, no beliefs of his own and start to really listen to what this idiot is saying? First he says tax cuts for the rich and then no tax cuts for the rich…what is he going to do if he is elected? You know it will be all tax cuts, all the time and more wars that the neocons that are running his foreign policy want…especially with Iran. I for one, have had enough of the rehabilitation of the neocons that got us into the two wars the repubs didn’t pay for giving us the ballooning debt we have now… wake up, people…geez…

Still in shock….

Well…I am still in shock about the debate…and the new meme from the right that says it didn’t matter that ole Mitt lied his butt off…he just looked better doing it…and we are two days later and the polls haven’t moved so I look at it as a mulligan for Obama…but he’d better do better at the next one or I will lose more respect for him. I am just struck how the repubs have no meaning to the words they say…and how the media allows them to just keep changing their stances on everything on almost daily basis…and I did laugh out loud today when the commenters on the right went through the roof about the good job numbers that came out being convinced that the dems are “cooking” the numbers to win the election…and all I have to say about that is “project much?” When they are in power, that’s what the right does because they don’t believe in facts but the dems take the numbers for what they are good or bad…I think the repubs have destroyed this country with their continued assault on the institutions that make this country work…you don’t get to pick and choose your numbers…geez…

Mitt’s tax problem…

Well…Just a short one on the whole “47% of the people don’t pay taxes” flap that came from the callous comment that Romney made…it made me think of another comment that ole Mitt made a few months back when he was pressed on the fact that he only pays 14% in income taxes and his response was that he was paying everything that the tax code requires and not a penny more. The sad thing is that he then makes the 47% comment when those people that don’t pay federal income taxes are doing exactly the same thing…they are following the tax code that allows them to not pay these federal taxes. So, what is perfectly okay for a rich guy like ole Mitt is wrong when the middle or lower class does it? Just another example where Mitt is amoral. saying anything to appeal to whoever he is talking to with no consistency or core…geez…

It’s been a long day…

Well…it has been a long day and I am starting to realize that buying the newspapers in the morning is a good investment…at least for the purpose of writing these things….I am looking forward to the debates tomorrow and if Obama can’t dismantle Romney easily, he shouldn’t be re-elected…after all, ole Mitt is just a stiff that has changed his stances on everything that is important and he really does hate almost half the country because they aren’t rich….even I could beat that stiff…and I wouldn’t have to prepare at all…and I can’t wait to hear the “zingers” that ole Mitt has been rehearsing for 6 weeks…my response would be to him “is that one of the famous zingers you have been practicing?”…and then hit him early and often on his dismissal of the 47%, his voodoo tax plan, and Medicare, Medicare, Medicare….then I’d mention the new studies that are out that show that the trashing of the economy by the repubs is the real reason why the economy is not recovering as fast as it could…and I would take credit for Obamacare…what do the repbus have in response to that…give more money to the insurance companies that buy their votes? As I said, it’s been a long day and I am so frickin tired that I can’t stand it…

Mitt again…still crazier…

Well…it’s starting to look like ole Mitt is one of those guys that never met an idea that he didn’t like…and the craziest one of the last week is his endorsement of a campaign mailer for northern Virgina that pledges his support to eradicate “chronic Lyme disease” that the flyer says is an epidemic there. Never mind that the epidemic is a thousand cases of Lyme disease in a population of three million people…the best part is that chronic Lyme disease does not exist according to the AMA….the only person that is pushing this diagnosis is a big donor to Romney and a doctor that had his license suspended for endangering patients with the unnecessary, huge doses of antibiotic that he says is the only treatment. So now Mitt is taking medical advice for his campaign from a donor that has no medical training? It is endemic of the modern repubs that they don’t believe science…unless faking it can be used to make a political point….what a bunch of crap…geez…

Harvesting companies…

Well….another day, another video showing the true side of ole Mitt….the latest has to do with his initial pitch to investors in Bain that blows apart his whole “I’m a job creator” meme that he has been pushing. I find this one almost as bad as the 47% video from a couple of weeks ago and in it, ole Mitt describes the methods that Bain will use to make money for these investors that include buying, managing, and then “harvesting” the companies….Mittspeak for trashing them to make huge profits and then walking away from the wreckage with millions of dollars in his pocket. This goes on to this day with Bain buying another company that is profitable (I can’t find the name of it) and has told all of the workers the company is to be moved to China with Mitt still making almost a million dollars from throwing almost 300 people out of work. Is this the kind of president this country needs? Nope, nope, nope…geez…